
//|                                     Sonic_StoIK                               |
//|                           Copyright © 2008, DGC, mthalmei, Lowen, SonicDeejay |
//| 13.03.2008: mthalmei - Added ATR functionality                   |
//| 02.05.2008: Lowen - Let user choose amount of TP-increments, etc
//| V2.0 Using Sonic EA V2.0 and Sonic Ind V1.0 
//| V2.1 Using Sonic EA V2.0 and Sonic Ind V2.1
#property copyright "Copyright © 2008, DGC, Sonicdeejay"

extern string  SEP01 = "*----Execution Options-----*";
extern int     EA_Mode = 0; // 0 = trade and manage, 1 = trade only, 2 = manage only
extern bool    Use_SMA_Filter = false;
extern bool    Use_RSI_Filter = false;
extern int     Max_Open_Orders = 10; // this determines the maximum number of open orders the EA may have at any time. 

extern string  SEP02 = "*----Parameter Values------*";
extern double  Lot_Size = 0.5;
extern int     Lot_Divider = 5; // Lot_Size must be dividable by this number; number must be 1 or higher. Also Broker must support the resulting Lotsize
extern int     Stop_Loss = 80;
extern int     TP_Increment = 30;
extern bool    LetLastLotRun = true; // if true, last Lot-part will run till manual closed, BE, or reversing signal
extern int     Trade_Window = 10; // number of minutes after open of bar to set new trades
extern int     Magic_Number = 1234567;

extern string  SEP03 = "*----ATR Settings----------*";
extern bool    Use_ATR_Stop = false;
extern bool    Use_ATR_TP = false;
extern int     ATR_Length = 14;

extern string  SEP04 = "*----Time Settings----------*";
extern bool    Use.Time.Filter = true;
//extern string  FromHourTrade = "21:00";
//extern string  ToHourTrade  = "05:00";

extern int  Server.Time.To.Start = 4; //All Europe with US pairs (such as EUR/USD,USD/CHF), use 4 to 16 hour
extern int  Server.Time.To.Stop = 16; // All Asian pairs  (such as AUD/USD,USD/JPY), use 23 to 16 hour

//datetime       start_time,end_time;

int      k;
int      iTicket;
int      iTradeDir;
int      HourT;
double   dLastTP;
double   dThisProfit;
double   iTradesClosed;
double   dSL;
double   dOriginal;
double   dSignal;
double   dSMAFilter;
double   dRSIFilter;
int      iNumBars;
double   dATRVal;
double   TP_Increment_Int;
double   Lot_Part;
bool oktotrade;

int init()
   iTicket = 0;
   iTradeDir = 0;
   dLastTP = 0.0;
   dThisProfit = 0.0;
   iTradesClosed = 0;
   dSL = -Stop_Loss * Point;
   dSignal = 0.0;
   dSMAFilter = 0;
   dRSIFilter = 0;
   iNumBars = Bars;
   dATRVal = 0.0;
   TP_Increment_Int = TP_Increment * Point;
   Lot_Part = Lot_Size / Lot_Divider;

int start()

//---- Time period calculation
//start_time = StrToTime(TimeToStr(TimeCurrent(), TIME_DATE) + " " + Server.Time.To.Start); //---- Date and time to start
//end_time = StrToTime(TimeToStr(TimeCurrent(), TIME_DATE) + " " + Server.Time.To.Stop); //---- Date and time to stop
   if(TimeHour(TimeCurrent())>=Server.Time.To.Start && TimeHour(TimeCurrent())<=Server.Time.To.Stop)
   HourT = 1;
      HourT = 0;
      EA_Mode = 2;

// determine number of open orders still at risk of a loss and if greater than max orders set bool to false this code also checks to see if there is an order Open
// for this pair already. if there is, it will block additional orders from being placed.

int totalatrisk=0;
bool activetrade=false;
for(int x=0;x<=OrdersTotal(); x++)
   if(OrderMagicNumber() == Magic_Number)
      if(OrderType() == OP_BUY && OrderOpenPrice() < OrderStopLoss()) totalatrisk++;
      if(OrderType() == OP_SELL && OrderOpenPrice() > OrderStopLoss())totalatrisk++;
      if(OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderType() == OP_BUY && OrderOpenPrice() < OrderStopLoss())activetrade=true;
      if(OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderType() == OP_SELL && OrderOpenPrice() > OrderStopLoss())activetrade=true;
if (totalatrisk>= Max_Open_Orders)oktotrade=false;
else oktotrade=true;

// Calculate ATR Values
   if (Use_ATR_TP  == true || Use_ATR_Stop == true)
      if (Use_ATR_TP == true)
         TP_Increment_Int = TP_Increment * 0.01 * dATRVal;
      if (Use_ATR_Stop == true)
         dSL = -Stop_Loss * 0.01 * dATRVal;


   iTicket = 0;
   iTradeDir = 0;
   for (k = 0; k < OrdersTotal(); k++)
      if (OrderSelect(k, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES) == true)
         if (OrderSymbol() == Symbol()
            && (OrderType() == OP_BUY || OrderType() == OP_SELL))
               iTicket = OrderTicket();
         if ((EA_Mode == 0 || EA_Mode == 1) && OrderMagicNumber() != Magic_Number)
            iTicket = 0;

   if (iTicket == 0)
   if (iTicket != 0)
      OrderSelect(iTicket, SELECT_BY_TICKET);
      if (OrderType() == OP_BUY)
         iTradeDir = 1;
         dThisProfit = Bid - OrderOpenPrice();
      if (OrderType() == OP_SELL)
         iTradeDir = -1;
         dThisProfit = OrderOpenPrice() - Ask;
      iTradesClosed = Lot_Divider - (OrderLots() / Lot_Part);  //number of closed Trades (x of Lot_Divider)

      if (Use_ATR_Stop == true)
         dSL = -Stop_Loss * 0.01 * dATRVal;  // StopLoss is x percent of ATR
         dSL = -Stop_Loss * Point;
      if (iTradesClosed > 0)  //StopLoss to BE when first Lot-part is closed
         dSL = 0.0;
      dLastTP = iTradesClosed * TP_Increment_Int;


   if (iTicket != 0 && (EA_Mode == 0 || EA_Mode == 2))
      switch (iTradeDir)
         case 1:
            ObjectCreate("StopLine", OBJ_HLINE, 0, 0, OrderOpenPrice() + dSL);
         case -1:
            ObjectCreate("StopLine", OBJ_HLINE, 0, 0, OrderOpenPrice() - dSL);
      ObjectSet("StopLine", OBJPROP_COLOR, Red);

      if (dThisProfit <= dSL)  //close lots if SL reached
         if (iTradeDir == 1)
            OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Bid, 5, Blue);
         if (iTradeDir == -1)
            OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Ask, 5, Red);
         iTicket = 0;
         iTradeDir = 0;
         dLastTP = 0.0;
         dThisProfit = 0.0;
         iTradesClosed = 0;
         dSL = -Stop_Loss * Point;

      switch (iTradeDir)
         case 1:
            ObjectCreate("TPLine", OBJ_HLINE, 0, 0, OrderOpenPrice() + (dLastTP + TP_Increment_Int));
         case -1:
            ObjectCreate("TPLine", OBJ_HLINE, 0, 0, OrderOpenPrice() - (dLastTP + TP_Increment_Int));
      ObjectSet("TPLine", OBJPROP_COLOR, Green);

      if (dThisProfit >= dLastTP + TP_Increment_Int)
         dSL = 0.0;
         if (Lot_Divider == 1)  //if single TP, close whole Lot_Size when price reaches TP
               case 1:
                  OrderClose (OrderTicket(), Lot_Size, Bid, 3, Blue);
               case -1:
                  OrderClose (OrderTicket(), Lot_Size, Ask, 3, Red);
         else if (LetLastLotRun == true)
            if (iTradesClosed <= (Lot_Divider - 2))  //if multiple TP, close 1 part of Lot_Size for each TP increment; let last part run till manual closed, till BE, or reverse signal
               dLastTP += TP_Increment_Int;
                  case 1:
                     OrderClose (OrderTicket(), Lot_Part, Bid, 3, Blue);
                  case -1:
                     OrderClose (OrderTicket(), Lot_Part, Ask, 3, Red);
         else if (LetLastLotRun == false)
            if (iTradesClosed <= (Lot_Divider - 1))  //if multiple TP, close 1 part of Lot_Size for each TP increment
               dLastTP += TP_Increment_Int;
                  case 1:
                     OrderClose (OrderTicket(), Lot_Part, Bid, 3, Blue);
                  case -1:
                     OrderClose (OrderTicket(), Lot_Part, Ask, 3, Red);

   if (EA_Mode == 0 || EA_Mode == 1 && oktotrade && !activetrade)
      if (Bars > iNumBars)
         dOriginal = iCustom(Symbol(), 0, "Sonic_StoIK", "", true, true, "", true, 200, true, 45, "", false, false, false, 0, false, false, 0, 0);
         dSMAFilter = iCustom(Symbol(), 0, "Sonic_StoIK", "", true, true, "", true, 200, true, 45, "", false, false, false, 0, false, false, 2, 0);
         dRSIFilter = iCustom(Symbol(), 0, "Sonic_StoIK", "", true, true, "", true, 200, true, 45, "", false, false, false, 0, false, false, 3, 0);
         if (TimeCurrent() - Time[0] > Trade_Window * 60)
            iNumBars = Bars;
         dSignal = dOriginal;
         if (Use_SMA_Filter == true && dSMAFilter != dSignal) dSignal = 0.0;
         if (Use_RSI_Filter == true && dRSIFilter != dSignal) dSignal = 0.0;
         if (dSignal > 0)
            switch (iTradeDir)
               case -1:
                  if (OrderSelect(iTicket, SELECT_BY_TICKET) == true)
                     OrderClose(iTicket, OrderLots(), Ask, 3, Red);
               case 0:
                 // if(!Use.Time.Filter || (Use.Time.Filter && (TimeCurrent() > start_time && TimeCurrent() < end_time)))
                  OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUY, Lot_Size, Ask, 3, 0, 0, NULL, Magic_Number, 0, Blue);

         if (dSignal < 0)
            switch (iTradeDir)
               case 1:
                  if (OrderSelect(iTicket, SELECT_BY_TICKET) == true)
                     OrderClose(iTicket, OrderLots(), Bid, 3, Blue);
               case 0:
                 // if(!Use.Time.Filter || (Use.Time.Filter && (TimeCurrent() > start_time && TimeCurrent() < end_time)))
                  OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELL, Lot_Size, Bid, 3, 0, 0, NULL, Magic_Number, 0, Red);


   string zTradeDir = "No Trade";
   if (iTradeDir == 1) zTradeDir = "Long";
   if (iTradeDir == -1) zTradeDir = "Short";
   string zProfit = DoubleToStr(dThisProfit / Point, 0);
   string zStop = DoubleToStr(dSL / Point, 0);
   string zNextTP = DoubleToStr((dLastTP + TP_Increment_Int) / Point, 0);
   string zATR = "";
   if (Use_ATR_TP == true || Use_ATR_Stop == true)
      zATR = "\n             ATR: " + DoubleToStr(dATRVal / Point, 0);
  string com = "";
   if(!Use.Time.Filter) com = "Off";
   //if(Use.Time.Filter && (TimeCurrent() > start_time && TimeCurrent() < end_time)) com = "Active";
   //if(Use.Time.Filter && (TimeCurrent() < start_time && TimeCurrent() > end_time)) com = "Standby";
   if(Use.Time.Filter&&HourT==1)com = "Active";
   if(Use.Time.Filter&&HourT==0)com = "Standby";
   Comment("     Time Filter: ", com, "\n",
           "Current Position: ", zTradeDir, "\n",
           "  Current Profit: ", zProfit, "\n",
           "       Stop Loss: ", zStop, "\n",
           "         Next TP: ", zNextTP,




Market Information Used:

Series array that contains open time of each bar

Indicator Curves created:

Indicators Used:

Indicator of the average true range

Custom Indicators Used:

Order Management characteristics:
Checks for the total of open orders

It Closes Orders by itself
It automatically opens orders when conditions are reached

Other Features:

BackTest : EURUSD on H1

From 2009-12-01 to 2010-01-17 Profit Factor:0.00 Total Net Profit:0.00

BackTest : USDCAD on H1

From 2009-12-01 to 2010-01-01 Profit Factor:0.00 Total Net Profit:0.00

BackTest : EURUSD on H1

From 2009-08-01 to 2009-10-01 Profit Factor:0.73 Total Net Profit:-973.90

BackTest : GBPUSD on H1

From 2010-01-01 to 2010-02-27 Profit Factor:0.00 Total Net Profit:0.00

BackTest : EURUSD on H1

From 2010-04-01 to 2010-04-30 Profit Factor:0.00 Total Net Profit:0.00

BackTest : EURUSD on H1

From 2010-05-01 to 2010-05-31 Profit Factor:0.00 Total Net Profit:0.00

BackTest : EURUSD on H1

From 2010-06-01 to 2010-06-30 Profit Factor:0.00 Total Net Profit:0.00

Request Backtest for Sonic_StoIK_EA

From : (yyyy/mm/dd) To: (yyyy/mm/dd)

Pair: Period: