
//|                                               BID_VIEW-2.0.mq4   |
//|                                      Copyright © 2008, "OTCFX"   |
//|                                             Revision 2.0         |
#property copyright "Copyright © 2008 OTCFX"
#property indicator_separate_window  

  extern bool   Bid_Colors = True; 
  extern string FontType=" Sans MS";
  extern color ColorHeading =  Gainsboro ;
  extern color ColorValue = CadetBlue ;  
  extern int  TimeFrame  = 1440;
  extern  int    Trend_Bars = 10;
  extern bool show.Trend = false ;  
  extern bool show.CTrend = true ;
  extern int price.x.offset= 50;
  extern int price.y.offset= 10;     
  color  ColorPrice = CadetBlue;
  extern int    myArrowSize  = 15 ;
  int MAP =1;
  int Spread;
  int Local_Time;
  string   labelNames;
  string   shortName;
  int      corner;
  int      totalLabels;
  int      window;    
  int nDigits;
  int pZX;
  int PTL;
  int EROS;
  int EROB;
  double       O_P;
  double       O_P1;
  double       O_P2;
  int    F_Offset=0;
  string Arrow12 = "é";  // 12 oclock 225
  string Arrow12_2 = "ñ"; // 12 oclock
  string Arrow6  = "ê";  //  6 oclock 226
  string Arrow6_2  = "ò";  // 6 oclock 
  extern color N_color  = Lime; 
  extern color S_color  = Red;
  double  xREV;
  double  xREV1;

  int   BidDir, R77Dir; 
  string PriceDir;
  string PriceDir1;
  color  CloseColor ;
  color  CloseColor1 ; 
  int NormalSpread, NormalStopLevel; 
  color fColor( double i)
color rColor ;

    if ( i == 1 ) rColor = N_color ; else {
    //if ( i >= 4 ) rColor = NE_color  ; else {
    //if ( i == 3 ) rColor = E_color  ; else {    
    if ( i == 0 ) rColor =  S_color  ; else {    
    rColor = S_color ; } } 

return ( rColor );

int fDirection( double i, double j)
int rColor ;

    if ( i > j ) rColor = 1; 
    else {
    if ( i < j )  rColor = 0; 
    else rColor = 0; }
return ( rColor );

string fCompass( double i )
string rCompass ;

    if ( i == 1 ) rCompass = Arrow12 ; else {    
    if ( i == 0 ) rCompass = Arrow6  ; else {    
    rCompass = Arrow6 ; } } 
return ( rCompass );
  color tColor( double i)
color tColor ;

    if ( i == 1 ) tColor = N_color ; else {     
    if ( i == 0 ) tColor =  S_color  ; else {    
    tColor = S_color ; } } 

return ( tColor );

int gDirection( double i, double j)
int tColor ;

    if ( i > j ) tColor = 1; 
    else {
    if ( i < j )  tColor = 0; 
    else tColor = 0; }
return ( tColor );

string gCompass( double i )
string gCompass ;

    if ( i == 1 ) gCompass = Arrow12 ; else {    
    if ( i == 0 ) gCompass = Arrow6   ; else {    
    gCompass = Arrow6 ; } } 
return ( gCompass );

//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int init()

   corner     = 0;
   shortName  = MakeUniqueName("MT ","");
   labelNames = shortName;
   string S = Symbol();
   if(S=="ER2" ||S=="FESX" || S=="FTSE" || S=="FDAX") nDigits = 1; 
   if(S=="GBPJPY" ||S=="EURJPY" || S=="USDJPY" || S=="GOLD" || S=="AUDJPY"||S=="FGBL"||   
   S=="NZDJPY"|| S=="CADJPY" ||S== "CHFJPY" || S=="BRN" ||S=="WTI" || S=="NQ" || S=="ES"|| S=="XAU") nDigits = 2;
   if(S=="GBPUSD" || S=="EURUSD" ||S=="NZDUSD" || S=="USDCHF"  ||
   S=="USDCAD" ||S=="AUDUSD" || S=="EURUSD" ||S=="EURCHF"  || S=="EURGBP"
   || S=="EURCAD" ||S=="EURAUD" || S=="AUDNZD"|| S== "GBPCHF"|| S=="EURAUD"||   
   S=="GBPAUD"|| S== "AUDCAD" || S=="AUDCHF"|| S=="NZDCHF"|| S=="NZDCAD" ||S=="NZDCHF"||    
   S=="EURNZD"|| S=="CADCHF"|| S=="EURCAD"|| S=="USDNOK"|| S=="USDDKK")  nDigits = 4;
  int result;

   if (TimeFrame == 0) 
      result = Period();   
         case 1    : result = PERIOD_M1;  break; 
         case 5    : result = PERIOD_M5;  break;
         case 15   : result = PERIOD_M15; break;
         case 30   : result = PERIOD_M30; break;
         case 60   : result = PERIOD_H1;  break;
         case 240  : result = PERIOD_H4;  break;
         case 1440 : result = PERIOD_D1;  break;
         case 7200 : result = PERIOD_W1;  break;
         case 28800: result = PERIOD_MN1; break;
         default  : result = Period(); break; 

int deinit() 
   while (totalLabels>0) { ObjectDelete(StringConcatenate(labelNames,totalLabels)); totalLabels--;}

//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |

int start()
 window = WindowFind(shortName);   
  ObjectsDeleteAll( window, 21);
  ObjectsDeleteAll( window, 22);
  ObjectsDeleteAll( window, 23);
  int i=0;
  int R77=0,CD=0,AM=0,Mval=0;
  double CC7,CC2,CC3,CC4,CC5,CC6;
  double HY1,HY2,HZ1,HZ2,SC1;
  double C7_7,C2_2,C3_3,C4_4,C5_5,C6_6;
  double HD,DL,BTX1,BTX1_1,BTX2,BTX2_2,BTX3,BTX3_3,BTX4,BTX4_4,BTX5,BTX5_5;
  double BTX6,BTX6_6,BTX7,BTX7_7,BTX8,BTX8_8,BTX9,BTX9_9,BTX10,BTX10_10,DC,DO;
  double PercentUp,Perc,Per;
  double R77T,R77T1, R77T2;
  string FX_T="Verdana Bold";  
  string T= TimeFrame;
  if (TimeFrame==0) TimeFrame=Period();
  int yPos = 24, xPos = 10;
  int xSpacer = 140;
  string SpacerText1 = "__________________________";
  string SpacerText2 = "__________________________________________________________________________________________________________";
  if(F_Offset>0) F_Offset=0;
  if(Trend_Bars>15) Trend_Bars=15;
  if(price.y.offset<10) price.y.offset=10;   
  if(price.y.offset>20) price.y.offset=20;
  if(price.x.offset<0) price.x.offset=0;
  if(myArrowSize>15) myArrowSize=15;
  if ( show.Trend == true) show.CTrend = false ;
   string S = Symbol();
   if( S=="ES"|| S=="WTI" || S=="XAU" || S=="GOLD") {EROS=13;}else {EROS=16;}
   if( S=="ES"||S=="WTI"||S=="XAU"||S=="GOLD") {EROB=12;}else {EROB=13;}
   if(S=="ER2" ||S=="FESX" || S=="FTSE" || S=="FDAX") {pZX =1000000 ;}    
   if(S=="GBPJPY" ||S=="EURJPY" || S=="USDJPY" || S=="GOLD"|| S=="AUDJPY"||S=="FGBL"||   
   S=="NZDJPY"|| S=="CADJPY" ||S== "CHFJPY" || S=="BRN" ||S=="WTI" || S=="NQ" || S=="ES"||
   S=="XAU"||S=="XAG") {pZX = 100000;}
   if(S=="GBPUSD" || S=="EURUSD" ||S=="NZDUSD" || S=="USDCHF"  ||
   S=="USDCAD" ||S=="AUDUSD" || S=="EURUSD" ||S=="EURCHF"  || S=="EURGBP"
   || S=="EURCAD" ||S=="EURAUD" || S=="AUDNZD"|| S== "GBPCHF"|| S=="EURAUD"||   
   S=="GBPAUD"|| S== "AUDCAD" || S=="AUDCHF"|| S=="NZDCHF"|| S=="NZDCAD" ||S=="NZDCHF"||    
   S=="EURNZD"|| S=="CADCHF"|| S=="EURCAD"|| S=="USDNOK"|| S=="USDDKK"){pZX = 1000;}
   CC2 =iClose(NULL,PERIOD_M5,0);
   C2_2= iOpen(NULL,PERIOD_M5,0);
   CC3 =iClose(NULL,PERIOD_M15,0);
   C3_3= iOpen(NULL,PERIOD_M15,0);
   CC4 =iClose(NULL,PERIOD_M30,0);
   C4_4= iOpen(NULL,PERIOD_M30,0);
   CC5 =iClose(NULL,PERIOD_H1,0);
   C5_5= iOpen(NULL,PERIOD_H1,0);
   CC6 =iClose(NULL,PERIOD_H4,0);
   C6_6= iOpen(NULL,PERIOD_H4,0);
   CC7 =iClose(NULL,PERIOD_D1,0);
   C7_7= iOpen(NULL,PERIOD_D1,0);
   R77 =(iClose(NULL,PERIOD_D1,0)-iOpen(NULL,PERIOD_D1,0))/Point;   
   if(R77<-99) {Mval=242;}else {Mval=246;}
   DO  =  iOpen(NULL,PERIOD_D1,0);
   DC =iClose(NULL,PERIOD_D1,0);
   HD = iHigh(NULL,PERIOD_D1,0);
   DL = iLow(NULL,PERIOD_D1,0);
   //open0  =  iOpen(NULL,PERIOD_D1,0);
   PercentUp = ((R77)/(DC))/100;    
   Per = PercentUp*pZX; 
   Perc  = Per/1000;
   int ActualSpread=(Ask-Bid)/Point;
   int ActualStopLevel=MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_STOPLEVEL);
   if (ActualSpread>NormalSpread) {SC1=2;}else  {SC1=0; }
   color ColorCH7044;
   if(SC1 >1 ) { ColorCH7044 =Red ;}  else  { ColorCH7044 =ColorHeading;}                           
   if(Spread<0) Spread=0;   

  R77 =(iClose(NULL,PERIOD_D1,0)-iOpen(NULL,PERIOD_D1,0))/Point;   
  if(R77<-99) {Mval=242;}else {Mval=246;}
   if (Bid_Colors == True)
    if (Close[i] > O_P) ColorPrice = DodgerBlue;
    if(Close[i] > O_P ) {HY1=2;}
    if (Close[i] < O_P) ColorPrice = Silver;
     if(Close[i] < O_P) {HY2=0;}
    O_P = Close[i];
   color ColorCT709;
   if( Close[i]  < O_P2 ) { ColorCT709 =Red;} 
   O_P2 = Close[i];
    if(Close[i]  < O_P2 ) //{BP1=False;}
   color ColorCT708;
   if( Close[i]  > O_P1  ) { ColorCT708 =Lime;} 
   string Market_Price = DoubleToStr(Close[i], Digits);
   color ColorCH704 ;  
   if(R77 >= 0 ) { ColorCH704 =LimeGreen ; }
   if(R77 >= 0 ) {HZ1=2;}
   color ColorCH705 ;  
   if(R77 < 0 ) { ColorCH705 =Silver ; }else { ColorCH705 =ColorValue ; } 
   if(R77 >= 0 ) {HZ2=0;}
    BidDir  = fDirection( HY1,HY2 ) ;
    R77Dir   = gDirection( HZ1,HZ2) ;
    xREV   =  BidDir  ;
    xREV1   =  R77Dir  ;
    CloseColor = fColor(  xREV  ) ;
    CloseColor1 = tColor( xREV1 ) ;

    PriceDir = fCompass(  xREV  ) ;
    PriceDir1 = gCompass(  xREV1  ) ;

   setObject(next(),PriceDir,115+price.x.offset, 4+price.y.offset,CloseColor ,"Wingdings",myArrowSize+F_Offset,0);
   //setObject(next(),"^",129+price.x.offset, 32+price.y.offset,ColorCT709 ,"Arial Bold",20+F_Offset,180);
   setObject(next(),PriceDir1,227+price.x.offset, 4+price.y.offset,CloseColor1 ,"Wingdings",myArrowSize+F_Offset,0);//
   //setObject(next(),"^",240+price.x.offset, 32+price.y.offset,ColorCH705 ,"Arial Bold",18+F_Offset,180);//

   setObject(next(),Market_Price ,140+price.x.offset, 5+price.y.offset,ColorPrice ,FX_T,EROS+F_Offset);  
   setObject(next(),StringSubstr(Symbol(),0),22+price.x.offset, 5+price.y.offset,ColorValue ,FX_T,13+F_Offset);
   setObject(next(),DoubleToStr(DO ,Digits),383+price.x.offset, 5+price.y.offset,ColorValue ,FX_T,EROB+F_Offset);
   setObject(next(),DoubleToStr(HD ,Digits),472+price.x.offset, 5+price.y.offset,ColorValue ,FX_T,EROB+F_Offset);
   setObject(next(),DoubleToStr(DL ,Digits),554+price.x.offset, 5+price.y.offset,ColorValue ,FX_T,EROB+F_Offset);
   setObject(next(),DoubleToStr(R77 ,0),Mval+price.x.offset, 5+price.y.offset,ColorCH705 ,FX_T,EROB+F_Offset);
   //setObject(next(),DoubleToStr(R77T2 ,nDigits),247+price.x.offset, 5+price.y.offset,ColorValue ,FX_T,13+F_Offset);   
   setObject(next(),TimeToStr(CurTime(),TIME_SECONDS),777+price.x.offset, 5+price.y.offset,ColorValue ,FX_T,13+F_Offset);
   setObject(next(),TimeToStr(LocalTime(),TIME_MINUTES),880+price.x.offset, 5+price.y.offset,ColorValue ,FX_T,13+F_Offset);
   setObject(next(),DoubleToStr(Spread ,Digits-3),970+price.x.offset, 5+price.y.offset,ColorValue ,FX_T,13+F_Offset);
   setObject(next(),DoubleToStr(Perc  ,nDigits),300+price.x.offset, 5+price.y.offset,ColorValue ,FX_T,13+F_Offset);

   setObject(next(),"Name",45+price.x.offset, -10+price.y.offset,ColorHeading ,FX_T,9+F_Offset);
   setObject(next(),"Last",157+price.x.offset, -10+price.y.offset,ColorHeading ,FX_T,9+F_Offset);
   setObject(next(),"Change",237+price.x.offset, -10+price.y.offset,ColorHeading ,FX_T,9+F_Offset);  
   setObject(next(),"%CH",317+price.x.offset, -10+price.y.offset,ColorHeading ,FX_T,9+F_Offset);  
   setObject(next(),"Open",398+price.x.offset, -10+price.y.offset,ColorHeading ,FX_T,9+F_Offset);  
   setObject(next(),"High",484+price.x.offset, -10+price.y.offset,ColorHeading ,FX_T,9+F_Offset);  
   setObject(next(),"Low",571+price.x.offset, -10+price.y.offset,ColorHeading ,FX_T,9+F_Offset);
   setObject(next(),"BidTime",795+price.x.offset, -10+price.y.offset,ColorHeading ,FX_T,9+F_Offset);
   setObject(next(),"LocalTime",880+price.x.offset, -10+price.y.offset,ColorHeading ,FX_T,9+F_Offset);
   setObject(next(),"Spread",970+price.x.offset, -10+price.y.offset,ColorCH7044 ,FX_T,9+F_Offset);
   setObject(next(),"1",755+price.x.offset, -10+price.y.offset,ColorHeading ,"Verdana",8+F_Offset); 
   setObject(next(),DoubleToStr(Trend_Bars ,0),630+price.x.offset, -10+price.y.offset,ColorHeading ,"Verdana",8+F_Offset);
   setObject(next(),"Trend",695+price.x.offset, -10+price.y.offset,ColorHeading ,FX_T,9+F_Offset);
   setObject(next(),StringSubstr((T),0),655+price.x.offset, -10+price.y.offset,ColorHeading ,FX_T,9+F_Offset);}

   setObject(next(),SpacerText1,88+price.x.offset, 30+price.y.offset,DarkGray ,FX_T,17+F_Offset,90);  
   setObject(next(),SpacerText1,199+price.x.offset, 30+price.y.offset,DarkGray ,FX_T,17+F_Offset,90);
   setObject(next(),SpacerText1,270+price.x.offset, 30+price.y.offset,DarkGray ,FX_T,17+F_Offset,90);
   setObject(next(),SpacerText1,350+price.x.offset, 30+price.y.offset,DarkGray ,FX_T,17+F_Offset,90);
   setObject(next(),SpacerText1,430+price.x.offset, 30+price.y.offset,DarkGray ,FX_T,17+F_Offset,90);
   setObject(next(),SpacerText1,520+price.x.offset, 30+price.y.offset,DarkGray ,FX_T,17+F_Offset,90);
   setObject(next(),SpacerText1,600+price.x.offset, 30+price.y.offset,DarkGray ,FX_T,17+F_Offset,90);
   setObject(next(),SpacerText1,745+price.x.offset, 30+price.y.offset,DarkGray ,FX_T,17+F_Offset,90);
   setObject(next(),SpacerText1,840+price.x.offset, 30+price.y.offset,DarkGray ,FX_T,17+F_Offset,90);
   setObject(next(),SpacerText1,930+price.x.offset, 30+price.y.offset,DarkGray ,FX_T,17+F_Offset,90);
   setObject(next(),SpacerText1,1002+price.x.offset, 30+price.y.offset,DarkGray ,FX_T,17+F_Offset,90);
   setObject(next(),SpacerText1,-25+price.x.offset, 30+price.y.offset,DarkGray ,FX_T,17+F_Offset,90);
   setObject(next(),SpacerText2,0+price.x.offset,   -5+price.y.offset,  DarkGray ,FX_T,6+F_Offset);
   setObject(next(),SpacerText2,250+price.x.offset, -5+price.y.offset,DarkGray ,FX_T,6+F_Offset);
   setObject(next(),SpacerText2,450+price.x.offset, -5+price.y.offset,DarkGray ,FX_T,6+F_Offset);
   setObject(next(),SpacerText2,650+price.x.offset, -5+price.y.offset,DarkGray ,FX_T,6+F_Offset);
   setObject(next(),SpacerText2,650+price.x.offset, 21+price.y.offset,DarkGray ,FX_T,6+F_Offset);
   setObject(next(),SpacerText2,380+price.x.offset, 21+price.y.offset,DarkGray ,FX_T,6+F_Offset);
   setObject(next(),SpacerText2,100+price.x.offset, 21+price.y.offset,DarkGray ,FX_T,6+F_Offset);
   setObject(next(),SpacerText1,0+price.x.offset, 21+price.y.offset,DarkGray ,FX_T,6+F_Offset);
   color ColorCX105 ;  
   if(CC2 >= C2_2 ) { ColorCX105 =LimeGreen ; }else { ColorCX105 =Red ; }   
   color ColorCX106 ;  
   if(CC3 >= C3_3 ) { ColorCX106 =LimeGreen ; }else { ColorCX106 =Red ; }
   color ColorCX107 ;  
   if(CC4 >= C4_4 ) { ColorCX107 =LimeGreen ; }else { ColorCX107 =Red ; }
   color ColorCX108 ;  
   if(CC5 >= C5_5 ) { ColorCX108 =LimeGreen ; }else { ColorCX108 =Red ; }
   color ColorCX109 ;  
   if(CC6 >= C6_6 ) { ColorCX109 =LimeGreen ; }else { ColorCX109 =Red ; }   
   color ColorCX110 ;  
   if(CC7 >= C7_7 ) { ColorCX110 =LimeGreen ; }else { ColorCX110 =Red ; }
   setObject(next(),"-",616+price.x.offset, 24+price.y.offset,ColorCX105 ,FX_T,30+F_Offset,90);
   setObject(next(),"-",639+price.x.offset, 24+price.y.offset,ColorCX106 ,FX_T,30+F_Offset,90);
   setObject(next(),"-",660+price.x.offset, 24+price.y.offset,ColorCX107 ,FX_T,30+F_Offset,90);
   setObject(next(),"-",683+price.x.offset, 24+price.y.offset,ColorCX108 ,FX_T,30+F_Offset,90);  
   setObject(next(),"-",708+price.x.offset, 24+price.y.offset,ColorCX109 ,FX_T,30+F_Offset,90);
   setObject(next(),"-",730+price.x.offset, 24+price.y.offset,ColorCX110 ,FX_T,30+F_Offset,90);
   setObject(next(),"5",630+price.x.offset, 13+price.y.offset,ColorHeading ,"Verdana",8+F_Offset);
   setObject(next(),"15",648+price.x.offset, 13+price.y.offset,ColorHeading ,"Verdana",8+F_Offset);
   setObject(next(),"30",670+price.x.offset, 13+price.y.offset,ColorHeading ,"Verdana",8+F_Offset);
   setObject(next(),"60",692+price.x.offset, 13+price.y.offset,ColorHeading ,"Verdana",8+F_Offset);
   setObject(next(),"H4",715+price.x.offset, 13+price.y.offset,ColorHeading ,"Verdana",8+F_Offset);
   setObject(next(),"D1",739+price.x.offset, 13+price.y.offset, ColorHeading ,"Verdana",8+F_Offset);
   setObject(next(),"Candle Color",657+price.x.offset, -10+price.y.offset,ColorHeading ,FX_T,9+F_Offset);}

   color LabelColor;     
   int SpX = 615, SpX2=7;
   for(i=Trend_Bars; i>=0; i--)
      BTX1 =iMA(S, TimeFrame,MAP,0,1,1,i);
      BTX1_1 =iMA(S, TimeFrame,MAP,0,0,0,i);       
      LabelColor =Red;
      if(BTX1_1 > BTX1) LabelColor =Lime;
      SpX = SpX+ SpX2;
      setObject(next(),"-",SpX+price.x.offset, 25+price.y.offset,LabelColor ,FX_T,30,90);}


string next() { totalLabels++; return(totalLabels); }  

string MakeUniqueName(string first, string rest)
   string result = first+(MathRand()%1001)+rest;

   while (WindowFind(result)> 0)
          result = first+(MathRand()%1001)+rest;

void setObject(string name,string text,int x,int y,color theColor, string font = "Arial",int size=10,int angle=0)
   string labelName = StringConcatenate(labelNames,name);

      if (ObjectFind(labelName) == -1)
             if (angle != 0)

//---- done



Market Information Used:

Series array that contains close prices for each bar
Series array that contains open prices of each bar
Series array that contains the highest prices of each bar
Series array that contains the lowest prices of each bar

Indicator Curves created:

Indicators Used:

Moving average indicator

Custom Indicators Used:

Order Management characteristics:

Other Features: