
|			       |
| Shared by    |
|			       |

//|                              Your_Choice_Hourly_Breakout_v4f.mq4 |
//|                                                                  |
//|                                                                  |

#property copyright " Copyright © 2006 , David W Honeywell"
#include <stdlib.mqh>

//| Common External variables                                        |

//| External variables                                               |
extern double IAcceptTerms = 1;
extern double ShowComments = 0;
extern double Lots = 0.1;

//| Special Convertion Functions                                     |

int LastTradeTime;

bool MOrderDelete( int ticket )
LastTradeTime = CurTime();
return ( OrderDelete( ticket ) );

bool MOrderModify( int ticket, double price, double stoploss, double takeprofit, datetime expiration, color arrow_color=CLR_NONE)
LastTradeTime = CurTime();
price = MathRound(price*10000)/10000;
stoploss = MathRound(stoploss*10000)/10000;
takeprofit = MathRound(takeprofit*10000)/10000;
return ( OrderModify( ticket, price, stoploss, takeprofit, expiration, arrow_color) );

int MOrderSend( string symbol, int cmd, double volume, double price, int slippage, double stoploss, double takeprofit, string comment="", int magic=0, datetime expiration=0, color arrow_color=CLR_NONE)
LastTradeTime = CurTime();
price = MathRound(price*10000)/10000;
stoploss = MathRound(stoploss*10000)/10000;
takeprofit = MathRound(takeprofit*10000)/10000;
return ( OrderSend( symbol, cmd, volume, price, slippage, stoploss, takeprofit, comment, magic, expiration, arrow_color ) );

int OrderValueTicket(int index)
OrderSelect(index, SELECT_BY_POS);

int OrderValueType(int index)
OrderSelect(index, SELECT_BY_POS);

double OrderValueLots(int index)
OrderSelect(index, SELECT_BY_POS);

double OrderValueOpenPrice(int index)
OrderSelect(index, SELECT_BY_POS);

double OrderValueStopLoss(int index)
OrderSelect(index, SELECT_BY_POS);

double OrderValueTakeProfit(int index)
OrderSelect(index, SELECT_BY_POS);

double OrderValueClosePrice(int index)
	OrderSelect(index, SELECT_BY_POS);

string OrderValueSymbol(int index)
	OrderSelect(index, SELECT_BY_POS);

datetime OrderValueOpenTime(int index)
	OrderSelect(index, SELECT_BY_POS);

bool IsIndirect(string symbol)

//| End                                                              |

//| Initialization                                                   |

int init()
int start()
	//| Local variables                                                  |
	double CheckComments = 0;
	bool first = true;
	double FrstSessHour = 0;
	double SecondSessHour = 0;
	double MaxProfit = 0;
	double MaxLoss = 0;
	double PeriodsLookback = 0;
	double CnclPndngIfActvTrd = 0;
	double DeleteOrderAfterMnts = 0;
	double DltAftr_Mnts = 0;
	double AdjustToBreakeven = 0;
	double Adj2B.E.Aftr_Pips = 0;
	double DynamicProfit = 0;
	double ProfitAtrPrds = 0;
	double FactorProf = 0;
	double AtrTrailing = 0;
	double AtrPeriods = 0;
	double TrailAt_TimesATR = 0;
	double StandardTrailAmt = 0;
	int cnt = 0;
	double opentrades = 0;
	double bought = 0;
	double sold = 0;
	double buyorder = 0;
	double sellorder = 0;
	double spread = 0;
	double rds = 0;
	double buyStop = 0;
	double sellStop = 0;
	double pips = 0;
	double stops = 0;
	double closebuyorder = 0;
	double closesellorder = 0;
	double allow = 0;
	double byok = 0;
	double slok = 0;
	double psld = 0;
	double pbht = 0;
	double deleteall = 0;
	double aa = 0;
	double ab = 0;
	double ac = 0;
	double ad = 0;
	double ae = 0;
	double af = 0;
	double ag = 0;
	double ah = 0;
	double ai = 0;
	double aj = 0;
	double ak = 0;
	double al = 0;
	double am = 0;
	double ao = 0;
	double ap = 0;
	double aq = 0;
	double ar = 0;
	double as = 0;
	double au = 0;
	double av = 0;
	double ba = 0;
	double bb = 0;
	double bc = 0;
	double bd = 0;
	double be = 0;
	double bf = 0;
	double bg = 0;
	double bh = 0;
	double bi = 0;
	double bj = 0;
	double bk = 0;
	double bl = 0;
	double bm = 0;
	double bo = 0;
	double bp = 0;
	double bq = 0;
	double br = 0;
	double bs = 0;
	double bu = 0;
	double bv = 0;
	double ca = 0;
	double cb = 0;
	double cc = 0;
	double cd = 0;
	double ce = 0;
	double cf = 0;
	double cg = 0;
	double ch = 0;
	double ci = 0;
	double cj = 0;
	double ck = 0;
	double cl = 0;
	double cm = 0;
	double co = 0;
	double cp = 0;
	double cq = 0;
	double cr = 0;
	double cs = 0;
	double cu = 0;
	double cv = 0;
	double da = 0;
	double db = 0;
	double dc = 0;
	double dd = 0;
	double de = 0;
	double df = 0;
	double dg = 0;
	double dh = 0;
	double di = 0;
	double dj = 0;
	double dk = 0;
	double dl = 0;
	double dm = 0;
	double do = 0;
	double dp = 0;
	double dq = 0;
	double dr = 0;
	double ds = 0;
	double du = 0;
	double dv = 0;
	double ea = 0;
	double eb = 0;
	double ec = 0;
	double ed = 0;
	double ee = 0;
	double ef = 0;
	double eg = 0;
	double eh = 0;
	double ei = 0;
	double ej = 0;
	double ek = 0;
	double el = 0;
	double em = 0;
	double eo = 0;
	double ep = 0;
	double eq = 0;
	double er = 0;
	double es = 0;
	double eu = 0;
	double ev = 0;
	double fa = 0;
	double fb = 0;
	double fc = 0;
	double fd = 0;
	double fe = 0;
	double ff = 0;
	double fg = 0;
	double fh = 0;
	double fi = 0;
	double fj = 0;
	double fk = 0;
	double fl = 0;
	double fm = 0;
	double fo = 0;
	double fp = 0;
	double fq = 0;
	double fr = 0;
	double fs = 0;
	double fu = 0;
	double fv = 0;
	double ga = 0;
	double gb = 0;
	double gc = 0;
	double gd = 0;
	double ge = 0;
	double gf = 0;
	double gg = 0;
	double gh = 0;
	double gi = 0;
	double gj = 0;
	double gk = 0;
	double gl = 0;
	double gm = 0;
	double go = 0;
	double gp = 0;
	double gq = 0;
	double gr = 0;
	double gs = 0;
	double gu = 0;
	double gv = 0;
	double ha = 0;
	double hb = 0;
	double hc = 0;
	double hd = 0;
	double he = 0;
	double hf = 0;
	double hg = 0;
	double hh = 0;
	double hi = 0;
	double hj = 0;
	double hk = 0;
	double hl = 0;
	double hm = 0;
	double ho = 0;
	double hp = 0;
	double hq = 0;
	double hr = 0;
	double hs = 0;
	double hu = 0;
	double hv = 0;
	double ja = 0;
	double jb = 0;
	double jc = 0;
	double jd = 0;
	double je = 0;
	double jf = 0;
	double jg = 0;
	double jh = 0;
	double ji = 0;
	double jj = 0;
	double jk = 0;
	double jl = 0;
	double jm = 0;
	double jo = 0;
	double jp = 0;
	double jq = 0;
	double jr = 0;
	double js = 0;
	double ju = 0;
	double jv = 0;
	double ka = 0;
	double kb = 0;
	double kc = 0;
	double kd = 0;
	double ke = 0;
	double kf = 0;
	double kg = 0;
	double kh = 0;
	double ki = 0;
	double kj = 0;
	double kk = 0;
	double kl = 0;
	double km = 0;
	double ko = 0;
	double kp = 0;
	double kq = 0;
	double kr = 0;
	double ks = 0;
	double ku = 0;
	double kv = 0;
	double hidiff = 0;
	double lowdiff = 0;
	double rdhidiff = 0;
	double rdlwdiff = 0;
	/*- Terms Of Use = If Any Value Other Than 0 (zero) is in the "IAcceptTerms" defined value ,
	"You" ( the user ) , "Accept Full Unlimited Responsibility Of The Operation And Results
	Obtained From The Use Of This Expert Advisor" , "Use At Your Own Risk" .
	//- This version will operate on multiple currency pairs
	if( TimeYear(Time) < 2030 ) return(0);
	// Default=0
	if( (IAcceptTerms == 0) ) return(0);
	if( (IAcceptTerms != 0) )
		//- Comment Check and prevent this expert from removing comments applied by other experts or indicators ------------------
		// 1 = Yes  ,  0 = No .
		if( (CheckComments != (Time[0] + ShowComments)) ) { first = true; CheckComments = (Time[0] + ShowComments); }
		if( (first && ShowComments ==  0) ) { Comment(""); CheckComments = (Time[0] + ShowComments); first = false; }
		if( (first && ShowComments ==  1) ) { CheckComments = (Time[0] + ShowComments); first = false; }
		//   Do Not Change The Settings Here , Read The Code Below .
		//- Set Defined Values ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/* Adjust These Values To Your Liking Below These Explainations .
		FrstSessHour          The Chart Hour You Want The Orders To Be Set And/Or Modified
		SecondSessHour        The Chart Hour You Want The Orders To Be Set And/Or Modified
		MaxProfit             TakeProfit Amount (pips)
		MaxLoss               StopLoss Amount (pips)
		PeriodsLookback       Chart Periods back to monitor HH/LL
		CnclPndngIfActvTrd    Set this to 1 if you want pending order cancelled after 1 pending becomes active
		DeleteOrderAfterMnts  Set this to 1 if you want the orders deleted using DltAftr_Mnts
		Set to 0 if you do Not want to delete orders after (n) minutes (DltAftr_Mnts)
		DltAftr_Mnts          Delete Pending Orders After This Many Minutes
		AdjustToBreakeven     Set this to 1 if you want to adjust stop to breakeven after (n) pips profit
		Set to 0 if you do Not want to adjust stop to breakeven after (n) pips profit
		Adj2B.E.Aftr_Pips     Adjust StopLoss to breakeven after this many pips profit
		DynamicProfit         Set this to 1 if you want to use the ATR as a TakeProfit
		ProfitAtrPrds         ATR Periods to use for the Atr TakeProfit (DynamicProfit)
		FactorProf            Multiple of the ATR reading to calculate the final TakeProfit (DynamicProfit) amount
		AtrTrailing           Set this to 1 if you want to use the ATR TrailingStop
		Set to 0 if you do not want to use the ATR TrailingStop
		When Set to 0 , the TrailingStop will Default to a standard TrailingStop
		AtrPeriods            Atr Periods to calculate the ATR TrailingStop
		TrailAt_TimesATR      Multiple of the ATR reading to calculate the final TrailingStop amount
		If AtrTrailing is 0 , this TrailingStop amount Will Be Used
		StandardTrailAmt      Set this as you would for a standard TrailingStop
		//  Here Is Where You Set Your Settings .

			if (Symbol() == "USDCHF"){ 
			FrstSessHour         =    0;
			SecondSessHour       =    0;
			MaxProfit            =  125;
			MaxLoss              =  125;
			PeriodsLookback      =   24;
			CnclPndngIfActvTrd   =    0;
			DeleteOrderAfterMnts =    0;
			DltAftr_Mnts         =   60;
			AdjustToBreakeven    =    0;
			Adj2B.E.Aftr_Pips    =   27;
			DynamicProfit        =    0;
			ProfitAtrPrds        =    2;
			FactorProf           = 1.75;
			AtrTrailing          =    0;
			AtrPeriods           =    2;
			TrailAt_TimesATR     =  1.5;
			StandardTrailAmt     =   50;
			if (Symbol() == "GBPUSD"){ 
			FrstSessHour         =    0;
			SecondSessHour       =    0;
			MaxProfit            =  125;
			MaxLoss              =  125;
			PeriodsLookback      =   24;
			CnclPndngIfActvTrd   =    0;
			DeleteOrderAfterMnts =    0;
			DltAftr_Mnts         =   60;
			AdjustToBreakeven    =    0;
			Adj2B.E.Aftr_Pips    =   27;
			DynamicProfit        =    0;
			ProfitAtrPrds        =    2;
			FactorProf           = 1.75;
			AtrTrailing          =    0;
			AtrPeriods           =    2;
			TrailAt_TimesATR     =  1.5;
			StandardTrailAmt     =   50;
			if (Symbol() == "USDJPY"){ 
			FrstSessHour         =    0;
			SecondSessHour       =    0;
			MaxProfit            =  125;
			MaxLoss              =  125;
			PeriodsLookback      =   24;
			CnclPndngIfActvTrd   =    0;
			DeleteOrderAfterMnts =    0;
			DltAftr_Mnts         =   60;
			AdjustToBreakeven    =    0;
			Adj2B.E.Aftr_Pips    =   27;
			DynamicProfit        =    0;
			ProfitAtrPrds        =    2;
			FactorProf           = 1.75;
			AtrTrailing          =    0;
			AtrPeriods           =    2;
			TrailAt_TimesATR     =  1.5;
			StandardTrailAmt     =   50;
			if (Symbol() == "EURUSD"){ 
			FrstSessHour         =    8;
			SecondSessHour       =    12;
			MaxProfit            =  125;
			MaxLoss              =  125;
			PeriodsLookback      =   13;
			CnclPndngIfActvTrd   =    0;
			DeleteOrderAfterMnts =    0;
			DltAftr_Mnts         =   60;
			AdjustToBreakeven    =    0;
			Adj2B.E.Aftr_Pips    =   37;
			DynamicProfit        =    1;
			ProfitAtrPrds        =    2;
			FactorProf           = 2.25;
			AtrTrailing          =    1;
			AtrPeriods           =    2;
			TrailAt_TimesATR     =  2.25;
			StandardTrailAmt     =   50;
			if (Symbol() == "AUDUSD"){ 
			FrstSessHour         =    0;
			SecondSessHour       =    0;
			MaxProfit            =  125;
			MaxLoss              =  125;
			PeriodsLookback      =   24;
			CnclPndngIfActvTrd   =    0;
			DeleteOrderAfterMnts =    0;
			DltAftr_Mnts         =   60;
			AdjustToBreakeven    =    0;
			Adj2B.E.Aftr_Pips    =   27;
			DynamicProfit        =    0;
			ProfitAtrPrds        =    2;
			FactorProf           = 1.75;
			AtrTrailing          =    0;
			AtrPeriods           =    2;
			TrailAt_TimesATR     =  1.5;
			StandardTrailAmt     =   50;
			if (Symbol() == "USDCAD"){ 
			FrstSessHour         =    0;
			SecondSessHour       =    0;
			MaxProfit            =  125;
			MaxLoss              =  125;
			PeriodsLookback      =   24;
			CnclPndngIfActvTrd   =    0;
			DeleteOrderAfterMnts =    0;
			DltAftr_Mnts         =   60;
			AdjustToBreakeven    =    0;
			Adj2B.E.Aftr_Pips    =   27;
			DynamicProfit        =    0;
			ProfitAtrPrds        =    2;
			FactorProf           = 1.75;
			AtrTrailing          =    0;
			AtrPeriods           =    2;
			TrailAt_TimesATR     =  1.5;
			StandardTrailAmt     =   50;
			if (Symbol() == "EURGBP"){ 
			FrstSessHour         =    0;
			SecondSessHour       =    0;
			MaxProfit            =  125;
			MaxLoss              =  125;
			PeriodsLookback      =   24;
			CnclPndngIfActvTrd   =    0;
			DeleteOrderAfterMnts =    0;
			DltAftr_Mnts         =   60;
			AdjustToBreakeven    =    0;
			Adj2B.E.Aftr_Pips    =   27;
			DynamicProfit        =    0;
			ProfitAtrPrds        =    2;
			FactorProf           = 1.75;
			AtrTrailing          =    0;
			AtrPeriods           =    2;
			TrailAt_TimesATR     =  1.5;
			StandardTrailAmt     =   50;
			if (Symbol() == "EURCHF"){ 
			FrstSessHour         =    0;
			SecondSessHour       =    0;
			MaxProfit            =  125;
			MaxLoss              =  125;
			PeriodsLookback      =   24;
			CnclPndngIfActvTrd   =    0;
			DeleteOrderAfterMnts =    0;
			DltAftr_Mnts         =   60;
			AdjustToBreakeven    =    0;
			Adj2B.E.Aftr_Pips    =   27;
			DynamicProfit        =    0;
			ProfitAtrPrds        =    2;
			FactorProf           = 1.75;
			AtrTrailing          =    0;
			AtrPeriods           =    2;
			TrailAt_TimesATR     =  1.5;
			StandardTrailAmt     =   50;
			if (Symbol() == "EURJPY"){ 
			FrstSessHour         =    0;
			SecondSessHour       =    0;
			MaxProfit            =  125;
			MaxLoss              =  125;
			PeriodsLookback      =   24;
			CnclPndngIfActvTrd   =    0;
			DeleteOrderAfterMnts =    0;
			DltAftr_Mnts         =   60;
			AdjustToBreakeven    =    0;
			Adj2B.E.Aftr_Pips    =   27;
			DynamicProfit        =    0;
			ProfitAtrPrds        =    2;
			FactorProf           = 1.75;
			AtrTrailing          =    0;
			AtrPeriods           =    2;
			TrailAt_TimesATR     =  1.5;
			StandardTrailAmt     =   50;
			if (Symbol() == "GBPJPY"){ 
			FrstSessHour         =    0;
			SecondSessHour       =    0;
			MaxProfit            =  125;
			MaxLoss              =  125;
			PeriodsLookback      =   24;
			CnclPndngIfActvTrd   =    0;
			DeleteOrderAfterMnts =    0;
			DltAftr_Mnts         =   60;
			AdjustToBreakeven    =    0;
			Adj2B.E.Aftr_Pips    =   27;
			DynamicProfit        =    0;
			ProfitAtrPrds        =    2;
			FactorProf           = 1.75;
			AtrTrailing          =    0;
			AtrPeriods           =    2;
			TrailAt_TimesATR     =  1.5;
			StandardTrailAmt     =   50;
			if (Symbol() == "NZDUSD"){ 
			FrstSessHour         =    0;
			SecondSessHour       =    0;
			MaxProfit            =  125;
			MaxLoss              =  125;
			PeriodsLookback      =   24;
			CnclPndngIfActvTrd   =    0;
			DeleteOrderAfterMnts =    0;
			DltAftr_Mnts         =   60;
			AdjustToBreakeven    =    0;
			Adj2B.E.Aftr_Pips    =   27;
			DynamicProfit        =    0;
			ProfitAtrPrds        =    2;
			FactorProf           = 1.75;
			AtrTrailing          =    0;
			AtrPeriods           =    2;
			TrailAt_TimesATR     =  1.5;
			StandardTrailAmt     =   50;
			if (Symbol() == "GBPCHF"){ 
			FrstSessHour         =    0;
			SecondSessHour       =    0;
			MaxProfit            =  125;
			MaxLoss              =  125;
			PeriodsLookback      =   24;
			CnclPndngIfActvTrd   =    0;
			DeleteOrderAfterMnts =    0;
			DltAftr_Mnts         =   60;
			AdjustToBreakeven    =    0;
			Adj2B.E.Aftr_Pips    =   27;
			DynamicProfit        =    0;
			ProfitAtrPrds        =    2;
			FactorProf           = 1.75;
			AtrTrailing          =    0;
			AtrPeriods           =    2;
			TrailAt_TimesATR     =  1.5;
			StandardTrailAmt     =   50;
			if (Symbol() == "CHFJPY"){ 
			FrstSessHour         =    0;
			SecondSessHour       =    0;
			MaxProfit            =  125;
			MaxLoss              =  125;
			PeriodsLookback      =   24;
			CnclPndngIfActvTrd   =    0;
			DeleteOrderAfterMnts =    0;
			DltAftr_Mnts         =   60;
			AdjustToBreakeven    =    0;
			Adj2B.E.Aftr_Pips    =   27;
			DynamicProfit        =    0;
			ProfitAtrPrds        =    2;
			FactorProf           = 1.75;
			AtrTrailing          =    0;
			AtrPeriods           =    2;
			TrailAt_TimesATR     =  1.5;
			StandardTrailAmt     =   50;
			if (Symbol() == "AUDJPY"){ 
			FrstSessHour         =    0;
			SecondSessHour       =    0;
			MaxProfit            =  125;
			MaxLoss              =  125;
			PeriodsLookback      =   24;
			CnclPndngIfActvTrd   =    0;
			DeleteOrderAfterMnts =    0;
			DltAftr_Mnts         =   60;
			AdjustToBreakeven    =    0;
			Adj2B.E.Aftr_Pips    =   27;
			DynamicProfit        =    0;
			ProfitAtrPrds        =    2;
			FactorProf           = 1.75;
			AtrTrailing          =    0;
			AtrPeriods           =    2;
			TrailAt_TimesATR     =  1.5;
			StandardTrailAmt     =   50;
			if (Symbol() == "EURCAD"){ 
			FrstSessHour         =    0;
			SecondSessHour       =    0;
			MaxProfit            =  125;
			MaxLoss              =  125;
			PeriodsLookback      =   24;
			CnclPndngIfActvTrd   =    0;
			DeleteOrderAfterMnts =    0;
			DltAftr_Mnts         =   60;
			AdjustToBreakeven    =    0;
			Adj2B.E.Aftr_Pips    =   27;
			DynamicProfit        =    0;
			ProfitAtrPrds        =    2;
			FactorProf           = 1.75;
			AtrTrailing          =    0;
			AtrPeriods           =    2;
			TrailAt_TimesATR     =  1.5;
			StandardTrailAmt     =   50;
			if (Symbol() == "EURAUD"){ 
			FrstSessHour         =    0;
			SecondSessHour       =    0;
			MaxProfit            =  125;
			MaxLoss              =  125;
			PeriodsLookback      =   24;
			CnclPndngIfActvTrd   =    0;
			DeleteOrderAfterMnts =    0;
			DltAftr_Mnts         =   60;
			AdjustToBreakeven    =    0;
			Adj2B.E.Aftr_Pips    =   27;
			DynamicProfit        =    0;
			ProfitAtrPrds        =    2;
			FactorProf           = 1.75;
			AtrTrailing          =    0;
			AtrPeriods           =    2;
			TrailAt_TimesATR     =  1.5;
			StandardTrailAmt     =   50;
			if (Symbol() == "AUDCAD"){ 
			FrstSessHour         =    0;
			SecondSessHour       =    0;
			MaxProfit            =  125;
			MaxLoss              =  125;
			PeriodsLookback      =   24;
			CnclPndngIfActvTrd   =    0;
			DeleteOrderAfterMnts =    0;
			DltAftr_Mnts         =   60;
			AdjustToBreakeven    =    0;
			Adj2B.E.Aftr_Pips    =   27;
			DynamicProfit        =    0;
			ProfitAtrPrds        =    2;
			FactorProf           = 1.75;
			AtrTrailing          =    0;
			AtrPeriods           =    2;
			TrailAt_TimesATR     =  1.5;
			StandardTrailAmt     =   50;
			if (Symbol() == "AUDNZD"){ 
			FrstSessHour         =    0;
			SecondSessHour       =    0;
			MaxProfit            =  125;
			MaxLoss              =  125;
			PeriodsLookback      =   24;
			CnclPndngIfActvTrd   =    0;
			DeleteOrderAfterMnts =    0;
			DltAftr_Mnts         =   60;
			AdjustToBreakeven    =    0;
			Adj2B.E.Aftr_Pips    =   27;
			DynamicProfit        =    0;
			ProfitAtrPrds        =    2;
			FactorProf           = 1.75;
			AtrTrailing          =    0;
			AtrPeriods           =    2;
			TrailAt_TimesATR     =  1.5;
			StandardTrailAmt     =   50;
			if (Symbol() == "NZDJPY"){ 
			FrstSessHour         =    0;
			SecondSessHour       =    0;
			MaxProfit            =  125;
			MaxLoss              =  125;
			PeriodsLookback      =   24;
			CnclPndngIfActvTrd   =    0;
			DeleteOrderAfterMnts =    0;
			DltAftr_Mnts         =   60;
			AdjustToBreakeven    =    0;
			Adj2B.E.Aftr_Pips    =   27;
			DynamicProfit        =    0;
			ProfitAtrPrds        =    2;
			FactorProf           = 1.75;
			AtrTrailing          =    0;
			AtrPeriods           =    2;
			TrailAt_TimesATR     =  1.5;
			StandardTrailAmt     =   50;
		if( TimeYear(Time)<2005 ) return(0);
		if( IsIndirect(Symbol()) ) return(0);
		//- Check for open trades and pending orders per symbol ------------------------------------------------------------------
			if( (OrderValueSymbol(cnt) == Symbol()) )
				{ opentrades++;
			if( ((OrderValueSymbol(cnt) == Symbol()) && (OrderValueType(cnt) == OP_BUY)) )
				{ bought++;
			if( ((OrderValueSymbol(cnt) == Symbol()) && (OrderValueType(cnt) == OP_SELL)) )
				{ sold++;
			if( ((OrderValueSymbol(cnt) == Symbol()) && (OrderValueType(cnt) == OP_BUYSTOP)) )
				{ buyorder++;
			if( ((OrderValueSymbol(cnt) == Symbol()) && (OrderValueType(cnt) == OP_SELLSTOP)) )
				{ sellorder++;
		//- Reset allow , deleteall ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		if( ((allow != Time[0]) && (Hour() == FrstSessHour || Hour() ==  SecondSessHour)) )
			{ deleteall = 10;
			byok = -10;
			slok = -10;
			allow = Time[0];
		//- Reset deleteall , byok , slok ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		if( ((buyorder ==  0) && (sellorder ==  0)) )
			{ deleteall = -10;
		//- Reset byok -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
			if( ((OrderValueSymbol(cnt) == Symbol()) && (OrderValueType(cnt) == OP_BUYSTOP)) )
				{ byok = 10;
		//- Reset slok -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
			if( ((OrderValueSymbol(cnt) == Symbol()) && (OrderValueType(cnt) == OP_SELLSTOP)) )
				{ slok = 10;
		//- Set Variable Values --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		spread = (MathRound((Ask-Bid)/Point))*Point;
		buyStop  = (((MathRound((High[Highest(MODE_HIGH,PeriodsLookback,PeriodsLookback)])/Point))*Point)+(rdhidiff))+spread;
		sellStop = (((MathRound((Low[Lowest(NULL, 0, MODE_LOW,PeriodsLookback,PeriodsLookback)])/Point))*Point)-(rdlwdiff))-spread;
		pips = ((MathRound((iATR(NULL, 0, ProfitAtrPrds,0)*FactorProf)/Point))*Point);
		stops = ((MathRound((iATR(NULL, 0, AtrPeriods,0)*TrailAt_TimesATR)/Point))*Point);
		//- Place Comments on Chart Window ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      if( (ShowComments != 0) )
			{ Comment("'#10'","  Chart Hour:  =  ",Hour()," ,  FrstSessHour:  =  ",FrstSessHour,
			" ,  SecondSessHour:  =  ",SecondSessHour,
		"'#10'","  pbht:  =  ",pbht," ,  psld:  =  ",psld," ,  deleteall:  =  ",deleteall,
			" ,  byok:  =  ",byok," ,  slok:  =  ",slok,
			"'#10'","  Symbol:  =  ",Symbol()," ,  MaxProfit:  =  ",MaxProfit," ,  MaxLoss:  =  ",MaxLoss,
			"'#10'","  Open Buys:  =  ",bought," ,  Open Sells:  =  ",sold,
			"'#10'","  Buy Stops:  =  ",buyorder," ,  Sell Stops:  =  ",sellorder,
			"'#10'","  All Positions:  =  ",opentrades,
			"'#10'","  PeriodsLookback:  =  ",PeriodsLookback,
			"'#10'","  Spread:  =  ",spread,
			"'#10'","  rdhidiff:  =  ",rdhidiff," ,  rdlwdiff:  =  ",rdlwdiff,
			"'#10'","  BuyStop ( Highest High of PeriodsLookback + Spread + rdhidiff ) :  =  ",buyStop,
			"'#10'","  SellStop  ( Lowest Low  of PeriodsLookback  - Spread  - rdlwdiff ) :  =  ",sellStop,
			"'#10'","  CnclPndngIfActvTrd:  =  ",CnclPndngIfActvTrd);
			"'#10'","  DeleteOrderAfterMnts:  =  ",DeleteOrderAfterMnts,"  DltAftr_Mnts:  =  ",DltAftr_Mnts,
			"'#10'","  AdjustToBreakeven:  =  ",AdjustToBreakeven," ,  Adj2B.E.Aftr_Pips:  =  ",Adj2B.E.Aftr_Pips,
			"'#10'","  DynamicProfit:  =  ",DynamicProfit,
			"'#10'","  ProfitAtrPrds:  =  ",ProfitAtrPrds," ,  FactorProf:  =  ",FactorProf,
			"'#10'","  ATR Profit Amount:  =  ",pips,
			"'#10'","  AtrTrailing:  =  ",AtrTrailing,
			"'#10'","  AtrPeriods:  =  ",AtrPeriods," ,  TrailAt_TimesATR:  =  ",TrailAt_TimesATR,
			"'#10'","  Atr TrailingStop Amount:  =  ",stops,
			"'#10'","  StandardTrailAmt:  =  ",StandardTrailAmt);
		if( (CurTime()-LastTradeTime) < 10 ) return(0); 
		//- Delete Previous Pending Orders ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		if( (deleteall > 0) )
				for(cnt =1;cnt <=OrdersTotal();cnt ++){
				if( ((OrderValueSymbol(cnt) == Symbol()) && (Hour() == FrstSessHour || Hour() ==  SecondSessHour))
				&& ((OrderValueType(cnt) == OP_SELLSTOP)||(OrderValueType(cnt) == OP_BUYSTOP)) )
					{ byok = -10;
					slok = -10;
					pbht = bought;
					psld = sold;
					Print("Deleted Order For New Session Trade  ",Symbol());return(0);
		//- If a trade closes , reset pbht / psld --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		if( (bought < pbht) ) { pbht = bought; }
		if( (sold < psld) ) { psld = sold; }
		//- If pending order becomes active Set Flag to delete opposing stop order -----------------------------------------------
			if( ((OrderValueSymbol(cnt) == Symbol()) && (CnclPndngIfActvTrd == 1)) )
				if( ((buyorder ==  0) && (pbht != bought)) )
					{ closesellorder = 1;
			if( ((OrderValueSymbol(cnt) == Symbol()) && (CnclPndngIfActvTrd == 1)) )
				if( ((sellorder ==  0) && (psld != sold)) )
					{ closebuyorder = 1;
		//- If active order flag , Delete Opposing Stop Order --------------------------------------------------------------------
			if( ((OrderValueSymbol(cnt) == Symbol()) && (closesellorder == 1) && (OrderValueType(cnt) == OP_SELLSTOP)) )
				{ MOrderDelete(OrderValueTicket(cnt));
				pbht = bought;
				Print("Deleted Due To Active Buy Order  ",Symbol());return(0);
			if( ((OrderValueSymbol(cnt) == Symbol()) && (closebuyorder == 1) && (OrderValueType(cnt) == OP_BUYSTOP)) )
				{ MOrderDelete(OrderValueTicket(cnt));
				psld = sold;
				Print("Deleted Due To Active Sell Order  ",Symbol());return(0);
		//- Delete Pending Orders when DltAftr_Mnts has elapsed ------------------------------------------------------------------
			for(cnt =1;cnt <=OrdersTotal();cnt ++){
			if( (((OrderValueType(cnt) == OP_BUYSTOP)||(OrderValueType(cnt) == OP_SELLSTOP))&&(DeleteOrderAfterMnts == 1)) )
				if( (CurTime()-OrderValueOpenTime(cnt))>(DltAftr_Mnts*60) )
					{ MOrderDelete(OrderValueTicket(cnt));
					Print("Delete after minutes  ",Symbol());return(0);
		//- Set BuyStop and SellStop ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		if( (Hour() == FrstSessHour) || (Hour() ==  SecondSessHour) )
			if( ((buyorder ==  0) && (byok <= 0) && (deleteall < 0)) )
				{ MOrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUYSTOP,Lots,buyStop,0,(buyStop)-MaxLoss*Point,(buyStop)+MaxProfit*Point,"",16384,0,Blue);
				Print("New Session BuyStop  ",Symbol());return(0);
		if( (Hour() ==  FrstSessHour) || (Hour() ==  SecondSessHour) )
			if( ((sellorder ==  0) && (slok <= 0) && (deleteall < 0)) )
				{ MOrderSend(Symbol(),OP_SELLSTOP,Lots,sellStop,0,(sellStop)+MaxLoss*Point,(sellStop)-MaxProfit*Point,"",16384,0,Red);
				Print("New Session SellStop  ",Symbol());return(0);
		//- Adjust StopLoss to breakeven if in profit more than Adj2B.E.Aftr_Pips ------------------------------------------------
			for(cnt =1;cnt <=OrdersTotal();cnt ++){
			if( ((OrderValueSymbol(cnt) == Symbol()) && (AdjustToBreakeven == 1) && (OrderValueType(cnt) == OP_BUY)) )
				if( (OrderValueStopLoss(cnt) == (OrderValueOpenPrice(cnt)-MaxLoss*Point))
				(OrderValueClosePrice(cnt)-(OrderValueOpenPrice(cnt))>Adj2B.E.Aftr_Pips*Point) )
					{ MOrderModify(OrderValueTicket(cnt),OrderValueOpenPrice(cnt),
					Print("Adjusted To Breakeven  ",Symbol());return(0);
			for(cnt =1;cnt <=OrdersTotal();cnt ++){
			if( ((OrderValueSymbol(cnt) == Symbol()) && (AdjustToBreakeven == 1) && (OrderValueType(cnt) == OP_SELL)) )
				if( (OrderValueStopLoss(cnt) == (OrderValueOpenPrice(cnt)+MaxLoss*Point))
				(OrderValueOpenPrice(cnt)-OrderValueClosePrice(cnt)>Adj2B.E.Aftr_Pips*Point) )
					{ MOrderModify(OrderValueTicket(cnt),OrderValueOpenPrice(cnt),
					Print("Adjusted To Breakeven  ",Symbol());return(0);
		//- ATR TP ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
			if( ((OrderValueSymbol(cnt) == Symbol()) && (DynamicProfit == 1) && (OrderValueType(cnt) == OP_SELL)) )
				if( ((OrderValueOpenPrice(cnt)-OrderValueClosePrice(cnt)) > pips) )
					{ OrderClose(OrderValueTicket(cnt),OrderValueLots(cnt),
					Print("ATR TakeProfit  ",Symbol());return(0);
			for(cnt =1;cnt <=OrdersTotal();cnt ++){
			if( ((OrderValueSymbol(cnt) == Symbol()) && (DynamicProfit == 1) && (OrderValueType(cnt) == OP_BUY)) )
				if( ((OrderValueClosePrice(cnt)-OrderValueOpenPrice(cnt)) > pips) )
					{ OrderClose(OrderValueTicket(cnt),OrderValueLots(cnt),
					Print("ATR TakeProfit  ",Symbol());return(0);
		//- ATR TrailingStop -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
			for(cnt =1;cnt <=OrdersTotal();cnt ++){
			if( ((OrderValueSymbol(cnt) == Symbol()) && (AtrTrailing == 1) && (OrderValueType(cnt) == OP_BUY)) )
				if( ((OrderValueClosePrice(cnt)-OrderValueOpenPrice(cnt))>(stops)
				|| (OrderValueStopLoss(cnt) == 0) )
					{ MOrderModify(OrderValueTicket(cnt),OrderValueOpenPrice(cnt),
					Print("ATR TrailingStop  ",Symbol());return(0);
			for(cnt =1;cnt <=OrdersTotal();cnt ++){
			if( ((OrderValueSymbol(cnt) == Symbol()) && (AtrTrailing == 1) && (OrderValueType(cnt) == OP_SELL)) )
				if( ((OrderValueOpenPrice(cnt)-OrderValueClosePrice(cnt))>(stops)
				|| (OrderValueStopLoss(cnt) == 0) )
					{ MOrderModify(OrderValueTicket(cnt),OrderValueOpenPrice(cnt),
					Print("ATR TrailingStop  ",Symbol());return(0);
		//- Standard TrailingStop ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
			for(cnt =1;cnt <=OrdersTotal();cnt ++){
			if( ((OrderValueSymbol(cnt) == Symbol()) && (AtrTrailing == 0) && (OrderValueType(cnt) == OP_BUY)) )
				if( ((OrderValueClosePrice(cnt)-OrderValueOpenPrice(cnt))>(StandardTrailAmt*Point)
				|| (OrderValueStopLoss(cnt) == 0) )
					{ MOrderModify(OrderValueTicket(cnt),OrderValueOpenPrice(cnt),
					Print("Standard TrailingStop  ",Symbol());return(0);
			for(cnt =1;cnt <=OrdersTotal();cnt ++){
			if( ((OrderValueSymbol(cnt) == Symbol()) && (AtrTrailing == 0) && (OrderValueType(cnt) == OP_SELL)) )
				if( ((OrderValueOpenPrice(cnt)-OrderValueClosePrice(cnt))>(StandardTrailAmt*Point)
				|| (OrderValueStopLoss(cnt) == 0) )
					{ MOrderModify(OrderValueTicket(cnt),OrderValueOpenPrice(cnt),
					Print("Standard TrailingStop  ",Symbol());return(0);
		//- Set StopLoss If You Have Manually Placed A BuyStop Or SellStop @ The Experts BuyStop/SellStop Level ------------------
			for(cnt =1;cnt <=OrdersTotal();cnt ++){
			if( ((OrderValueSymbol(cnt) == Symbol()) && (OrderValueType(cnt) == OP_BUYSTOP)) )
				if( (((OrderValueStopLoss(cnt) == 0) || (OrderValueTakeProfit(cnt) == 0)) && (OrderValueOpenPrice(cnt) == buyStop)) )
					{ MOrderModify(OrderValueTicket(cnt),OrderValueOpenPrice(cnt),
					Print("Manual BuyStop TakeProfit and StopLoss has been set  ",Symbol());return(0);
			for(cnt =1;cnt <=OrdersTotal();cnt ++){
			if( ((OrderValueSymbol(cnt) == Symbol()) && (OrderValueType(cnt) == OP_SELLSTOP)) )
				if( (((OrderValueStopLoss(cnt) == 0) || (OrderValueTakeProfit(cnt) == 0)) && (OrderValueOpenPrice(cnt) == sellStop)) )
					{ MOrderModify(OrderValueTicket(cnt),OrderValueOpenPrice(cnt),
					Print("Manual SellStop TakeProfit and StopLoss has been set  ",Symbol());return(0);

		//- End ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



Market Information Used:

Series array that contains open time of each bar
Series array that contains the highest prices of each bar
Series array that contains the lowest prices of each bar

Indicator Curves created:

Indicators Used:

Indicator of the average true range

Custom Indicators Used:

Order Management characteristics:

It can change open orders parameters, due to possible stepping strategy
It automatically opens orders when conditions are reached
Checks for the total of open orders
It Closes Orders by itself

Other Features:

BackTest : EURUSD on H1

From 2009-08-01 to 2009-10-01 Profit Factor:0.00 Total Net Profit:0.00

BackTest : EURUSD on H1

From 2010-04-01 to 2010-04-30 Profit Factor:0.00 Total Net Profit:0.00

BackTest : EURUSD on H1

From 2010-05-01 to 2010-05-31 Profit Factor:0.00 Total Net Profit:0.00

BackTest : EURUSD on H1

From 2010-06-01 to 2010-06-30 Profit Factor:0.00 Total Net Profit:0.00

BackTest : GBPUSD on H1

From 2010-01-01 to 2010-02-27 Profit Factor:0.00 Total Net Profit:0.00

BackTest : USDCAD on H1

From 2009-12-01 to 2010-01-01 Profit Factor:0.00 Total Net Profit:0.00

BackTest : USDCHF on H1

From 2009-12-01 to 2010-01-01 Profit Factor:0.00 Total Net Profit:0.00

BackTest : USDJPY on H1

From 2009-11-01 to 2009-11-30 Profit Factor:0.00 Total Net Profit:0.00

Request Backtest for Your_Choice_Hourly_Breakout_v4f

From : (yyyy/mm/dd) To: (yyyy/mm/dd)

Pair: Period: