
|			       |
| Shared by    |
|			       |

//|                                             MultiplePivotsV2.mq4 |
//|                      Copyright © 2005, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
//|                               |
//| Fixed Sunday/Monday problem                                      |
#property copyright "Copyright © 2005, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
#property link      ""

#property indicator_chart_window
//---- input parameters
extern int  GMTshift=0;
extern int LabelShift=20;
extern int LineShift = 40;
extern bool Pivot = true;
extern color PivotColor = Yellow;
extern color PivotFontColor = White;
extern int PivotFontSize = 8;
extern bool CamarillaPivots = false;
extern bool UseH1H2L1L2 = false;
extern color CamFontColor = White;
extern int CamFontSize = 10;
extern bool FibPivots = false;
extern color FibColor = Sienna;
extern color FibFontColor = White;
extern int FibFontSize = 8;
extern bool StandardPivots = true;
extern color StandardFontColor = White;
extern int StandardFontSize = 8;
extern color SupportColor = White;
extern color ResistanceColor = FireBrick;
extern bool MidPivots = false;
extern color MidPivotColor = White;
extern int MidFontSize = 8;

datetime LabelShiftTime, LineShiftTime;
double P, H1, H2, H3, H4, H5;
double L1, L2, L3, L4, L5;
double LastHigh,LastLow,x;
double day_high;
double day_low;
double yesterday_open;
double today_open;
double cur_day;
double prev_day;

double D1=0.091667;
double D2=0.183333;
double D3=0.2750;
double D4=0.55;

// Fib variables

double yesterday_high=0;
double yesterday_low=0;
double yesterday_close=0;
double r3=0;
double r2=0;
double r1=0;
double p=0;
double s1=0;
double s2=0;
double s3=0;
double R;

//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int init()
//---- indicators
//| Custor indicator deinitialization function                       |
int deinit()
//---- TODO: add your code here

if (CamarillaPivots)
   ObjectDelete("H5 Label");
   ObjectDelete("H5 Line");
   ObjectDelete("H4 Label");
   ObjectDelete("H4 Line");
   ObjectDelete("H3 Label");
   ObjectDelete("H3 Line");
   if (UseH1H2L1L2)
      ObjectDelete("H2 Label");
      ObjectDelete("H2 Line");
      ObjectDelete("H1 Label");
      ObjectDelete("H1 Line");
      ObjectDelete("L1 Label");
      ObjectDelete("L1 Line");
      ObjectDelete("L2 Label");
      ObjectDelete("L2 Line");
   ObjectDelete("L3 Label");
   ObjectDelete("L3 Line");
   ObjectDelete("L4 Label");
   ObjectDelete("L4 Line");
   ObjectDelete("L5 Label");
   ObjectDelete("L5 Line");

if (FibPivots)
   ObjectDelete("FibR1 Label"); 
   ObjectDelete("FibR1 Line");
   ObjectDelete("FibR2 Label");
   ObjectDelete("FibR2 Line");
   ObjectDelete("FibR3 Label");
   ObjectDelete("FibR3 Line");
   ObjectDelete("FibS1 Label");
   ObjectDelete("FibS1 Line");
   ObjectDelete("FibS2 Label");
   ObjectDelete("FibS2 Line");
   ObjectDelete("FibS3 Label");
   ObjectDelete("FibS3 Line");
if (Pivot)
   ObjectDelete("P Label");
   ObjectDelete("P Line");
if (StandardPivots)
   ObjectDelete("R1 Label"); 
   ObjectDelete("R1 Line");
   ObjectDelete("R2 Label");
   ObjectDelete("R2 Line");
   ObjectDelete("R3 Label");
   ObjectDelete("R3 Line");
   ObjectDelete("S1 Label");
   ObjectDelete("S1 Line");
   ObjectDelete("S2 Label");
   ObjectDelete("S2 Line");
   ObjectDelete("S3 Label");
   ObjectDelete("S3 Line");
if (MidPivots)
   ObjectDelete("M5 Label");
   ObjectDelete("M5 Line");
   ObjectDelete("M4 Label");
   ObjectDelete("M4 Line");
   ObjectDelete("M3 Label");
   ObjectDelete("M3 Line");
   ObjectDelete("M2 Label");
   ObjectDelete("M2 Line");
   ObjectDelete("M1 Label");
   ObjectDelete("M1 Line");
   ObjectDelete("M0 Label");
   ObjectDelete("M0 Line");


//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int start()
   int    counted_bars=IndicatorCounted();
//---- TODO: add your code here
double Q=0,S=0,R=0,M2=0,M3=0,S1=0,R1=0,M1=0,M4=0,S2=0,R2=0,M0=0,M5=0,S3=0,R3=0,nQ=0,nD=0,D=0;

int cnt=720;

//---- exit if period is greater than daily charts
if(Period() > 1440)
Print("Error - Chart period is greater than 1 day.");
return(-1); // then exit

//---- Get new daily prices & calculate pivots


while (cnt!= 0)
	if (TimeDayOfWeek(Time[cnt]) == 0)
     cur_day = prev_day;
     cur_day = TimeDay(Time[cnt]- (GMTshift*3600));
	if (prev_day != cur_day)
		yesterday_close = Close[cnt+1];
		today_open = Open[cnt];
		yesterday_high = day_high;
		yesterday_low = day_low;

		day_high = High[cnt];
		day_low  = Low[cnt];

		prev_day = cur_day;
   if (High[cnt]>day_high)
      day_high = High[cnt];
   if (Low[cnt]<day_low)
      day_low = Low[cnt];


D = (day_high - day_low);
Q = (yesterday_high - yesterday_low);
//------ Pivot Points ------

P = (yesterday_high + yesterday_low + yesterday_close)/3;//Pivot
if (CamarillaPivots)
//---- To display all 8 Camarilla pivots remove comment symbols below and
// add the appropriate object functions below
   H5 = (yesterday_high/yesterday_low)*yesterday_close;
   H4 = ((yesterday_high - yesterday_low)* D4) + yesterday_close;
   H3 = ((yesterday_high - yesterday_low)* D3) + yesterday_close;
   H2 = ((yesterday_high - yesterday_low) * D2) + yesterday_close;
   H1 = ((yesterday_high - yesterday_low) * D1) + yesterday_close;

   L1 = yesterday_close - ((yesterday_high - yesterday_low)*(D1));
   L2 = yesterday_close - ((yesterday_high - yesterday_low)*(D2));
   L3 = yesterday_close - ((yesterday_high - yesterday_low)*(D3));
   L4 = yesterday_close - ((yesterday_high - yesterday_low)*(D4));
   L5 = yesterday_close - (H5 - yesterday_close);

if (FibPivots)
   R = yesterday_high - yesterday_low;//range
   r1 = P + (R * 0.38);
   r2 = P + (R * 0.62);
   r3 = P + (R * 0.99);
   s1 = P - (R * 0.38);
   s2 = P - (R * 0.62);
   s3 = P - (R * 0.99);

if (StandardPivots)
   R1 = (2*P)-yesterday_low;
   S1 = (2*P)-yesterday_high;
   R2 = P-S1+R1;
   S2 = P-R1+S1;
   R3 = (2*P)+(yesterday_high-(2*yesterday_low));
   S3 = (2*P)-((2* yesterday_high)-yesterday_low);
if (MidPivots && StandardPivots)
   M0 = (S2+S3)/2;
   M1 = (S1+S2)/2;
   M2 = (P+S1)/2;
   M3 = (P+R1)/2;
   M4 = (R1+R2)/2;
   M5 = (R2+R3)/2;

//comment on OHLC and daily range

if (Q > 5) 
	nQ = Q;
	nQ = Q*10000;

if (D > 5)
	nD = D;
	nD = D*10000;

 if (StringSubstr(Symbol(),3,3)=="JPY")

Comment("High= ",yesterday_high,"    Previous Days Range= ",nQ,"\nLow= ",yesterday_low,"    Current Days Range= ",nD,"\nClose= ",yesterday_close);

LabelShiftTime = Time[LabelShift];
LineShiftTime = Time[LineShift];

//---- Set line labels on chart window
 if (Pivot)

      if(ObjectFind("P label") != 0)
      ObjectCreate("P label", OBJ_TEXT, 0, LabelShiftTime, P);
      ObjectSetText("P label", "Pivot", PivotFontSize, "Arial", PivotFontColor);
      ObjectMove("P label", 0, LabelShiftTime, P);

//---  Draw  Pivot lines on chart

      if(ObjectFind("P line") != 0)
      ObjectCreate("P line", OBJ_HLINE, 0, LineShiftTime, P);
      ObjectSet("P line", OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_DASH);
      ObjectSet("P line", OBJPROP_COLOR, PivotColor);
      ObjectMove("P line", 0, LineShiftTime, P);


  if (StandardPivots)
if(ObjectFind("R1 label") != 0)
      ObjectCreate("R1 label", OBJ_TEXT, 0, LabelShiftTime, R1);
      ObjectSetText("R1 label", " R1", StandardFontSize, "Arial", StandardFontColor);
      ObjectMove("R1 label", 0, LabelShiftTime, R1);

      if(ObjectFind("R2 label") != 0)
      ObjectCreate("R2 label", OBJ_TEXT, 0, LabelShiftTime, R2);
      ObjectSetText("R2 label", " R2", StandardFontSize, "Arial", StandardFontColor);
      ObjectMove("R2 label", 0, LabelShiftTime, R2);

      if(ObjectFind("R3 label") != 0)
      ObjectCreate("R3 label", OBJ_TEXT, 0, LabelShiftTime, R3);
      ObjectSetText("R3 label", " R3", StandardFontSize, "Arial", StandardFontColor);
      ObjectMove("R3 label", 0, LabelShiftTime, R3);

      if(ObjectFind("S1 label") != 0)
      ObjectCreate("S1 label", OBJ_TEXT, 0, LabelShiftTime, S1);
      ObjectSetText("S1 label", "S1", StandardFontSize, "Arial", StandardFontColor);
      ObjectMove("S1 label", 0, LabelShiftTime, S1);

      if(ObjectFind("S2 label") != 0)
      ObjectCreate("S2 label", OBJ_TEXT, 0, LabelShiftTime, S2);
      ObjectSetText("S2 label", "S2", StandardFontSize, "Arial", StandardFontColor);
      ObjectMove("S2 label", 0, LabelShiftTime, S2);

      if(ObjectFind("S3 label") != 0)
      ObjectCreate("S3 label", OBJ_TEXT, 0, LabelShiftTime, S3);
      ObjectSetText("S3 label", "S3", StandardFontSize, "Arial", StandardFontColor);
      ObjectMove("S3 label", 0, LabelShiftTime, S3);

//---  Draw  Pivot lines on chart
      if(ObjectFind("S1 line") != 0)
      ObjectCreate("S1 line", OBJ_HLINE, 0, LineShiftTime, S1);
      ObjectSet("S1 line", OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_DASHDOTDOT);
      ObjectSet("S1 line", OBJPROP_COLOR, SupportColor);
      ObjectMove("S1 line", 0, LineShiftTime, S1);

      if(ObjectFind("S2 line") != 0)
      ObjectCreate("S2 line", OBJ_HLINE, 0, LineShiftTime, S2);
      ObjectSet("S2 line", OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_DASHDOTDOT);
      ObjectSet("S2 line", OBJPROP_COLOR, SupportColor);
      ObjectMove("S2 line", 0, LineShiftTime, S2);

      if(ObjectFind("S3 line") != 0)
      ObjectCreate("S3 line", OBJ_HLINE, 0, LineShiftTime, S3);
      ObjectSet("S3 line", OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_DASHDOTDOT);
      ObjectSet("S3 line", OBJPROP_COLOR, SupportColor);
      ObjectMove("S3 line", 0, LineShiftTime, S3);

      if(ObjectFind("R1 line") != 0)
      ObjectCreate("R1 line", OBJ_HLINE, 0, LineShiftTime, R1);
      ObjectSet("R1 line", OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_DASHDOTDOT);
      ObjectSet("R1 line", OBJPROP_COLOR, ResistanceColor);
      ObjectMove("R1 line", 0, LineShiftTime, R1);

      if(ObjectFind("R2 line") != 0)
      ObjectCreate("R2 line", OBJ_HLINE, 0, LineShiftTime, R2);
      ObjectSet("R2 line", OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_DASHDOTDOT);
      ObjectSet("R2 line", OBJPROP_COLOR, ResistanceColor);
      ObjectMove("R2 line", 0, LineShiftTime, R2);

      if(ObjectFind("R3 line") != 0)
      ObjectCreate("R3 line", OBJ_HLINE, 0, LineShiftTime, R3);
      ObjectSet("R3 line", OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_DASHDOTDOT);
      ObjectSet("R3 line", OBJPROP_COLOR, ResistanceColor);
      ObjectMove("R3 line", 0, LineShiftTime, R3);
  if (MidPivots && StandardPivots)
      if(ObjectFind("M5 label") != 0)
      ObjectCreate("M5 label", OBJ_TEXT, 0, LabelShiftTime, M5);
      ObjectSetText("M5 label", " M5", MidFontSize, "Arial", MidPivotColor);
      ObjectMove("M5 label", 0, LabelShiftTime, M5);

      if(ObjectFind("M4 label") != 0)
      ObjectCreate("M4 label", OBJ_TEXT, 0, LabelShiftTime, M4);
      ObjectSetText("M4 label", " M4", MidFontSize, "Arial", MidPivotColor);
      ObjectMove("M4 label", 0, LabelShiftTime, M4);

      if(ObjectFind("M3 label") != 0)
      ObjectCreate("M3 label", OBJ_TEXT, 0, LabelShiftTime, M3);
      ObjectSetText("M3 label", " M3", MidFontSize, "Arial", MidPivotColor);
      ObjectMove("M3 label", 0, LabelShiftTime, M3);

      if(ObjectFind("M2 label") != 0)
      ObjectCreate("M2 label", OBJ_TEXT, 0, LabelShiftTime, M2);
      ObjectSetText("M2 label", " M2", MidFontSize, "Arial", MidPivotColor);
      ObjectMove("M2 label", 0, LabelShiftTime, M2);

      if(ObjectFind("M1 label") != 0)
      ObjectCreate("M1 label", OBJ_TEXT, 0, LabelShiftTime, M1);
      ObjectSetText("M1 label", " M1", MidFontSize, "Arial", MidPivotColor);
      ObjectMove("M1 label", 0, LabelShiftTime, M1);

      if(ObjectFind("M0 label") != 0)
      ObjectCreate("M0 label", OBJ_TEXT, 0, LabelShiftTime, M0);
      ObjectSetText("M0 label", " M0", MidFontSize, "Arial", MidPivotColor);
      ObjectMove("M0 label", 0, LabelShiftTime, M0);

      if(ObjectFind("M5 line") != 0)
      ObjectCreate("M5 line", OBJ_HLINE, 0, LineShiftTime, M5);
      ObjectSet("M5 line", OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_DASHDOTDOT);
      ObjectSet("M5 line", OBJPROP_COLOR, MidPivotColor);
      ObjectMove("M5 line", 0, LineShiftTime, M5);

      if(ObjectFind("M4 line") != 0)
      ObjectCreate("M4 line", OBJ_HLINE, 0, LineShiftTime, M4);
      ObjectSet("M4 line", OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_DASHDOTDOT);
      ObjectSet("M4 line", OBJPROP_COLOR, MidPivotColor);
      ObjectMove("M4 line", 0, LineShiftTime, M4);

      if(ObjectFind("M3 line") != 0)
      ObjectCreate("M3 line", OBJ_HLINE, 0, LineShiftTime, M3);
      ObjectSet("M3 line", OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_DASHDOTDOT);
      ObjectSet("M3 line", OBJPROP_COLOR, MidPivotColor);
      ObjectMove("M3 line", 0, LineShiftTime, M3);

      if(ObjectFind("M2 line") != 0)
      ObjectCreate("M2 line", OBJ_HLINE, 0, LineShiftTime, M2);
      ObjectSet("M2 line", OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_DASHDOTDOT);
      ObjectSet("M2 line", OBJPROP_COLOR, MidPivotColor);
      ObjectMove("M2 line", 0, LineShiftTime, M2);

      if(ObjectFind("M1 line") != 0)
      ObjectCreate("M1 line", OBJ_HLINE, 0, LineShiftTime, M1);
      ObjectSet("M1 line", OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_DASHDOTDOT);
      ObjectSet("M1 line", OBJPROP_COLOR, MidPivotColor);
      ObjectMove("M1 line", 0, LineShiftTime, M1);

      if(ObjectFind("M0 line") != 0)
      ObjectCreate("M0 line", OBJ_HLINE, 0, LineShiftTime, M0);
      ObjectSet("M0 line", OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_DASHDOTDOT);
      ObjectSet("M0 line", OBJPROP_COLOR, MidPivotColor);
      ObjectMove("M0 line", 0, LineShiftTime, M0);
  if (FibPivots)
      if(ObjectFind("FibR1 label") != 0)
        ObjectCreate("FibR1 label", OBJ_TEXT, 0, LabelShiftTime, 0);
        ObjectSetText("FibR1 label", "Fib R1", FibFontSize, "Arial", FibFontColor);
        ObjectMove("FibR1 label", 0, LabelShiftTime, r1);
      if(ObjectFind("FibR2 label") != 0)
        ObjectCreate("FibR2 label", OBJ_TEXT, 0, LabelShiftTime, 0);
        ObjectSetText("FibR2 label", "Fib R2", FibFontSize, "Arial", FibFontColor);
        ObjectMove("FibR2 label", 0, LabelShiftTime, r2);
      if(ObjectFind("FibR3 label") != 0)
        ObjectCreate("FibR3 label", OBJ_TEXT, 0, LabelShiftTime, 0);
        ObjectSetText("FibR3 label", "Fib R3", FibFontSize, "Arial", FibFontColor);
        ObjectMove("FibR3 label", 0, LabelShiftTime, r3);
      if(ObjectFind("FibS1 label") != 0)
        ObjectCreate("FibS1 label", OBJ_TEXT, 0, LabelShiftTime, 0);
        ObjectSetText("FibS1 label", "Fib S1", FibFontSize, "Arial", FibFontColor);
        ObjectMove("FibS1 label", 0, LabelShiftTime, s1);
      if(ObjectFind("FibS2 label") != 0)
        ObjectCreate("FibS2 label", OBJ_TEXT, 0, LabelShiftTime, 0);
        ObjectSetText("FibS2 label", "Fib S2", FibFontSize, "Arial", FibFontColor);
        ObjectMove("FibS2 label", 0, LabelShiftTime, s2);
      if(ObjectFind("FibS3 label") != 0)
        ObjectCreate("FibS3 label", OBJ_TEXT, 0, LabelShiftTime, 0);
        ObjectSetText("FibS3 label", "Fib S3", FibFontSize, "Arial", FibFontColor);
        ObjectMove("FibS3 label", 0, LabelShiftTime, s3);

//---- Set lines on chart window

      if(ObjectFind("FibS1 line") != 0)
        ObjectCreate("FibS1 line", OBJ_HLINE, 0, LineShiftTime, 0);
        ObjectSet("FibS1 line", OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_DASHDOTDOT);
        ObjectSet("FibS1 line", OBJPROP_COLOR, FibColor);
        ObjectMove("FibS1 line", 0, LineShiftTime, s1);
      if(ObjectFind("FibS2 line") != 0)
        ObjectCreate("FibS2 line", OBJ_HLINE, 0, LineShiftTime, 0);
        ObjectSet("FibS2 line", OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_DASHDOTDOT);
        ObjectSet("FibS2 line", OBJPROP_COLOR, FibColor);
        ObjectMove("FibS2 line", 0, LineShiftTime, s2);
      if(ObjectFind("FibS3 line") != 0)
        ObjectCreate("FibS3 line", OBJ_HLINE, 0, LineShiftTime, 0);
        ObjectSet("FibS3 line", OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_DASHDOTDOT);
        ObjectSet("FibS3 line", OBJPROP_COLOR, FibColor);
        ObjectMove("FibS3 line", 0, LineShiftTime, s3);
      if(ObjectFind("FibR1 line") != 0)
        ObjectCreate("FibR1 line", OBJ_HLINE, 0, LineShiftTime, 0);
        ObjectSet("FibR1 line", OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_DASHDOTDOT);
        ObjectSet("FibR1 line", OBJPROP_COLOR, FibColor);
        ObjectMove("FibR1 line", 0, LineShiftTime, r1);
      if(ObjectFind("FibR2 line") != 0)
        ObjectCreate("FibR2 line", OBJ_HLINE, 0, LineShiftTime, 0);
        ObjectSet("FibR2 line", OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_DASHDOTDOT);
        ObjectSet("FibR2 line", OBJPROP_COLOR, FibColor);
        ObjectMove("FibR2 line", 0, LineShiftTime, r2);
      if(ObjectFind("FibR3 line") != 0)
        ObjectCreate("FibR3 line", OBJ_HLINE, 0, LineShiftTime, 0);
        ObjectSet("FibR3 line", OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_DASHDOTDOT);
        ObjectSet("FibR3 line", OBJPROP_COLOR, FibColor);
        ObjectMove("FibR3 line", 0, LineShiftTime, r3);


// --- THE CAMARILLA ---
if (CamarillaPivots)
   if(ObjectFind("H5 label") != 0)
      ObjectCreate("H5 label", OBJ_TEXT, 0, LabelShiftTime, H5);
      ObjectSetText("H5 label", "Cam H5", CamFontSize, "Arial", CamFontColor);
      ObjectMove("H5 label", 0, LabelShiftTime, H5);
      if(ObjectFind("H4 label") != 0)
      ObjectCreate("H4 label", OBJ_TEXT, 0, LabelShiftTime, H4);
      ObjectSetText("H4 label", "Cam H4", CamFontSize, "Arial", CamFontColor);
      ObjectMove("H4 label", 0, LabelShiftTime, H4);

      if(ObjectFind("H3 label") != 0)
      ObjectCreate("H3 label", OBJ_TEXT, 0, LabelShiftTime, H3);
      ObjectSetText("H3 label", "Cam H3", CamFontSize, "Arial", CamFontColor);
      ObjectMove("H3 label", 0, LabelShiftTime, H3);

if (UseH1H2L1L2)
      if(ObjectFind("H2 label") != 0)
      ObjectCreate("H2 label", OBJ_TEXT, 0, LabelShiftTime, H2);
      ObjectSetText("H2 label", "Cam H2", CamFontSize, "Arial", CamFontColor);
      ObjectMove("H1 label", 0, LabelShiftTime, H1);
      if(ObjectFind("H1 label") != 0)
      ObjectCreate("H1 label", OBJ_TEXT, 0, LabelShiftTime, H1);
      ObjectSetText("H1 label", "Cam H1", CamFontSize, "Arial", CamFontColor);
      ObjectMove("H1 label", 0, LabelShiftTime, H1);

      if(ObjectFind("L1 label") != 0)
      ObjectCreate("L1 label", OBJ_TEXT, 0, LabelShiftTime, L1);
      ObjectSetText("L1 label", "Cam L1", CamFontSize, "Arial", CamFontColor);
      ObjectMove("L1 label", 0, LabelShiftTime, L1);
      if(ObjectFind("L2 label") != 0)
      ObjectCreate("L2 label", OBJ_TEXT, 0, LabelShiftTime, L2);
      ObjectSetText("L2 label", "Cam L2", CamFontSize, "Arial", CamFontColor);
      ObjectMove("L2 label", 0, LabelShiftTime, L2);

      if(ObjectFind("L3 label") != 0)
      ObjectCreate("L3 label", OBJ_TEXT, 0, LabelShiftTime, L3);
      ObjectSetText("L3 label", "Cam L3", CamFontSize, "Arial", CamFontColor);
      ObjectMove("L3 label", 0, LabelShiftTime, L3);

      if(ObjectFind("L4 label") != 0)
      ObjectCreate("L4 label", OBJ_TEXT, 0, LabelShiftTime, L4);
      ObjectSetText("L4 label", "Cam L4", CamFontSize, "Arial", CamFontColor);
      ObjectMove("L4 label", 0, LabelShiftTime, L4);
      if(ObjectFind("L5 label") != 0)
      ObjectCreate("L5 label", OBJ_TEXT, 0, LabelShiftTime, L5);
      ObjectSetText("L5 label", "Cam L5", CamFontSize, "Arial", CamFontColor);
      ObjectMove("L5 label", 0, LabelShiftTime, L5);

//---- Draw Camarilla lines on Chart
      if(ObjectFind("H5 line") != 0)
      ObjectCreate("H5 line", OBJ_HLINE, 0, LineShiftTime, H5);
      ObjectSet("H5 line", OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_SOLID);
      ObjectSet("H5 line", OBJPROP_COLOR, SpringGreen);
      ObjectSet("H5 line", OBJPROP_WIDTH, 1);
      ObjectMove("H5 line", 0, LineShiftTime, H5);
      if(ObjectFind("H4 line") != 0)
      ObjectCreate("H4 line", OBJ_HLINE, 0, LineShiftTime, H4);
      ObjectSet("H4 line", OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_SOLID);
      ObjectSet("H4 line", OBJPROP_COLOR, SpringGreen);
      ObjectSet("H4 line", OBJPROP_WIDTH, 1);
      ObjectMove("H4 line", 0, LineShiftTime, H4);

      if(ObjectFind("H3 line") != 0)
      ObjectCreate("H3 line", OBJ_HLINE, 0, LineShiftTime, H3);
      ObjectSet("H3 line", OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_SOLID);
      ObjectSet("H3 line", OBJPROP_COLOR, SpringGreen);
      ObjectSet("H3 line", OBJPROP_WIDTH, 1);
      ObjectMove("H3 line", 0, LineShiftTime, H3);
if (UseH1H2L1L2)
      if(ObjectFind("H2 line") != 0)
      ObjectCreate("H2 line", OBJ_HLINE, 0, LineShiftTime, H2);
      ObjectSet("H2 line", OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_SOLID);
      ObjectSet("H2 line", OBJPROP_COLOR, SpringGreen);
      ObjectSet("H2 line", OBJPROP_WIDTH, 1);
      ObjectMove("H2 line", 0, LineShiftTime, H2);
      if(ObjectFind("H1 line") != 0)
      ObjectCreate("H1 line", OBJ_HLINE, 0, LineShiftTime, H1);
      ObjectSet("H1 line", OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_SOLID);
      ObjectSet("H1 line", OBJPROP_COLOR, SpringGreen);
      ObjectSet("H1 line", OBJPROP_WIDTH, 1);
      ObjectMove("H1 line", 0, LineShiftTime, H1);
      if(ObjectFind("L1 line") != 0)
      ObjectCreate("L1 line", OBJ_HLINE, 0, LineShiftTime, L1);
      ObjectSet("L1 line", OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_SOLID);
      ObjectSet("L1 line", OBJPROP_COLOR, Red);
      ObjectSet("L1 line", OBJPROP_WIDTH, 1);
      ObjectMove("L1 line", 0, LineShiftTime, L1);
      if(ObjectFind("L2 line") != 0)
      ObjectCreate("L2 line", OBJ_HLINE, 0, LineShiftTime, L2);
      ObjectSet("L2 line", OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_SOLID);
      ObjectSet("L2 line", OBJPROP_COLOR, Red);
      ObjectSet("L2 line", OBJPROP_WIDTH, 1);
      ObjectMove("L2 line", 0, LineShiftTime, L2);

      if(ObjectFind("L3 line") != 0)
      ObjectCreate("L3 line", OBJ_HLINE, 0, LineShiftTime, L3);
      ObjectSet("L3 line", OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_SOLID);
      ObjectSet("L3 line", OBJPROP_COLOR, Red);
      ObjectSet("L3 line", OBJPROP_WIDTH, 1);
      ObjectMove("L3 line", 0, LineShiftTime, L3);

      if(ObjectFind("L4 line") != 0)
      ObjectCreate("L4 line", OBJ_HLINE, 0, LineShiftTime, L4);
      ObjectSet("L4 line", OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_SOLID);
      ObjectSet("L4 line", OBJPROP_COLOR, Red);
      ObjectSet("L4 line", OBJPROP_WIDTH, 1);
      ObjectMove("L4 line", 0, LineShiftTime, L4);
      if(ObjectFind("L5 line") != 0)
      ObjectCreate("L5 line", OBJ_HLINE, 0, LineShiftTime, L5);
      ObjectSet("L5 line", OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_SOLID);
      ObjectSet("L5 line", OBJPROP_COLOR, Red);
      ObjectSet("L5 line", OBJPROP_WIDTH, 1);
      ObjectMove("L5 line", 0, LineShiftTime, L5);
//---- done



Market Information Used:

Series array that contains open time of each bar
Series array that contains close prices for each bar
Series array that contains open prices of each bar
Series array that contains the highest prices of each bar
Series array that contains the lowest prices of each bar

Indicator Curves created:

Indicators Used:

Custom Indicators Used:

Order Management characteristics:

Other Features: