Rads 9Sq Gann

//|                                                9Squared Gann.mq4 |
//|                  Copyright © 2007, Steve Bowley, concept,formulas|
//|                                    & Patrick Nouvion, programming|
//|                       www.9squaredfx.com, www.patricknouvion.com |
#property copyright "Copyright © 2007, Steve Bowley & Patrick Nouvion"
#property link      "www.9squaredfx.com, www.patricknouvion.com"

#property indicator_chart_window

extern double  Value = 1.1234;
extern double  Angle = 9;
extern int     Width = 1;
extern bool DisplayFiboCycles = True;
//---- Colors
extern string COLORS = "===========COLORS==========";
extern color    ResistanceColor = DimGray;
extern color       SupportColor = SteelBlue;
extern color FiboTimeZonesColor = Gray;

//|                          INIT | DEINIT                           |
int init()   { CleanUp(); return(0); }
int deinit() { CleanUp(); return(0); }
//|                              GS9                                 |
int start()
   if( Value == 0.0 ) { Alert( "Invalid Price Entered" ); return(-1); }
   bool ItsAHigh = False; int Multiplier = 0;
   bool     Done = False; int  CountBars = 0;   
  //---- Find Value n bar count
  for( int i = 0; i < Bars && !Done ; i++ )
      if( Value == High[i] || Value == Low[i] ) 
         if( Value == High[i] ) { ItsAHigh = True;  }
         else                   { ItsAHigh = False; }
         Done = True; 
  //---- Update Multiplier depending on symbol ...
  if( MarketInfo( Symbol(), MODE_DIGITS ) == 2 ) { Multiplier = 10;   }
  else                                           { Multiplier = 1000; }   
  //---- Calc Vars
  Value *= Multiplier;
  double Factor = 2.0 * ( ( Angle ) / 360 );    
  int  Cycle = MathRound( MathSqrt( Value ) );    
  //---- Calculate Cycle Offset
  int Extend = MathMax( 0.01, CountBars-Cycle );
        //---- Draw 18 Res Lines
        for( i = 1; i <= 36; i++ )
            double rv = MathPow( ( MathSqrt( Value ) + ( Factor * i ) ), 2 ) / Multiplier;
            ObjectCreate( StringConcatenate("9squaredfxr0",i) , OBJ_HLINE, 0 , Time[0], rv);
               ObjectSet( StringConcatenate("9squaredfxr0",i) , OBJPROP_WIDTH, Width );
               ObjectSet( StringConcatenate("9squaredfxr0",i) , OBJPROP_STYLE, 2 );               
               ObjectSet( StringConcatenate("9squaredfxr0",i) , OBJPROP_COLOR, ResistanceColor );
        //---- Draw 18 Support Lines
        for(    i = 1; i <= 36; i++ )
            rv = MathPow( ( MathSqrt( Value ) - ( Factor * i ) ), 2 ) / Multiplier;
            ObjectCreate( StringConcatenate("9squaredfxs0",i) , OBJ_HLINE, 0 , Time[0], rv);
               ObjectSet( StringConcatenate("9squaredfxs0",i) , OBJPROP_WIDTH, Width );
               ObjectSet( StringConcatenate("9squaredfxs0",i) , OBJPROP_STYLE, 2 );               
               ObjectSet( StringConcatenate("9squaredfxs0",i) , OBJPROP_COLOR, SupportColor );
        //---- Draw Start Line
            ObjectCreate( "9squaredfx_001", OBJ_HLINE, 0 , Time[0], Value / Multiplier);
               ObjectSet( "9squaredfx_001", OBJPROP_WIDTH, Width );
               ObjectSet( "9squaredfx_001", OBJPROP_STYLE, 0 );               
               ObjectSet( "9squaredfx_001", OBJPROP_COLOR, Plum );
  //---- Draw Fibo Lines
  //-- Time Zones
  if( DisplayFiboCycles )
   ObjectCreate( "9SquaredFibo", 11, 0, Time[CountBars-1], ( Value / Multiplier ), Time[Extend], Close[Extend] );
   ObjectSet( "9SquaredFibo", OBJPROP_LEVELCOLOR, FiboTimeZonesColor );
void CleanUp()
   //---- Start
   //---- Fib Lines
    //---- Resistance
   for( int k = 1; k <= 36; k++ )
      ObjectDelete( StringConcatenate("9squaredfxr0",k) );  
      ObjectDelete( StringConcatenate("9squaredfxs0",k) );   



Market Information Used:

Series array that contains the highest prices of each bar
Series array that contains the lowest prices of each bar
Series array that contains open time of each bar
Series array that contains close prices for each bar

Indicator Curves created:

Indicators Used:

Custom Indicators Used:

Order Management characteristics:

Other Features:

It issuies visual alerts to the screen