
//|                                               ArrayFunctions.mq4 |
//|                                                        cubesteak |
//|                                         http://www.cubesteak.net |
#property copyright "cubesteak"
#property link      "http://www.cubesteak.net"

// Function: SearchArray(ArrayToSearch, ValueToSearch,NumToCount,StartFrom,Dir)
// Return Values:
//   Positive Number = position of value
//   -1 = not found

int SearchArray(double ArrayToSearch[],double ValueToSearch, int NumToCount=WHOLE_ARRAY, int StartFrom=0,int Dir=MODE_ASCEND)
//   Print ("searching for "+ValueToSearch+" counting "+NumToCount+" starting from "+StartFrom+" in Dir "+Dir);
   int LastIndexNo = ArraySize(ArrayToSearch)-1;
   int index = ArrayBsearch(ArrayToSearch,ValueToSearch,NumToCount,StartFrom,Dir);  // get the position
   if (ArrayToSearch[index] == ValueToSearch) return (index);  //checking for actual match and not "closest index"
   else return (-1);

// Function: SearchSecondDim(ReturnArray, ArrayToSearch, ValueToSearch,Dir)
// Return Values:
//    Returns True or False, with ReturnArray passed by ref to give position
//             ReturnArray [0] = ArrayToSearch first dim location
//             ReturnArray [1] = ArrayToSearch second dim location
//             if ReturnArray [0] = -1 = not found
//    NOTE: ReturnArray[2] need to be declared prior to using this function.
//    Example 1:
//    double MySearchArray[10][5];
//    ArrayInitialize(MySearchArray,0);
//    MySearchArray [7][5] = 7;
//    double foo[2];  // this is the temp array that will store the search location
//    bool FoundIt = SearchSeconDim (foo,MySearchArray,7,MODE_ASCEND);  // searching for 7
//    This will set foo[0]==7 and foo[1]==5.  Also, FoundIt will be "true".
//    Example 2: 
//    double MySearchArray[10][5];
//    ArrayInitialize(MySearchArray,0);
//    MySearchArray [7][5] = 7;
//    double foo[2];  // this is the temp array that will store the search location
//    bool FoundIt = SearchSeconDim (foo,MySearchArray,10,MODE_ASCEND);  // searching for 10
//    This will set foo[0]==-1 and foo[1]==-1 since the value isn't anywhere in the array's second dimension.
//    Also, FoundIt will be "false".

bool SearchSecondDim(double& ReturnArray[],double ArrayToSearch[][],double ValueToSearch,int Dir=MODE_ASCEND)
   int i,j;
   if (Dir == MODE_DESCEND)
      for (i=0;i<ArrayRange(ArrayToSearch,0);i++)
         for (j=0;j<ArrayRange(ArrayToSearch,1);j++)
            if (ArrayToSearch[i][j] == ValueToSearch)
               ReturnArray[0]=i; // set locations
               ReturnArray[1]=j; // set locations
               return(true);  // return true
      return(false); // return false
      for (i=0;i<ArrayRange(ArrayToSearch,0);i++)
         for (j=0;j<ArrayRange(ArrayToSearch,1);j++)
            if (ArrayToSearch[i][j] == ValueToSearch)
               ReturnArray[0]=i;  // set location
               ReturnArray[1]=j;  // set location
               return (true);
      return(false); // return -1 init array for not found

// Function: PrintSingleArray(ArrayToPrint)
// Return Values:
//   Void

void PrintSingleArray(double ArrayToPrint[])
   int x;
   string ArrString;
      for (x=0;x<ArraySize(ArrayToPrint);x++)
         ArrString = StringConcatenate(ArrString," ",ArrayToPrint[x]);
      Print (ArrString);

// Function: PrintDblArray(ArrayToPrint)
// Return Values:
//   Void

void PrintDblArray(double ArrayToPrint[][])
   int x,y;
   string ArrString;
   for (x=0;x<ArrayRange(ArrayToPrint,0);x++)
//      Print (x);
      for (y=0;y<ArrayRange(ArrayToPrint,1);y++)
         ArrString = StringConcatenate(ArrString," ",ArrayToPrint[x][y]);
      Print ("Row "+x+": "+ArrString);



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