Pivot Daily Zone

//|                                             Pivot Daily Zone.mq4 |
//|                                      Copyright © 2006, Eli Hayun |
//|                                          http://www.elihayun.com |
#property copyright "Copyright © 2006, Eli Hayun"
#property link      "http://www.elihayun.com"

#property indicator_chart_window

#define PIVOT_LINE  "Pivot line"
#define R1          "R1"
#define R2          "R2"
#define R3          "R3"
#define S1          "S1"
#define S2          "S2"
#define S3          "S3"

bool ObjectCreated = false;

extern color  PivotColor = DarkSlateGray;
extern color  R3Color    = NavajoWhite;
extern color  R2Color    = LightSalmon;
extern color  R1Color    = DarkSalmon;
extern color  S3Color    = PowderBlue;
extern color  S2Color    = LightBlue;
extern color  S1Color    = SkyBlue;

bool HaveSunday = false;

int PivotTF = PERIOD_D1;

//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int init()
   if (PivotTF >= PERIOD_D1)
      PivotTF = PERIOD_W1;
   for (int ii=0; ii<10; ii++)
      if (TimeDayOfWeek(iTime(NULL, PivotTF, ii)) == 0)
         HaveSunday = true; 
//| Custom indicator deinitialization function                       |
int deinit()

//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int start()
      if (NewBar())

void CreateObj(string objName, double start, double end, color clr)
   int fvb = FirstVisibleBar();
   int bpw = BarsPerWindow();
   if (start == end) end -= 2 * Point;
   ObjectCreate(objName, OBJ_RECTANGLE, 0, iTime(NULL,PERIOD_D1, 0), start, Time[0], end);
   ObjectSet(objName, OBJPROP_COLOR, clr);
void DeleteObjects()
   ObjectDelete("Start Day");


bool NewBar()
   static datetime dt = 0;
   static datetime dtDay = 0;
   if (dtDay != iTime(NULL, PivotTF, 0))
      ObjectDelete("Start Day");
      ObjectCreate("Start Day", OBJ_VLINE, 0, iTime(NULL, PERIOD_D1, 0),0);
      dtDay = iTime(NULL, PivotTF, 0);
   if (dt != Time[0])
      dt = Time[0];

void CreatePivotZones()
      double yOpen  = GetOpen();
      double yClose = GetClose();
      double yHigh  = GetHigh();
      double yLow   = GetLow();
      double pivot = (yHigh + yClose + yLow) / 3;
      double r1    = 2 * pivot - yLow;
      double s1    = 2 * pivot - yHigh;
      double r2    = pivot + (r1 - s1);
      double r3    = yHigh + 2 * (pivot - yLow);
      double s2    = pivot - (r1 - s1);
      double s3    = yLow - 2 * (yHigh - pivot);
      CreateObj(PIVOT_LINE, pivot, pivot, PivotColor);
      CreateObj(R1, pivot, r1, R1Color);
      CreateObj(R2, r1, r2, R2Color);
      CreateObj(R3, r2, r3, R3Color);
      CreateObj(S1, pivot, s1, S1Color);
      CreateObj(S2, s1, s2, S2Color);
      CreateObj(S3, s2, s3, S3Color);

double GetHigh()
   int dow = TimeDayOfWeek(iTime(NULL, PivotTF, 0));
   int dow1 = TimeDayOfWeek(iTime(NULL, PivotTF, 1));

   int sh = 1;
   if ((HaveSunday) && (dow == 1))
      sh = 2; // skip sunday
   if (dow == 2) // Teusday
      return ( Highest(NULL, PivotTF, MODE_HIGH, 2,1) ); 
   return( iHigh(NULL, PivotTF, sh) );

double GetLow()
   int dow = TimeDayOfWeek(iTime(NULL, PivotTF, 0));
   int dow1 = TimeDayOfWeek(iTime(NULL, PivotTF, 1));

   int sh = 1;
   if ((HaveSunday) && (dow == 1))
      sh = 2; // skip sunday
   if (dow == 2) // Teusday
      return ( Lowest(NULL, PivotTF, MODE_LOW,2,1) ); 
   return( iLow(NULL, PivotTF, sh) );

double GetOpen()
   int dow = TimeDayOfWeek(iTime(NULL, PivotTF, 0));
   int sh = 1;
   if (HaveSunday && (dow == 1)) sh = 2; // Today is Monday 
   return( iOpen(NULL, PivotTF, sh) );

double GetClose()
   int dow = TimeDayOfWeek(iTime(NULL, PivotTF, 0));
   int sh = 1;
   if (HaveSunday && (dow == 1)) sh = 2; // Today is Monday 
   return( iClose(NULL, PivotTF, sh) );



Market Information Used:

Series array that contains open time of each bar
Series array that contains the highest prices of each bar
Series array that contains the lowest prices of each bar
Series array that contains open prices of each bar
Series array that contains close prices for each bar

Indicator Curves created:

Indicators Used:

Custom Indicators Used:

Order Management characteristics:

Other Features: