
//|                                          WCCI Pattern Labels.mq4 |
//|                                                        Cubesteak |
//|                                         http://www.cubesteak.net |
//|                                                                  |
//| Purpose:   This is a silly little indicator that simply          |
//|            adds static labels to a new window to remind you      |
//|            what Woodies CCI trades are being called by the       |
//|            various "Woodies Patterns" indicators that are        |
//|            available.  Check www.woodiescciclub.com for the      |
//|            pattern descriptions and indicators.                  |
//|                                                                  |
#property copyright "Cubesteak"
#property link      "http://www.cubesteak.net/"

#property indicator_separate_window
#property indicator_maximum      1
#property indicator_minimum      0
//---- input parameters
extern color      TextColor=NavajoWhite;
extern int        TextColumn=2;  // 1 or 2 columns
extern int        TextSize=8;
extern int        TextCorner=0;  // 0=UL,1=UR,2=BL,3=BR
extern int        TextXOffset=10;
extern int        TextYOffset=15;

bool first_time = false;
int win_handle = -1;
//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int init()
//---- indicators
IndicatorShortName("WCCI Pattern Labels");
first_time = true;
//| Custom indicator deinitialization function                       |
int deinit()
//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int start()
   if (first_time){
   win_handle = WindowFind("WCCI Pattern Labels");
   first_time = false;
   int Xcol1place,Xcol2place,YCol1place,YCol2place,YCol3place,YCol4place,YCol5place,YCol6place,YCol7place,YCol8place = 0;
   switch (TextColumn)
            case 2:
            switch (TextCorner)
                  case 0:
                     Xcol1place = TextXOffset;
                     Xcol2place = TextSize * 25;
                     YCol1place = TextSize * 3;
                     YCol2place = TextSize * 5;
                     YCol3place = TextSize * 7;
                     YCol4place = TextSize * 9;
                     YCol5place = TextSize * 3;
                     YCol6place = TextSize * 5;
                     YCol7place = TextSize * 7;
                     YCol8place = TextSize * 9;
                  case 1:
                     Xcol1place = TextSize * 25;
                     Xcol2place = TextXOffset;
                     YCol1place = TextSize * 3;
                     YCol2place = TextSize * 5;
                     YCol3place = TextSize * 7;
                     YCol4place = TextSize * 9;
                     YCol5place = TextSize * 3;
                     YCol6place = TextSize * 5;
                     YCol7place = TextSize * 7;
                     YCol8place = TextSize * 9;
                  case 2:
                     Xcol1place = TextXOffset;
                     Xcol2place = TextSize * 25;
                     YCol1place = TextSize * 9;
                     YCol2place = TextSize * 7;
                     YCol3place = TextSize * 5;
                     YCol4place = TextSize * 3;
                     YCol5place = TextSize * 9;
                     YCol6place = TextSize * 7;
                     YCol7place = TextSize * 5;
                     YCol8place = TextSize * 3;
                  case 3:
                     Xcol1place = TextSize * 25;
                     Xcol2place = TextXOffset;
                     YCol1place = TextSize * 9;
                     YCol2place = TextSize * 7;
                     YCol3place = TextSize * 5;
                     YCol4place = TextSize * 3;
                     YCol5place = TextSize * 9;
                     YCol6place = TextSize * 7;
                     YCol7place = TextSize * 5;
                     YCol8place = TextSize * 3;
            case 1:
                switch (TextCorner)
                  case 0:
                     Xcol1place = TextXOffset;
                     Xcol2place = TextXOffset;
                     YCol1place = TextSize * 3;
                     YCol2place = TextSize * 5;
                     YCol3place = TextSize * 7;
                     YCol4place = TextSize * 9;
                     YCol5place = TextSize * 11;
                     YCol6place = TextSize * 13;
                     YCol7place = TextSize * 15;
                     YCol8place = TextSize * 17;
                  case 1:
                     Xcol1place = TextXOffset;
                     Xcol2place = TextXOffset;
                     YCol1place = TextSize * 3;
                     YCol2place = TextSize * 5;
                     YCol3place = TextSize * 7;
                     YCol4place = TextSize * 9;
                     YCol5place = TextSize * 11;
                     YCol6place = TextSize * 13;
                     YCol7place = TextSize * 15;
                     YCol8place = TextSize * 17;
                  case 2:
                     Xcol1place = TextXOffset;
                     Xcol2place = TextXOffset;
                     YCol1place = TextSize * 17;
                     YCol2place = TextSize * 15;
                     YCol3place = TextSize * 13;
                     YCol4place = TextSize * 11;
                     YCol5place = TextSize * 9;
                     YCol6place = TextSize * 7;
                     YCol7place = TextSize * 5;
                     YCol8place = TextSize * 3;
                  case 3:
                     Xcol1place = TextXOffset;
                     Xcol2place = TextXOffset;
                     YCol1place = TextSize * 17;
                     YCol2place = TextSize * 15;
                     YCol3place = TextSize * 13;
                     YCol4place = TextSize * 11;
                     YCol5place = TextSize * 9;
                     YCol6place = TextSize * 7;
                     YCol7place = TextSize * 5;
                     YCol8place = TextSize * 3;

//ZLR Label
if(!ObjectCreate("ZLR_Label", OBJ_LABEL, win_handle, 0, 0))
     Print("error: can't create label_object! code #",GetLastError());
  ObjectSet("ZLR_Label", OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, Xcol1place);
  ObjectSet("ZLR_Label", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, YCol1place);
  ObjectSet("ZLR_Label", OBJPROP_CORNER,TextCorner);
  ObjectSetText("ZLR_Label", "1. Zero-Line Reject (ZLR) -- Trend",TextSize,"Arial",TextColor);

//Shamu Label
if(!ObjectCreate("Shamu_Label", OBJ_LABEL, win_handle, 0, 0))
     Print("error: can't create label_object! code #",GetLastError());
  ObjectSet("Shamu_Label", OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, Xcol1place);
  ObjectSet("Shamu_Label", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, YCol2place);
  ObjectSet("Shamu_Label", OBJPROP_CORNER,TextCorner);
  ObjectSetText("Shamu_Label", "2. Shamu Trade -- Counter-Trend",TextSize,"Arial",TextColor);
//TLB Label
if(!ObjectCreate("TLB_Label", OBJ_LABEL, win_handle, 0, 0))
     Print("error: can't create label_object! code #",GetLastError());
  ObjectSet("TLB_Label", OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, Xcol1place);
  ObjectSet("TLB_Label", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, YCol3place);
  ObjectSet("TLB_Label", OBJPROP_CORNER,TextCorner);
  ObjectSetText("TLB_Label", "3. TrendLine Break -- Both",TextSize,"Arial",TextColor);

//Vegas Trade Label
if(!ObjectCreate("VT_Label", OBJ_LABEL, win_handle, 0, 0))
     Print("error: can't create label_object! code #",GetLastError());
  ObjectSet("VT_Label", OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, Xcol1place);
  ObjectSet("VT_Label", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, YCol4place);
  ObjectSet("VT_Label", OBJPROP_CORNER,TextCorner);
  ObjectSetText("VT_Label", "4. Vegas Trade -- Counter-Trend",TextSize,"Arial",TextColor);

//Ghost Trade Label
if(!ObjectCreate("GhostTrade_Label", OBJ_LABEL, win_handle, 0, 0))
     Print("error: can't create label_object! code #",GetLastError());
  ObjectSet("GhostTrade_Label", OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, Xcol2place);
  ObjectSet("GhostTrade_Label", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, YCol5place);
  ObjectSet("GhostTrade_Label", OBJPROP_CORNER,TextCorner);
  ObjectSetText("GhostTrade_Label", "5. Ghost Trade -- Counter-Trend",TextSize,"Arial",TextColor);

//Reverse Divergence Label
if(!ObjectCreate("RevDiv_Label", OBJ_LABEL, win_handle, 0, 0))
     Print("error: can't create label_object! code #",GetLastError());
  ObjectSet("RevDiv_Label", OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, Xcol2place);
  ObjectSet("RevDiv_Label", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, YCol6place);
  ObjectSet("RevDiv_Label", OBJPROP_CORNER,TextCorner);
  ObjectSetText("RevDiv_Label", "4. Reverse Divergence -- Trend",TextSize,"Arial",TextColor);
//Hook From Extremes Label
if(!ObjectCreate("HFE_Label", OBJ_LABEL, win_handle, 0, 0))
     Print("error: can't create label_object! code #",GetLastError());
  ObjectSet("HFE_Label", OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, Xcol2place);
  ObjectSet("HFE_Label", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, YCol7place);
  ObjectSet("HFE_Label", OBJPROP_CORNER,TextCorner);
  ObjectSetText("HFE_Label", "5. HFE -- Counter-Trend",TextSize,"Arial",TextColor);

//Exit Signal
if(!ObjectCreate("WCCIExit_Label", OBJ_LABEL, win_handle, 0, 0))
     Print("error: can't create label_object! code #",GetLastError());
  ObjectSet("WCCIExit_Label", OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, Xcol2place);
  ObjectSet("WCCIExit_Label", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, YCol8place);
  ObjectSet("WCCIExit_Label", OBJPROP_CORNER,TextCorner);
  ObjectSetText("WCCIExit_Label", "x. Exit Signals",TextSize,"Arial",TextColor);



Market Information Used:

Indicator Curves created:

Indicators Used:

Custom Indicators Used:

Order Management characteristics:

Other Features: