NeutralHedge osc_v3[1].1

//|                                        NeutralHedge osc_v3.1.mq4 |
//|                                            © 2008.07.02 SwingMan |
//|                                                                  |
#property copyright "© 2008.07.02 SwingMan"
#property link      ""
// source code:
//|                                       OverLay Chart.mq4 Ver.1.10 |
//|                                      Copyright© 2006-2007 S.B.T. |
//|                            |
//+------------------- DO NOT REMOVE THIS HEADER --------------------+
//|  This script is free to use/distribute/modify and re-distribute. |
//|                                  (Limited to noncommercial use.) |
// changes:
// - fewhills  / 2008.07.02
// I have modified the indicator with 2 extra parameters: starting time and TF period.
// The time parameter is the usual MT4 method: hh:mm
// The TF period is default at 1 Hr TF = 60 
// - SwingMan / 2008.07.02
// v1 - draw histogram of ratios
// v2 - write trading results
// v3 - calculation of threshold with StdDev
//    - take automatic more as40 bars
// v3.1 - mrkam will have moreBars (500...)

#property indicator_separate_window
#property indicator_buffers 2

#property indicator_color1 MediumSeaGreen
#property indicator_color2 Tomato

#property indicator_level1 0
#property indicator_levelcolor Gray
#property indicator_levelstyle STYLE_SOLID

//---- inputs --------------------------------------------------------
extern string SubSymbol = "EURUSD";
extern int moreBars = 0;
extern string StartingTimeCorr = "2008.07.01 00:00";
extern int    TFperiod         = 60;
extern double threshold = 0;
extern double Factor_Threshold = 1.5;
extern string EntryTime = "";
extern string _____Order____ = "BUY=0,  SELL=1";
extern int Order_Main = -1;
extern color threshold_color = Magenta;
extern bool Mirroring = true;

//---- constants
string sWinName1 = "NeutralHedge osc_v3.1", sWinName;
string sObject = "NH31_";
int fontSize_Text = 8;
int iLabelCorner = 1;
int xx1 = 80;
int xx2 = 2;
int xx3 = 60;
int xx4 = 30;
int yy0 = 3, yy;
int yStep = 10;

//Indicator Buffers
double ExtMapBuffer1[];
double ExtMapBuffer2[];

//-- variables
double dPoint;
int iWindow;
int firstBar;
int _BarsCount, _LastBar;

//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int init()
   dPoint = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_POINT);   
   sWinName = sWinName1 + " (" + Symbol() + "-" + SubSymbol + ")";
   sObject = sObject + moreBars + "_";
   SetIndexBuffer( 0, ExtMapBuffer1 );
   SetIndexBuffer( 1, ExtMapBuffer2 );

   SetIndexStyle( 0, DRAW_HISTOGRAM, STYLE_SOLID, 2);
   SetIndexStyle( 1, DRAW_HISTOGRAM, STYLE_SOLID, 2);
   SetIndexEmptyValue( 0, 0.0 );
   SetIndexEmptyValue( 1, 0.0 );

   SetIndexLabel( 0, "BUY -" +Symbol() );
   SetIndexLabel( 1, "SELL-" +Symbol() );
   iWindow = WindowFind(sWinName);

//| Custom indicator deinitialization function                       |
int deinit()

//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int start()
   double _CurRangeHigh, _CurRangeLow, _CurRangeCenter, _CurClose;
   double _SubRangeHigh, _SubRangeLow, _SubRangeCenter;
   double _SubPoint, _SubDigit;
   double _SubOpen, _SubHigh, _SubLow, _SubClose;
   double _PipsRatio;
   double _GridPips, _GridPrice;
   int _i;

   firstBar = iBarShift(NULL,TFperiod,StrToTime(StartingTimeCorr),true);
   if (firstBar <0 )
      Alert("StartingTimeCorr seems to be wrong."); return (0);
   //-- Initialize Buffers
   ArrayInitialize( ExtMapBuffer1, 0.0 );
   ArrayInitialize( ExtMapBuffer2, 0.0 );

   /*//-- Calculate Visible Bars
   _BarsCount = WindowBarsPerChart() + 1;
   int _FirstBar = firstBar; // WindowFirstVisibleBar();
   _LastBar = _FirstBar - _BarsCount + 1;
   if ( _LastBar < 0 ) {
      _LastBar = 0;
      _BarsCount = _FirstBar + 1;
   //-- Calculate Visible Bars // // v3.1 - mrkam will have 500 bars...
   _BarsCount = WindowBarsPerChart() +  moreBars  +1;
   int _FirstBar = firstBar; // WindowFirstVisibleBar();
   int _LastBar = _FirstBar - _BarsCount +  moreBars  +1 ;
   if ( _LastBar < 0 ) {
      _LastBar = 0;
      _BarsCount = _FirstBar +  moreBars +1 ;

   //-- Calculate Chart Ratio
   _CurRangeHigh = High[Highest(Symbol(), 0, MODE_HIGH, _BarsCount, _LastBar)];
   _CurRangeLow  = Low[Lowest(Symbol(), 0, MODE_LOW, _BarsCount, _LastBar)];
   _CurRangeCenter = ( _CurRangeHigh + _CurRangeLow ) * 0.5;
   if ( Mirroring ) {
      _SubRangeHigh = iLow( SubSymbol, 0, Lowest( SubSymbol, 0, MODE_LOW, _BarsCount, _LastBar ) );
      _SubRangeLow  = iHigh( SubSymbol, 0, Highest( SubSymbol, 0, MODE_HIGH, _BarsCount, _LastBar ) );
   } else {
      _SubRangeHigh = iHigh( SubSymbol, 0, Highest( SubSymbol, 0, MODE_HIGH, _BarsCount, _LastBar ) );
      _SubRangeLow  = iLow( SubSymbol, 0, Lowest( SubSymbol, 0, MODE_LOW, _BarsCount, _LastBar ) );

   _SubRangeCenter = ( _SubRangeHigh + _SubRangeLow ) * 0.5;
   _SubPoint = MarketInfo( SubSymbol, MODE_POINT );
   _SubDigit = MarketInfo( SubSymbol, MODE_DIGITS );

   _PipsRatio = ( _CurRangeHigh - _CurRangeLow )  / ( _SubRangeHigh - _SubRangeLow );

   //-- Draw ratio
	for ( _i = _LastBar; _i < _LastBar + _BarsCount; _i ++ ) {
      _SubClose = iClose( SubSymbol, 0, _i ) - _SubRangeCenter;      

      double Close_Sub = _CurRangeCenter + _SubClose * _PipsRatio;     
      double Close_Main = iClose(Symbol(), 0, _i);
      double range = (Close_Main - Close_Sub) / dPoint;      
      range = NormalizeDouble(range,0);
      if (range > 0) 
        ExtMapBuffer2[_i] = range; 
        ExtMapBuffer1[_i] = range;

   if (threshold == 0) {
   //-- write win/loss

//    Get Threshold Value
void Get_ThresholdValue()
   double RangeCloses[200];
   //int Period_Statistic = firstBar;
   int Period_Statistic = _BarsCount; // = _FirstBar + 1;
   int i = -1;
   for ( int _i = _LastBar; _i < _LastBar + _BarsCount; _i ++ )   
      if (ExtMapBuffer1[i] > 0 && ExtMapBuffer1[i] != EMPTY_VALUE)
         RangeCloses[i] = ExtMapBuffer1[i];
      if (ExtMapBuffer2[i] > 0 && ExtMapBuffer2[i] != EMPTY_VALUE)
         RangeCloses[i] = ExtMapBuffer2[i];
   //-- take only the minim differences
   double MedRanges = iMAOnArray(RangeCloses,0,Period_Statistic,1,MODE_SMA,0);
   double DevRanges = iStdDevOnArray(RangeCloses,0,Period_Statistic,1,MODE_SMA,0);
   threshold = MedRanges + Factor_Threshold * DevRanges;

//    Draw Threshold Lines
void Write_WinLossTrading()
   double WinLoss;
   string text1, text2, sOrder, sEmpty;
   //EntryTime = "2008.07.02 20:00";   
   if (EntryTime == "") return;
   yy = yy0;
   int entryBar = iBarShift(Symbol(),TFperiod,StrToTime(EntryTime),true);
   double Entry_Main = iClose(Symbol(), 0, entryBar);
   double Entry_Sub  = iClose(SubSymbol, 0, entryBar);
   double Price_Main = iClose(Symbol(), 0, 0);
   double Price_Sub  = iClose(SubSymbol, 0, 0);
   WinLoss = 0;   
   if (Order_Main == OP_BUY) {
      WinLoss = (Price_Main - Entry_Main) + (Entry_Sub - Price_Sub);
      sOrder = Symbol() + "-BUY:";
   } else 
   if (Order_Main == OP_SELL) {
      WinLoss = -(Price_Main - Entry_Main) - (Entry_Sub - Price_Sub);
      sOrder = Symbol() + "-SELL:";
   } else {
      Entry_Main = 0;
      Entry_Sub  = 0;
      sOrder = "Order_Main:";
      sEmpty = "EMPTY";
   WinLoss = WinLoss / dPoint;

   text1 = "Entry time:";
   text2 = EntryTime;
   Write_Label(text1, text2, xx1+10, xx2, yy); yy = yy + yStep;

   text1 = sOrder;
   if (sOrder == "Order_Main:") {
      text2 = sEmpty;
      int xx5 = xx4;
   } else {
      text2 = DoubleToStr(Entry_Main,Digits) + " / " + DoubleToStr(Entry_Sub,Digits);
      xx5 = xx2;
   Write_Label(text1, text2, xx1, xx5, yy); yy = yy + yStep;
   text1 = "Current price:";
   text2 = DoubleToStr(Price_Main,Digits) + " / " + DoubleToStr(Price_Sub,Digits);
   Write_Label(text1, text2, xx1, xx2, yy); yy = yy + yStep;
   text1 = "WinLoss:";
   text2 = DoubleToStr(WinLoss,0);
   Write_Label(text1, text2, xx1, xx3, yy); yy = yy + yStep;   

void Write_Label(string text1, string text2, int xx1, int xx2, int yy)
   color dColor = Orange;
   string name1 = sObject + "1" + yy;
   string name2 = sObject + "2" + yy;
   SetLabelObject(name1, text1, dColor, xx1, yy);
   SetLabelObject(name2, text2, dColor, xx2, yy);

void SetLabelObject(string sName, string sText, color dColor, int xx, int yy)
   ObjectCreate(sName, OBJ_LABEL, iWindow, 0, 0);
        ObjectSetText(sName,sText,fontSize_Text, "Arial Bold", dColor);
        ObjectSet(sName, OBJPROP_CORNER, iLabelCorner);
        ObjectSet(sName, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, xx);
        ObjectSet(sName, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, yy);

void DeleteOwnObjects()
   int i=0;
   while (i <= ObjectsTotal()) {
      if (StringFind(ObjectName(i), sObject) >= 0) ObjectDelete(ObjectName(i));

//    Draw Threshold Lines
void Draw_ThresholdLines()
   iWindow = WindowFind(sWinName);
   Draw_Line("threshLineUp"+sObject,  threshold, threshold_color);
   Draw_Line("threshLineDn"+sObject, -threshold, threshold_color);

void Draw_Line(string sName, double value, color iColor)
   ObjectCreate(sName, OBJ_HLINE, iWindow, 0, value);
   ObjectSet(sName, OBJPROP_COLOR, iColor);
   ObjectSet(sName, OBJPROP_TIME1, 0);
   ObjectSet(sName, OBJPROP_PRICE1, value);


image not available


Market Information Used:

Series array that contains the highest prices of each bar
Series array that contains the lowest prices of each bar
Series array that contains close prices for each bar

Indicator Curves created:

Implements a curve of type DRAW_HISTOGRAM

Indicators Used:

Moving average indicator
Standard Deviation indicator

Custom Indicators Used:

Order Management characteristics:

Other Features:

It issuies visual alerts to the screen