
//|                                                PriceTrender2.mq4 |
//|                                                          Kalenzo |
//|                             |
//mod.fxtsd   increase

#property copyright "Kalenzo"
#property link      ""
#property indicator_buffers 3
#property indicator_color1 Red
#property indicator_color2 Yellow
#property indicator_color3 Green

#property indicator_width1     2
#property indicator_width2     2

extern bool Comments=false;

extern int TimeFrame2  = 60,
           Ma2Length = 5,
           Ma2Type   = 0,
           Ma2Price  = 0;
extern int TimeFrame1  = 30,
           Ma1Length = 7,
           Ma1Type   = 0,
           Ma1Price  = 0;
extern int TimeFrame   = 0,
           MaLength  = 9,
           MaType    = 0,
           MaPrice   = 0;

double price[],trend[],trend2[];
double alertBar;
double prev;
double last;
string info;
string infop;
string infoprev;
string infomini;
string ENTRY_price;
string entry_trend2;
string WAIT_price;
string wait_price;
string MINI;
string mini;
string sname;
extern bool minisounds=true;
#property indicator_separate_window
//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int init()


   TimeFrame =MathMax(TimeFrame, Period());

   string name  = " MA ("+MaLength+") ["+TimeFrame+"] ";
   string name1 = " MA1 ("+Ma1Length+") ["+TimeFrame1+"] ";
   string name2 = " MA2 ("+Ma2Length+") ["+TimeFrame2+"] ;";
          sname =name+name1+name2;


//| Custom indicator deinitialization function                       |
int deinit()
//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int start()
   int    limit, bigshift, bigshift1, bigshift2; 
   int    counted_bars=IndicatorCounted(); 
   if (counted_bars<0) return(-1); 
   if (counted_bars>0) counted_bars--; 
   limit=Bars-counted_bars +TimeFrame2/Period();
   for (int i=limit; i>=0; i--) 
      bigshift    = iBarShift(Symbol(),TimeFrame, Time[i]); 
      bigshift1   = iBarShift(Symbol(),TimeFrame1,Time[i]); 
      bigshift2   = iBarShift(Symbol(),TimeFrame2,Time[i]); 
//     price[i] = getPrice(bigshift);
       price[i] = iMA(Symbol(),TimeFrame, MaLength, 0,MaType, MaPrice, bigshift);
       trend[i] = iMA(Symbol(),TimeFrame1,Ma1Length,0,Ma1Type,Ma1Price,bigshift1);
       trend2[i]= iMA(Symbol(),TimeFrame2,Ma2Length,0,Ma2Type,Ma2Price,bigshift2);
   {ENTRY_price= "";entry_trend2= "";WAIT_price= "";wait_price= "";MINI= "";mini= "";info = "";infop = "";}

   //Trend UP/DOWN
     if ((price[i]> trend[i])&& (trend2[i]> trend[i])) {entry_trend2= "MAIN/UP";info = entry_trend2;}
     if ((price[i]< trend[i])&& (trend2[i]< trend[i])) {ENTRY_price=  "MAIN/DN";info = ENTRY_price;}

    if ((price[i]>= trend[i]|| trend2[i]> trend[i]) && info == "") {WAIT_price= "WAIT";info = WAIT_price;}
    if ((price[i]< trend[i] || trend2[i]< trend[i]) && info == "") {WAIT_price= "WAIT";info = WAIT_price;}

     if (price[i]> trend2[i]) {MINI= "MINI/UP";infop=MINI;}
     if (price[i]< trend2[i]) {mini= "MINI/DN";infop=mini;}

// Alerts on 
      if(infoprev == "") infoprev = info;
      if(infomini == "") infomini = infop;

     if(info != infoprev && info == "MAIN/UP" && Bars>alertBar) {Alert("Price Trend MAIN changing to UpTrend on ",Symbol()," Period ",Period());alertBar = Bars;infoprev = info;}      
     if(info != infoprev && info == "MAIN/DN" && Bars>alertBar) {Alert("Price Trend MAIN changing to DownTrend on ",Symbol()," Period ",Period());alertBar = Bars;infoprev = info;}
     if(minisounds == true && infomini != infop && infop == "MINI/UP" && Bars>alertBar) {Alert("Price Trend Mini changing to UpTrend on ",Symbol()," Period ",Period());alertBar = Bars;infomini = infop;}      
     if(minisounds == true && infomini != infop && infop == "MINI/DN" && Bars>alertBar) {Alert("Price Trend Mini changing to DownTrend on ",Symbol()," Period ",Period());alertBar = Bars;infomini = infop;}

// Alerts done

   ObjectCreate("ESIG2", OBJ_LABEL, WindowFind("PT:"), 0, 0);//TREND UP
        ObjectSetText("ESIG2",StringSubstr(entry_trend2,0),10, "Arial Bold", Lime);
        ObjectSet("ESIG2", OBJPROP_CORNER, 0);
        ObjectSet("ESIG2", OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, 250);
        ObjectSet("ESIG2", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, 15);
   ObjectCreate("ESIG3", OBJ_LABEL, WindowFind("PT:"), 0, 0);//TREND DOWN
        ObjectSetText("ESIG3",StringSubstr(ENTRY_price,0),10, "Arial Bold", Red);
        ObjectSet("ESIG3", OBJPROP_CORNER, 0);
        ObjectSet("ESIG3", OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, 250);
        ObjectSet("ESIG3", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, 15);
   ObjectCreate("ESIG4", OBJ_LABEL, WindowFind("PT:"), 0, 0);//WAIT
        ObjectSetText("ESIG4",StringSubstr(WAIT_price,0),10, "Arial Bold", Yellow);
        ObjectSet("ESIG4", OBJPROP_CORNER, 0);
        ObjectSet("ESIG4", OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, 263);
        ObjectSet("ESIG4", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, 15);
   ObjectCreate("ESIG5", OBJ_LABEL, WindowFind("PT:"), 0, 0);//WAIT
        ObjectSetText("ESIG5",StringSubstr(wait_price,0),10, "Arial Bold", Yellow);
        ObjectSet("ESIG5", OBJPROP_CORNER, 0);
        ObjectSet("ESIG5", OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, 263);
        ObjectSet("ESIG5", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, 15);     
   ObjectCreate("ESIG6", OBJ_LABEL, WindowFind("PT:"), 0, 0);//Mini UP
        ObjectSetText("ESIG6",StringSubstr(MINI,0),10, "Arial Bold", Lime);
        ObjectSet("ESIG6", OBJPROP_CORNER, 0);
        ObjectSet("ESIG6", OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, 253);
        ObjectSet("ESIG6", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, 35);
   ObjectCreate("ESIG7", OBJ_LABEL, WindowFind("PT:"), 0, 0);//Mini DOWN
        ObjectSetText("ESIG7",StringSubstr(mini,0),10, "Arial Bold", Red);
        ObjectSet("ESIG7", OBJPROP_CORNER, 0);
        ObjectSet("ESIG7", OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, 253);
        ObjectSet("ESIG7", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, 35);         
double getPrice(int shift)
      case 0 : return ( iClose(Symbol(),TimeFrame,shift) );
      case 1 : return (iOpen(Symbol(),TimeFrame,shift));
      case 2 : return (iHigh(Symbol(),TimeFrame,shift));
      case 3 : return (iLow(Symbol(),TimeFrame,shift));
      case 4 : return ((iLow(Symbol(),TimeFrame,shift)+iHigh(Symbol(),TimeFrame,shift))/2);
      case 5 : return ((iClose(Symbol(),TimeFrame,shift)+iLow(Symbol(),TimeFrame,shift)+iHigh(Symbol(),TimeFrame,shift))/3);
      case 6 : return ((iOpen(Symbol(),TimeFrame,shift)+iClose(Symbol(),TimeFrame,shift)+iLow(Symbol(),TimeFrame,shift)+iHigh(Symbol(),TimeFrame,shift))/4);




Market Information Used:

Series array that contains open time of each bar
Series array that contains close prices for each bar
Series array that contains open prices of each bar
Series array that contains the highest prices of each bar
Series array that contains the lowest prices of each bar

Indicator Curves created:

Implements a curve of type DRAW_LINE

Indicators Used:

Moving average indicator

Custom Indicators Used:

Order Management characteristics:

Other Features:

It issuies visual alerts to the screen