
//|                                           ChangeObjectsColor.mq4 |
//|                                          Andrew Shelkovenko, SPb |
//|                                          |
#property copyright "sHell"
#property link      ""
#property show_inputs

// Based on 
//|                                                  CLEAR_CHART.mq4 |
//|                                            Aleksandr Pak, Almaty |
//|                                          |

if UseOldColor=true change colors for objects that color=OldColor

If all fields set false - change colors for all objects

If one field set true = change color of this object type only
If the change_by_Partial_name field not empty = change color of this object that name contains this field substring

If field Trend_line=true is set; // change color of Trend lines only
åñëè âñå ïîëÿ óñòàíîâëåíû â false - ìåíÿåò öâåò âñåõ îáúåêòîâ
åñëè õîòÿ áû îäíî ïîëå óñòàíîâëåíî â true = ìåíÿåò öâåò òîëüêî îáúåêòîâ ýòîãî òèïà
åñëè çàäàíî ïîëå change_by_Partial_name = ìåíÿåò öâåò âñåõ îáúåêòîâ èìÿ êîòîðûõ ñîäåðæèò çàäàííóþ ïîäñòðîêó
åñëè çàäàíî ïîëå Trend_line=true; //ìåíÿåò öâåò âñåõ òðåíäîâûõ ëèíèé
extern string change_by_Partial_name="";

extern bool UseOldColor=false;
extern color OldColor=Blue;
extern color NewColor=Aqua;

extern bool Vertical_line=false;
extern bool Horisontal_line=false;

extern bool Trend_line=false;

extern bool Trendbyangle_line=false;
extern bool Regression_chanel=false;
extern bool _chanel=false;
extern bool StdDev_chanel=false;
extern bool Gann_line=false;
extern bool GannFan=false;
extern bool GannGrid=false;
extern bool FIBO=false;
extern bool FIBO_times=false;
extern bool FIBO_fan=false;
extern bool FIBO_arc=false;
extern bool Expansion=false;
extern bool FIBO_channel=false;
extern bool Restangle=false;
extern bool Triangle=false;
extern bool Ellipse=false;
extern bool PitchFork=false;
extern bool Cycles=false;
extern bool Text=false;
extern bool Arrow=false;
extern bool Label=false;

bool u[24];
int init()
u[0]=Vertical_line; u[1]=Horisontal_line; u[2]=Trend_line; u[3]=Trendbyangle_line;
u[4]=Regression_chanel; u[5]=_chanel; u[6]=StdDev_chanel; u[7]=Gann_line;
u[8]=GannFan; u[9]=GannGrid; u[10]=FIBO; u[11]=FIBO_times;
u[12]=FIBO_fan; u[13]=FIBO_arc; u[14]=Expansion; u[15]=FIBO_channel;
u[16]=Restangle; u[17]=Triangle; u[18]=Ellipse; u[19]=PitchFork;
u[20]=Cycles; u[21]=Text; u[22]=Arrow; u[23]=Label; 

int start()
   string objname; 
   int j,k,_type;
   color objcolor;
   bool w1=false;
   //Comment ("Begin..............");
   for(j=0;j<24;j++) if(u[j]) w1=true;
      if(!w1 && StringLen(change_by_Partial_name)==0)
         for (int i=k-1;i>=0; i--) //ìåíÿåì âñå \change all
         objcolor=ObjectGet( objname, OBJPROP_COLOR) ;
         if ((objcolor==OldColor && UseOldColor==true) || UseOldColor==false)
         ObjectSet( objname, OBJPROP_COLOR, NewColor);
            for (i=k-1;i>=0; i--)
   //         Comment ("objname",objname);
            objcolor=ObjectGet( objname, OBJPROP_COLOR) ;
            int found=StringFind(objname,change_by_Partial_name,0);
            if ( found>=0 && ( (objcolor==OldColor && UseOldColor==true) || UseOldColor==false) ) 
   //         Comment ("Found=",objname);
            ObjectSet( objname, OBJPROP_COLOR, NewColor);
      if(w1)//åñëè õîòü îäèí
         for (i=k-1;i>=0; i--)//èçìåíåíèå ïî òèïó//change by type
         objcolor=ObjectGet( objname, OBJPROP_COLOR) ;
         if(_type>=0 && _type<=23)
            if (u[_type] && ( (objcolor==OldColor && UseOldColor==true) || UseOldColor==false) ) 
            ObjectSet( objname, OBJPROP_COLOR, NewColor) ;



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