
|			       |
| Shared by www.Aptrafx.com    |
|			       |

//												EMA_CROSS_Derk_v01.mq4
//												Originally by: Coders Guru
//												http://www.forex-tsd.com
// Modified by Robert Hill as follows:
// -----------------------------------
// 6/4/2006		Fixed bugs and added exit on fresh cross option
//				Added use of TakeProfit of 0
//				Modified for trade on open of closed candle
//				Added Trades in this symbol and MagicNumber check
//				to allow trades on different currencies at same time
// 7/21/2006   Added money management
//          Added calculation of MagicNumber
//          Added EMA Angle filter
// Modified by Derk Wehler as follows:
// -----------------------------------
// 7/19/2006	Reformatted code, added comments
//				Added HandleTrailingStop() function and changed start()
//				function to use it.
//				Added use of OrderReliable library
//				Added extern TrailingStopType (which should always be
//				set to either 1 or 2), for use with new HandleTrailingStop()
// 7/23/2006	Added UsePrevClose parameter, and usage in FreshCross()
// TODO: Add Money Management routine  DONE

#property copyright "Coders Guru"
#property link		"http://www.forex-tsd.com"

#include <OrderReliable_V0_2_5.mqh>

//|Money Management                                   |
extern bool MoneyManagement = true;   // Change to false if you want to shutdown money management controls.
                                     // Lots = 1 will be in effect and only 1 lot will be open regardless of equity.
extern double TradeSizePercent = 10;      // Change to whatever percent of equity you wish to risk.
extern double	Lots				= 1;
extern double MaxLots = 100.0;
//---- input parameters
extern double	TakeProfit			= 130;
extern double	StopLoss 			= 100;
extern bool UseTrailingStop = true;
extern int		TrailingStopType 	= 2;
extern double	TrailingStop		= 40;
extern double FirstMove = 20;       // Type 3  first level pip gain
extern double FirstStopLoss = 15;       // Move Stop to Breakeven
extern double SecondMove = 30;       // Type 3 second level pip gain
extern double SecondStopLoss = 20;       // Move stop to lock is profit
extern double ThirdMove = 40;
extern double TrailingStop3 = 20;       // Move stop and trail from there

extern int 		ShortEma 			= 10;	// 17?
extern int 		LongEma 			= 80;	// 40?
extern bool 	ExitOnCross 		= false;
extern bool		UsePrevClose		= true;
extern int 		SignalCandle 		= 1;
extern string  ExpertName="EMA_CROSS_";
extern int     MagicCode = 5;

// EMA Angle parameters
extern bool UseEMA_Angle = true;
extern double AngleTreshold=0.2;
extern int StartEMAShift=3;
extern int EndEMAShift=0;

int      MagicNumber;  // Magic number of the trades. must be unique to identify
string   nameEA;             // identifies the expert

// expert initialization function
int init()
    MagicNumber = MagicCode*1000 + func_Symbol2Val(Symbol())*100 + func_TimeFrame_Const2Val(Period());
    nameEA = ExpertName + Symbol() + "_" + func_TimeFrame_Val2String(func_TimeFrame_Const2Val(Period()));


// expert deinitialization function
int deinit()

//                                                    EMA_Angle.mq4 
//                                                          jpkfox
// You can use this indicator to measure when the EMA angle is
// "near zero". AngleTreshold determines when the angle for the
// EMA is "about zero": This is when the value is between
// [-AngleTreshold, AngleTreshold] (or when the histogram is red).
//   EMAPeriod: EMA period 
//   AngleTreshold: The angle value is "about zero" when it is
//     between the values [-AngleTreshold, AngleTreshold].
//   StartEMAShift: The starting point to calculate the 
//     angle. This is a shift value to the left from the
//     observation point. Should be StartEMAShift > EndEMAShift.
//   StartEMAShift: The ending point to calculate the
//     angle. This is a shift value to the left from the
//     observation point. Should be StartEMAShift > EndEMAShift.
//  Return 1 for up OK
//  Return -1 for down OK
//  Return 0 for too flat
int EMA_Angle(int EMAPeriod)
   double fEndMA, fStartMA;
   double fAngle, mFactor, dFactor;
   double angle;
   int ShiftDif;
   string Sym;
   dFactor = 2*3.14159/180.0;
   mFactor = 10000.0;
   Sym = StringSubstr(Symbol(),3,3);
   if (Sym == "JPY") mFactor = 100.0;
   ShiftDif = StartEMAShift-EndEMAShift;
   mFactor /= ShiftDif; 

      // 10000.0 : Multiply by 10000 so that the fAngle is not too small
      // for the indicator Window.
      fAngle = mFactor * (fEndMA - fStartMA)/2.0;
//      fAngle = MathArctan(fAngle)/dFactor;

      if(fAngle > AngleTreshold)
      else if (fAngle < -AngleTreshold)
      else return(0);

//								FreshCross()
//	Function to tell whether or not there is a "fresh" cross.  
//		1:	If the short MA line is above the long, and was below on the  
//			previous candle
//		2:	If the short MA line is below the long, and was above on the  
//			previous candle
//		0:	If the the EMA lines of the current and previous candle are 
//			in the same position relative to each other
int FreshCross()
	double SEma, LEma,SEmaP, LEmaP;
	int emaAngle;
	SEma = iMA(NULL, 0, ShortEma, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, SignalCandle);
	LEma = iMA(NULL, 0, LongEma, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, SignalCandle);
	SEmaP = iMA(NULL, 0, ShortEma, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, SignalCandle+1);
	LEmaP = iMA(NULL, 0, LongEma, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, SignalCandle+1);

	emaAngle = EMA_Angle(LongEma);
	// Don't work in the first load, wait for the first cross!
	if (UsePrevClose)	// use cross plus previous candle's close
     if(SEma>LEma && SEmaP < LEmaP && Close[SignalCandle+1] > SEmaP && Ask > SEmaP && emaAngle == 1) return(1); //up
     if(SEma<LEma && SEmaP > LEmaP && Close[SignalCandle+1] < SEmaP && Bid < SEmaP && emaAngle == -1) return(2); //down
	else	// Normal method --just use cross
     if (SEma > LEma && SEmaP < LEmaP && emaAngle == 1) return(1); // up
	  if (SEma < LEma && SEmaP > LEmaP && emaAngle == -1) return(2); // down

	return (0); // has not changed

//								CheckOpenTrades()
//		The number of trades this EA has currently open
int CheckOpenTrades()
	int cnt;
	int NumTrades;	// Number of buy and sell trades in this symbol
	NumTrades = 0;
	for (cnt=OrdersTotal()-1; cnt>=0; cnt--)
		OrderSelect (cnt, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);
		if (OrderSymbol() != Symbol()) 
		if (OrderMagicNumber() != MagicNumber)
		if (OrderType() == OP_BUY)  
		if (OrderType() == OP_SELL) 
	return (NumTrades);

// expert start function
int start()
	int cnt, ticket, total, isCrossed;
   double lotMM;
	double TP;	
	if (Bars < 100)
		Print("bars less than 100");

	isCrossed = FreshCross();
	total = CheckOpenTrades();
	if (total < 1) 
      lotMM = GetLots();
		if (isCrossed == 1)
			TP = 0;
			if (TakeProfit > 0) 
				TP = Ask + TakeProfit * Point;
			ticket = OrderSendReliable(Symbol(), OP_BUY, lotMM, Ask, 3, Ask - StopLoss*Point, 
										TP, nameEA, MagicNumber, 0, Green);
			if (ticket > 0)
				if (OrderSelect(ticket,SELECT_BY_TICKET,MODE_TRADES)) 
					Print("BUY order opened : ", OrderOpenPrice());
				Print("Error opening BUY order : ", GetLastError()); 
		if (isCrossed == 2)
			TP = 0;
			if (TakeProfit > 0) 
				TP = Bid - TakeProfit * Point;
			ticket = OrderSendReliable(Symbol(), OP_SELL, lotMM, Bid, 3, Bid + StopLoss*Point,
										TP, nameEA, MagicNumber, 0, Red);
			if (ticket > 0)
				if (OrderSelect(ticket, SELECT_BY_TICKET, MODE_TRADES)) 
					Print("SELL order opened : ", OrderOpenPrice());
				Print("Error opening SELL order : ", GetLastError()); 
	for (cnt=0; cnt < total; cnt++)
		OrderSelect(cnt, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);
		if (OrderSymbol() != Symbol() || OrderMagicNumber() != MagicNumber)

		// Should it be closed because of a cross reversal?
		bool result = false;
		if (ExitOnCross && isCrossed != 0)
			// We have a long position open and MAs have switched
			if (OrderType() == OP_BUY && isCrossed == 2)
				// Close position
				result = OrderCloseReliable(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Bid, 3, Violet); 
				if (!result)
					Print("In OP_BUY, ExitOnCross=TRUE && isCrossed=2, but FAILED to exit.");
					Alert("In OP_BUY, ExitOnCross=TRUE && isCrossed=2, but FAILED to exit.");
			// We have a short position open and MAs have switched
			else if (OrderType() == OP_SELL && isCrossed == 1)
				// Close position
				result = OrderCloseReliable(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Ask, 3, Violet);
				if (!result)
					Print("In OP_SELL, ExitOnCross=TRUE && isCrossed=1, but FAILED to exit.");
					Alert("In OP_SELL, ExitOnCross=TRUE && isCrossed=1, but FAILED to exit.");
		if (!result && UseTrailingStop)	// Handle mods to trailing stop
			HandleTrailingStop(OrderType(), OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), OrderStopLoss(), OrderTakeProfit());


// 							HandleTrailingStop()
//	Type 1 moves the stoploss without delay.
//	Type 2 waits for price to move the amount of the trailStop
//	before moving stop loss then moves like type 1
//	Type 3 uses up to 3 levels for trailing stop
//		Level 1 Move stop to 1st level
//		Level 2 Move stop to 2nd level
//		Level 3 Trail like type 1 by fixed amount other than 1
//			NOTE: Level3 Removed for now (see below) 
//	Possible future types
//	Type 4 uses 2 for 1, every 2 pip move moves stop 1 pip
//	Type 5 uses 3 for 1, every 3 pip move moves stop 1 pip
//		type:		OP_BUY or OP_SELL
//		ticket:		the ticket number
//		open_price:	the order's open price
//		cur_sl:		the order's current StopLoss value
//		cur_tp:		the order's current TakeProfit value
//		zero for now
//  Calling example 
//	HandleTrailingStop("BUY",OrderTicket(),OrderOpenPrice(),OrderStopLoss(),OrderTakeProfit());
int HandleTrailingStop(int type, int ticket, double open_price, double cur_sl, double cur_tp)
	double pt, TS = 0;

	if (type == OP_BUY)
		switch (TrailingStopType)
			case 1: 
				pt = Point * StopLoss;
				if (Bid - cur_sl > pt) 
					OrderModifyReliable(ticket, open_price, Bid - pt, cur_tp, 0, Aqua);
			case 2: 
				pt = Point * TrailingStop;
				if (Bid - open_price > pt && (cur_sl < Bid - pt || cur_sl == 0))
					OrderModifyReliable(ticket, open_price, Bid - pt, cur_tp, 0, Aqua);

//*	Removed until we decide if we really want this for this EA
			case 3: 
				if (Bid - open_price > FirstMove * Point)
					TS = open_price + FirstMove * Point - FirstStopLoss * Point;
					if (cur_sl < TS)
						OrderModifyReliable(ticket, open_price, TS, cur_tp, 0, Aqua);

				if (Bid - open_price > SecondMove * Point)
					TS = open_price + SecondMove * Point - SecondStopLoss * Point;
					if (cur_sl < TS)
						OrderModifyReliable(ticket, open_price, TS, cur_tp, 0, Aqua);
	 			if (Bid - open_price > ThirdMove * Point)
		 			TS = Bid  - TrailingStop3 * Point;
	 				if (cur_sl < TS)
						OrderModifyReliable(ticket, open_price, TS, cur_tp, 0, Aqua);

	else if (type ==  OP_SELL)
		switch (TrailingStopType)
			case 1: 
				pt = Point * StopLoss;
				if (cur_sl - Ask > pt) 
					OrderModifyReliable(ticket, open_price, Ask+pt, cur_tp, 0, Aqua);
			case 2: 
				pt = Point * TrailingStop;
				if (open_price - Ask > pt && (cur_sl > Ask + pt || cur_sl == 0))
					OrderModifyReliable(ticket, open_price, Ask+pt, cur_tp, 0, Aqua);
//*	Removed until we decide if we really want this for this EA
			case 3: 
				if (open_price - Ask > FirstMove * Point)
					TS = open_price - FirstMove * Point + FirstStopLoss * Point;
					if (cur_sl > TS)
						OrderModifyReliable(ticket, open_price, TS, cur_tp, 0, Aqua);
				if (open_price - Ask > SecondMove * Point)
					TS = open_price - SecondMove * Point + SecondStopLoss * Point;
					if (cur_sl > TS)
						OrderModifyReliable(ticket, open_price, TS, cur_tp, 0, Aqua);
				if (open_price - Ask > ThirdMove * Point)
					TS = Ask + TrailingStop3 * Point;					
					if (cur_sl > TS)
						OrderModifyReliable(ticket, open_price, TS, cur_tp, 0, Aqua);

//| Get number of lots for this trade                                |
double GetLots()
   double lot;
   lot = Lots;
     lot = LotsOptimized();
   if (lot >= 1.0) lot = MathFloor(lot); else lot = 1.0;

//| Calculate optimal lot size                                       |

double LotsOptimized()
   double lot=Lots;
//---- select lot size
  // Check if mini or standard Account

    if (lot < 1.0) lot = 1.0;
    if (lot > MaxLots) lot = MaxLots;


//| Time frame interval appropriation  function                      |

int func_TimeFrame_Const2Val(int Constant ) {
   switch(Constant) {
      case 1:  // M1
      case 5:  // M5
      case 15:
      case 30:
      case 60:
      case 240:
      case 1440:
      case 10080:
      case 43200:

//| Time frame string appropriation  function                               |

string func_TimeFrame_Val2String(int Value ) {
   switch(Value) {
      case 1:  // M1
      case 2:  // M1
      case 3:
      case 4:
      case 5:
      case 6:
      case 7:
      case 8:
      case 9:
   		return("undefined " + Value);

int func_Symbol2Val(string symbol) {
   string mySymbol = StringSubstr(symbol,0,6);
	if(mySymbol=="AUDCAD") return(1);
	if(mySymbol=="AUDJPY") return(2);
	if(mySymbol=="AUDNZD") return(3);
	if(mySymbol=="AUDUSD") return(4);
	if(mySymbol=="CHFJPY") return(5);
	if(mySymbol=="EURAUD") return(6);
	if(mySymbol=="EURCAD") return(7);
	if(mySymbol=="EURCHF") return(8);
	if(mySymbol=="EURGBP") return(9);
	if(mySymbol=="EURJPY") return(10);
	if(mySymbol=="EURUSD") return(11);
	if(mySymbol=="GBPCHF") return(12);
	if(mySymbol=="GBPJPY") return(13);
	if(mySymbol=="GBPUSD") return(14);
	if(mySymbol=="NZDUSD") return(15);
	if(mySymbol=="USDCAD") return(16);
	if(mySymbol=="USDCHF") return(17);
	if(mySymbol=="USDJPY") return(18);



Market Information Used:

Series array that contains close prices for each bar

Indicator Curves created:

Indicators Used:

Moving average indicator

Custom Indicators Used:

Order Management characteristics:
Checks for the total of open orders

Other Features:

It issuies visual alerts to the screen