
//|                                         Murrey_Math_Modified.mq4 |
//|                                          rewritten by CrazyChart |
//|                                                                  |
#property copyright "Murrey_Math_Modified. MetaTrader4 conversion created by CrazyChart"
#property link      ""

#property indicator_chart_window
#property indicator_buffers 2
#property indicator_color1 MediumBlue
#property indicator_color2 Red
//---- input parameters
extern int beginer = 200;
extern int periodtotake = 200;
//---- buffers
double ExtMapBuffer1[];
double ExtMapBuffer2[];
int shift, i2, WorkTime, Periods;
double sum, v1, v2, fractal;
double v45, mml00, mml0, mml1, mml2, mml3, mml4, mml5, mml6, mml7, mml8, mml9, mml98, mml99;
double range, octave, mn, mx, price;
double finalH, finalL;
double x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, y1, y2, y3, y4, y5, y6;
string textArray[13] = {"mm11_txt", "mm12_txt", "mm1_txt", "mm2_txt", "mm3_txt", "mm4_txt", 
                        "mm5_txt", "mm6_txt", "mm7_txt", "mm8_txt", "mm9_txt", "mm-1_txt", 
string lineArray[13] = {"mm11", "mm12", "mm1", "mm2", "mm3", "mm4", "mm5", "mm6", "mm7", 
                        "mm8", "mm9", "mm-1", "mm-2"};
//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int init()
//---- indicators
   SetIndexStyle(0, DRAW_LINE);
   SetIndexBuffer(0, ExtMapBuffer1);
   SetIndexStyle(1, DRAW_LINE);
   SetIndexBuffer(1, ExtMapBuffer2);
   int CountBars;
   if(CountBars >= Bars) 
       CountBars = Bars;   
//| Custor indicator deinitialization function                       |
int deinit()
    ObjectsDeleteAll(0, OBJ_HLINE); 
    int count = ArraySize(textArray);
    for(int ch = 0; ch < count; ch++) 
//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int start()
    int counted_bars = IndicatorCounted();
    if((WorkTime != Time[0]) || (Periods != Period())) 
        v1 = (Low[Lowest(NULL, 0, MODE_LOW, periodtotake, 0)]);
        v2 = (High[Highest(NULL, 0, MODE_HIGH, periodtotake, 0)]);
        //determine fractal.....
        if(v2 <= 250000 && v2 > 25000) 
            fractal = 100000;
            if(v2 <= 25000 && v2 > 2500)
                fractal = 10000;
                if(v2 <= 2500 && v2 > 250)
                    fractal = 1000;
                    if(v2 <= 250 && v2 > 25) 
                        fractal = 100;
                        if(v2 <= 25 && v2 > 12.5) 
                            fractal = 12.5;
                            if(v2 <= 12.5 && v2 > 6.25) 
                                fractal = 12.5;
                                if(v2 <= 6.25 && v2 > 3.125) 
                                    fractal = 6.25;
                                    if(v2 <= 3.125 && v2 > 1.5625) 
                                        fractal = 3.125;
                                        if(v2 <= 1.5625 && v2 > 0.390625) 
                                            fractal = 1.5625;
                                            if(v2 <= 0.390625 && v2 > 0) 
                                                fractal = 0.1953125;
        range = (v2 - v1);
        sum = MathFloor(MathLog(fractal / range) / MathLog(2));
        octave = fractal*(MathPow(0.5, sum));
        mn = MathFloor(v1 / octave)*octave;
        if((mn + octave) > v2) 
            mx = mn + octave; 
            mx = mn + (2*octave);
        // calculating xx
        if((v1 >= 3 / 16*(mx - mn) + mn) && (v2 <= 9 / 16*(mx - mn) + mn)) 
            x2 = mn + (mx - mn) / 2; 
            x2 = 0;
        if((v1 >= mn - (mx - mn) / 8) && (v2 <= 5 / 8*(mx - mn) + mn) && x2 == 0) 
            x1 = mn + (mx - mn) / 2; 
            x1 = 0;
        if((v1 >= mn + 7*(mx - mn) / 16) && (v2 <= 13 / 16*(mx - mn) + mn)) 
            x4 = mn + 3*(mx - mn) / 4; 
            x4 = 0;
        if((v1 >= mn + 3*(mx - mn) / 8) && (v2 <= 9 / 8*(mx - mn) + mn) && x4 == 0) 
            x5 = mx; 
            x5 = 0;
        if((v1 >= mn + (mx - mn) / 8)&& (v2 <= 7 / 8*(mx - mn) + mn) && x1 == 0 && x2 == 0 && 
           x4 == 0 && x5 == 0) 
            x3 = mn + 3*(mx - mn) / 4; 
            x3 = 0;
        if((x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5) == 0) 
            x6 = mx; 
            x6 = 0;
        finalH = x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x6;
        // calculating yy
        if(x1 > 0) 
            y1 = mn; 
            y1 = 0;
        if(x2 > 0) 
            y2 = mn + (mx - mn) / 4; 
            y2 = 0;
        if(x3 > 0) 
            y3 = mn + (mx - mn) / 4; 
            y3 = 0;
        if(x4 > 0) 
            y4 = mn + (mx - mn) / 2;
            y4 = 0;
        if(x5 > 0) 
            y5 = mn + (mx - mn) / 2; 
            y5 = 0;
        if((finalH > 0) && (y1 + y2 + y3 + y4 + y5 == 0)) 
            y6 = mn; 
            y6 = 0;
        finalL = y1 + y2 + y3 + y4 + y5 + y6;
        v45 = (finalH - finalL) / 8;
        mml00 = (finalL - v45*2);  //-2/8
        mml0 = (finalL - v45);  //-1/8
        mml1 = (finalL);// 0/8
        mml2 = (finalL + v45);// 1/8
        mml3 = (finalL + 2*v45); // 2/8
        mml4 = (finalL + 3*v45); //  3/8
        mml5 = (finalL + 4*v45); //  4/8
        mml6 = (finalL + 5*v45); //  5/8
        mml7 = (finalL + 6*v45); //  6/8 
        mml8 = (finalL + 7*v45);// 7/8
        mml9 = (finalL + 8*v45);// 8/8
        mml99 = (finalL + 9*v45);// +1/8
        mml98 = (finalL + 10*v45);// +2/8
        ObjectsRedraw() ;
        ObjectCreate("mm11_txt", OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[30], mml00, Time[30], mml00); //òàéì 30-2/8
        ObjectSetText("mm11_txt", "_ôèíàë ë" + finalH + "mml7 " + mml7,10, "Arial", Magenta);
        ObjectCreate("mm12_txt", OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[30], mml0, Time[30], mml0);
        ObjectSetText("mm12_txt", "-1/8 ", 10, "Arial", Pink);
        ObjectCreate("mm1_txt", OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[30], mml1, Time[30], mml1);
        ObjectSetText("mm1_txt", "0/8 ", 10, "Arial", Blue);
        ObjectCreate("mm2_txt", OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[30], mml2, Time[30], mml2);
        ObjectSetText("mm2_txt", "1/8 ", 10, "Arial", Orange);
        ObjectCreate("mm3_txt", OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[30], mml3, Time[30], mml3);
        ObjectSetText("mm3_txt", "2/8 ", 10, "Arial", Red);
        ObjectCreate("mm4_txt", OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[30], mml4, Time[30], mml4);
        ObjectSetText("mm4_txt", "3/8 ", 10, "Arial", Green);	
        ObjectCreate("mm5_txt", OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[30], mml5, Time[30], mml5);
        ObjectSetText("mm5_txt", "4/8 ", 10, "Arial", Blue);
        ObjectCreate("mm6_txt", OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[30], mml6, Time[30], mml6);
        ObjectSetText("mm6_txt", "5/8 ", 10, "Arial", Green);
        ObjectCreate("mm7_txt", OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[30], mml7, Time[30], mml7);
        ObjectSetText("mm7_txt", "6/8 ", 10, "Arial", Red);
        ObjectCreate("mm8_txt", OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[30], mml8, Time[30], mml8);
        ObjectSetText("mm8_txt", "7/8 ", 10, "Arial", Orange);
        ObjectCreate("mm9_txt", OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[30], mml9, Time[30], mml9);
        ObjectSetText("mm9_txt", "8/8 ", 10, "Arial", Blue);
        ObjectCreate("mm-1_txt", OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[30], mml99, Time[30], mml99);
        ObjectSetText("mm-1_txt", "+1/8 ", 10, "Arial", Pink);
        ObjectCreate("mm-2_txt", OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[30], mml98, Time[30], mml98);
        ObjectSetText("mm-2_txt", "+2/8 ", 10, "Arial", Magenta);

        ObjectCreate("mm11", OBJ_HLINE, 0, Time[0], mml00, Time[0], mml00);
        ObjectMove("MyTrend", 1, Time[0], mml00);
        ObjectSet("mm11", OBJPROP_COLOR, Magenta);
        ObjectSet("mm11", OBJPROP_WIDTH, 2);
        ObjectSet("mm11", OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_SOLID);
        // -2/8
        ObjectCreate("mm12", OBJ_HLINE, 0, Time[0], mml0, Time[0], mml0); 
        ObjectSet("mm12", OBJPROP_COLOR, Pink);
        ObjectSet("mm12", OBJPROP_WIDTH, 1);
        ObjectSet("mm12", OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_SOLID);
        // -1/8
        ObjectCreate("mm1", OBJ_HLINE, 0, Time[0], mml1, Time[0], mml1);
        ObjectSet("mm1", OBJPROP_COLOR, Blue);
        ObjectSet("mm1", OBJPROP_WIDTH, 2);
        ObjectSet("mm1", OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_SOLID);
        // 0/8
        ObjectCreate("mm2", OBJ_HLINE, 0, Time[0], mml2, Time[0], mml2); 
        ObjectSet("mm2", OBJPROP_COLOR, Orange);
        ObjectSet("mm2", OBJPROP_WIDTH, 1);
        ObjectSet("mm2", OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_SOLID);
        // 1/8
        ObjectCreate("mm3", OBJ_HLINE, 0, Time[0], mml3, Time[0], mml3); 
        ObjectSet("mm3", OBJPROP_COLOR, Red);
        ObjectSet("mm3", OBJPROP_WIDTH, 1);
        ObjectSet("mm3", OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_SOLID);
        // 2/8
        ObjectCreate("mm4", OBJ_HLINE, 0, Time[0], mml4, Time[0], mml4); 
        ObjectSet("mm4", OBJPROP_COLOR, Green);
        ObjectSet("mm4", OBJPROP_WIDTH, 1);
        ObjectSet("mm4", OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_SOLID);
        // 3/8
        ObjectCreate("mm5", OBJ_HLINE, 0, Time[0], mml5, Time[0], mml5); 
        ObjectSet("mm5", OBJPROP_COLOR, Blue);
        ObjectSet("mm5", OBJPROP_WIDTH, 1);
        ObjectSet("mm5", OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_SOLID);
        // 4/8
        ObjectCreate("mm6", OBJ_HLINE, 0, Time[0], mml6, Time[0], mml6); 
        ObjectSet("mm6", OBJPROP_COLOR, Green);
        ObjectSet("mm6", OBJPROP_WIDTH, 1);
        ObjectSet("mm6", OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_SOLID);
        // 5/8
        ObjectCreate("mm7", OBJ_HLINE, 0, Time[0], mml7, Time[0], mml7);
        ObjectSet("mm7", OBJPROP_COLOR, Red);
        ObjectSet("mm7", OBJPROP_WIDTH, 1);
        ObjectSet("mm7", OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_SOLID);
        // 6/8
        ObjectCreate("mm8", OBJ_HLINE, 0, Time[0], mml8, Time[0], mml8); 
        ObjectSet("mm8", OBJPROP_COLOR, Orange);
        ObjectSet("mm8", OBJPROP_WIDTH, 1);
        ObjectSet("mm8", OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_SOLID);
        // 7/8
        ObjectCreate("mm9", OBJ_HLINE, 0, Time[0], mml9, Time[0], mml9); 
        ObjectSet("mm9", OBJPROP_COLOR, Red);
        ObjectSet("mm9", OBJPROP_WIDTH, 2);
        ObjectSet("mm9", OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_SOLID);
        // 0/8
        ObjectCreate("mm-1", OBJ_HLINE, 0, Time[0], mml99, Time[0], mml99);
        ObjectSet("mm-1", OBJPROP_COLOR, Pink);
        ObjectSet("mm-1", OBJPROP_WIDTH, 1);
        ObjectSet("mm-1", OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_SOLID);
        // +2/8
        ObjectCreate("mm-2", OBJ_HLINE, 0, Time[0], mml98, Time[0], mml98);
        ObjectSet("mm-2", OBJPROP_COLOR, Magenta);
        ObjectSet("mm-2", OBJPROP_WIDTH, 2);
        ObjectSet("mm-2", OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_SOLID);
        WorkTime = Time[0];
        Periods= Period();



Market Information Used:

Series array that contains open time of each bar
Series array that contains the lowest prices of each bar
Series array that contains the highest prices of each bar

Indicator Curves created:

Implements a curve of type DRAW_LINE

Indicators Used:

Custom Indicators Used:

Order Management characteristics:

Other Features: