Dealers Trade v 7.51 RIVOT

//|                Dealers Trade v 7.01    ðåêîìåíäóþ äëÿ D1         |
//|                                         copyright © 2006, Alex_N |
#property copyright "Copyright © 2006, Alex_N"
#property link ""
#include <stdlib.mqh>

extern int    MAGIC=89562314;
extern double Lots = 0.1;
extern double StopLoss = 90;
extern double TakeProfit = 15;
extern double TrailingStop = 15;

extern double MaxTrades = 5;
extern double Pips = 4;
extern double SecureProfit = 50;
extern double AccountProtection = 1;
extern double OrderstoProtect = 3;
extern double ReverseCondition = 0;

extern double USDCHFPipValue=10.5;     // Öåíà ïóíêòà ñèìâîëà
extern double USDCADPipValue=10.4;     // Öåíà ïóíêòà ñèìâîëà
extern double USDJPYPipValue=9.2;      // Öåíà ïóíêòà ñèìâîëà
extern double EURJPYPipValue=9.8;      // Öåíà ïóíêòà ñèìâîëà
extern double EURUSDPipValue=10.3;     // Öåíà ïóíêòà ñèìâîëà
extern double GBPUSDPipValue=10;       // Öåíà ïóíêòà ñèìâîëà
extern double AUDUSDPipValue=9.9;      // Öåíà ïóíêòà ñèìâîëà
extern double NZDUSDPipValue=8.9;      // Öåíà ïóíêòà ñèìâîëà 

extern double mm = 0;
extern double risk = 2;
extern int MaxLots=5;                  // Ìàêñèìàëüíî âîçìîæíîå êîëëè÷êñòâî ëîòîâ â ïîçèöèè
extern double Doble=1.5;               // Ìíîæèòåëü ïîçèöèé êàæäàÿ ñëåäóþùÿÿ ïîçèöèÿ óìíîæàåòñÿ íà Doble
extern double AccountisNormal = 0;
extern double TimeZoneofData = 0;
extern double slippage = 2;

double OpenOrders = 0;
int cnt = 0;
double sl = 0;
double tp = 0;
double BuyPrice = 0;
double SellPrice = 0;
double lotsi = 0;
double mylotsi = 0;
double mode = 0;
double MyOrderType=0;
bool ContinueOpening = True;
double LastPrice = 0;
double PreviousOpenOrders = 0;
double Profit = 0;
double LastTicket = 0;
double LastType = 0;
double LastClosePrice = 0;
double LastLots = 0;
double Pivot = 0;
double PipValue = 0;
bool Reversed = False;
string text = "";
string text2 = "";
double myl = 0;
double myh = 0;
double myC = 0;
double myO = 0;
double mypivot = 0;
double Today = 0;
double RefDate = 0;
double LastBarOfDay = 0;
double FirstBarOfDay = 0;
double Loop = 0;
double myyh = 0;
double myyl = 0;
double myyc = 0;
double p = 0;
double flp = 0;
double feh = 0;
double fel = 0;
double ph = 0;
double pl = 0;
double gap = 0;

bool SetObjectText(string name, string text, string font, int size, color Acolor)
   return(ObjectSetText(name, text, size, font, Acolor));

bool MoveObject(string name, int type, datetime Atime, double Aprice, 
datetime Atime2 = 0, double Aprice2 = 0, color Acolor = CLR_NONE, int Aweight = 0, int Astyle = 0)
   if (ObjectFind(name) != -1) {
      int OType = ObjectType(name);

      if ((OType == OBJ_VLINE) ||
         (OType == OBJ_HLINE) ||
         (OType == OBJ_TRENDBYANGLE) ||
         (OType == OBJ_TEXT) ||
         (OType == OBJ_ARROW) ||
         (OType == OBJ_LABEL)) {
         return(ObjectMove(name, 0, Atime, Aprice));

      if ((OType == OBJ_GANNLINE) ||
         (OType == OBJ_GANNFAN) ||
         (OType == OBJ_GANNGRID) ||
         (OType == OBJ_FIBO) ||
         (OType == OBJ_FIBOTIMES) ||
         (OType == OBJ_FIBOFAN) ||
         (OType == OBJ_FIBOARC) ||
         (OType == OBJ_RECTANGLE) ||
         (OType == OBJ_ELLIPSE) ||
         (OType == OBJ_CYCLES) ||
         (OType == OBJ_TREND) ||
         (OType == OBJ_STDDEVCHANNEL) ||
         (OType == OBJ_REGRESSION)) {
         return(ObjectMove(name, 0, Atime, Aprice) && ObjectMove(name, 1, Atime2, Aprice2));
   else {
      return(ObjectCreate(name, type, 0, Atime, Aprice, Atime2, Aprice2, 0, 0) && ObjectSet(name, OBJPROP_COLOR, Acolor));

int init()
int start()

if( AccountisNormal == 1 ) {
   if( mm != 0 ) lotsi = MathCeil(AccountBalance() * risk / 10000) ; else lotsi = Lots;
else {
   if( mm != 0 ) lotsi = MathCeil(AccountBalance() * risk / 10000) / 10 ; else lotsi = Lots;

if( lotsi > MaxLots ) lotsi = MaxLots;

OpenOrders = 0;
for( cnt = 0; cnt < OrdersTotal(); cnt++ ) {
   OrderSelect(cnt, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);
   if( OrderSymbol() ==  Symbol()  && OrderMagicNumber()==MAGIC) OpenOrders++;
myh = High[0];
myl = Low[0];
myC = Close[0];
myO = Open[0];
myyh = High[1];
myyl = Low[1];
myyc = Close[1];
p  = (myyh + myyl + myyc + myO) / 4;
ph = (myyh + myh + myyc + myO) / 4;
pl = (myyl + myl + myyc + myO) / 4;
flp = (myh + myl + myC) / 3;
gap = MathAbs(p - flp) / Point;

SetObjectText("P_txt","Pivot Zone","Arial",7,White);

if( Ask > p && Ask > flp ) {
   SetObjectText("FLP_txt","Floating Trend Direction - LONG","Arial",7,White);
   Comment("Account: ",AccountNumber()," - ",AccountName(),"'#10'LastPrice=",LastPrice," Previous open orders=",
   PreviousOpenOrders,"'#10'Continue opening=",ContinueOpening," OrderType=",MyOrderType,"'#10'",text2,
   " Balance: ",DoubleToStr(AccountBalance(),2),"'#10'Lots=",lotsi,"'#10'",text,"Trend Bias -- LONG");

if( Bid < p && Bid < flp ) {
   SetObjectText("FLP_txt","Floating Trend Direction - SHORT","Arial",7,White);
   Comment("Account: ",AccountNumber()," - ",AccountName(),"'#10'LastPrice=",LastPrice,
   " Previous open orders=",PreviousOpenOrders,"'#10'Continue opening=",ContinueOpening," OrderType=",
   MyOrderType,"'#10'",text2," Balance: ",DoubleToStr(AccountBalance(),2),"'#10'Lots=",lotsi,"'#10'",text,"Trend Bias -- SHORT");
   PipValue = 5;
   if (Symbol()== "USDCHF")  PipValue=USDCHFPipValue;
   if (Symbol()== "USDCAD")  PipValue=USDCADPipValue;
   if (Symbol()== "USDJPY")  PipValue=USDJPYPipValue;
   if (Symbol()== "EURJPY")  PipValue=EURJPYPipValue;
   if (Symbol()== "EURUSD")  PipValue=EURUSDPipValue;
   if (Symbol()== "GBPUSD")  PipValue=GBPUSDPipValue;
   if (Symbol()== "AUDUSD")  PipValue=AUDUSDPipValue;
   if (Symbol()== "NZDUSD")  PipValue=NZDUSDPipValue;
if( PreviousOpenOrders > OpenOrders ) {
   for( cnt = OrdersTotal()-1; cnt >= 0; cnt-- ) {
      OrderSelect(cnt, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);
      if( OrderSymbol() == Symbol()  && OrderMagicNumber()==MAGIC) {
         mode = OrderType();
         if( mode ==  OP_BUY )  OrderClose(OrderTicket(),OrderLots(),OrderClosePrice(),slippage,Blue);
         if( mode ==  OP_SELL ) OrderClose(OrderTicket(),OrderLots(),OrderClosePrice(),slippage,Red);

PreviousOpenOrders = OpenOrders;
if( OpenOrders >= MaxTrades ) ContinueOpening = False ; else ContinueOpening = True;

if( LastPrice == 0 ) {
   for( cnt = 0; cnt < OrdersTotal(); cnt++ ) {
      OrderSelect(cnt, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);
      if( OrderSymbol() == Symbol()  && OrderMagicNumber()==MAGIC) {
         LastPrice = OrderOpenPrice();
         if(OrderType()==OP_BUY)  MyOrderType=2;
         if(OrderType()==OP_SELL)  MyOrderType=1;

if( OpenOrders < 1 ) MyOrderType=0;
if( OpenOrders < 1 && Bid < p && Bid < flp && gap >= 7 ) {
   LastPrice = 0;
if( OpenOrders < 1 && Ask > p && Ask > flp && gap >= 7 ) {
   LastPrice = 0;

for( cnt = OrdersTotal()-1; cnt >= 0; cnt-- ) {
   OrderSelect(cnt, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);
   if( OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber()==MAGIC && Reversed == False ) {
      if( OrderType() ==  OP_SELL ) {
         if( TrailingStop > 0 ) {
            if( OrderOpenPrice() - Ask >= TrailingStop * Point + Pips * Point ) {
               if( OrderStopLoss() > Ask + Point * TrailingStop || OrderStopLoss() ==  0 ) {
                  OrderModify(OrderTicket(),OrderOpenPrice(),Ask + Point * TrailingStop,
                  OrderClosePrice() - TakeProfit * Point - TrailingStop * Point,0,Purple);
      if( OrderType() == OP_BUY ) {
         if( TrailingStop > 0 ) {
            if( Bid - OrderOpenPrice() >= TrailingStop * Point + Pips * Point ) {
               if( OrderStopLoss() < Bid - Point * TrailingStop ) {
                  OrderModify(OrderTicket(),OrderOpenPrice(),Bid - Point * TrailingStop,
                  OrderClosePrice() + TakeProfit * Point + TrailingStop * Point,0,Yellow);

Profit = 0;
LastTicket = 0;
LastType = 0;
LastClosePrice = 0;
LastLots = 0;

for( cnt = 0; cnt < OrdersTotal(); cnt++ ) {
   OrderSelect(cnt, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);
   if( OrderSymbol() == Symbol()  && OrderMagicNumber()==MAGIC) {
      LastTicket = OrderTicket();
      if( OrderType() ==  OP_BUY ) LastType = 0;
      if( OrderType() ==  OP_SELL ) LastType = 1;
      LastClosePrice = OrderClosePrice();
      LastLots = OrderLots();
      if( LastType == 0 ) {
         if( OrderClosePrice() < OrderOpenPrice() ) {
            Profit = Profit - (OrderOpenPrice() - OrderClosePrice()) * OrderLots() / Point;
         if( OrderClosePrice() > OrderOpenPrice() ) {
            Profit = Profit + (OrderClosePrice() - OrderOpenPrice()) * OrderLots() / Point;
      if( LastType == 1 ) {
         if( OrderClosePrice() > OrderOpenPrice() ) {
            Profit = Profit - (OrderClosePrice() - OrderOpenPrice()) * OrderLots() / Point;
         if( OrderClosePrice() < OrderOpenPrice() ) {
            Profit = Profit + (OrderOpenPrice() - OrderClosePrice()) * OrderLots() / Point;

Profit = Profit * PipValue;
text2 = "Profit: $" + DoubleToStr(Profit,2) + " +/- ";
if( OpenOrders >= MaxTrades - OrderstoProtect && AccountProtection ==  1 ) {
   if( MyOrderType == 2 && Bid == tp ) {
      ContinueOpening = False;
   if( MyOrderType == 1 && Ask == tp ) {
      ContinueOpening = False;

if( MyOrderType == 1 && ContinueOpening ) {
   if( Bid - LastPrice >= Pips * Point || OpenOrders < 1 ) {
      SellPrice = Bid;
      LastPrice = 0;
      if( TakeProfit ==  0 ) tp = 0 ; else tp = SellPrice - TakeProfit * Point;
      if( StopLoss ==  0 ) sl = 0 ; else sl = SellPrice + StopLoss * Point;
      if( OpenOrders != 0 ) {
         mylotsi = lotsi;
         for(cnt =0;cnt <OpenOrders;cnt ++) {
            if( MaxTrades > 12 ) mylotsi = NormalizeDouble(mylotsi * Doble,1) ; else mylotsi = NormalizeDouble(mylotsi * Doble,1);
      else {
         mylotsi = lotsi;
      if( mylotsi > MaxLots ) mylotsi = MaxLots;

if( MyOrderType == 2 && ContinueOpening ) {
   if( LastPrice - Ask >= Pips * Point || OpenOrders < 1 ) {
      BuyPrice = Ask;
      LastPrice = 0;
      if( TakeProfit ==  0 ) tp = 0 ; else tp = BuyPrice + TakeProfit * Point;
      if( StopLoss ==  0 ) sl = 0 ; else sl = BuyPrice - StopLoss * Point;
      if( OpenOrders != 0 ) {
         mylotsi = lotsi;
         for(cnt =0;cnt <OpenOrders;cnt ++) {
            if( MaxTrades > 12 ) mylotsi = NormalizeDouble(mylotsi * Doble,1) ; else mylotsi = NormalizeDouble(mylotsi * Doble,1);
      else {
         mylotsi = lotsi;
      if( mylotsi > MaxLots ) mylotsi = MaxLots;




Market Information Used:

Series array that contains the highest prices of each bar
Series array that contains the lowest prices of each bar
Series array that contains close prices for each bar
Series array that contains open prices of each bar
Series array that contains open time of each bar

Indicator Curves created:

Indicators Used:

Custom Indicators Used:

Order Management characteristics:
Checks for the total of open orders
It Closes Orders by itself
It can change open orders parameters, due to possible stepping strategy
It automatically opens orders when conditions are reached

Other Features: