!xMeter Indy v07

!xMeter Indy v07.mq4
Price Meter System™ ©GPL

This is an indicator based on the EA called !xMeter_EA.mq4 by Robert Hill (5/16/2007)

traderak20@gmail.com / v07
   2/26/2008   Major code overhaul to allow for up to eight currencies to be set using the input parameters
   2/26/2008   Added input parameters for currencies and colors
   2/26/2008   Added function createCurrencyArray() to determine input currencies
   2/26/2008   Added function createPairArray() to set pairs based based on input currencies
   2/26/2008   Updated main functionality to deal with flexible number of currencies and pairs
   2/26/2008   Moved main calculation to function calculateBuffers()
   2/26/2008   Renamed file from !xMeter_EA Major_5 Indy v02.mq4 to !xMeter Indy v07.mq4

traderak20@gmail.com / v02
   1/30/2008   Changed currencies to major 5 (EUR, USD, GBP, CHF, JPY). The meter uses all 10 possible pairs
   1/30/2008   Replaced GetPoint() function with built-in function MarketInfo(string symbol,MODE_POINT)
   1/30/2008   Default symbol names are now without "m", for IBFX accounts the "m" is added afterwards
   1/30/2008   Changed the display of grades from a scale of 5 steps to 10 (10 were already calculated anyway)
   1/30/2008   Some minor changes to variable names, clean-up of code and cosmetic.
   1/30/2008   Renamed file from !xMeter_EA.mq4 to !xMeter_EA Major_5 Indy v02.mq4

traderak20@gmail.com - 2/26/2008 / v07

In v07 you can specify up to eight currencies. For the indicator to be accurate all possible combinations of the
currencies that you specify must be available in your marketwatch window (for eight currencies that's 28 pairs).
If even a single pair is missing, the lines drawn will not be a 100% accurate!

The indicator is optimised to calculate only the buffers that are required. However if you input eight currencies
it will draw all eight buffers based on 28 pairs (up from 5 currencies and 10 pairs in v02). To prevent the indicator
from consuming too much processor power (and if you use the indicator for trading rather than historical analysis) you
could shorten the number of bars in the history. Bear in mind that with applySmoothing set to TRUE and a
smoothingPeriod of 14, you will need a minimum lead of about 250 bars to get a reliable output. A longer smoothing
period requires more bars.
Setting showAllCurrencies to FALSE will not speed up the indicator since this only affects the display of the
indicator lines while all buffers still require to be calculated.

traderak20@gmail.com - 1/30/2008 / v02

This indicator can be used in addition to the expert advisor created by Robert Hill. The EA provides better
real-time information since it's updating continuously and doesn't need a tick on the current chart as input.
This indicator can then be used to gain more insight in the history of the strength of currencies.

The indicator may slow down your computer for a bit when set to view the entire history of your chart. To allow you
look at only certain parts of the history, I have added three parameters: setStartDateTime, setEndDateTime, maxHistoryBars
These parameters can be set separately or combined in a number of ways:
   * use only maxHistoryBars, leave start date and end date empty:                        ---------------H++++0
   * set start date + end date (maxHistoryBars is ignored):                               ----S+++++++E-------0
   * use start date + maxHistoryBars, leave end date empty:                               ----S++++H----------0
   * set maxHistoryBars + end date, leave start date empty:                               -------H++++E-------0
   * set only a start date, leave end date and maxHistoryBars empty:                      ----S+++++++++++++++0
   * set only an end date, leave start date and maxHistoryBars empty:                     ++++++++++++E-------0
   * leave the start date, end date and maxHistoryBars empty to view the whole history:   ++++++++++++++++++++0

#property copyright "x Meter System™ ©GPL"
#property link      "forex-tsd dot com"

#property indicator_separate_window
#property indicator_minimum 0
#property indicator_maximum 11
#property indicator_buffers 8
#property indicator_color1 CLR_NONE
#property indicator_color2 CLR_NONE
#property indicator_color3 CLR_NONE
#property indicator_color4 CLR_NONE
#property indicator_color5 CLR_NONE
#property indicator_color6 CLR_NONE
#property indicator_color7 CLR_NONE
#property indicator_color8 CLR_NONE

//---- input parameters
extern string currency_0 = "EUR";
extern string currency_1 = "USD";
extern string currency_2 = "GBP";
extern string currency_3 = "CHF";
extern string currency_4 = "JPY";
extern string currency_5 = "";
extern string currency_6 = "";
extern string currency_7 = "";
extern color currencycolor_0 = DodgerBlue;
extern color currencycolor_1 = ForestGreen;
extern color currencycolor_2 = FireBrick;
extern color currencycolor_3 = Sienna;
extern color currencycolor_4 = Purple;
extern color currencycolor_5 = Orange;
extern color currencycolor_6 = LightSeaGreen;
extern color currencycolor_7 = DarkKhaki;
extern bool showAllCurrencies = TRUE;      // TRUE = show all five indicator lines, FALSE = show only the currencies from this chart
extern bool AccountIsIBFXmini = FALSE;
extern string setStartDateTime = "";       // Use standard date format. 2007.5.25  Optionally add time as well: 2007.5.25 16:00
extern string setEndDateTime = "";         // Use standard date format. 2007.7.31  Optionally add time as well: 2007.5.25 16:00
extern int maxHistoryBars = 500;           // This value is ignored if both a start and end datetime are given
extern bool lookBackStartMidnight = TRUE;  // TRUE = calculate with high, low and range since midnight
                                           // FALSE = calculate with high, low and range from rolling lookback period (in hours)
extern int lookBackPeriod = 12;
extern bool applySmoothing = FALSE;        // Apply smoothing to get a less choppy picture (with more lag obviously)
extern int smoothingPeriod = 14;

//---- buffers
double Buffer_0[];
double Buffer_1[];
double Buffer_2[];
double Buffer_3[];
double Buffer_4[];
double Buffer_5[];
double Buffer_6[];
double Buffer_7[];

//---- Set global variables
int numberOfCurrencies;
int numberOfPairs;
string aCurrency[];
string aPair[];
int startBar_TF1, endBar_TF1;

//     indicator initialization function                                |       
int init()
//---- Check input currencies and add valid currencies to the currency array

//---- Calculate number of pairs possible and store all pairs in an array

//---- Set start/end bar
   setStartEndBar(startBar_TF1, endBar_TF1);



//---- indicator line
   if ( numberOfCurrencies >= 1 ) SetIndexBuffer(0,Buffer_0);
   if ( numberOfCurrencies >= 2 ) SetIndexBuffer(1,Buffer_1);
   if ( numberOfCurrencies >= 3 ) SetIndexBuffer(2,Buffer_2);
   if ( numberOfCurrencies >= 4 ) SetIndexBuffer(3,Buffer_3);
   if ( numberOfCurrencies >= 5 ) SetIndexBuffer(4,Buffer_4);
   if ( numberOfCurrencies >= 6 ) SetIndexBuffer(5,Buffer_5);
   if ( numberOfCurrencies >= 7 ) SetIndexBuffer(6,Buffer_6);
   if ( numberOfCurrencies >= 8 ) SetIndexBuffer(7,Buffer_7);

   bool showBuffer_0, showBuffer_1, showBuffer_2, showBuffer_3;
   bool showBuffer_4, showBuffer_5, showBuffer_6, showBuffer_7;
   if ( StringFind(Symbol(), aCurrency[0], 0) != -1) showBuffer_0 = TRUE;
   if ( StringFind(Symbol(), aCurrency[1], 0) != -1) showBuffer_1 = TRUE;
   if ( StringFind(Symbol(), aCurrency[2], 0) != -1) showBuffer_2 = TRUE;
   if ( StringFind(Symbol(), aCurrency[3], 0) != -1) showBuffer_3 = TRUE;
   if ( StringFind(Symbol(), aCurrency[4], 0) != -1) showBuffer_4 = TRUE;
   if ( StringFind(Symbol(), aCurrency[5], 0) != -1) showBuffer_5 = TRUE;
   if ( StringFind(Symbol(), aCurrency[6], 0) != -1) showBuffer_6 = TRUE;
   if ( StringFind(Symbol(), aCurrency[7], 0) != -1) showBuffer_7 = TRUE;

   if ( showAllCurrencies == TRUE || showBuffer_0 == TRUE ) SetIndexStyle(0,DRAW_LINE,STYLE_SOLID,1,currencycolor_0);
   else SetIndexStyle(0,DRAW_LINE,STYLE_SOLID,0,CLR_NONE);
   if ( showAllCurrencies == TRUE || showBuffer_1 == TRUE ) SetIndexStyle(1,DRAW_LINE,STYLE_SOLID,1,currencycolor_1);
   else SetIndexStyle(1,DRAW_LINE,STYLE_SOLID,0,CLR_NONE);
   if ( showAllCurrencies == TRUE || showBuffer_2 == TRUE ) SetIndexStyle(2,DRAW_LINE,STYLE_SOLID,1,currencycolor_2);
   else SetIndexStyle(2,DRAW_LINE,STYLE_SOLID,0,CLR_NONE);
   if ( showAllCurrencies == TRUE || showBuffer_3 == TRUE ) SetIndexStyle(3,DRAW_LINE,STYLE_SOLID,1,currencycolor_3);
   else SetIndexStyle(3,DRAW_LINE,STYLE_SOLID,0,CLR_NONE);
   if ( showAllCurrencies == TRUE || showBuffer_4 == TRUE ) SetIndexStyle(4,DRAW_LINE,STYLE_SOLID,1,currencycolor_4);
   else SetIndexStyle(4,DRAW_LINE,STYLE_SOLID,0,CLR_NONE);
   if ( showAllCurrencies == TRUE || showBuffer_5 == TRUE ) SetIndexStyle(5,DRAW_LINE,STYLE_SOLID,1,currencycolor_5);
   else SetIndexStyle(5,DRAW_LINE,STYLE_SOLID,0,CLR_NONE);
   if ( showAllCurrencies == TRUE || showBuffer_6 == TRUE ) SetIndexStyle(6,DRAW_LINE,STYLE_SOLID,1,currencycolor_6);
   else SetIndexStyle(6,DRAW_LINE,STYLE_SOLID,0,CLR_NONE);
   if ( showAllCurrencies == TRUE || showBuffer_7 == TRUE ) SetIndexStyle(7,DRAW_LINE,STYLE_SOLID,1,currencycolor_7);
   else SetIndexStyle(7,DRAW_LINE,STYLE_SOLID,0,CLR_NONE);

   if ( numberOfCurrencies >= 1 ) SetIndexLabel(0,aCurrency[0]);
   if ( numberOfCurrencies >= 2 ) SetIndexLabel(1,aCurrency[1]);
   if ( numberOfCurrencies >= 3 ) SetIndexLabel(2,aCurrency[2]);
   if ( numberOfCurrencies >= 4 ) SetIndexLabel(3,aCurrency[3]);
   if ( numberOfCurrencies >= 5 ) SetIndexLabel(4,aCurrency[4]);
   if ( numberOfCurrencies >= 6 ) SetIndexLabel(5,aCurrency[5]);
   if ( numberOfCurrencies >= 7 ) SetIndexLabel(6,aCurrency[6]);
   if ( numberOfCurrencies >= 8 ) SetIndexLabel(7,aCurrency[7]);

   if ( numberOfCurrencies >= 1 ) SetIndexDrawBegin(0,0);
   if ( numberOfCurrencies >= 2 ) SetIndexDrawBegin(1,0);
   if ( numberOfCurrencies >= 3 ) SetIndexDrawBegin(2,0);
   if ( numberOfCurrencies >= 4 ) SetIndexDrawBegin(3,0);
   if ( numberOfCurrencies >= 5 ) SetIndexDrawBegin(4,0);
   if ( numberOfCurrencies >= 6 ) SetIndexDrawBegin(5,0);
   if ( numberOfCurrencies >= 7 ) SetIndexDrawBegin(6,0);
   if ( numberOfCurrencies >= 8 ) SetIndexDrawBegin(7,0);

//---- If you change the name of this window,
//---- you must also update the WindowFind() function further down
   IndicatorShortName("Price Meter System™ ©GPL -");

//     indicator deinitialization function                              |       
int deinit()

//     indicator start function                                         |       
int start()
//---- Date, time and counter variables
   int counted_bars = IndicatorCounted();
   int timeFrame_1 = Period();
   int barShift_TF1;

//---- Minimum 100 bars in chart
   if ( iBars(Symbol(), timeFrame_1) <= 100 ) return(0);
//---- Check for possible errors
   if ( counted_bars < 0 ) return(-1);
//---- The last counted bar will be recounted
   if( counted_bars > 0 ) counted_bars--;

//---- Main calculation loop
   for ( barShift_TF1 = startBar_TF1; barShift_TF1 >= endBar_TF1; barShift_TF1-- )
      calculateBuffers(timeFrame_1, startBar_TF1, barShift_TF1);

   if ( numberOfCurrencies >= 1 )
   if ( numberOfCurrencies >= 2 )
   if ( numberOfCurrencies >= 3 )
   if ( numberOfCurrencies >= 4 )
   if ( numberOfCurrencies >= 5 )
   if ( numberOfCurrencies >= 6 )
   if ( numberOfCurrencies >= 7 )
   if ( numberOfCurrencies >= 8 )   



//---- This function checks the input currencies and adds them to the currency array
void createCurrencyArray()
   int i = 0;
   string addM;
//---- Make naming compatible with IBFX mini accounts
   if (AccountIsIBFXmini) addM = "m"; else addM = "";

//---- Check if input currencies exist against USD and add valid currencies to the currency array
   if ( currency_0 == "USD" ||
      ( MarketInfo(currency_0+"USD"+addM,MODE_BID)>0 || MarketInfo("USD"+currency_0+addM,MODE_BID)>0 ) )
      { ArrayResize(aCurrency,i+1); aCurrency[i] = currency_0; i++; }
   if ( currency_1 == "USD" ||
      ( MarketInfo(currency_1+"USD"+addM,MODE_BID)>0 || MarketInfo("USD"+currency_1+addM,MODE_BID)>0 ) )
      { ArrayResize(aCurrency,i+1); aCurrency[i] = currency_1; i++; }
   if ( currency_2 == "USD" ||
      ( MarketInfo(currency_2+"USD"+addM,MODE_BID)>0 || MarketInfo("USD"+currency_2+addM,MODE_BID)>0 ) )
      { ArrayResize(aCurrency,i+1); aCurrency[i] = currency_2; i++; }
   if ( currency_3 == "USD" ||
      ( MarketInfo(currency_3+"USD"+addM,MODE_BID)>0 || MarketInfo("USD"+currency_3+addM,MODE_BID)>0 ) )
      { ArrayResize(aCurrency,i+1); aCurrency[i] = currency_3; i++; }
   if ( currency_4 == "USD" ||
      ( MarketInfo(currency_4+"USD"+addM,MODE_BID)>0 || MarketInfo("USD"+currency_4+addM,MODE_BID)>0 ) )
      { ArrayResize(aCurrency,i+1); aCurrency[i] = currency_4; i++; }
   if ( currency_5 == "USD" ||
      ( MarketInfo(currency_5+"USD"+addM,MODE_BID)>0 || MarketInfo("USD"+currency_5+addM,MODE_BID)>0 ) )
      { ArrayResize(aCurrency,i+1); aCurrency[i] = currency_5; i++; }
   if ( currency_6 == "USD" ||
      ( MarketInfo(currency_6+"USD"+addM,MODE_BID)>0 || MarketInfo("USD"+currency_6+addM,MODE_BID)>0 ) )
      { ArrayResize(aCurrency,i+1); aCurrency[i] = currency_6; i++; }
   if ( currency_7 == "USD" ||
      ( MarketInfo(currency_7+"USD"+addM,MODE_BID)>0 || MarketInfo("USD"+currency_7+addM,MODE_BID)>0 ) )
      { ArrayResize(aCurrency,i+1); aCurrency[i] = currency_7; i++; }

//---- Count number of valid currencies in array
   numberOfCurrencies = ArraySize(aCurrency);


//---- This function creates an array of all pairs possible from the currencies in the currency array
void createPairArray()
   int i = 0, j, k;
   string addM, pair1, pair2;

//---- Create array of all possible pairs
   for ( j = 0; j < numberOfCurrencies - 1; j++ )
//---- Make naming compatible with IBFX mini accounts
      if (AccountIsIBFXmini) addM = "m"; else addM = "";
      for ( k = j + 1; k < numberOfCurrencies; k++ )
         pair1 = aCurrency[j]+aCurrency[k] + addM;
         if ( MarketInfo(pair1,MODE_BID) > 0 ) { ArrayResize(aPair,i+1); aPair[i] = pair1; i++; }

         pair2 = aCurrency[k]+aCurrency[j] + addM;
         if ( MarketInfo(pair2,MODE_BID) > 0 ) { ArrayResize(aPair,i+1); aPair[i] = pair2; i++; }

//---- Count number of valid pairs in array
   numberOfPairs = ArraySize(aPair);



//---- Set the start/end bar for the indicator based on setStartDateTime, setEndDateTime and maxHistoryBars
void setStartEndBar(int& startbar, int& endbar)
   int maxbars = iBars(Symbol(), Period()) - IndicatorCounted() - 1;
   if ( setStartDateTime != "" && setEndDateTime != "" )
      if ( StrToTime(setStartDateTime) > StrToTime(setEndDateTime) )
         string tempTimeString = setStartDateTime;
         setStartDateTime = setEndDateTime;
         setEndDateTime = tempTimeString;
      startbar = iBarShift(Symbol(), Period(), StrToTime(setStartDateTime), false);
      endbar = iBarShift(Symbol(), Period(), StrToTime(setEndDateTime), false);

   if ( setStartDateTime != "" && setEndDateTime == "" && maxHistoryBars > 0)
      startbar = iBarShift(Symbol(), Period(), StrToTime(setStartDateTime), false);
//---- Don't let endbar be smaller than most recent bar
      endbar = MathMax(startbar - maxHistoryBars,0);
   if ( setStartDateTime != "" && setEndDateTime == "" && maxHistoryBars <= 0)
      startbar = iBarShift(Symbol(), Period(), StrToTime(setStartDateTime), false);
      endbar = 0;

   if ( setStartDateTime == "" && setEndDateTime != "" && maxHistoryBars > 0)
      endbar = iBarShift(Symbol(), Period(), StrToTime(setEndDateTime), false);
//---- Don't go let startbar be bigger than the maximum bars available in this chart
      startbar = MathMin( endbar + maxHistoryBars, maxbars );
   if ( setStartDateTime == "" && setEndDateTime != "" && maxHistoryBars <= 0)
      startbar = maxbars;
      endbar = iBarShift(Symbol(), Period(), StrToTime(setEndDateTime), false);
   if ( setStartDateTime == "" && setEndDateTime == "" && maxHistoryBars > 0)
      startbar = maxHistoryBars;
      endbar = 0;
   if ( setStartDateTime == "" && setEndDateTime == "" && maxHistoryBars <= 0)
      startbar = maxbars;
      endbar = 0;  


//---- This function calculates all the buffer values
void calculateBuffers(int timeframe, int startbar, int barshift)
//---- Price Meter System variables
   double aMeter[]; ArrayResize(aMeter,numberOfCurrencies);
   double aHigh[]; ArrayResize(aHigh,numberOfPairs);
   double aLow[]; ArrayResize(aLow,numberOfPairs);
   double aClose[]; ArrayResize(aClose,numberOfPairs);
   double aRatio_1[]; ArrayResize(aRatio_1,numberOfPairs);
   double aRatio_2[]; ArrayResize(aRatio_2,numberOfPairs);
   double aRange[]; ArrayResize(aRange,numberOfPairs);
   double aLookup_1[]; ArrayResize(aLookup_1,numberOfPairs);
   double aLookup_2[]; ArrayResize(aLookup_2,numberOfPairs);
   double point;
   int i, j, k, m;
   string mySymbol;
   int highBar, lowBar;

   string subPair1, subPair2;
   int calculationMethod;
   double highSubPair1, highSubPair2, lowSubPair1, lowSubPair2, closeSubPair1, closeSubPair2;
   double highBarsArray[], lowBarsArray[];

//---- Set lookback period to start at midnight
   if ( lookBackStartMidnight == TRUE )
      lookBackPeriod = TimeHour( iTime(mySymbol, timeframe, barshift) ) + 1;

//---- Initialize all pairs required value
   for ( i = 0; i < numberOfPairs; i++ )
      mySymbol = aPair[i];
//---- Get point info for symbol
      point = MarketInfo(mySymbol,MODE_POINT);

//---- Find highest and lowest bar during the lookback period
      highBar = iHighest(mySymbol, timeframe, MODE_HIGH, lookBackPeriod, barshift);
      lowBar = iLowest(mySymbol, timeframe, MODE_LOW, lookBackPeriod, barshift);
//---- Set high, low and close
      aHigh[i] = iHigh(mySymbol, timeframe, highBar);
      aLow[i] = iLow(mySymbol, timeframe, lowBar);
      aClose[i] = iClose(mySymbol, timeframe, barshift);

//---- Calculate range over the lookback period
      aRange[i] = MathMax( (aHigh[i] - aLow[i]) / point,1);
//---- Calculate pair's ratio and inverse ratio
      aRatio_1[i] = ( aClose[i] - aLow[i]) / aRange[i] / point;
      aRatio_2[i] = ( aHigh[i] - aClose[i]) / aRange[i] / point;
//---- Set a pair's grade and inverse grade
      aLookup_1[i] = iLookup( aRatio_1[i] * 100 );
      aLookup_2[i] = iLookup( aRatio_2[i] * 100 );

//---- Calculate and normalize all values to display in graph
   for ( j = 0; j < numberOfCurrencies; j++ )
      aMeter[j] = 0;
      m = 0;
      for ( k = 0; k < numberOfPairs; k++ )
         if ( StringFind(aPair[k], aCurrency[j], 0) == 0 ) { aMeter[j] += aLookup_1[k]; m++; }
         if ( StringFind(aPair[k], aCurrency[j], 0) == 3 ) { aMeter[j] += aLookup_2[k]; m++; }
      aMeter[j] = NormalizeDouble(aMeter[j]/m,1);

//---- Show values without smoothing
   if (barshift == startbar || applySmoothing == FALSE)
      if ( numberOfCurrencies >= 1 ) Buffer_0[barshift] = aMeter[0];
      if ( numberOfCurrencies >= 2 ) Buffer_1[barshift] = aMeter[1];
      if ( numberOfCurrencies >= 3 ) Buffer_2[barshift] = aMeter[2];
      if ( numberOfCurrencies >= 4 ) Buffer_3[barshift] = aMeter[3];
      if ( numberOfCurrencies >= 5 ) Buffer_4[barshift] = aMeter[4];
      if ( numberOfCurrencies >= 6 ) Buffer_5[barshift] = aMeter[5];
      if ( numberOfCurrencies >= 7 ) Buffer_6[barshift] = aMeter[6];
      if ( numberOfCurrencies >= 8 ) Buffer_7[barshift] = aMeter[7];
//---- Show values with smoothing
      if ( numberOfCurrencies >= 1 ) Buffer_0[barshift] = (Buffer_0[barshift + 1] * (smoothingPeriod-1) + aMeter[0]) / smoothingPeriod;
      if ( numberOfCurrencies >= 2 ) Buffer_1[barshift] = (Buffer_1[barshift + 1] * (smoothingPeriod-1) + aMeter[1]) / smoothingPeriod;
      if ( numberOfCurrencies >= 3 ) Buffer_2[barshift] = (Buffer_2[barshift + 1] * (smoothingPeriod-1) + aMeter[2]) / smoothingPeriod;
      if ( numberOfCurrencies >= 4 ) Buffer_3[barshift] = (Buffer_3[barshift + 1] * (smoothingPeriod-1) + aMeter[3]) / smoothingPeriod;
      if ( numberOfCurrencies >= 5 ) Buffer_4[barshift] = (Buffer_4[barshift + 1] * (smoothingPeriod-1) + aMeter[4]) / smoothingPeriod;
      if ( numberOfCurrencies >= 6 ) Buffer_5[barshift] = (Buffer_5[barshift + 1] * (smoothingPeriod-1) + aMeter[5]) / smoothingPeriod;
      if ( numberOfCurrencies >= 7 ) Buffer_6[barshift] = (Buffer_6[barshift + 1] * (smoothingPeriod-1) + aMeter[6]) / smoothingPeriod;
      if ( numberOfCurrencies >= 8 ) Buffer_7[barshift] = (Buffer_7[barshift + 1] * (smoothingPeriod-1) + aMeter[7]) / smoothingPeriod;



//---- This function will return a grade value for a pair based on its power
int iLookup(double ratio)
//---- Grade table for currency's power
   int aTable[10]  = {0,3,10,25,40,50,60,75,90,97};
   int index;

   if (ratio <= aTable[0]) index = 0;
   else if (ratio < aTable[1]) index = 0;
   else if (ratio < aTable[2]) index = 1;
   else if (ratio < aTable[3]) index = 2;
   else if (ratio < aTable[4]) index = 3;
   else if (ratio < aTable[5]) index = 4;
   else if (ratio < aTable[6]) index = 5;
   else if (ratio < aTable[7]) index = 6;
   else if (ratio < aTable[8]) index = 7;
   else if (ratio < aTable[9]) index = 8;
   else index = 9;



//---- Create the objects that serve as legend for the indicator buffers
void createLegendObjects(string name, int xcoor, int ycoor, string text, int fsize, string ftype, color fcolor)
//---- Variable used to determine this window's index. Required for painting legend objects in correct window
   int wIndex = WindowFind("Price Meter System™ ©GPL -");



void deleteLegendObjects()





Market Information Used:

Series array that contains the highest prices of each bar
Series array that contains the lowest prices of each bar
Series array that contains close prices for each bar

Indicator Curves created:

Implements a curve of type DRAW_LINE

Indicators Used:

Custom Indicators Used:

Order Management characteristics:

Other Features: