CyberiaTrader_v1.85g 8 target1

|			       |
| Shared by    |
|			       |

#property copyright "Copyright c 2006, Cyberia Decisions"
#property link      ""

//|                                                                                    |
//|                              SPECIAL CONTRIBUTORS                                  |
//|             Alexandr A Krivoshey AKA OpenStorm -- Original Author                  |                          |
//| project1972, Igorad, Fikko, Vincent Visoiu AKA FXSpeedster -- |
//|                                                                                    |

#define DECISION_BUY 1

// ---- Global variables
extern bool ExitMarket = false;
extern bool ShowSuitablePeriod = false;
extern bool ShowMarketInfo = false;
extern bool ShowAccountStatus = false;
extern bool ShowStat = false;
extern bool ShowDecision = false;
extern bool ShowDirection = false;
extern bool BlockSell = false;
extern bool BlockBuy = false;
extern bool ShowLots = false;
extern bool BlockStopLoss = false;
extern bool DisableShadowStopLoss = true;
extern bool DisableExitSell = false;
extern bool DisableExitBuy = false;
extern bool EnableMACD = false;
extern bool EnableMA = false;
extern bool EnableFractals = false;
extern bool EnableCCI = false;
extern bool EnableCyberiaLogic = true;
extern bool EnableLogicTrading = true;
extern bool EnableADX = false;
extern bool EnablePivot = false;             // Use Pivot_day as filter
extern bool BlockPipsator = true;
extern bool EnableMoneyTrain = false;
extern bool EnableReverseDetector = true;
extern double ReverseIndex = 3.82;
extern double MoneyTrainLevel = 4;
extern int MACDLevel = 10;
extern bool AutoLots = True;
extern double MAXLots = 10;                   // Max lots size on AutoLots--added by project1972
extern bool AutoDirection = True;
extern double ValuesPeriodCount = 7;
extern double ValuesPeriodCountMax = 7;
extern double SlipPage = 1;                  // Slippage of the rate
extern double Lots = 0.1;                    // Quantity of the lots
extern double StopLoss = 0;
extern double TakeProfit = 0;
extern double SymbolsCount = 2;
extern double Risk = 0.7;
extern double StopLossIndex = 2.5;
extern bool AutoStopLossIndex = true;
extern double StaticStopLoss = 15;
extern double StopLevel;
extern bool EnableTrailingStop = false;       // Enable Dynamic Trailing Stop
extern double  TrailingStopFactor      = 1.0;
extern string TimeTradeHoursDisabled="00,01,04,06";     // Example "00,01,02,03,04,05" GMT
extern int    GMT=10;                         // For North Finance GMT = 3, Alpari GMT = 1, IBFX GMT = -1 etc.
extern int MagicNumber=123000;               // Magic Number -- change for every pair traded

// ----

int    NoTradeHours1=25;                     // Time not trade
int    NoTradeHours2=25;                     // Time not trade
int    NoTradeHours3=25;                     // Time not trade
int    NoTradeHours4=25;                     // Time not trade
int    NoTradeHours5=25;                     // Time not trade
int    NoTradeHours6=25;                     // Time not trade

bool SavedBlockSell;
bool SavedBlockBuy;

bool DisableSell = false;
bool DisableBuy = false;
bool ExitSell = false;
bool ExitBuy = false;
double Disperce = 0;
double DisperceMax = 0;
bool DisableSellPipsator = false;
bool DisableBuyPipsator = false;
double ValuePeriod = 1;                      // Step of period in minutes
double ValuePeriodPrev = 1;
int FoundOpenedOrder = false;
bool DisablePipsator = false;
double BidPrev = 0;
double AskPrev = 0;

// Variables for evaluating the quality of the simulation
double BuyPossibilityQuality;
double SellPossibilityQuality;
double UndefinedPossibilityQuality;
//double BuyPossibilityQualityMid;
double PossibilityQuality;
double QualityMax = 0;
double BuySucPossibilityQuality;
double SellSucPossibilityQuality;
double UndefinedSucPossibilityQuality;
double PossibilitySucQuality;
double ModelingPeriod;                       // Period of simulation in the minutes
double ModelingBars;                         // Quantity of steps in the period
double Spread;                               // Spread
double Decision;
double DecisionValue;
double PrevDecisionValue;
int ticket, total, cnt;
double BuyPossibility;
double SellPossibility;
double UndefinedPossibility;
double BuyPossibilityPrev;
double SellPossibilityPrev;
double UndefinedPossibilityPrev;
double BuySucPossibilityMid;                 // Average probability of the successful purchase
double SellSucPossibilityMid;                // Average probability of successful sale
double UndefinedSucPossibilityMid;           // Average successful probability of the indeterminate state
double SellSucPossibilityCount;              // Count of probabilities of successful sale
double BuySucPossibilityCount;               // Count of probabilities of the successful purchase
double UndefinedSucPossibilityCount;         // Count of probabilities of the indeterminate state
double BuyPossibilityMid;                    // Average probability of the purchase
double SellPossibilityMid;                   // Average probability of sale
double UndefinedPossibilityMid;              // Average probability of the indeterminate state
double BuyPossibilityCount;                  // Count of probabilities of purchase
double SellPossibilityCount;                 // Count of probabilities of sale
double UndefinedPossibilityCount;            // Count of probabilities of the indeterminate state

// Dynamic Trailing stop (TS) global variables
double PrevBuyStop,BuyStop;
double PrevSellStop,SellStop;

// Variables for the storage information (data) about the market
double ModeLow;
double ModeHigh;
double ModeTime;
double ModeBid;
double ModeAsk;
double ModePoint;
double ModeDigits;
double ModeSpread;
double ModeStopLevel;
double ModeLotSize;
double ModeTickValue;
double ModeTickSize;
double ModeSwapLong;
double ModeSwapShort;
double ModeStarting;
double ModeExpiration;
double ModeTradeAllowed;
double ModeMinLot;
double ModeLotStep;
/* System specific */
string SystemName = "CyberiaTrader-OS";
double version = 1.85;

//| We read information about the market                                                                  |

int GetMarketInfo()
   ModeLow = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_LOW);
   ModeHigh = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_HIGH);
   ModeTime = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_TIME);
   ModeBid = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_BID);
   ModeAsk = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_ASK);
   ModePoint = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_POINT);
   ModeDigits = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_DIGITS);
   ModeSpread = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_SPREAD);
   ModeStopLevel = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_STOPLEVEL);
   ModeLotSize = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_LOTSIZE);
   ModeTickValue = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_TICKVALUE);
   ModeTickSize = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_TICKSIZE);
   ModeSwapLong = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_SWAPLONG);
   ModeSwapShort = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_SWAPSHORT);
   ModeStarting = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_STARTING);
   ModeExpiration = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_EXPIRATION);
   ModeTradeAllowed = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_TRADEALLOWED);
   ModeMinLot = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MINLOT);
   ModeLotStep = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_LOTSTEP);

   // It is concluded information about the market
   if ( ShowMarketInfo == True )
   return (0);
//| Calculation of lot quantity                                          |

int CyberiaLots()
   // Sum of the calculation
   double S;
   // Cost of the lot
   double L;
   // Lot quantity
   double k;
   // Cost of one pip
   if( AutoLots == true )
       if(SymbolsCount != OrdersTotal())
           S = (AccountBalance()* Risk - AccountMargin()) * AccountLeverage() / 
                (SymbolsCount - OrdersTotal());
           S = 0;
       // We check, does currency appear to be EURUSD?
       if(StringFind( Symbol(), "USD") == -1)
           if(StringFind( Symbol(), "EUR") == -1)
               S = 0;
               S = S / iClose ("EURUSD", 0, 0);
               if(StringFind( Symbol(), "EUR") != 0)
                  S /= Bid;
           if(StringFind(Symbol(), "USD") != 0)
               S /= Bid;
       S /= ModeLotSize;
       S -= ModeMinLot;
       S /= ModeLotStep;
       S = NormalizeDouble(S, 0);
       S *= ModeLotStep;
       S += ModeMinLot;
       Lots = S;
       if (Lots>MAXLots){ Lots=MAXLots; }
       if(ShowLots == True)
           Print ("Lots:", Lots);
   return (0);
//|   We initialize the adviser                                      |

int init()

   SavedBlockSell = BlockSell;
   SavedBlockBuy  = BlockBuy;

   ModelingPeriod = ValuePeriod * ValuesPeriodCount;              // Period of simulation in minutes
   if (ValuePeriod != 0 )
       ModelingBars = ModelingPeriod / ValuePeriod;               // Quantity of steps in the period
//| We calculate the actual value of spread (returned functions on   |
//| the market can give the incorrect actual value of spread if the  |
//| broker varies the value of spread                                |

int CalculateSpread()
   Spread = Ask - Bid;
   return (0);
//| We make the decision                                               |

int CalculatePossibility (int shift)
   DecisionValue = iClose( Symbol(), 0, ValuePeriod * shift) - 
                   iOpen( Symbol(), 0, ValuePeriod * shift);
   PrevDecisionValue = iClose( Symbol(), 0, ValuePeriod * (shift+1)) - 
                       iOpen( Symbol(), 0, ValuePeriod * (shift+1));
   SellPossibility = 0;
   BuyPossibility = 0;
   UndefinedPossibility = 0;
   if(DecisionValue != 0)                                         // If the solution not definite
       if(DecisionValue > 0)                                      // If the solution in favor of sale
                                                                  // Suspicion to the probability of sale
           if(PrevDecisionValue < 0)                              // Confirmation of the solution in favor of sale
               Decision = DECISION_SELL;
               BuyPossibility = 0;
               SellPossibility = DecisionValue;
               UndefinedPossibility = 0;
           else                                                   // Otherwise the solution is not determined
               Decision = DECISION_UNKNOWN;
               UndefinedPossibility = DecisionValue;
               BuyPossibility = 0;
               SellPossibility = 0;
       else                                                       // If the solution in favor of the purchase
           if(PrevDecisionValue > 0)                              // Confirmation of the solution in favor of buy
               Decision = DECISION_BUY;
               SellPossibility = 0;
               UndefinedPossibility = 0;
               BuyPossibility = -1 * DecisionValue;
           else                                                   // The solution is not determined
               Decision = DECISION_UNKNOWN;
               UndefinedPossibility = -1 * DecisionValue;
               SellPossibility = 0;
               BuyPossibility = 0;
       Decision = DECISION_UNKNOWN;
       UndefinedPossibility = 0;
       SellPossibility = 0;
       BuyPossibility = 0;
   return (Decision);
//| We calculate the statistics of the probabilities                                |

int CalculatePossibilityStat()
   int i;
   BuySucPossibilityCount = 0;
   SellSucPossibilityCount = 0;
   UndefinedSucPossibilityCount = 0;
   BuyPossibilityCount = 0;
   SellPossibilityCount = 0;
   UndefinedPossibilityCount = 0;
// We calculate the average values of the probability
   BuySucPossibilityMid = 0;
   SellSucPossibilityMid = 0;
   UndefinedSucPossibilityMid = 0;
   BuyPossibilityQuality = 0;
   SellPossibilityQuality = 0;
   UndefinedPossibilityQuality = 0;
   PossibilityQuality = 0;
   BuySucPossibilityQuality = 0;
   SellSucPossibilityQuality = 0;
   UndefinedSucPossibilityQuality = 0;
   PossibilitySucQuality = 0;
   for( i = 0 ; i < ModelingBars ; i ++ )
       // We calculate the solution for this interval
       CalculatePossibility (i);
       // If the solution for value of i - was sold         
       if(Decision == DECISION_SELL )
           SellPossibilityQuality ++;           
       // If the solution for value of i - was bought
       if(Decision == DECISION_BUY )
           BuyPossibilityQuality ++;           
       // If the solution for value of i - is not determined
       if(Decision == DECISION_UNKNOWN )
           UndefinedPossibilityQuality ++;           
       // The same estimations for the successful situations                 
       if((BuyPossibility > Spread) || (SellPossibility > Spread) || 
          (UndefinedPossibility > Spread))
           if(Decision == DECISION_SELL)
               SellSucPossibilityQuality ++;                     
           if(Decision == DECISION_BUY)
               BuySucPossibilityQuality ++;
           if(Decision == DECISION_UNKNOWN )
               UndefinedSucPossibilityQuality ++;                   
       // We calculate the average probabilities of the events
       // Probabilities of the purchase
       BuyPossibilityMid *= BuyPossibilityCount;
       BuyPossibilityCount ++;
       BuyPossibilityMid += BuyPossibility;
       if(BuyPossibilityCount != 0 )
           BuyPossibilityMid /= BuyPossibilityCount;
           BuyPossibilityMid = 0;
       // Âåðîÿòíîñòè ïðîäàæè
       SellPossibilityMid *= SellPossibilityCount;
       SellPossibilityCount ++;
       SellPossibilityMid += SellPossibility;
       if(SellPossibilityCount != 0 )
           SellPossibilityMid /= SellPossibilityCount;
           SellPossibilityMid = 0;
       // Probabilities of the indeterminate state
       UndefinedPossibilityMid *= UndefinedPossibilityCount;
       UndefinedPossibilityCount ++;
       UndefinedPossibilityMid += UndefinedPossibility;
       if(UndefinedPossibilityCount != 0)
           UndefinedPossibilityMid /= UndefinedPossibilityCount;
           UndefinedPossibilityMid = 0;
       // We calculate the average probabilities of the successful events
       if(BuyPossibility > Spread)
           BuySucPossibilityMid *= BuySucPossibilityCount;
           BuySucPossibilityCount ++;
           BuySucPossibilityMid += BuyPossibility;
           if(BuySucPossibilityCount != 0)
               BuySucPossibilityMid /= BuySucPossibilityCount;
               BuySucPossibilityMid = 0;
       if(SellPossibility > Spread)
           SellSucPossibilityMid *= SellSucPossibilityCount;
           SellSucPossibilityCount ++;                 
           SellSucPossibilityMid += SellPossibility;
           if (SellSucPossibilityCount != 0)
              SellSucPossibilityMid /= SellSucPossibilityCount;
                 SellSucPossibilityMid = 0;
       if(UndefinedPossibility > Spread)
           UndefinedSucPossibilityMid *= UndefinedSucPossibilityCount;
           UndefinedSucPossibilityCount ++;                 
           UndefinedSucPossibilityMid += UndefinedPossibility;
           if(UndefinedSucPossibilityCount != 0)
               UndefinedSucPossibilityMid /= UndefinedSucPossibilityCount;
               UndefinedSucPossibilityMid = 0;
   if((UndefinedPossibilityQuality + SellPossibilityQuality + BuyPossibilityQuality)!= 0)
       PossibilityQuality = (SellPossibilityQuality + BuyPossibilityQuality) / 
       (UndefinedPossibilityQuality + SellPossibilityQuality + BuyPossibilityQuality);
       PossibilityQuality = 0;
   // Êà÷åñòâî äëÿ óñïåøíûõ ñèòóàöèé
   if((UndefinedSucPossibilityQuality + SellSucPossibilityQuality + 
      BuySucPossibilityQuality)!= 0)          
       PossibilitySucQuality = (SellSucPossibilityQuality + BuySucPossibilityQuality) / 
                                (UndefinedSucPossibilityQuality + SellSucPossibilityQuality + 
       PossibilitySucQuality = 0;
   return (0);
//| We show the statistics                                           |

int DisplayStat()
   if(ShowStat == true)
       Print ("SellPossibilityMid*SellPossibilityQuality:", SellPossibilityMid*SellPossibilityQuality);
       Print ("BuyPossibilityMid*BuyPossibilityQuality:", BuyPossibilityMid*BuyPossibilityQuality);
       Print ("UndefinedPossibilityMid*UndefinedPossibilityQuality:", UndefinedPossibilityMid*UndefinedPossibilityQuality);
       Print ("UndefinedSucPossibilityQuality:", UndefinedSucPossibilityQuality);
       Print ("SellSucPossibilityQuality:", SellSucPossibilityQuality);
       Print ("BuySucPossibilityQuality:", BuySucPossibilityQuality);
       Print ("UndefinedPossibilityQuality:", UndefinedPossibilityQuality);
       Print ("SellPossibilityQuality:", SellPossibilityQuality);
       Print ("BuyPossibilityQuality:", BuyPossibilityQuality);
       Print ("UndefinedSucPossibilityMid:", UndefinedSucPossibilityMid);
       Print ("SellSucPossibilityMid:", SellSucPossibilityMid);
       Print ("BuySucPossibilityMid:", BuySucPossibilityMid);
       Print ("UndefinedPossibilityMid:", UndefinedPossibilityMid);
       Print ("SellPossibilityMid:", SellPossibilityMid);
       Print ("BuyPossibilityMid:", BuyPossibilityMid);
   return (0);
  }   // 
//|  We analyze state for decision making                            |

int CyberiaDecision()
// We calculate the statistics of the period
// We calculate the probabilities of the accomplishment of the transactions
//| We calculate the direction of the motion of the market           |

int CalculateDirection()
   DisableSellPipsator = false;
   DisableBuyPipsator = false;
   DisablePipsator = false;
   DisableSell = false;
   DisableBuy = false;
   if(EnableCyberiaLogic == true)           
   if(EnableMACD == true)
   if(EnableMA == true)
   if(EnableReverseDetector == true)
   if (EnableFractals == true)
   if (EnableCCI == true)
   if (EnableADX ==true)
   if (EnablePivot ==true)
   return (0);
int AskADX ()
      DisableSell = true;
      DisableBuy= true;

   return (0);

int AskPivot()
   double   PrevPrice=0, PrevHigh=0, PrevLow=0, Pivot=0, Price=0;
   PrevPrice = iClose(NULL,PERIOD_D1,1);
   PrevHigh  = iHigh(NULL,PERIOD_D1,1);
   PrevLow   = iLow(NULL,PERIOD_D1,1);
   Pivot = (PrevHigh + PrevLow + PrevPrice)/3;
   Price = iClose(NULL,PERIOD_H1,1);

   if ( Price > Pivot )
      DisableSell = true;
   if ( Price < Pivot )
      DisableBuy= true;

   return (0);

int AskCCI ()
   if (iCCI( NULL, 0, 13, PRICE_TYPICAL, 0) > 50)
      DisableSell = true;

   if (iCCI( NULL, 0, 13, PRICE_TYPICAL, 0) < -50)
      DisableBuy = true;
   return (0);

//| Fractal Noise Filtering                                          |

int AskFractals ()
   int i = 0;
   double F = 0;
   while (iFractals( NULL, 0, MODE_UPPER, i ) == 0  && iFractals( NULL, 0, MODE_LOWER, i ) == 0)
      i ++;

   if (iFractals( NULL, 0, MODE_UPPER, i ) != 0 ) 
      BlockBuy = true;
      BlockSell = false;      
   if (iFractals( NULL, 0, MODE_LOWER, i ) != 0 ) 
      BlockSell = true;
      BlockBuy = false;
   return (0);

//| If probabilities exceed the thresholds of the inversion of the solution         |

int ReverseDetector ()
   if((BuyPossibility > BuyPossibilityMid * ReverseIndex && BuyPossibility != 0 && 
      BuyPossibilityMid != 0) ||(SellPossibility > SellPossibilityMid * ReverseIndex && 
      SellPossibility != 0 && SellPossibilityMid != 0))
       if(DisableSell == true)
           DisableSell = false;
           DisableSell = true;
       if(DisableBuy == true)
           DisableBuy = false;
           DisableBuy = true;
       if(DisableSellPipsator == true)
           DisableSellPipsator = false;
           DisableSellPipsator = true;
       if(DisableBuyPipsator == true)
           DisableBuyPipsator = false;
           DisableBuyPipsator = true;
   return (0);
//| We interrogate the logic of the trade CyberiaLogic(C)            |

int AskCyberiaLogic()
   // We establish blockings with drops in the market
   /*DisableBuy = true;
   DisableSell = true;
   DisablePipsator = false;*/
   // If market evenly moves in the assigned direction
   if(ValuePeriod > ValuePeriodPrev)
       if(SellPossibilityMid*SellPossibilityQuality > BuyPossibilityMid*BuyPossibilityQuality)
           DisableSell = false;
           DisableBuy = true;
           DisableBuyPipsator = true;
           if(SellSucPossibilityMid*SellSucPossibilityQuality > 
               DisableSell = true;  
       if(SellPossibilityMid*SellPossibilityQuality < BuyPossibilityMid*BuyPossibilityQuality)
           DisableSell = true;
           DisableBuy = false;
           DisableSellPipsator = true;
           if(SellSucPossibilityMid*SellSucPossibilityQuality < 
               DisableBuy = true;
   // If market changes direction - never deal against the trend!!!
   if(ValuePeriod < ValuePeriodPrev)
      if(SellPossibilityMid*SellPossibilityQuality > BuyPossibilityMid*BuyPossibilityQuality)
           DisableSell = true;
           DisableBuy = true;
      if(SellPossibilityMid*SellPossibilityQuality < BuyPossibilityMid*BuyPossibilityQuality)
          DisableSell = true;
          DisableBuy = true;
   // If market is flat
   if(SellPossibilityMid*SellPossibilityQuality == BuyPossibilityMid*BuyPossibilityQuality)
       DisableSell = true;
       DisableBuy = true;
   // We block the probability of output from the market
   if(SellPossibility > SellSucPossibilityMid * 2 && SellSucPossibilityMid > 0)
       DisableSell = true;
       DisableSellPipsator = true;
   // We block the probability of exit from the market
   if(BuyPossibility > BuySucPossibilityMid * 2 && BuySucPossibilityMid > 0 )
       DisableBuy = true;
       DisableBuyPipsator = true;
   if(ShowDirection == true)
       if(DisableSell == true )
           Print("Sale is blocked:", SellPossibilityMid*SellPossibilityQuality);
           Print ("Sale is permitted:", SellPossibilityMid*SellPossibilityQuality);
       if(DisableBuy == true )
           Print ("Purchase is blocked:", BuyPossibilityMid*BuyPossibilityQuality);
           Print ("Purchase is permitted:", BuyPossibilityMid*BuyPossibilityQuality);
   if(ShowDecision == true)
       if(Decision == DECISION_SELL)
           Print("Solution - to sell: ", DecisionValue);
       if(Decision == DECISION_BUY)
           Print("Solution - to buy: ", DecisionValue);
       if(Decision == DECISION_UNKNOWN)
           Print("Solution - uncertainty: ", DecisionValue);
   return (0);
//| We interrogate indicator MA                                      |

int AskMA()
   if(iMA(Symbol(), 0, ValuePeriod, 0 , MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, 0) > 
      iMA(Symbol(), 0, ValuePeriod, 0 , MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, 1))        
       DisableSell = true;
       DisableSellPipsator = true;
   if(iMA(Symbol(), 0, ValuePeriod, 0 , MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, 0) < 
      iMA(Symbol(), 0, ValuePeriod, 0 , MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, 1))        
       DisableBuy = true;
       DisableBuyPipsator = true;
   return (0);
//| We interrogate indicator MACD                                    |

int AskMACD()
   double DecisionIndex = 0;
   double SellIndex = 0;
   double BuyIndex = 0;
   double BuyVector = 0;
   double SellVector = 0;
   double BuyResult = 0;
   double SellResult = 0;
   DisablePipsator = false;
   DisableSellPipsator = false;
   DisableBuyPipsator = false;
   DisableBuy = false;
   DisableSell = false;
   DisableExitSell = false;
   DisableExitBuy = false;
   // Áëîêèðóåì îøèáêè
   for(int i = 0 ; i < MACDLevel ; i ++)
       if(iMACD(Symbol(), MathPow( 2, i) , 2, 4, 1, PRICE_CLOSE, MODE_MAIN, 0) < 
          iMACD(Symbol(), MathPow( 2, i), 2, 4, 1, PRICE_CLOSE, MODE_MAIN, 1) )
           SellIndex += iMACD(Symbol(), MathPow( 2, i), 2, 4, 1, PRICE_CLOSE, MODE_MAIN, 0);
       if(iMACD(Symbol(), MathPow( 2, i), 2, 4, 1, PRICE_CLOSE, MODE_MAIN, 0) > 
          iMACD(Symbol(), MathPow( 2, i), 2, 4, 1, PRICE_CLOSE, MODE_MAIN, 1) )
           BuyIndex += iMACD(Symbol(), MathPow( 2, i), 2, 4, 1, PRICE_CLOSE, MODE_MAIN, 0);

   if(SellIndex> BuyIndex)
       DisableBuy = true;
       DisableBuyPipsator = true;
   if(SellIndex < BuyIndex)
       DisableSell = true;
       DisableSellPipsator = true;
   return (0);
//| We catch market GEP - it is included directly before the output of the news   |

int MoneyTrain()
   if(FoundOpenedOrder == False)
       // We count the dispersion
       Disperce = (iHigh ( Symbol(), 0, 0) - iLow ( Symbol(), 0, 0));
       if(Decision == DECISION_SELL)
           // We jump into the locomotive in the direction of the motion of chaos of the market
           if((iClose( Symbol(), 0, 0) - iClose( Symbol(), 0, ValuePeriod)) / 
               MoneyTrainLevel >= SellSucPossibilityMid && SellSucPossibilityMid != 0 && EnableMoneyTrain == true)
               ModeSpread = ModeSpread + 1;
               // Calculation of the stoploss
               if((Bid - SellSucPossibilityMid*StopLossIndex- ModeSpread * Point) > 
                  (Bid - ModeStopLevel* ModePoint- ModeSpread * Point))
                   StopLoss = Bid - ModeStopLevel* ModePoint- ModeSpread * Point - Disperce;
                   if(SellSucPossibilityMid != 0)
                       StopLoss = Bid - SellSucPossibilityMid*StopLossIndex - ModeSpread * Point - Disperce;
                       StopLoss = Bid - ModeStopLevel* ModePoint- ModeSpread * Point - Disperce;

               if(BlockBuy == true)
               StopLevel = StopLoss;
               Print ("StopLevel:", StopLevel);
               // Blocking stoploss
               if(BlockStopLoss == true)
                   StopLoss = 0;                                                                            
               ticket = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUY, Lots, Ask, SlipPage, StopLoss, TakeProfit, "NeuroCluster-testing-AI-HB1", MagicNumber, 0, Blue);
               if(ticket > 0)
                       Print("Long order is opened: ",OrderOpenPrice());
                       PrevBuyStop = OrderStopLoss();
                   Print("Error on the Long Entry: ",GetLastError());
               return (0);
       if(Decision == DECISION_BUY)
           // We jump into the locomotive in the direction of the motion of chaos of the market
           if((iClose( Symbol(), 0, ValuePeriod) - iClose( Symbol(), 0, 0)) / 
               MoneyTrainLevel >= BuySucPossibilityMid && BuySucPossibilityMid != 0 && EnableMoneyTrain == true)
               ModeSpread = ModeSpread + 1;
               // Calculation of the stoploss
               if((Ask + BuySucPossibilityMid*StopLossIndex+ ModeSpread* Point) < (Ask + ModeStopLevel* ModePoint+ ModeSpread * Point))
                   StopLoss = Ask + ModeStopLevel* ModePoint+ ModeSpread * Point+ Disperce;
               if(BuySucPossibilityMid != 0)
                   StopLoss = Ask + BuySucPossibilityMid*StopLossIndex+ ModeSpread*Point + 
                   StopLoss = Ask + ModeStopLevel* ModePoint+ ModeSpread * Point+ Disperce;
               // If the manual blocking of sales is included
               if(BlockSell == true)
               StopLevel = StopLoss;
               Print ("StopLevel:", StopLevel);
               // Blocking stoploss
               if(BlockStopLoss == true)
                   StopLoss = 0;                                                                      
               ticket = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELL, Lots, Bid, SlipPage, StopLoss, TakeProfit, "NeuroCluster-testing-AI-HS1", MagicNumber, 0, Green);
               if(ticket > 0)
                   if(OrderSelect(ticket, SELECT_BY_TICKET, MODE_TRADES)) 
                       Print("Short order is opened: ", OrderOpenPrice());
                       PrevSellStop = OrderStopLoss();
                   Print("Error on the Short Entry: ",GetLastError());
               return (0);
   return (0);
//| Entrance into the market                                         |

int EnterMarket()
// If there are no lots, we leave
   if(Lots == 0)
       return (0);
// We enter into market if there is no command of exit from the market
   if(ExitMarket == False)
       // If there are no open orders - we enter into the market
       if(FoundOpenedOrder == False)
           // We count the dispersion 
           Disperce = (iHigh(Symbol(), 0, 0) - iLow(Symbol(), 0, 0));
           if(Decision == DECISION_SELL)
               // If the price of purchase is more than the average value of purchase in the interval being simulated
               if(SellPossibility >= SellSucPossibilityMid)
                   // Calculation of the stoploss
                   if((Ask + BuySucPossibilityMid*StopLossIndex + ModeSpread * Point) < 
                      (Ask + ModeStopLevel* ModePoint+ ModeSpread * Point))
                       StopLoss = Ask + ModeStopLevel* ModePoint+ ModeSpread * Point + Disperce;
                       if(BuySucPossibilityMid != 0)
                           StopLoss = Ask + BuySucPossibilityMid*StopLossIndex + 
                                      ModeSpread * Point+ Disperce;
                           StopLoss = Ask + ModeStopLevel* ModePoint+ ModeSpread * Point + 
                   // If the manual blocking of sales is chosen
                   if(DisableSell == true)
                   if(BlockSell == true)
                   if ( StaticStopLoss != 0 )
                     StopLoss = Ask + StaticStopLoss * Point;
                   StopLevel = StopLoss;
                   Print ("StopLevel:", StopLevel);
                   // Blocking stoploss
                   if(BlockStopLoss == true)
                       StopLoss = 0;                                                                      
                   ticket = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELL, Lots, Bid, SlipPage, StopLoss, TakeProfit, "NeuroCluster-testing-AI-LS1", MagicNumber, 0, Green);
                   if(ticket > 0)
                       if(OrderSelect(ticket, SELECT_BY_TICKET, MODE_TRADES)) 
                           Print("Short order is opened: ",OrderOpenPrice());
                           PrevSellStop = OrderStopLoss();
                       Print("Error on the Short Entry: ",GetLastError());
                   // We preserve the previous value of the period
                   return (0);
           if(Decision == DECISION_BUY)
               // If the price of purchase is more than the average value of purchase in the interval being simulated
               if(BuyPossibility >= BuySucPossibilityMid)
                   // Calculation of the stoploss
                   if((Bid - SellSucPossibilityMid*StopLossIndex- ModeSpread* Point) > 
                      (Bid - ModeStopLevel* ModePoint- ModeSpread* Point))
                       StopLoss = Bid - ModeStopLevel* ModePoint- ModeSpread* Point - Disperce;
                       if(SellSucPossibilityMid != 0)
                           StopLoss = Bid - SellSucPossibilityMid*StopLossIndex- 
                                      ModeSpread* Point- Disperce;
                           StopLoss = Bid - ModeStopLevel* ModePoint- ModeSpread* Point- 
                   // If the manual blocking of the purchases is chosen
                   if(DisableBuy == true)
                   if(BlockBuy == true)
                   if ( StaticStopLoss != 0 )
                     StopLoss = Bid - StaticStopLoss * Point;
                   StopLevel = StopLoss;
                   Print("StopLevel:", StopLevel);
                   // Blocking stoploss
                   if(BlockStopLoss == true)
                       StopLoss = 0;                                                                      
                   ticket = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUY, Lots, Ask, SlipPage, StopLoss, TakeProfit, "NeuroCluster-testing-AI-LB1", MagicNumber, 0, Blue);
                   if(ticket > 0)
                      if(OrderSelect(ticket, SELECT_BY_TICKET, MODE_TRADES)) 
                          Print("Long order is opened: ",OrderOpenPrice());
                          PrevBuyStop = OrderStopLoss();
                       Print("Error on the Long Entry: ",GetLastError());
                   return (0);
// ---------------- End of the entrance into the market ----------------------        
   return (0);
//| Search for the open orders                                       |

int FindSymbolOrder()
   FoundOpenedOrder = false;
   total = OrdersTotal();
   for(cnt = 0; cnt < total; cnt++)
       OrderSelect(cnt, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);
      // We search for order on our currency
      if(OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == MagicNumber)
           FoundOpenedOrder = True;
           StopLevel = 0;
           StopLoss = 0;
   return (0);
//| Pipsator in the minute intervals                                 |

int RunPipsator()
   int i = 0;
   // We enter into market if there is no command of output from the market
   // We count the dispersion
   if(Lots == 0)
       return (0);
   Disperce = 0;
   if(ExitMarket == False)
       // ---------- If there are no open orders - we enter into the market ----------
       if(FoundOpenedOrder == False)
           Disperce = 0;
           DisperceMax = 0;
           // We count the maximum dispersion
           for(i = 0 ; i < ValuePeriod ; i ++)
               Disperce = (iHigh( Symbol(), 0, i + 1) - 
                           iLow( Symbol(), 0, i + 1));                                
               if(Disperce > DisperceMax)
                   DisperceMax = Disperce;                             
           Disperce = DisperceMax  * StopLossIndex;
           if( Disperce == 0 )
               Disperce = ModeStopLevel * Point;
           for(i = 0 ; i < ValuePeriod ; i ++)
               // Pipsator of minute interval on sale
               if((Bid - iClose( Symbol(), 0, i + 1)) > 
                  SellSucPossibilityMid * (i + 1) && 
                  SellSucPossibilityMid != 0 && DisablePipsator == false && 
                  DisableSellPipsator == false)
                   // Pipsator of minute interval stoploss
                   if((Ask + ModeSpread * Point + Disperce) < 
                      (Ask + ModeStopLevel* ModePoint + ModeSpread * Point))
                       StopLoss = Ask + ModeStopLevel* ModePoint+ ModeSpread * Point + Point;
                       if(BuySucPossibilityMid != 0)
                           StopLoss = Ask + ModeSpread * Point+ Disperce + Point;
                         StopLoss = Ask + ModeStopLevel* ModePoint+ ModeSpread * Point + Point;
                   // If the manual blocking of sales is chosen
                   if(BlockSell == true)
                   // If the manual blocking of sales is chosen
                   if(DisableSell == true)
                   if ( StaticStopLoss != 0 )
                     StopLoss = Ask + StaticStopLoss * Point;

                   StopLevel = StopLoss;
                   Print("StopLevel:", StopLevel);
                   // Blocking Stoploss
                   if(BlockStopLoss == true)
                       StopLoss = 0;
                   ticket = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELL, Lots, Bid, SlipPage, StopLoss,Bid +  TakeProfit * Point,  "NeuroCluster-testing-AI-PS1", MagicNumber, 0, Green);
                   if(ticket > 0)
                       if(OrderSelect(ticket, SELECT_BY_TICKET, MODE_TRADES)) 
                           Print("Short order is opened: ",OrderOpenPrice());
                           PrevSellStop = OrderStopLoss();
                       Print("Error on the Short Entry: ",GetLastError());
                   return (0);
               // Pipsator of minute interval on the purchase
               if((iClose(Symbol(), 0, i + 1) - Bid) > BuySucPossibilityMid *(i + 1) && 
                   BuySucPossibilityMid != 0 && DisablePipsator == False && 
                   DisableBuyPipsator == false)
                   // Calculation of the stoploss
                   if((Bid -  ModeSpread * Point - Disperce) > 
                      (Bid - ModeStopLevel* ModePoint- ModeSpread * Point))
                       StopLoss = Bid - ModeStopLevel* ModePoint- ModeSpread * Point - Point;
                       if(SellSucPossibilityMid != 0)
                           StopLoss = Bid - ModeSpread * Point- Disperce- Point;
                           StopLoss = Bid - ModeStopLevel* ModePoint- ModeSpread * Point - Point;
                   // If the manual blocking is chosen 
                   if(DisableBuy == true)
                   if(BlockBuy == true)
                   if ( StaticStopLoss != 0 )
                     StopLoss = Bid - StaticStopLoss * Point;
                   StopLevel = StopLoss;
                   Print("StopLevel:", StopLevel);
                   // Blocking Stoploss
                   if(BlockStopLoss == true)
                       StopLoss = 0;                                                                            
                   ticket = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUY, Lots, Ask, SlipPage, StopLoss,Ask - TakeProfit * Point, "NeuroCluster-testing-AI-PB1", MagicNumber, 0, Blue);
                   if(ticket > 0)
                       if(OrderSelect(ticket, SELECT_BY_TICKET, MODE_TRADES)) 
                           Print("Long order is opened: ",OrderOpenPrice());
                           PrevBuyStop = OrderStopLoss();
                       Print("Error on the Long Entry: ",GetLastError());
                   return (0);
             }   // End of the pipsator cycle           
   return (0);

//| Dynamic Trailing Stop                                            |

int DynamicTrailStop()
// Check to see if "EnableTrailingStop" is enabled..if not no need to execute
// Only Modify the "StopLevel" here, since the exits are executed on the next function ExitMarket()
// please make sure that the distance is >= 5 pips from the market, otherwise the stop order modification will be rejected.
// Thank you!

double TrailingStop = TrailingStopFactor * iATR(Symbol(), 0 , 14 , 1);

   for(int cnt = 0; cnt < OrdersTotal(); cnt++)
      OrderSelect(cnt, SELECT_BY_POS);
      if(OrderMagicNumber() == MagicNumber && TrailingStop > 0)
         if(OrderType() == OP_BUY)
            BuyStop = Bid - TrailingStop;
            if(BuyStop < PrevBuyStop) BuyStop = PrevBuyStop;
            if(BuyStop > 0 && (Bid - BuyStop) >= 5 * Point && BuyStop > OrderStopLoss())
               OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), BuyStop, OrderTakeProfit(), 0);
         else if(OrderType() == OP_SELL)
            SellStop = Ask + TrailingStop;
            if(SellStop > PrevSellStop) SellStop = PrevSellStop;
            if(SellStop > 0 && (SellStop - Ask) >= 5 * Point && SellStop < OrderStopLoss())
               OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), SellStop, OrderTakeProfit(), 0);
   PrevBuyStop = BuyStop;
   PrevSellStop = SellStop;

//| Exit from the market                                             |

int ExitMarket()
   // -------------------- Working the open orders -------------------
   if(FoundOpenedOrder == True)              // If there is the open order on this currency
         DynamicTrailStop();                 // Calculate and modify the Dynamic Trailing Stop 
       if(OrderType()==OP_BUY)               // If the obtained order to the acquisition of the currency

           // Closing order, if it reached the level of the stoploss
           if(Bid <= StopLevel && DisableShadowStopLoss == false && StopLevel != 0)
               OrderClose(OrderTicket(),OrderLots(),Bid ,SlipPage,Violet); // We close the order
           //long ts

           if(DisableExitBuy == true)
               return (0);

           // We do not leave from the market, if we have chaos, which works on the profit
           if((iClose( Symbol(), 0, 0) - iClose( Symbol(), 0, 1)) >= 
               SellSucPossibilityMid * 4 && SellSucPossibilityMid > 0)

           // Closing order on exceeding of the probability of successful sale
           if((OrderOpenPrice() < Bid) && (Bid - OrderOpenPrice() >= 8 * Point) && (SellSucPossibilityMid > 0) )
               OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), OrderClosePrice( ) , 0 , Violet); // Close the order

           // Closing order on exceeding of the probability of the successful purchase
           if((OrderOpenPrice() < Bid) && (Bid - OrderOpenPrice() >= 8 * Point) && (BuySucPossibilityMid > 0) )
               OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), OrderClosePrice( ) , 0 , Violet); // Close the order

           // Closing pipsator
           if((OrderOpenPrice() < Bid) &&  BuySucPossibilityMid == 0 && SellSucPossibilityMid == 0)
               OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Bid , SlipPage, Violet); // Close the order

       if(OrderType() == OP_SELL) // If the obtained order to the selling of the currency

           // Closing order, if it reached the level of the stoploss
           if(Ask >= StopLevel && DisableShadowStopLoss == false && StopLevel != 0)
               OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Ask , SlipPage, Violet); // Close the order

           if(DisableExitSell == true)
               return (0);

           // We do not leave from the market, if we have chaos, which works on the profit
           if((iClose( Symbol(), 0, 1) - iClose( Symbol(), 0, 0)) >= BuySucPossibilityMid * 4 && BuySucPossibilityMid > 0)
            return (0);

           // Closing order on the fact of the probability of the successful purchase
           if((OrderOpenPrice() > Ask) && (OrderOpenPrice() - Ask) >= BuySucPossibilityMid && BuySucPossibilityMid > 0)
               OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Ask, SlipPage, Violet); // Close the order 

           // Closing order on the fact of the probability of successful sale
           if((OrderOpenPrice() > Ask) && (OrderOpenPrice() - Ask) >= SellSucPossibilityMid && SellSucPossibilityMid > 0)
               OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Ask, SlipPage, Violet); // Close the order 

           // Closing pipsator
           if((OrderOpenPrice() > Ask) &&  BuySucPossibilityMid == 0 && SellSucPossibilityMid == 0)
               OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Ask, SlipPage, Violet); // Çàêðûâàåì îðäåð

 // --------------------- End of working the open orders ---------------------
 //  ValuePeriodPrev = ValuePeriod;
   return (0);
//| We preserve the values of rates and period of simulation for following statistics  |

int SaveStat()
   BidPrev = Bid;
   AskPrev = Ask;
   ValuePeriodPrev = ValuePeriod;
   return (0);
//| Trading Logic                                                    |

int Trade ()
   // We begin to deal
   // We search for the open orders
//---- If there are no open orders is possible the entrance into the market
//---- Attention - is important precisely this order of the examination of the technologies of the entrance into the market (MoneyTrain, LogicTrading, Pipsator)

   if(FoundOpenedOrder == false)
       if(EnableMoneyTrain == true)
       if(EnableLogicTrading == true)
       if(DisablePipsator == false && BlockPipsator == false)
//---- End of working orders logic from the market
//| To derive the status of the account                              |

int AccountStatus()
   if(ShowAccountStatus == True )
       Print ("AccountBalance:", AccountBalance());
       Print ("AccountCompany:", AccountCompany());
       Print ("AccountCredit:", AccountCredit());
       Print ("AccountCurrency:", AccountCurrency());
       Print ("AccountEquity:", AccountEquity());
       Print ("AccountFreeMargin:", AccountFreeMargin());
       Print ("AccountLeverage:", AccountLeverage());
       Print ("AccountMargin:", AccountMargin());
       Print ("AccountName:", AccountName());
       Print ("AccountNumber:", AccountNumber());
       Print ("AccountProfit:", AccountProfit());
   return ( 0 );
//| Most important function - selection of the period of the simulation   |

int FindSuitablePeriod()
   double SuitablePeriodQuality = -1 *ValuesPeriodCountMax*ValuesPeriodCountMax;
   double SuitablePeriod = 0;
   int i; // Variable for the analysis of the periods
	 // Quantity of analyzed periods. i - size of the period
   for(i = 0 ; i < ValuesPeriodCountMax ; i ++ )
       ValuePeriod = i + 1;
      // Value selected experimentally and however strangely it coincided with the number in Elliott's theory
       ValuesPeriodCount = ValuePeriod * 5; 
       CalculatePossibilityStat ();
       if(PossibilitySucQuality > SuitablePeriodQuality)
           SuitablePeriodQuality = PossibilitySucQuality;
           //Print ("PossibilitySucQuality:", PossibilitySucQuality:);
           SuitablePeriod = i + 1;
   ValuePeriod = SuitablePeriod;
   // To derive the period of the simulation
   if(ShowSuitablePeriod == True)
       Print("Period of the simulation:", SuitablePeriod, " minutes with the probability:", 
       SuitablePeriodQuality );
//| Automatic installation of the level of the stoploss              |

int AutoStopLossIndex()
   if(AutoStopLossIndex == true)
       StopLossIndex = ModeSpread;
//| Conclusion of errors with the entrance into the market           |

int PrintErrorValues()
   Print("ErrorValues:Symbol=", Symbol(),",Lots=",Lots, ",Bid=", Bid, ",Ask=", Ask,
         ",SlipPage=", SlipPage, "StopLoss=",StopLoss,",TakeProfit=", TakeProfit);
   return (0);
//| expert start function (trading)                                  |

int start()

int VerbiageAndTimeCheck() {

   string comment_line="", comment_time="", comment_ver="";
   string sp         = "------------------------------\n";
   comment_ver=StringConcatenate(SystemName," v. ",version,"\n");

    if (StringLen(TimeTradeHoursDisabled) > 1) {
      NoTradeHours1 = StrToInteger(StringSubstr(TimeTradeHoursDisabled,0,2));
    if (StringLen(TimeTradeHoursDisabled) > 4) {
      NoTradeHours2 = StrToInteger(StringSubstr(TimeTradeHoursDisabled,3,2));
    if (StringLen(TimeTradeHoursDisabled) > 7) {
      NoTradeHours3 = StrToInteger(StringSubstr(TimeTradeHoursDisabled,6,2));
    if (StringLen(TimeTradeHoursDisabled) > 10) {
      NoTradeHours4 = StrToInteger(StringSubstr(TimeTradeHoursDisabled,9,2));
    if (StringLen(TimeTradeHoursDisabled) > 13) {
      NoTradeHours5 = StrToInteger(StringSubstr(TimeTradeHoursDisabled,12,2));
    if (StringLen(TimeTradeHoursDisabled) > 16) {
      NoTradeHours6 = StrToInteger(StringSubstr(TimeTradeHoursDisabled,15,2));

    int h=TimeHour(CurTime());
    int hadj=TimeHour(CurTime())-GMT;
    if (((hadj) == NoTradeHours1) || ((hadj) == NoTradeHours2) || ((hadj) == NoTradeHours3) || ((hadj) == NoTradeHours4) ||
      ((hadj) == NoTradeHours5) || ((hadj) == NoTradeHours6)) {
    BlockSell = true;
    BlockBuy  = true;
    comment_time=StringConcatenate("Bad Trading Hour: ", hadj, " GMT");  
  } else {
    BlockSell = false;
    BlockBuy  = false;
    comment_time=StringConcatenate("Good Trading Hour: ", hadj, " GMT");  

  comment_line = comment_ver + sp + comment_time;
   if (IsTesting()==false)



Market Information Used:

Series array that contains close prices for each bar
Series array that contains open prices of each bar
Series array that contains the highest prices of each bar
Series array that contains the lowest prices of each bar

Indicator Curves created:

Indicators Used:

Movement directional index
Commodity channel index
Moving average indicator
MACD Histogram
Indicator of the average true range

Custom Indicators Used:

Order Management characteristics:
Checks for the total of open orders
It automatically opens orders when conditions are reached
It can change open orders parameters, due to possible stepping strategy
It Closes Orders by itself

Other Features: