
//|                                      import_forexite_history.mq4 |
//|                                       Copyright © 2007, Mathemat |
//|                                                                  |

/* Íà îñíîâå îáðàáîòêè òåêñòîâûõ ôàéëîâ ñ â ôîðìàòå äëÿ Ìåòàñòîêà âûáèðàåò
òîëüêî êîòèðîâêè íóæíîãî èíñòðóìåíòà è ñîáèðàåò èõ â îäèí ôàéë. Äàòû èç òåêóùåãî òûñÿ÷åëåòèÿ. */

#property copyright "Copyright © 2007, Mathemat"
#property show_inputs

extern string _sSymbol  = "XAUUSD";
extern string _fromDate = "2002.01.01";
extern string _toDate   = "2007.06.13";

/* ñ÷èòûâàåò âñå èç îäíîãî ôàéëà, ôîðìèðóÿ äëèííóþ ñòðîêó ñ ðàçäåëèòåëÿìè */
string ReadAllStrings( int handle, string ss )
   string s; 
   string res = "";
   while(!FileIsEnding( handle ) )
      s = FileReadString( handle );
      if ( StringFind( s, ss ) > -1 )  res = res + s + "\n";
   return ( StringTrimRight( res ) );

/* äàòû âî âíóòðåííåì ôîðìàòå ÌÒ4. Âîçâðàùàåò ñëåäóþùóþ ïðàâèëüíóþ äàòó 
âî âíóòðåííåì ñòðîêîâîì ôîðìàòå. */
string nextDayInternal( string curDayInternal )
   string res = TimeToStr( StrToTime( curDayInternal ) + 1440 * 60, TIME_DATE );
   return( res );

/* Ïåðåâîäèò äàòó â ôîðìàòå YYYY.MM.DD (âíóòðåííèé ÌÒ4) â ôîðìàò èìåíè ôàéëà ñ */
string InternalDateToForexiteFilename( string dateInternal )
   datetime dt = StrToTime( dateInternal );
   string sDay   = DoubleToStr( TimeDay( dt ), 0 );
   if ( StringLen( sDay ) == 1 ) sDay = "0" + sDay;
   string sMonth = DoubleToStr( TimeMonth( dt ), 0 ) ;
   if ( StringLen( sMonth ) == 1 ) sMonth = "0" + sMonth;
   string sYear  = StringSubstr( DoubleToStr( TimeYear( dt ), 0 ), 2, 2 );
   return( sDay + sMonth + sYear + ".txt" );

int start()
   int counterOpened = 0;
   string filename;
   string fileWritten;
   string s;
   string path = "\\Forexite\\";
   int handleWritten = FileOpen( _sSymbol + "_ALL.csv", FILE_CSV|FILE_WRITE, " " );
   string sDate = _fromDate;
   while( StrToTime( sDate ) <= StrToTime( _toDate ) )
      filename = InternalDateToForexiteFilename( sDate );
      if ( MathAbs( TimeDayOfWeek( StrToTime( sDate ) ) - 3 ) == 3 )  
         sDate = nextDayInternal( sDate );
         int handle = FileOpen( path + filename, FILE_CSV | FILE_READ );
         if ( handle < 0 )    
            Print( filename + ": no file present" ); 
            sDate = nextDayInternal( sDate );
            s = ReadAllStrings( handle, _sSymbol );
            FileWrite( handleWritten, s );
            FileClose( handle );
            FileFlush( handleWritten );
            Comment( "Days processed: " + counterOpened );
            sDate = nextDayInternal( sDate );
   FileClose( handleWritten );
   Comment( "" );



Market Information Used:

Indicator Curves created:

Indicators Used:

Custom Indicators Used:

Order Management characteristics:

Other Features:

It reads information from a file
Uses files from the file system
It writes information to file