T3 Bands2

//|                                                     T3 Bands.mq4 | 
//|                                                                  |
//|                                                                  | 

#property indicator_separate_window 
#property indicator_buffers 5 
#property indicator_color1 Green 
#property indicator_color2 Red 
#property indicator_color3 Blue 
#property indicator_color4 Yellow 
#property indicator_color5 Silver 
extern int MA_Period_1 = 5; 
extern int MA_Period_2 = 15; 
extern int MA_Period_3 = 20; 
extern int MA_Period_4 = 35; 
extern int MA_Period_5 = 80; 
#include "" 
//---- input parameters
extern double b = 0.86; 
//---- buffers
double MapBuffer1[]; 
double MapBuffer2[]; 
double MapBuffer3[]; 
double MapBuffer4[]; 
double MapBuffer5[]; 
double e1[6],e2[6],e3[6],e4[6],e5[6],e6[6]; 
double c1[6],c2[6],c3[6],c4[6]; 
double n[6],w1[6],w2[6],b2[6],b3[6]; 
//| Custom indicator initialization function                         | 
int init() 
//---- indicators setting 
   SetIndexStyle(0, DRAW_LINE, STYLE_SOLID, 1, Green); 
   SetIndexStyle(1, DRAW_LINE, STYLE_SOLID, 1, Red); 
   SetIndexStyle(2, DRAW_LINE, STYLE_SOLID, 1, Blue); 
   SetIndexStyle(3, DRAW_LINE, STYLE_SOLID, 1, Yellow); 
   SetIndexStyle(4, DRAW_LINE, STYLE_SOLID, 1, Silver); 
   IndicatorDigits(MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_DIGITS)); 
   IndicatorShortName("T3 Bands"); 
   SetIndexBuffer(0, MapBuffer1); 
   SetIndexBuffer(1, MapBuffer2); 
   SetIndexBuffer(2, MapBuffer3); 
   SetIndexBuffer(3, MapBuffer4); 
   SetIndexBuffer(4, MapBuffer5); 
//---- variable reset 
   n[1] = MA_Period_1; 
   n[2] = MA_Period_2; 
   n[3] = MA_Period_3; 
   n[4] = MA_Period_4; 
   n[5] = MA_Period_5; 
   for(int l=0; l < 6; l++) 
       e1[l] = 0; e2[l] = 0; e3[l] = 0; e4[l] = 0; e5[l] = 0; e6[l] = 0; 
       c1[l] = 0; c2[l] = 0; c3[l] = 0; c4[l] = 0; 
       w1[l] = 0; w2[l] = 0; 
       b2[l] = 0; b3[l] = 0; 
       b2[l] = b*b; 
       b3[l] = b2[l]*b; 
       c1[l] = -b3[l]; 
       c2[l] = (3*(b2[l] + b3[l])); 
       c3[l] = -3*(2*b2[l] + b + b3[l]); 
       c4[l] = (1 + 3*b + b3[l] + 3*b2[l]); 
       if(n[l] < 1) 
           n[l] = 1; 
       n[l] = 1 + 0.5*(n[l] - 1); 
       w1[l] = 2 / (n[l] + 1); 
       w2[l] = 1 - w1[l]; 
//| Custom indicator iteration function                              | 
int start() 
   int limit, MB[], ii, i; 
   int counted_bars = IndicatorCounted(); 
   if(counted_bars < 0) 
   if(counted_bars > 0) 
   limit = Bars - counted_bars; 
//---- indicator calculation 
   for(i = limit; i >= 0; i--) 
       for(ii = 0; ii < 6; ii++) 
           e1[ii] = w1[ii]*Close[i] + w2[ii]*e1[ii]; 
           e2[ii] = w1[ii]*e1[ii] + w2[ii]*e2[ii]; 
           e3[ii] = w1[ii]*e2[ii] + w2[ii]*e3[ii]; 
           e4[ii] = w1[ii]*e3[ii] + w2[ii]*e4[ii]; 
           e5[ii] = w1[ii]*e4[ii] + w2[ii]*e5[ii]; 
           e6[ii] = w1[ii]*e5[ii] + w2[ii]*e6[ii]; 
           if(ii == 1) 
               MapBuffer1[i] = c1[ii]*e6[ii] + c2[ii]*e5[ii] + c3[ii]*e4[ii] + c4[ii]*e3[ii]; 
           if(ii == 2) 
               MapBuffer2[i] = c1[ii]*e6[ii] + c2[ii]*e5[ii] + c3[ii]*e4[ii] + c4[ii]*e3[ii]; 
           if(ii == 3) 
               MapBuffer3[i] = c1[ii]*e6[ii] + c2[ii]*e5[ii] + c3[ii]*e4[ii] + c4[ii]*e3[ii]; 
           if(ii == 4) 
               MapBuffer4[i] = c1[ii]*e6[ii] + c2[ii]*e5[ii] + c3[ii]*e4[ii] + c4[ii]*e3[ii]; 
           if(ii == 5) 
               MapBuffer5[i] = c1[ii]*e6[ii] + c2[ii]*e5[ii] + c3[ii]*e4[ii] + c4[ii]*e3[ii]; 



Market Information Used:

Series array that contains close prices for each bar

Indicator Curves created:

Implements a curve of type DRAW_LINE

Indicators Used:

Custom Indicators Used:

Order Management characteristics:

Other Features: