
//| mtf                                       i-GentorCCIM_v.1.1.mq4 |
//|                                                  Egorov Gennadiy |
//|   2005.08.20 KimIV  v.0.0                                        |
//| Íåìíîãî ìîäåðíèçèðîâàë, äîáàâèâ LSMA è ïîìåíÿâ å¸ ìåñòàìè ñ ÅÌÀ  |
//|   2005.08.20 KimIV  v.0.1                                        |
//| Îñâîáîäèë îäèí áóôåð                                             |
//|   2005.08.20 KimIV  v.0.2                                        |
//| Óáðàë LSMA è EMA.                                                |
//| Ñäåëàë ñèãíàëüíûé øåñòîé áàð è òðåíäîâóþ ðàñêðàñêó               |
//|   2005.08.20 KimIV  v.0.3                                        |
//| Ïîïûòêà óáðàòü ãëþê ñ òðåíäîâîé îêðàñêîé.                        |
//|   2005.08.21 KimIV  v.0.4                                        |
//| Ïîñëåäîâàòåëüíîñòü îòðèñîâêè ëèíèé (TCCI ïîâåðõ îñòàëüíûõ).      |
//| Êîììåíòàðèè.                                                     |
//|   2005.08.21 KimIV  v.1.0                                        |
//| Íîìåð ñèãíàëüíîãî áàðà è äåëüòó âî âíåøíèå ïàðàìåòðû.            |
//|   2005.08.21 KimIV  v.1.1                                        |
//| Â êîììåíòû âûâåë ðàññòîÿíèÿ ìåæäó EMA, LSMA è Close.             |
//mod2008fxtsd ki

#property copyright "Egorov Gennadiy, FX Sniper, KimIV"
#property link      ""

#property indicator_separate_window
#property indicator_maximum 300
#property indicator_minimum -300
#property indicator_buffers 7

#property indicator_color1 Silver
#property indicator_color2 Yellow
#property indicator_color3 MediumSeaGreen
#property indicator_color4 DarkOrchid      
#property indicator_color5 DarkSlateGray
#property indicator_color6 Red
#property indicator_color7 DarkOrange

#property  indicator_width1  1
#property  indicator_width2  2
#property  indicator_width3  2
#property  indicator_width4  2
#property  indicator_width5  1
#property  indicator_width6  1
#property  indicator_width7  1

#property indicator_level1 300
#property indicator_level2 200
#property indicator_level3 100
#property indicator_level4 50
#property indicator_level5 -50
#property indicator_level6 -100
#property indicator_level7 -200
#property indicator_level8 -300

#property indicator_levelcolor DarkOliveGreen

//------- Âíåøíèå ïàðàìåòðû ------------------------------------------
extern int    FastCCIPeriod   = 6;     // Ïåðèîä áûñòðîãî CCI
extern int    SlowCCIPeriod   = 14;    // Ïåðèîä ìåäëåííîãî CCI
extern int    NSignalBar      = 5;     // Íîìåð ñèãíàëüíîãî áàðà
extern int    Delta           = 6;     // Äîïóñê â áàðàõ
extern bool   MarkBarClose          = true;
extern int    MarkLevel             = -25;

extern int timeFrame = 0;
extern string  timeFrames = "M1;5,15,30,60H1;240H4;1440D1;10080W1;43200MN|0-CurrentTF";

//------- Áóôåðû èíäèêàòîðà ------------------------------------------
double HistCCI[];
double SignalBar[];
double TrendUp[];
double TrendDn[];
double SlowCCI[];
double FastCCI[];
string IndicatorFileName;
double BarCloseMark[];

//------- Ãëîáàëüíûå ïåðåìåííûå --------------------------------------


void init() {

  SetIndexBuffer(0, HistCCI);
  SetIndexBuffer(1, SignalBar);
  SetIndexBuffer(2, TrendUp);
  SetIndexBuffer(3, TrendDn);
  SetIndexBuffer(4, SlowCCI);
  SetIndexBuffer(5, FastCCI);
  SetIndexStyle (0, DRAW_HISTOGRAM);
  SetIndexStyle (1, DRAW_HISTOGRAM);
  SetIndexStyle (2, DRAW_HISTOGRAM);
  SetIndexStyle (3, DRAW_HISTOGRAM);
  SetIndexStyle (4, DRAW_LINE);
  SetIndexStyle (5, DRAW_LINE);
  SetIndexStyle (6, DRAW_ARROW);
  SetIndexArrow (6, 158);


  SetIndexLabel (0, "");
  SetIndexLabel (1, "");
  SetIndexLabel (2, "");
  SetIndexLabel (3, "");
  SetIndexLabel (4, "trendCCI");
  SetIndexLabel (5, "turboCCI");
  SetIndexLabel (6, "");

      case 1 : string TimeFrameStr= "M1";  break;
      case 5 : TimeFrameStr=        "M5";  break;
      case 15 : TimeFrameStr=       "M15"; break;
      case 30 : TimeFrameStr=       "M30"; break;
      case 60 : TimeFrameStr=       "H1";  break;
      case 240 : TimeFrameStr=      "H4";  break;
      case 1440 : TimeFrameStr=     "D1";  break;
      case 10080 : TimeFrameStr=    "W1";  break;
      case 43200 : TimeFrameStr=    "MN1"; break;
      default : TimeFrameStr=       "TF0";

IndicatorShortName("iGenWCCIv1.1M [" + TimeFrameStr + "] (" + FastCCIPeriod + ","+SlowCCIPeriod+")  ");   

   IndicatorFileName = WindowExpertName();
   timeFrame         = MathMax(timeFrame,Period());

     if( MarkBarClose && timeFrame > Period())     
   SetIndexStyle(6,DRAW_ARROW);  else   SetIndexStyle(6,DRAW_NONE);

   SetIndexShift(6, timeFrame/Period());



int start() 
  bool fcu=False, fcd=False, fup=False, fdn=False;
  int shift, ss;

   int counted_bars=IndicatorCounted();
   int i,limit;

   if(counted_bars<0) return(-1);
   if(counted_bars>0) counted_bars--;

   if (timeFrame != Period())
      datetime TimeArray[];
         limit = MathMax(limit,timeFrame/Period());
         ArrayCopySeries(TimeArray ,MODE_TIME ,NULL,timeFrame);
         for(i=0,int y=0; i<limit; i++)
            if(Time[i]<TimeArray[y]) y++;
   HistCCI[i]     = iCustom(NULL,timeFrame,IndicatorFileName,FastCCIPeriod,SlowCCIPeriod,
                           NSignalBar,Delta,MarkBarClose,MarkLevel, 0,y);
   SignalBar[i]   = iCustom(NULL,timeFrame,IndicatorFileName,FastCCIPeriod,SlowCCIPeriod,
                           NSignalBar,Delta,MarkBarClose,MarkLevel, 1,y);
   TrendUp[i]     = iCustom(NULL,timeFrame,IndicatorFileName,FastCCIPeriod,SlowCCIPeriod,
                           NSignalBar,Delta,MarkBarClose,MarkLevel, 2,y);
   TrendDn[i]     = iCustom(NULL,timeFrame,IndicatorFileName,FastCCIPeriod,SlowCCIPeriod,
                           NSignalBar,Delta,MarkBarClose,MarkLevel, 3,y);
   SlowCCI[i]     = iCustom(NULL,timeFrame,IndicatorFileName,FastCCIPeriod,SlowCCIPeriod,
                           NSignalBar,Delta,MarkBarClose,MarkLevel, 4,y);
   FastCCI[i]     = iCustom(NULL,timeFrame,IndicatorFileName,FastCCIPeriod,SlowCCIPeriod,
                           NSignalBar,Delta,MarkBarClose,MarkLevel, 5,y);
   BarCloseMark[i]   = iCustom(NULL,timeFrame,IndicatorFileName,FastCCIPeriod,SlowCCIPeriod,
                           NSignalBar,Delta,MarkBarClose,MarkLevel, 6,y);


  for (shift=Bars; shift>=0; shift--) {
    TrendUp[shift] = 0;
    TrendDn[shift] = 0;
    FastCCI[shift] = iCCI(NULL, 0, FastCCIPeriod, PRICE_TYPICAL, shift);
    SlowCCI[shift] = iCCI(NULL, 0, SlowCCIPeriod, PRICE_TYPICAL, shift);
    HistCCI[shift] = SlowCCI[shift];
    BarCloseMark[shift] =MarkLevel;

    if (HistCCI[shift+1]*HistCCI[shift]<0) {
      if (ss<=Delta) {
        if (fup && HistCCI[shift]>0) fcu = True;
        else fcu = False;
        if (fdn && HistCCI[shift]<0) fcd = True;
        else fcd = False;
      } else {
        if (ss<NSignalBar) {
          fup = False; fdn = False;
          fcu = False; fcd = False;
      ss = 1;
    } else ss++;
    if (ss==NSignalBar) SignalBar[shift] = HistCCI[shift];
    else SignalBar[shift] = 0;
    if ((ss>NSignalBar || fcu) && HistCCI[shift]>0) {
      TrendUp[shift] = HistCCI[shift];
      fup = True; fdn = False; fcd = False;

    if ((ss>NSignalBar || fcd) && HistCCI[shift]<0) {
      TrendDn[shift] = HistCCI[shift];
      fdn = True; fup = False; fcu = False;




Market Information Used:

Series array that contains open time of each bar

Indicator Curves created:

Implements a curve of type DRAW_ARROW
Implements a curve of type DRAW_NONE

Indicators Used:

Commodity channel index

Custom Indicators Used:

Order Management characteristics:

Other Features: