
|			       |
| Shared by    |
|			       |

//|                                        starter_v6mod.mq4         |
//|                                              Copyright © 2005    |
//|    Thanks to Starter, Maloma, Amir, Fukinagashi, Forex_trader,   |
//|    kmrunner, and all other strategybuilderFx members that        |
//|    contributed to the success of this expert.                    |
//|    From MrPip                                                    |
//|    My contibution is clean up of code                            |
//|    10/13/05  added EMAAngleZero                                  |
//|              added Maloma logic for No buy when Sell open, etc   |
//|              removed Stop logic code uses TakeProfit instead     |
//|     10/15    Corrected EMAAngleZero for handling USDJPY          |
//|     10/18/05 Added Slippage as parameter to expert               |
//|     10/18/05 Added code for multiple tries to open trade         |
#property copyright "Copyright © 2005, Strategybuilderfx members"
#property link      "http:/"
#include <stdlib.mqh>

extern int Debug = 0;               // Change to 1 to allow print

//|Account functions                                  |
extern int AccountIsMini = 0;       // Change to 1 if trading mini account
extern int LiveTrading = 0;         // Change to 1 if trading live.
//|Money Management                                   |
extern int mm = 1;                  // Change to 0 if you want to shutdown money management controls. Lots = 1 will be in effect and only 1 lot will be open regardless of equity.
extern double Riskpercent = 5;      // Change to whatever percent of equity you wish to risk.
extern double DecreaseFactor = 3;   // Used to decrease lot size after a loss is experienced to protect equity.  Recommended not to change.
extern double StopLoss = 35;        // Maximum pips willing to lose per position.
extern double TrailingStop = 0;     // Change to whatever number of pips you wish to trail your position with.
extern int MaximumLosses = 3;       // Maximum number of losses per day willing to experience.
extern double Margincutoff = 800;   // Expert will stop trading if equity level decreases to that level.
extern double Maxtrades = 10;       // Total number of positions on all currency pairs. You can change this number as you wish.
//|Profit controls                                    |
extern int TakeProfit = 10;         // Maximum profit level achieved.    
extern int Slippage = 10;           // Possible fix for not getting filled or closed
//extern double Stop = 5;             // Minimum profit level achieved and usually achieved target.
//|Indicator Variables                                |
//| Change these to try your own system               |
//| or add more if you like                           |
extern int EMAPeriod=34;            //EMAAnglePeriod
extern double AngleTreshold=0.2;
extern int StartEMAShift=6;         // Check last six bars
extern int EndEMAShift=0;

extern double MAPeriod=120;         // Moving average period.
extern double MAPeriod2=40;         // Moving average period 2.
extern double Lots = 1;             // standard lot size. 
extern int Turnon = 1;              // Turns expert on, change to 0 and no trades will take place even if expert is enabled.
//|General controls                                   |
string OrderText = "";
double lotMM;
int TradesInThisSymbol;
int cnt=0, total;
datetime LastTime;
double Sl;
double Tr;
int ticket;
int trstop = 0;
bool est_b, est_s;  // determines if buy or sell trades are allowed

//|  Indicator values for entry or exit conditions    |
//|  Add or Change to test your system                |
double Laguerre;
double Laguerreprevious;
double Alpha;
double MA, MAprevious;
double MA2,MAprevious2;

//| expert initialization function                                   |
int init()
//| expert deinitialization function                                 |
int deinit()

//| The functions from this point to the start function are where    |
//| changes are made to test other systems or strategies.            |

//|                                                     EMAAngleZero |
//|                                                           jpkfox |
//|                                                                  |
//| You can use this indicator to measure when the EMA angle is      |
//| "near zero". AngleTreshold determines when the angle for the     |
//| EMA is "about zero": This is when the value is between           |
//| [-AngleTreshold, AngleTreshold] (or when the histogram is red).  |
//|   EMAPeriod: EMA period                                          |
//|   AngleTreshold: The angle value is "about zero" when it is      |
//|     between the values [-AngleTreshold, AngleTreshold].          |      
//|   StartEMAShift: The starting point to calculate the             |   
//|     angle. This is a shift value to the left from the            |
//|     observation point. Should be StartEMAShift > EndEMAShift.    | 
//|   StartEMAShift: The ending point to calculate the               |
//|     angle. This is a shift value to the left from the            | 
//|     observation point. Should be StartEMAShift > EndEMAShift.    |
//|                                                                  |
//|   Modified by MrPip                                              |
//|       Red for down                                               |
//|       Yellow for near zero                                       |
//|       Green for up                                               |   
//|                                                                  |
//|   New mods for expert                                            |
//|   returns -1 for downtrend                                       |
//|   returns 1 for uptrend                                          |
//|   returns 0 for do not trade                                     |
//|  Modified to match code in indicator                             |

int EMAAngleZeroCheck()
   double fEndMA, fStartMA;
   double fAngle;
   double mFactor;
   int ShiftDif;
   if(EndEMAShift >= StartEMAShift)
      if (Debug == 1) Print("Error: EndEMAShift >= StartEMAShift");
      StartEMAShift = 6;
      EndEMAShift = 0;      
   ShiftDif = StartEMAShift-EndEMAShift; 
   mFactor = 10000.0;
   if (Symbol() == "USDJPY") mFactor = 100.0;
   mFactor /= ShiftDif;  
   // 10000.0 : Multiply by 10000 so that the fAngle is not too small
   // for the indicator Window.
   fAngle = mFactor * (fEndMA - fStartMA);
// fAngle = MathArctan(fAngle)/0.01745;
      if(fAngle > AngleTreshold) return(1);
      if (fAngle < -AngleTreshold) return (-1);
//| LaGuerre function calculation                                    |

double LaGuerre(double gamma, int shift)
	double RSI;
	double L0[100];
	double L1[100];
	double L2[100];
	double L3[100];
	double CU, CD;

	for (int i=shift+99; i>=shift; i--)
		L0[i] = (1.0 - gamma)*Close[i] + gamma*L0[i+1];
		L1[i] = -gamma*L0[i] + L0[i+1] + gamma*L1[i+1];
		L2[i] = -gamma*L1[i] + L1[i+1] + gamma*L2[i+1];
		L3[i] = -gamma*L2[i] + L2[i+1] + gamma*L3[i+1];

		CU = 0;
		CD = 0;
		if (L0[i] >= L1[i])  CU = L0[i] - L1[i];
		else 		 		CD = L1[i] - L0[i];
		if (L1[i] >= L2[i])  CU = CU + L1[i] - L2[i];
		else 		 		CD = CD + L2[i] - L1[i];
		if (L2[i] >= L3[i])  CU = CU + L2[i] - L3[i];
		else 		 		CD = CD + L3[i] - L2[i];

		if (CU + CD != 0)		RSI = CU / (CU + CD);
//| CheckExitCondition                       |
//|                                          |
//| Check if Leguerre has proper value       |
//| return 0 for exit condition not met      |
//| return 1 for exit condition met          |
int CheckExitCondition(string type)
   if (type == "BUY")
     if (Laguerre > 0.9)
      if (Debug == 1) Print ("Exit Condition met for Buy");
      return (1);
     return (0); 
   if (type == "SELL")
     if (Laguerre < 0.1)
      if (Debug == 1) Print ("Exit Condition met for Sell");

      return (1);

   return (0); 

//| CheckBuyCondition                        |
//|                                          |
//| return 0 for exit condition not met      |
//| return 1 for exit condition met          |

int CheckBuyCondition()
	if((Laguerreprevious<=0) && (Laguerre<=0) && (MA>MAprevious) && (MA2>MAprevious2)&& (Alpha<-5)) 

    if (Debug == 1) Print ("Buy Condition met");

   return (0);

//| CheckSellCondition                       |
//|                                          |
//| return 0 for exit condiotion not met     |
//| return 1 for exit condition met          |

int CheckSellCondition()
	if((Laguerreprevious>=1) && (Laguerre>=1) && (MA<MAprevious) && (MA2<MAprevious2) && (Alpha>5))
       if (Debug == 1) Print ("Sell Condition met");
   return (0);


//| expert start function                                            |
int start()
   int donttrade, allexit;
   int ExitCondition, EMAAngle;
   trstop = 0;

	int MagicNumber = 3000 + func_Symbol2Val(Symbol())*100 + func_TimeFrame_Const2Val(Period()); 

   string setup="sv6mod" + Symbol() + "_" + func_TimeFrame_Val2String(func_TimeFrame_Const2Val(Period()));

//| Condition statements                                             |
//| Change or add for your strategy                                  |

   Laguerre=LaGuerre(0.7, 0);
   Laguerreprevious=LaGuerre(0.7, 1);
   Alpha=iCCI(NULL, 0, 14, PRICE_CLOSE, 0);
   donttrade = 0;
   allexit = 0;
//| Friday Exits                                                     |

   if(DayOfWeek()==5 && Hour()>=18) donttrade=1;
   if(DayOfWeek()==5 && Hour()>=20) allexit=1;
//| Open Position Controls                                          |

   CheckOpenPositions(MagicNumber, allexit);
//| New Position Controls                                            |

   if(AccountFreeMargin() < Margincutoff) {
   if(TradesInThisSymbol > Maxtrades) {
   if(CurTime() < LastTime) {

// Moved after open positions are closed for more available margin

   if(mm == 1)
     lotMM = LotsOptimized(MagicNumber);
   else {
     lotMM = Lots; // Change mm to 0 if you want the Lots parameter to be in effect
   OrderText = ""; //Must be blank before going into the main section
// Check for open positions

   CheckBuySellPositions();  // returns est_b and est_s
// Check for good angle on EMA making sure no open positions
// in opposite direction

   EMAAngle = EMAAngleZeroCheck();
   if (EMAAngle == 1)             // uptrend
   // Make sure No Sells open
     if (est_b)

       est_b = true;
       est_s = false;
   if (EMAAngle == -1)            // downtrend
// Make sure no Buys open
    if (est_s)

     est_b = false;
     est_s = true;
   if (EMAAngle == 0)             // market is flat
     est_b = false;
     est_s = false;

	if((CheckBuyCondition() == 1) && (Turnon == 1) && (donttrade == 0) && est_b)
		OrderText = "BUY";
		if (StopLoss>0) {
		 Sl = Ask-StopLoss*Point;
		} else {
		if (TakeProfit == 0) 
		    Tr = 0;
		    Tr = Ask+TakeProfit*Point;

	if((CheckSellCondition() == 1) && (Turnon == 1) && (donttrade == 0) && est_s)
		OrderText = "SELL";
		if (StopLoss>0) {
		 Sl = Bid+StopLoss*Point;
		} else {
		 Sl = 0;
		if (TakeProfit == 0) 
		    Tr = 0;
		    Tr = Bid-TakeProfit*Point;
   if(OrderText != "" && trstop == 0 && TradesInThisSymbol == 0) 

	   LastTime = CurTime();

//| Check Open Buy or Sell Position                                  |
//| Code from Maloma                                                 |
//| modifies globals est_s and est_b                                 |
int CheckBuySellPositions()
  int total,cnt;
   est_s = true;
   est_b = true;
      OrderSelect (cnt, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES );
      if((OrderType() == OP_SELL) && (OrderSymbol()==Symbol())) est_b = false;
      if((OrderType() == OP_BUY) && (OrderSymbol()==Symbol())) est_s = false;
   return (0);

//|  HandleBuys uses exit condition to determine close     |
int HandleBuys(int ExitConditions)
   if (ExitConditions == 1)   
      OrderClose(OrderTicket(),OrderLots(),Bid,Slippage,Violet); // close position
      return(0); // exit
// check for stop
//   if(Stop>0)  
//   {                 
//     if(Bid-OrderOpenPrice()>=Point*Stop)
//     {
//        OrderClose(OrderTicket(),OrderLots(),Bid,Slippage,Violet); // close position
//        return(0);
//      }
//    }

//|  HandleSells uses exit condition to determine close    |

int HandleSells(int ExitConditions)
  if (ExitConditions == 1)
     OrderClose(OrderTicket(),OrderLots(),Ask,Slippage,Violet); // close position
     return(0); // exit
// check for stop
//   if(Stop>0)  
//   {                 
//     if(OrderOpenPrice()-Ask>=Point*Stop)
//     {
//        OrderClose(OrderTicket(),OrderLots(),Ask,Slippage,Violet); // close position
//        return(0);
//     }
//   }
         if(OrderStopLoss()==0.0 || OrderStopLoss()>(Ask+Point*TrailingStop))

//| DoTrades module cut from start            |
//|  No real changes                          |
int DoTrades(string SetupStr,int MagicNum)
   double Min_OrderPrice;
   int err;

   if(OrderText == "BUY")
       Min_OrderPrice=MinOrderPrice(OP_BUY, MagicNum);
       if (Min_OrderPrice>0 && Min_OrderPrice<=Ask*1.05) {
          Print("Buy too expensive => MinOrderPrice= " + Min_OrderPrice + "  Ask=" + Ask);
       } else {
           ticket = OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUY,lotMM,Ask,Slippage,Sl,Tr,SetupStr,MagicNum,0,Green);
           if (Debug == 1) Print ("Buy at ",TimeToStr(CurTime())," for ",Ask);
           LastTime += 12;
           if(ticket<=0) {
               err = GetLastError();
               Alert("Error opening BUY order [" + SetupStr + "]: (" + err + ") " + ErrorDescription(err)); 
   else if(OrderText == "SELL")
       Min_OrderPrice=MinOrderPrice(OP_SELL, MagicNum);
       if (Min_OrderPrice>0 && Min_OrderPrice<=Bid) {
          Print("Buy too expensive MinOrderPrice= " + Min_OrderPrice + "  Bid=" + Bid);
       } else {
          ticket = OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_SELL,lotMM,Bid,Slippage,Sl,Tr,SetupStr,MagicNum,0,Red);
          if (Debug == 1) Print ("Sell at ",TimeToStr(CurTime())," for ",Bid);
          LastTime += 12;
          if(ticket<=0) {
             err = GetLastError();
             Alert("Error opening Sell order [" + SetupStr + "]: (" + err + ") " + ErrorDescription(err)); 

//| Check Open Position Controls                                     |
int CheckOpenPositions(int MagicNumbers, int allexits)
   int cnt, ExitCondition, total;
   TradesInThisSymbol = 0;
      if ( OrderSelect (cnt, SELECT_BY_POS) == false )  continue;
      if ( OrderSymbol() != Symbol() || OrderMagicNumber() != MagicNumbers)  continue;
      if((OrderType() == OP_BUY || OrderType() == OP_BUYSTOP) && (OrderSymbol()==Symbol()))
//   First check if indicators cause exit

             ExitCondition = CheckExitCondition("BUY");

// Then check if Friday

             if(allexits==1) ExitCondition = 1;

      if((OrderType() == OP_SELL || OrderType() == OP_SELLSTOP) && (OrderSymbol()==Symbol()))
//   First check if indicators cause exit

             ExitCondition = CheckExitCondition("SELL");

// Then check if Friday

             if(allexits==1) ExitCondition = 1;
     return (0);

//| Calculate optimal lot size                                       |

double LotsOptimized(int Mnr)
   double lot=Lots;
   int    orders=HistoryTotal();     // history orders total
   int    losses=0;                  // number of losses orders without a break
   int    tolosses=0;
//---- select lot size
//---- calcuulate number of losses orders without a break
      for(int i=orders-1;i>=0;i--)
         if(OrderSelect(i,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_HISTORY)==false) { Print("Error in history!"); break; }
         if(OrderSymbol()!=Symbol() || OrderType()>OP_SELL || OrderMagicNumber()!=Mnr) continue;
         if(OrderProfit()>0) break;
         if(OrderProfit()<0) losses++;
         if(OrderSelect(i,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_HISTORY)==false) { Print("Error in history!"); break; }
         if(TimeDay(OrderCloseTime()) != TimeDay(CurTime())) continue;
         if(OrderProfit()<0) tolosses++;
        if (tolosses >= MaximumLosses) trstop=1;
      if(losses>1) lot=NormalizeDouble(lot-lot*losses/DecreaseFactor,1);
  if(lot > 1) 
      lot = MathFloor(lot);

      lot = lot * 10;
//---- return lot size
   if(lot<0.1) lot=0.1;
  if(LiveTrading == 1)
    if (AccountIsMini == 0 && lot < 1.0) 
         lot = 1.0;
  if(lot > 100)
         lot = 100;


//| Time frame interval appropriation  function                               |

int func_TimeFrame_Const2Val(int Constant ) {
   switch(Constant) {
      case 1:  // M1
      case 5:  // M5
      case 15:
      case 30:
      case 60:
      case 240:
      case 1440:
      case 10080:
      case 43200:

//| Time frame string appropriation  function                               |

string func_TimeFrame_Val2String(int Value ) {
   switch(Value) {
      case 1:  // M1
      case 2:  // M1
      case 3:
      case 4:
      case 5:
      case 6:
      case 7:
      case 8:
      case 9:
   		return("undefined " + Value);

int func_Symbol2Val(string symbol) {
	if(symbol=="USDCHF") {
	} else if(symbol=="GBPUSD") {
	} else if(symbol=="EURUSD") {
	} else if(symbol=="USDJPY") {
	} else if(symbol=="EURGBP") {
	} else if(symbol=="EURJPY") {
	} else {
		Comment("unexpected Symbol");
//| Average price efficiency  function                               |

double MinOrderPrice(int OType, int OMagicNumber) {
double MinPrice;

   if (OrderType()==OP_BUY) {
   } else {
   for(int cnt=0;cnt<OrdersTotal();cnt++)
      OrderSelect(cnt, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);
      if(OrderType()==OType && OrderSymbol()==Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber()==OMagicNumber) {
         if (OrderType()==OP_BUY) {
            if (OrderOpenPrice()<MinPrice) {
         } else {
            if (OrderOpenPrice()>MinPrice) {
   if (MinPrice==1000000) MinPrice=0;



Market Information Used:

Series array that contains close prices for each bar

Indicator Curves created:

Indicators Used:

Moving average indicator
Commodity channel index

Custom Indicators Used:

Order Management characteristics:
Checks for the total of open orders
It Closes Orders by itself
It can change open orders parameters, due to possible stepping strategy
It automatically opens orders when conditions are reached

Other Features:

It issuies visual alerts to the screen

BackTest : EURUSD on H1

From 2009-08-01 to 2009-10-01 Profit Factor:0.00 Total Net Profit:0.00

BackTest : EURUSD on H1

From 2010-04-01 to 2010-04-30 Profit Factor:0.00 Total Net Profit:0.00

BackTest : EURUSD on H1

From 2010-05-01 to 2010-05-31 Profit Factor:0.00 Total Net Profit:0.00

BackTest : EURUSD on H1

From 2010-06-01 to 2010-06-30 Profit Factor:0.00 Total Net Profit:0.00

BackTest : GBPUSD on H1

From 2010-01-01 to 2010-02-27 Profit Factor:0.00 Total Net Profit:0.00

BackTest : USDJPY on H1

From 2009-11-01 to 2009-11-30 Profit Factor:0.00 Total Net Profit:0.00

Request Backtest for starter_v6mod_e

From : (yyyy/mm/dd) To: (yyyy/mm/dd)

Pair: Period: