
//|                                                   ShadeNY_v5.mq4 |
//|                                         Copyright © 2006, sx ted |
//| Purpose: shade New York or other sessions for chart time frames  |
//|          M1 to H4 (at a push).                                   |
//| Notes..: To change chart time frame from M5 to M15 for example,  |
//|          click on M15, M5 and M15 again to force a chart refresh.|
//|          Modify the values of MAX_DAYS_TO_SHADE, SESSION_OPEN_HH,|
//|          to suit ***** THE LOCAL TIMES AT THE EXCHANGE *****.    |
//|          The values for SERVER_TIME_ZONE and EXCHANGE_TIME_ZONE  |
//|          are to be edited for DST when applicable.               |
//| version: 2 - enhanced for speed but with MT4 beeing so fast no   |
//|              difference will be noticed, all the sessions are    |
//|              shaded in the init(), last session if it is current |
//|              is widened in the start() in lieu of repainting all.|
//|          3 - 2006.03.22 added "SetImmediacyON" input parameter   |
//|              which forces shading after first tick is received   |
//|              in the new session. Corrected case where bar is not |
//|              complete and session starts, and case when session  |
//|              covers two days when in Moscow (GMT+3 and greater). |
//|          4 - 2006.03.29 corrected for not taking into account the|
//|              difference between Local time and Server time.      |
//|          5 - 2006.04.03 corrected for Server time change, open   |
//|              and close times of exchange are now expressed in    |
//|              local times of the exchange.                        |
//|              Added new SERVER_TIME_ZONE and EXCHANGE_TIME_ZONE in|
//|              the #define section. Finally learnt about GMT time! |

#property copyright "Copyright © 2006, sx ted"
#property link      ""

#property indicator_chart_window

//---- input parameters
extern color     ShadeColor=Yellow;
extern bool      SetImmediacyON=true;  // if set ON forces shading after first tick in new session

extern string    HelpText1 = "TRUE for solid, FALSE for frames"; // by Abhi
extern bool      SolidRectangle = false; // by Abhi; if false shows rectangle frame
extern string    HelpText2 = "0 - solid 1 - dash 2 - dot etc..."; // by Abhi
extern int       FrameStyle = 0; // by Abhi

#define MAX_DAYS_TO_SHADE   5          // maximum number of days back from last chart date to be shaded

#define SERVER_TIME_ZONE   +2          // MetaTrader server time zone, compare CurTime() with Greenwich GMT
#define EXCHANGE_TIME_ZONE -4          // Exchange time zone, example New York -4 GMT
#define SESSION_OPEN_HH    09          // session open hour (in local time at the exchange)
#define SESSION_OPEN_MM    30          // session open minutes (in local time at the exchange)
#define SESSION_CLOSE_HH   16          // session close hour (in local time at the exchange)
#define SESSION_CLOSE_MM   05          // session close minutes (in local time at the exchange)

//---- global variables to program
string  obj[];                         // array of object names

//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int init()
   if(Period() > PERIOD_H4) return(0); // no shading required
   // comment out or delete the following line when no longer required
   Alert( "ServerTime at ", ServerAddress(), " is ", TimeToStr( CurTime(),TIME_MINUTES ), "\nAdjust #define SERVER_TIME_ZONE if required" );
//| Custom indicator deinitialization function                       |
int deinit()
   for(int i=0; i < ArraySize(obj); i++)
      if(ObjectFind(obj[i]) > -1) ObjectDelete(obj[i]); // tidy up
//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int start()
   if(Period() > PERIOD_H4) return(0); // no shading required
   int    i, iCount, iAdjust,          // counters
          iStart, iEnd;                // x co-ordinates of object (index)
   double dLow, dHigh;                 // y co-ordinates of object   
   string sName;                       // name for the object
   int    iSessionDuration;            // session duration in seconds
   bool   ok;
   // adjust for difference between Server time and Local time at the exchange (in minutes)
   // determine open time of first bar in the session matching chart time frame in format " hh:mi"
   if(iStart > 24*60) iStart-=24*60;
   string sStart=" "+TimeToStr(StrToTime("2006.3.22")+(MathFloor(iStart/Period()) * Period() ) * 60, TIME_MINUTES);
   // calculate session duration in seconds, check if session covers two days (cater for GMT+3 and above)
   else iSessionDuration = ( (SESSION_CLOSE_HH*60+SESSION_CLOSE_MM) - (SESSION_OPEN_HH*60+SESSION_OPEN_MM) )*60;
   // round session duration to suit an open time of chart time frame
   datetime tStart =StrToTime(TimeToStr(Time[0], TIME_DATE)+sStart);
   datetime tEnd   =StrToTime(TimeToStr(Time[0], TIME_DATE)+" "+DoubleToStr(SESSION_OPEN_HH ,0)+":"+DoubleToStr(SESSION_OPEN_MM ,0))+iSessionDuration+iAdjust*60;
   // clear previous objects
   for(i=0; i < ArraySize(obj); i++)
      if(ObjectFind(obj[i]) > -1) ObjectDelete(obj[i]);
   for(i=MAX_DAYS_TO_SHADE; i >= 0; i--)
      tStart=StrToTime(TimeToStr(iTime(NULL, PERIOD_D1, i), TIME_DATE)+sStart);
      tEnd  =tStart+iSessionDuration;
      iStart=iBarShift(NULL, 0, tStart, false);
      ok=(iStart > 0 && iStart < Bars-1 && TimeDayOfYear(tStart) == TimeDayOfYear(Time[iStart]));
      if(!ok && SetImmediacyON && CurTime() >= tStart && CurTime() < tEnd)
         iEnd=iBarShift(NULL, 0, tEnd, false);
         if(iEnd >= Bars-1) iEnd=0; // end not found, therefore current session
         while(iEnd < iStart && Time[iEnd] > tEnd) iEnd++; // cater for earlier close on Friday
         dLow =Low[Lowest(NULL,0,MODE_LOW,iStart-iEnd,iEnd)];
         sName="Session_"+TimeToStr(iTime(NULL, PERIOD_D1, i), TIME_DATE);
         // keep track of object names for tidying up upon exit
         ArrayResize(obj, iCount+1);



Market Information Used:

Series array that contains open time of each bar
Series array that contains the lowest prices of each bar
Series array that contains the highest prices of each bar

Indicator Curves created:

Indicators Used:

Custom Indicators Used:

Order Management characteristics:

Other Features:

It issuies visual alerts to the screen