
//|                                                   Turbo_JVEL.mq4 |
//|                           Copyright © 2005, TrendLaboratory Ltd. |
//|                   Modified by bluto to use Typical Price (HLC/3) |
//|            http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/TrendLaboratory |
//|            Thanks to Weld, Jurik Research http://weld.torguem.net|
#property copyright "Copyright © 2005, TrendLaboratory Ltd."
#property link      "http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/TrendLaboratory"

#property indicator_separate_window
#property indicator_buffers 2
#property indicator_color1 Green
#property indicator_color2 Red
//---- input parameters
extern int       Length = 14;
extern int       Phase  = 0;
//---- buffers
double UpBuffer [];
double DnBuffer [];
double JMAValueBuffer [];
double fC0Buffer [];
double fA8Buffer [];
double fC8Buffer [];
//---- temporary buffers
double list[128], ring1[128], ring2[11], buffer[62];
//---- bool flag
bool   initFlag;
//---- integer vars
int    limitValue, startValue, loopParam, loopCriteria;
int    cycleLimit, highLimit, counterA, counterB;
//---- double vars
double cycleDelta, lowDValue, highDValue, absValue, paramA, paramB;
double phaseParam, logParam, JMAValue, series, sValue, sqrtParam, lengthDivider;
//---- temporary int variables
int   s58, s60, s40, s38, s68;
//| JMA initFlagization function                                     |
int init()
   double   lengthParam;
//---- 3 additional buffers are used for counting.
//---- drawing settings
   SetIndexStyle  (0, DRAW_HISTOGRAM);
   SetIndexStyle  (1, DRAW_HISTOGRAM);
   SetIndexDrawBegin(0, 30);
   SetIndexDrawBegin(1, 30);
//---- 4 indicator buffers mapping
   SetIndexBuffer (0, UpBuffer);
   SetIndexBuffer (1, DnBuffer);
   SetIndexBuffer (2, JMAValueBuffer);
   SetIndexBuffer (3, fC0Buffer);
   SetIndexBuffer (4, fA8Buffer);
   SetIndexBuffer (5, fC8Buffer); 
//---- initialize one buffer (neccessary)   
   ArrayInitialize (ring2, 0);
   ArrayInitialize (ring1, 0); 
   ArrayInitialize (buffer, 0); 
//---- name for DataWindow and indicator subwindow label
   IndicatorShortName ("JMA Slope - Typical Price(" + Length + "," + Phase + ")");
   SetIndexLabel (0, "UpSlope");
   SetIndexLabel (1, "DownSlope");
//---- initial part
   limitValue = 63; 
   startValue = 64;
   for (int i = 0; i <= limitValue; i++) list [i] = -1000000; 
   for (i = startValue; i <= 127; i++)   list [i] = 1000000; 
   initFlag  = true;
   if (Length < 1.0000000002) lengthParam = 0.0000000001;
   else lengthParam = (Length - 1) / 2.0;
   if (Phase < -100) phaseParam = 0.5;
   else if (Phase > 100) phaseParam = 2.5;
   else phaseParam = Phase / 100.0 + 1.5;
   logParam = MathLog (MathSqrt (lengthParam)) / MathLog (2.0);
   if (logParam + 2.0 < 0) logParam = 0;
   else logParam = logParam + 2.0; 
   sqrtParam     = MathSqrt(lengthParam) * logParam; 
   lengthParam   = lengthParam * 0.9; 
   lengthDivider = lengthParam / (lengthParam + 2.0);
//| JMA iteration function                                           |
int start()

//---- get already counted bars    
   int counted_bars = IndicatorCounted();
//---- check for possible errors
   if (counted_bars < 0) return (-1);
   int limit = Bars - counted_bars - 1;
//---- main cycle
   for (int shift = limit; shift >= 0; shift--) {
      if ((Symbol()=="USDJPYm") || (Symbol()=="EURJPYm") || (Symbol()=="GBPJPYm" || Symbol()=="USDJPY") || (Symbol()=="EURJPY") || (Symbol()=="GBPJPY"))
         series = ((High[shift]+Low[shift]+Close[shift])/3);
        } else {
         series = ((High[shift]*100 + Low[shift]*100 + Close[shift]*100)/3);
      if (loopParam < 61) { 
         buffer [loopParam] = series; 
      if (loopParam > 30) {
         if (initFlag) { 
            initFlag = false;
            int diffFlag = 0; 
            for (int i = 1; i <= 29; i++) { 
               if (buffer [i + 1] != buffer [i]) diffFlag = 1;
            highLimit = diffFlag * 30;
            if (highLimit == 0) paramB = series;
            else paramB = buffer[1];
            paramA = paramB; 
            if (highLimit > 29) highLimit = 29; 
         } else 
            highLimit = 0;
//---- big cycle
         for (i = highLimit; i >= 0; i--) { 
			   if (i == 0) sValue = series; else sValue = buffer [31 - i]; 
			   if (MathAbs (sValue - paramA) > MathAbs (sValue - paramB)) absValue = MathAbs(sValue - paramA); else absValue = MathAbs(sValue - paramB); 
			   double dValue = absValue + 0.0000000001; //1.0e-10; 
			   if (counterA <= 1) counterA = 127; else counterA--; 
			   if (counterB <= 1) counterB = 10;  else counterB--; 
			   if (cycleLimit < 128) cycleLimit++; 
			   cycleDelta += (dValue - ring2 [counterB]); 
			   ring2 [counterB] = dValue; 
			   if (cycleLimit > 10) highDValue = cycleDelta / 10.0; else highDValue = cycleDelta / cycleLimit; 
			   if (cycleLimit > 127) { 
				   dValue = ring1 [counterA]; 
				   ring1 [counterA] = highDValue; 
				   s68 = 64; s58 = s68; 
				   while (s68 > 1) { 
					   if (list [s58] < dValue) { 
						   s68 = s68 / 2.0; 
						   s58 += s68; 
					   } else 
					   if (list [s58] <= dValue) { 
						   s68 = 1; 
					   } else { 
						   s68 = s68 / 2.0; 
						   s58 -= s68; 
            } else {
			      ring1 [counterA] = highDValue; 
			      if ((limitValue + startValue) > 127) {
				      s58 = startValue; 
			      } else {
				      s58 = limitValue; 
			      if (limitValue > 96) s38 = 96; else s38 = limitValue; 
			      if (startValue < 32) s40 = 32; else s40 = startValue; 
		      s68 = 64; 
		      s60 = s68; 
		      while (s68 > 1) {
			      if (list [s60] >= highDValue) {
				      if (list [s60 - 1] <= highDValue) {
					      s68 = 1; 
				      else {
					      s68 = s68 / 2.0; 
					      s60 -= s68; 
			      else {
				      s68 = s68 / 2.0; 
				      s60 += s68; 
			      if ((s60 == 127) && (highDValue > list[127])) s60 = 128; 
			   if (cycleLimit > 127) {
				   if (s58 >= s60) {
					   if (((s38 + 1) > s60) && ((s40 - 1) < s60)) 
						    lowDValue += highDValue; 
					   else if ((s40 > s60) && ((s40 - 1) < s58)) 
						    lowDValue += list [s40 - 1]; 
				   else if (s40 >= s60) {
					   if (((s38 + 1) < s60) && ((s38 + 1) > s58)) 
							    lowDValue += list[s38 + 1]; 
				   else if ((s38 + 2) > s60) 
						   lowDValue += highDValue; 
				   else if (((s38 + 1) < s60) && ((s38 + 1) > s58)) 
						   lowDValue += list[s38 + 1]; 
				   if (s58 > s60) {
					   if (((s40 - 1) < s58) && ((s38 + 1) > s58)) 
						   lowDValue -= list [s58]; 
					   else if ((s38 < s58) && ((s38 + 1) > s60)) 
						   lowDValue -= list [s38]; 
				   else {
					   if (((s38 + 1) > s58) && ((s40 - 1) < s58)) 
						   lowDValue -= list [s58]; 
					   else if ((s40 > s58) && (s40 < s60)) 
						   lowDValue -= list [s40]; 
			   if (s58 <= s60) {
				   if (s58 >= s60) list[s60] = highDValue; else {
					   for (int j = s58 + 1; j <= (s60 - 1); j++) {
						   list [j - 1] = list[j]; 
					   list [s60 - 1] = highDValue; 
			   } else {
				   for (j = s58 - 1; j >= s60; j--) {
					   list [j + 1] = list [j]; 
				   list [s60] = highDValue; 
			   if (cycleLimit <= 127) {
				   lowDValue = 0; 
				   for (j = s40; j <= s38; j++) {
					   lowDValue += list[j]; 
			   if ((loopCriteria + 1) > 31) loopCriteria = 31; else loopCriteria++; 
			   double JMATempValue, sqrtDivider = sqrtParam / (sqrtParam + 1.0);
			   if (loopCriteria <= 30) {
				   if (sValue - paramA > 0) paramA = sValue; else paramA = sValue - (sValue - paramA) * sqrtDivider; 
				   if (sValue - paramB < 0) paramB = sValue; else paramB = sValue - (sValue - paramB) * sqrtDivider; 
				   JMATempValue = series;
				   if (loopCriteria == 30) { 
				     fC0Buffer [shift] = series;
				     int intPart;
				     if (MathCeil(sqrtParam) >= 1) intPart = MathCeil(sqrtParam); else intPart = 1; 
				     int leftInt = IntPortion (intPart); 
				     if (MathFloor(sqrtParam) >= 1) intPart = MathFloor(sqrtParam); else intPart = 1; 
				     int rightPart = IntPortion (intPart);
				     if (leftInt == rightPart) dValue = 1.0; 
					     dValue = (sqrtParam - rightPart) / (leftInt - rightPart);
				     if (rightPart <= 29) int upShift = rightPart; else upShift = 29; 
				     if (leftInt <= 29) int dnShift = leftInt; else dnShift = 29; 
				     fA8Buffer [shift] = (series - buffer [loopParam - upShift]) * (1 - dValue) / rightPart + (series - buffer[loopParam - dnShift]) * dValue / leftInt;
			   } else {
			      double powerValue, squareValue;
			      dValue = lowDValue / (s38 - s40 + 1);
			      if (0.5 <= logParam - 2.0) powerValue = logParam - 2.0;
               else powerValue = 0.5;
				   if (logParam >= MathPow(absValue/dValue, powerValue)) dValue = MathPow (absValue/dValue, powerValue); else dValue = logParam; 
				   if (dValue < 1) dValue = 1;
				   powerValue = MathPow (sqrtDivider, MathSqrt (dValue)); 
				   if (sValue - paramA > 0) paramA = sValue; else paramA = sValue - (sValue - paramA) * powerValue; 
				   if (sValue - paramB < 0) paramB = sValue; else paramB = sValue - (sValue - paramB) * powerValue; 
// ---- end of big cycle                  			   
         if (loopCriteria > 30) {
				JMATempValue = JMAValueBuffer [shift + 1];
            powerValue   = MathPow (lengthDivider, dValue);
            squareValue  = MathPow (powerValue, 2);
				fC0Buffer [shift] = (1 - powerValue) * series + powerValue * fC0Buffer [shift + 1];
            fC8Buffer [shift] = (series - fC0Buffer [shift]) * (1 - lengthDivider) + lengthDivider * fC8Buffer [shift + 1];
            fA8Buffer [shift] = (phaseParam * fC8Buffer [shift] + fC0Buffer [shift] - JMATempValue) * 
                                 (powerValue * (-2.0) + squareValue + 1) + squareValue * fA8Buffer [shift + 1];  
            JMATempValue += fA8Buffer [shift]; 
         JMAValue = JMATempValue;
      if (loopParam <= 30) JMAValue = 0;
      JMAValueBuffer [shift] = JMAValue;
      double rel=JMAValueBuffer [shift]-JMAValueBuffer [shift+1];

//---- End of main cycle

int IntPortion (double param) {
   if (param > 0) return (MathFloor (param));
   if (param < 0) return (MathCeil (param));
   return (0.0);



Market Information Used:

Series array that contains close prices for each bar
Series array that contains the highest prices of each bar
Series array that contains the lowest prices of each bar

Indicator Curves created:

Indicators Used:

Custom Indicators Used:

Order Management characteristics:

Other Features: