
|			       |
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//|                                               Michelangelo.mq4   |
//|                      Copyright © 2005, Matt Kennel               |
//|                                                                  |
//|  Algorithm:  Apply a H/L indicator like SMI, avg'd w/ power law  |
//|              lengths.   Then apply a Kaufman AMA filter.         |
//|              Then a 'signal' EMA.  Use crossover of this as      |
//|              potential trading signal.                           |
//|                                                                  |
//|  Idea:       Try to stay on the side of a trend but reverse      |
//|              quickly if there is a breakout.  KaufmanAMA can     |
//|              be made sensitive to those.                         |
//|                                                                  |
//|  Revision date:  2005-11-30                                      |
//|                                                                  |
//|  History:                                                        |
//|  2005-11-30:   Added BreakoutEnhancementFactor to give more      |
//|                weight to breakouts.                              |
//|                                                                  |
//|  2005-11-28:   Upload to Yahoo groups.                           |
//|                                                                  |
// with additional requirement that any use of this code for money management
// purposes for all uses except personal trading for one's own account
// (or immediate family members) must be licensed specially with the author.   
// Such uses are encouraged, but require separate licensing. 
// Sale or redistribution of this code in any way must be accompanied 
// with source code per GPL terms.

#property copyright "Copyright © 2005, Matt Kennel (mbkennel@gmail.com)"
#property link      "http://www.metatrader.org"

#property indicator_separate_window
#property indicator_buffers 2
#property indicator_color1 White
#property indicator_color2 Red
#property indicator_level1 0
//---- input parameters

// Try these on M30 charts on trendy currencies.
// Brief run-down.  Structure is derived from "SMI" indicator. 
// The first part, minkernel, maxkernel, and exponent
// correspond to the power-law averaging of relative position of self to 
// highs and lows.   The underlying statistic is sort of like a "stochastic",
// the purpose of the averaging is to not be as dependent on a single, fixed lookback.
// If the present Close is above or below prior highs then an additional boost is
// given per BreakoutEnhancementFactor. (set to zero to turn off). 
// The relative position and range series (kept separate here) are each subjected
// to a Kaufman adaptive moving average.  This AMA computes an internal 'signal to noise'
// ratio to see if it is choppy (no consistent trend), in which case the smoothing is strong
// and laggy, or if it feels like a continuing trend, in which case the smoothing is light
// and fast.  Parameters here are "periodAMA", which is the lookback for S/N, nfast, and nslow
// which control the range between fastest and slowest smoothing, and "G".  This is an exponent
// which, for larger values than '1', more greatly emphasize the high S/N versus low.  In practice,
// this means that for larger 'G', there are more flat periods, and then more sensitive to breakouts.
// After the KaufmanAMA filtering, the two series are 
// "predictively EMA filtered" (similar to a Hull MA), with parameter Period_R,
// and then divided to form the main indicator line in white.
// Finally, this indicator line is filtered with a conventional EMA with period 'Signal'
// to give the red signal line.  Trading signals are generally a crossover of white 
// with red, with the slope of the white in the proper direction.    This will probably
// require intra-bar consideration for breakouts when used in real-time trading. 
// Other possible trading signal could be just an absolute change in direction of the
// underlying statistic, ignoring the red signal line.   Who knows? 
// Best nutshell description is "a bastardized sort of trend-following stochastic",
// or otherwise "WTF?".  But it does occasionally seem to show some nice signals
// on trendy currencies.   Probably not good on choppy USD/CAD or highly reversing crosses. 

// PLEASE EXPERIMENT WITH PARAMETERS HEAVILY, and report to the Yahoo! group and
// www.metatrader.org.
// There is nothing sacred with these. 
// They have quite distinct effects depending on the setting, timescale and their values.

// High-Low offset kernel parameters.
extern int       minkernel=1;
extern int       maxkernel=80; 
extern double    Exponent=1.0; 
int    KernelLength;
double kernel[]; 
double working[]; 

// Predictive EMA Smoothing parameter.
extern double    Period_R=3; 

// Kaufman AMA parameters
extern int       periodAMA=12;
extern int       nfast=6;
extern int       nslow=60;
extern double    G=2.5;

// How much 
extern double    BreakoutEnhancementFactor = 4.0; 

// how much extra to add for breakouts. 

extern double    Signal=5;
extern bool      flip = false;   // if True, then reverse order of PEMA and Kaufman AMA
extern bool      emit_running_values = true; 
// if true then emit running values to Journal output ("Experts") tab

//extern int       SignalShift=0;
//---- buffers
double Michelangelo[];
double Signal_Buffer[];
double SM_Buffer[];
double EMA_SM[];
double EMA2_SM[];
double EMA_HQ[];
double EMA2_HQ[];
double HQ_Buffer[];
//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int init()
//---- indicators
   SetIndexLabel(1,"Signal Michelangelo");
   string comment ="Michelangelo: PL["+minkernel+","+maxkernel+"],AMA["+periodAMA+","+nfast+","+nslow+","+G+"],PEMA["+Period_R+"],Signal["+Signal+"]";
   if (flip)
      comment = comment+" flip=true";
      comment = comment+" flip=false"; 
   KernelLength= maxkernel+1;
//| Custor indicator deinitialization function                       |
int deinit()
//---- TODO: add your code here
//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int start()
   int    counted_bars=IndicatorCounted();
   int i;
   if(counted_bars<0) return(-1);
   if(counted_bars>0) counted_bars--;
   int potentialbars = Bars-counted_bars;  
   // Indicator logic. 
   // First time in, counted_bars will be zero and we do full computation.
   // Each additional tick, start() will be counted again (but not init())
   // and counted bars will be much larger, and we only recompute
   // what needs to be recomputed. 
   // we cannot go back further than Bars-maxkernel-1; 
   int limit1 = MathMin(potentialbars,Bars-maxkernel-1);
   for (i=limit1;i>=0;i--)

      for (int j=minkernel; j<=maxkernel; j++) {
         double H = High[Highest(NULL,0,MODE_HIGH,j,i+1)];
         double L = Low[Lowest(NULL,0,MODE_LOW,j,i+1)];
         double delta = H-L;
         if (delta < Point) delta = Point; // one pip difference minimum.
         working[j] = delta;
      HQ_Buffer[i] = convolve(working,kernel,minkernel,maxkernel); 
      for (j=minkernel; j<=maxkernel; j++) {
         H = High[Highest(NULL,0,MODE_HIGH,j,i+1)];
         L = Low[Lowest(NULL,0,MODE_LOW,j,i+1)];
         double C= Close[i];
         double val = C - (H+L)/2.0;
//         if (C < L) C = L;
//         if (C > H) C = H;
         if (C > H)
            val += (C-H)*BreakoutEnhancementFactor; 
         if (C <L)
            val -= (L-C)*BreakoutEnhancementFactor;
         working[j] = val; 
      SM_Buffer[i] = convolve(working,kernel,minkernel,maxkernel);

   // These next computations have theoretically 'infinite' depth
   // therefore we need to do them from the beginning on each tick.

   int limit2 = Bars-maxkernel-1;
   if (flip) {
     // EMA predictive then kaufman
     EMAPredictiveSmoothOnArray(limit2, Period_R, Period_R, SM_Buffer, EMA_SM); 
     EMAPredictiveSmoothOnArray(limit2, Period_R, Period_R, HQ_Buffer, EMA_HQ); 
     KaufmanOnArray(limit2, EMA_SM, EMA2_SM, periodAMA, nfast, nslow, G);
     KaufmanOnArray(limit2, EMA_HQ, EMA2_HQ, periodAMA, nfast, nslow, G);
   } else {
      // kaufman then EMApredictive
     KaufmanOnArray(limit2, SM_Buffer, EMA_SM, periodAMA, nfast, nslow, G);
     KaufmanOnArray(limit2, HQ_Buffer, EMA_HQ, periodAMA, nfast, nslow, G);
     EMAPredictiveSmoothOnArray(limit2, Period_R, Period_R, EMA_SM, EMA2_SM); 
     EMAPredictiveSmoothOnArray(limit2, Period_R, Period_R, EMA_HQ, EMA2_HQ); 
   int limit3 = limit2-periodAMA-Period_R; 
   for (i=limit2;i>=0;i--) {
      val = 100*EMA2_SM[i]/0.5/EMA2_HQ[i];
      if (val > 100.0) val = 100.0;
      if (val < -100.0) val = -100.0;
      if (i >= limit3) val = 0.0; 
      Michelangelo[i]= val; 
   for (i=limit2-1; i>= 0; i--) {
      val = Signal_Buffer[i];
      if (val > 500.0) val = 500.0;
      if (val < -500.0) val = -500.0;
      Signal_Buffer[i] = val;

   if (emit_running_values) { 
   // We print out the current value to the journal.  This will be
   // updated every tick--but with limit probably set to 0 or 1;
   double statisticnow = Michelangelo[0]; 
   double signalnow = Signal_Buffer[0];
   double diff = statisticnow-signalnow; 
   Print("Time="+TimeToStr(CurTime(),TIME_SECONDS)+" Michelangelo="+statisticnow+" Signal="+signalnow+" diff="+diff); 

void KaufmanOnArray(int N, double input[], double& output[], int periodAMA, int nfast, int nslow, double G) {
   // perform a Kaufman moving average on input[], saving to output[]
   double slowSC=(2.0 /(nslow+1));
   double fastSC=(2.0 /(nfast+1));
   int    i;
   double AMA0, AMA, signal, noise, ER, dSC,ERSC,wlxSSC;
 //  double noise,noise0,AMA,AMA0,signal,ER;
   int nmax = N - periodAMA-1;
   AMA0 = input[nmax+1];
   for (i=nmax; i >= 0; i--) {
      // loop down
      for(int j=0;j<periodAMA;j++)
      if (noise < Point) noise = Point; // minimum 1 pip noise
      ER =signal/noise;
      AMA0 = AMA;

   for (i=N; i > nmax;i--) {
      output[i] = input[i];


void EMAPredictiveSmoothOnArray(int N, double L, double Lfinal, double input[], double& output[]) {
// This "predictive/smoothed" EMA is very much like the HMA (hull MA).
// This particular subroutine specializes to a single "L" (input length
// is short length), and no 'time ahead'.
// Idea: do an EMA with lengths L and 2*L, and extrapolate from difference.
// That is a 'zero-lag' estimator of position, but has noise.  Then
// Do EMA with length sqrt(Lfinal) for final smoothing.
   double fastema[], slowema[], difference[];
  //Print("In EMAPredictiveSmooth, N = "+N); 
   double fastp, finalp;
   fastp = 2.0/(1.0+L);
   finalp = 2.0/(1.0+MathSqrt(Lfinal));
   for (int i=N; i>=0; i--) {
      difference[i] = 2.0*fastema[i] - slowema[i]; 

void EMAOnArray(int N, double p, double input[], double& output[]) {
   // Perform an "EMA" on array input[] with mixing parameter 'p'
   // 0 < p < 1.
   // p, conventionally is 2.0/(L+1.0) where L is the 'length' parameter.
   // In an EMA, the length and thus 'p' need not be integers.
   // initial value is input[N-1], and will set output[N-1] down to output[0].
   double omp = 1.0-p; 
   double ema = input[N-1];   
   for (int i=N-1; i>=0; i--) {
      double v = input[i];
      ema = p*v + omp*ema;
      output[i] = ema; 

void initialize_kernel(int from, int to, int KernelLength, double PowerExponent) {
   double kernelsum; 
   Print("In Initialize_kernel KernelLength = " + KernelLength); 
   kernelsum = 0.0; 
   for (int i=from; i<=to; i++) {
      kernel[i] = MathPow( (i)*0.01, -PowerExponent); 
      kernelsum += kernel[i];
   for (i = from; i<=to; i++) {
      kernel[i] = kernel[i] / kernelsum; 
double convolve(double array[], double kernel[], int from, int to) {
// return sum(i=0..n-1) array[i]*kernel[i]
// conventionally kernel[*] sums to 1, but this is not enforced here.
   double sum = 0.0;
   for (int i=from; i<to; i++) 
      sum += array[i]*kernel[i];




Market Information Used:

Series array that contains the highest prices of each bar
Series array that contains the lowest prices of each bar
Series array that contains close prices for each bar

Indicator Curves created:

Implements a curve of type DRAW_LINE

Indicators Used:

Custom Indicators Used:

Order Management characteristics:

Other Features: