Divergence Xpert

//|                                             Divergence Xpert.mq4 |
//|                                       Copyright © 2009, TheXpert |
//|                                           theforexpert@gmail.com |
#property copyright "Copyright © 2009, TheXpert"
#property link      "theforexpert@gmail.com"

extern string     Group1            = "Ïàðàìåòðû äëÿ îðäåðîâ";

// magic number needed for filtering orders opened by certain EA
extern int        Magic             =  12345;

// lots size of opening orders. If 0 it is counted automatically
extern double     TradeLots         =  0;
// risk for automatic lots size counting
extern double     RiskPercentage    =  0;

// maximum acceptable slippage for the price
extern int        Slippage          =  3;

// maximum loop count for orders opening if failed due to requoting
extern int        TimesToRepeat     =  3;

extern string     Group3            = "Ïàðàìåòðû äëÿ ñòðàòåãèè";

extern int        i_fastEMA         = 9;
extern int        i_slowEMA         = 21;
extern int        i_signalMA        = 5;

extern int        Depth             = 1;
extern int        ShowHidden        = 0;

extern int        UseClose          = 0;
extern int        Target            = 0;
extern int        Loss              = 500;

string symbol;

bool CriticalError = false;

/// \brief Equal to ternar operator 
/// needed = Condition ? IfTrue : IfFalse;
/// \param IfTrue
/// \param IfFalse
/// \return matching value from parameters
double DoubleIf(bool Condition, double IfTrue, double IfFalse)
   if (Condition) return (IfTrue);
   else           return (IfFalse);

void WaitForContext()
   while (IsTradeContextBusy())

void OpenBuy(int MN, int Target, int Loss, double Lot)
   int count = 0;
   while (count < TimesToRepeat)
      double TP = DoubleIf(Target > 0, Ask + Target*Point, 0);
      double SL = DoubleIf(Loss > 0, Ask - Loss*Point, 0);
      double LotsToBid = DoubleIf(Lot == 0, GetLotsToBid(RiskPercentage), Lot);
      int res = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUY, LotsToBid, Ask, Slippage, SL, TP, NULL, MN, 0, Blue);
      if (res > 0) return;


void OpenSell(int MN, int Target, int Loss, double Lot)
   int count = 0;
   while (count < TimesToRepeat)
      double TP = DoubleIf(Target > 0, Bid - Target*Point, 0);
      double SL = DoubleIf(Loss > 0, Bid + Loss*Point, 0);
      double LotsToBid = DoubleIf(Lot == 0, GetLotsToBid(RiskPercentage), Lot);
      int res = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELL, LotsToBid, Bid, Slippage, SL, TP, NULL, MN, 0, Red);
      if (res > 0) return;


void CloseSells(int MagicNumber, int Slippage)
   for(int i = OrdersTotal() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
      // already closed
      if(OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS) == false) continue;
      // not current symbol
      if(OrderSymbol() != Symbol()) continue;
      // order was opened in another way
      if(OrderMagicNumber() != MagicNumber) continue;
      if(OrderType() == OP_SELL)
         int count = 0;
         while (count < TimesToRepeat)
            if (OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Ask, Slippage, Red))

void CloseBuys(int MagicNumber, int Slippage)
   for(int i = OrdersTotal(); i >= 0; i--)
      // already closed
      if(OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS) == false) continue;
      // not current symbol
      if(OrderSymbol() != Symbol()) continue;
      // order was opened in another way
      if(OrderMagicNumber() != MagicNumber) continue;
      if(OrderType() == OP_BUY)
         int count = 0;
         while (count < TimesToRepeat)
            if (OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Bid, Slippage, Blue))

bool GetActiveOrders(int MagicNumber = -1)
   for(int i = 0; i < OrdersTotal(); i++)
      // already closed
      if(OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS) == false) continue;
      // not current symbol
      if(OrderSymbol() != Symbol()) continue;
      // order was opened in another way
      if(OrderMagicNumber() != MagicNumber && MagicNumber != -1) continue;
      if(OrderType() == OP_SELL || OrderType() == OP_BUY)
         return (true);
   return (false);

int GetOrdersCount(int MagicNumber = -1, int Type = -1, string symb = "")
   int count = 0;
   for(int i = 0; i < OrdersTotal(); i++)
      // already closed
      if(OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS) == false) continue;
      // not current symbol
      if(OrderSymbol() != Symbol() && symb == "") continue;
      // not specified symbol
      if(OrderSymbol() != symb && symb != "" && symb != "all") continue;
      // order was opened in another way
      if(OrderMagicNumber() != MagicNumber && MagicNumber != -1) continue;
      if(OrderType() == Type || Type == -1)
   return (count);

double GetLotsToBid(double RiskPercentage)
   double margin  = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MARGINREQUIRED);
   double minLot  = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MINLOT);
   double maxLot  = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MAXLOT);
   double step    = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_LOTSTEP);
   double account = AccountEquity();
   double percentage = account*RiskPercentage/100;
   if (margin*step == 0) return(minLot);
   double lots = MathRound(percentage/margin/step)*step;
   if(lots < minLot)
      lots = minLot;
   if(lots > maxLot)
      lots = maxLot;

   return (lots);

void Check()
   double buy = iCustom(symbol, 0, "Divergence", i_fastEMA, i_slowEMA, i_signalMA, Depth, ShowHidden, 0, 2, 1);
   double sell = iCustom(symbol, 0, "Divergence", i_fastEMA, i_slowEMA, i_signalMA, Depth, ShowHidden, 0, 1, 1);
   if (buy != EMPTY_VALUE)
      if (UseClose == 0) CloseSells(Magic, Slippage);
      if (GetOrdersCount(Magic, OP_BUY) == 0)
         OpenBuy(Magic, Target, Loss, TradeLots);
   else if (UseClose == 1)
      CloseBuys(Magic, Slippage);
   if (sell != EMPTY_VALUE)
      if (UseClose == 0) CloseBuys(Magic, Slippage);
      if (GetOrdersCount(Magic, OP_SELL) == 0)
         OpenSell(Magic, Target, Loss, TradeLots);
   else if (UseClose == 1)
      CloseSells(Magic, Slippage);

datetime LastTime;

int init()
   symbol = Symbol();
   LastTime = Time[0];

int start()
   if (CriticalError) return(0);
   if (!IsTradeAllowed()) return(0);
   double margin = AccountFreeMargin();
   double minBet = GetLotsToBid(0)*MarketInfo(symbol, MODE_MARGINREQUIRED);
   if (!GetActiveOrders(Magic) && minBet > margin)
      CriticalError = true;

   if (LastTime < Time[0])
      LastTime = Time[0];




Market Information Used:

Series array that contains open time of each bar

Indicator Curves created:

Indicators Used:

Custom Indicators Used:

Order Management characteristics:
It automatically opens orders when conditions are reached
Checks for the total of open orders

It Closes Orders by itself

Other Features:

BackTest : USDJPY on H1

From 2009-11-01 to 2009-11-30 Profit Factor:0.56 Total Net Profit:-152.10

BackTest : USDCHF on H1

From 2009-12-01 to 2010-01-01 Profit Factor:0.04 Total Net Profit:-1211.04

BackTest : EURUSD on H1

From 2009-12-01 to 2010-01-17 Profit Factor:0.78 Total Net Profit:-130.39

BackTest : USDCAD on H1

From 2009-12-01 to 2010-01-01 Profit Factor:0.78 Total Net Profit:-73.87

BackTest : EURUSD on H1

From 2009-08-01 to 2009-10-01 Profit Factor:0.48 Total Net Profit:-528.34

BackTest : GBPUSD on H1

From 2010-01-01 to 2010-02-27 Profit Factor:0.71 Total Net Profit:-274.74

BackTest : EURUSD on H1

From 2010-04-01 to 2010-04-30 Profit Factor:0.00 Total Net Profit:0.00

BackTest : EURUSD on H1

From 2010-05-01 to 2010-05-31 Profit Factor:0.00 Total Net Profit:0.00

BackTest : EURUSD on H1

From 2010-06-01 to 2010-06-30 Profit Factor:0.00 Total Net Profit:0.00

Request Backtest for Divergence Xpert

From : (yyyy/mm/dd) To: (yyyy/mm/dd)

Pair: Period: