
//|   RenkoLiveChart_v3.0.mq4
//|   Inspired from Renko script by "e4" (renko_live_scr.mq4)
//|   Copyleft 2009 LastViking
//|   Sep 2009 - Optional wicks added
//|            - Conversion back to EA 
//|            - Auto adjust for 5 and 6 dec brokers added
//|               enter RenkoBoxSize as "actual" size e.g. "10" for 10 pips
//|            - compensation for "zero compare" problem added
#property copyright "" 
#include <WinUser32.mqh>
#include <stdlib.mqh>
extern int RenkoBoxSize = 10;
extern int BoxOffset = 0;
extern int RenkoTimeFrame = 2;      // What time frame to use for the offline renko chart
extern bool StrangeSymbolName = false;
extern bool ShowWicks = true;
int BoxSize; 
int HstHandle = -1;
string SymbolName;
void UpdateChartWindow() {
	static int hwnd = 0;
	if(hwnd == 0) {
		hwnd = WindowHandle(SymbolName, RenkoTimeFrame);
		if(hwnd != 0) Print("Chart window detected");
	if(hwnd != 0) if(PostMessageA(hwnd, WM_COMMAND, 0x822c, 0) == 0) hwnd = 0;
int init()  {

   BoxSize = RenkoBoxSize;
   if (Digits == 5)
   {BoxSize = BoxSize*10;}
   if (Digits == 6)
   {BoxSize = BoxSize*100;}

   HstHandle = -1;
int start() {

	static int LastFPos = 0;
	static double BoxPoints, PrevLow, PrevHigh, PrevOpen, PrevClose, CurVolume, CurHigh, CurLow;
	static double CurOpen, CurClose;
	static datetime PrevTime;

   static double UpWick = 0;	
   static double DnWick = EMPTY_VALUE;
	if(HstHandle < 0) {
		// Init

		// Error checking	
		if(!IsConnected()) {
			Print("Waiting for connection...");
		if(!IsDllsAllowed()) {
			Print("Error: Dll calls must be allowed!");
		if(MathAbs(BoxOffset) >= BoxSize) {
			Print("Error: |BoxOffset| should be less then BoxSize!");
		switch(RenkoTimeFrame) {
		case 1: case 5: case 15: case 30: case 60: case 240:
		case 1440: case 10080: case 43200: case 0:
			Print("Error: Invald time frame used for offline renko chart (RenkoTimeFrame)!");
		if(StrangeSymbolName) SymbolName = StringSubstr(Symbol(), 0, 6);
		else SymbolName = Symbol();
   		BoxPoints = NormalizeDouble(BoxSize*Point, Digits);
   		PrevLow = NormalizeDouble(BoxOffset*Point + MathFloor(Close[Bars-1]/BoxPoints)*BoxPoints, Digits);
   		PrevHigh = PrevLow + BoxPoints;
   		PrevOpen = PrevLow;
   		PrevClose = PrevHigh;
		CurVolume = 1;
		PrevTime = Time[Bars-1];
		// create / open hst file		
   		HstHandle = FileOpenHistory(SymbolName + RenkoTimeFrame + ".hst", FILE_BIN|FILE_WRITE);
   		if(HstHandle < 0) return(-1);
		// write hst file header
		int HstUnused[13];
   		FileWriteInteger(HstHandle, 400, LONG_VALUE); 			// Version
   		FileWriteString(HstHandle, "", 64);					// Copyright
   		FileWriteString(HstHandle, SymbolName, 12);			// Symbol
   		FileWriteInteger(HstHandle, RenkoTimeFrame, LONG_VALUE);	// Period
   		FileWriteInteger(HstHandle, Digits, LONG_VALUE);		// Digits
   		FileWriteInteger(HstHandle, 0, LONG_VALUE);			// Time Sign
   		FileWriteInteger(HstHandle, 0, LONG_VALUE);			// Last Sync
   		FileWriteArray(HstHandle, HstUnused, 0, 13);			// Unused
 		// process historical data
  		int i = Bars-2;
  		while(i >= 0) {
			CurVolume += Volume[i];
         UpWick = MathMax(UpWick,High[i]);
         DnWick = MathMin(DnWick,Low[i]);

			bool UpTrend = High[i]+Low[i] > PrevHigh+PrevLow;
			// update low before high or the revers depending on is closest to prev. renko bar
			while(UpTrend && (Low[i] < PrevLow-BoxPoints || CompareDoubles(Low[i],PrevLow-BoxPoints))) {
  				PrevHigh = PrevHigh - BoxPoints;
  				PrevLow = PrevLow - BoxPoints;
  				PrevOpen = PrevHigh;
  				PrevClose = PrevLow;

				FileWriteInteger(HstHandle, PrevTime, LONG_VALUE);
				FileWriteDouble(HstHandle, PrevOpen, DOUBLE_VALUE);
				FileWriteDouble(HstHandle, PrevLow, DOUBLE_VALUE);

            if (ShowWicks && UpWick > PrevHigh)
				{FileWriteDouble(HstHandle, UpWick, DOUBLE_VALUE);}
				{FileWriteDouble(HstHandle, PrevHigh, DOUBLE_VALUE);}
            UpWick = 0;
            DnWick = EMPTY_VALUE;
				FileWriteDouble(HstHandle, PrevClose, DOUBLE_VALUE);
				FileWriteDouble(HstHandle, CurVolume, DOUBLE_VALUE);

            CurVolume = 0;
				if(PrevTime < Time[i]) PrevTime = Time[i];
				else PrevTime++;
			while(UpTrend && (High[i] > PrevHigh+BoxPoints || CompareDoubles(High[i],PrevHigh+BoxPoints))) {
  				PrevHigh = PrevHigh + BoxPoints;
  				PrevLow = PrevLow + BoxPoints;
  				PrevOpen = PrevLow;
  				PrevClose = PrevHigh;
				FileWriteInteger(HstHandle, PrevTime, LONG_VALUE);
				FileWriteDouble(HstHandle, PrevOpen, DOUBLE_VALUE);

            if (ShowWicks && DnWick < PrevLow)
				{FileWriteDouble(HstHandle, DnWick, DOUBLE_VALUE);}
				{FileWriteDouble(HstHandle, PrevLow, DOUBLE_VALUE);}
            UpWick = 0;
            DnWick = EMPTY_VALUE;
				FileWriteDouble(HstHandle, PrevHigh, DOUBLE_VALUE);
				FileWriteDouble(HstHandle, PrevClose, DOUBLE_VALUE);
				FileWriteDouble(HstHandle, CurVolume, DOUBLE_VALUE);

            CurVolume = 0;
				if(PrevTime < Time[i]) PrevTime = Time[i];
				else PrevTime++;
			while(!UpTrend && (Low[i] < PrevLow-BoxPoints || CompareDoubles(Low[i],PrevLow-BoxPoints))) {
  				PrevHigh = PrevHigh - BoxPoints;
  				PrevLow = PrevLow - BoxPoints;
  				PrevOpen = PrevHigh;
  				PrevClose = PrevLow;
				FileWriteInteger(HstHandle, PrevTime, LONG_VALUE);
				FileWriteDouble(HstHandle, PrevOpen, DOUBLE_VALUE);
				FileWriteDouble(HstHandle, PrevLow, DOUBLE_VALUE);

            if (ShowWicks && UpWick > PrevHigh)
				{FileWriteDouble(HstHandle, UpWick, DOUBLE_VALUE);}
				{FileWriteDouble(HstHandle, PrevHigh, DOUBLE_VALUE);}
            UpWick = 0;
            DnWick = EMPTY_VALUE;
				FileWriteDouble(HstHandle, PrevClose, DOUBLE_VALUE);
				FileWriteDouble(HstHandle, CurVolume, DOUBLE_VALUE);
            CurVolume = 0;
				if(PrevTime < Time[i]) PrevTime = Time[i];
				else PrevTime++;

   	LastFPos = FileTell(HstHandle);   // Remember Last pos in file			

		Comment("RenkoLiveChart(" + BoxSize + "): Open Offline ", SymbolName, ",M", RenkoTimeFrame, " to view chart");
      CurOpen = PrevClose;
      if (UpWick > PrevHigh)
      {CurHigh = UpWick;}
      {CurHigh = PrevHigh;}
      if (DnWick < PrevLow)
      {CurLow = DnWick;}
      {CurLow = PrevLow;}
      CurClose = Close[0];
		FileWriteInteger(HstHandle, PrevTime, LONG_VALUE);		// Time
		FileWriteDouble(HstHandle, CurOpen, DOUBLE_VALUE);         	// Open
		FileWriteDouble(HstHandle, CurLow, DOUBLE_VALUE);		// Low
		FileWriteDouble(HstHandle, CurHigh, DOUBLE_VALUE);		// High
		FileWriteDouble(HstHandle, CurClose, DOUBLE_VALUE);		// Close
		FileWriteDouble(HstHandle, CurVolume, DOUBLE_VALUE);			// Volume				
 		// End historical data / Init		
 	// HstHandle not < 0 so we always enter here after history done
 	// Begin live data feed
      UpWick = MathMax(UpWick,Bid);
      DnWick = MathMin(DnWick,Bid);

		FileSeek(HstHandle, LastFPos, SEEK_SET);

 	// up box	   				
   	if(Bid > PrevHigh+BoxPoints || CompareDoubles(Bid,PrevHigh+BoxPoints)) {
     	PrevHigh = PrevHigh + BoxPoints;
		PrevLow = PrevLow + BoxPoints;
  		PrevOpen = PrevLow;
  		PrevClose = PrevHigh;
		FileWriteInteger(HstHandle, PrevTime, LONG_VALUE);
		FileWriteDouble(HstHandle, PrevOpen, DOUBLE_VALUE);

      if (ShowWicks && DnWick < PrevLow)
		{FileWriteDouble(HstHandle, DnWick, DOUBLE_VALUE);}
		{FileWriteDouble(HstHandle, PrevLow, DOUBLE_VALUE);}
      UpWick = 0;
      DnWick = EMPTY_VALUE;
		FileWriteDouble(HstHandle, PrevHigh, DOUBLE_VALUE);
		FileWriteDouble(HstHandle, PrevClose, DOUBLE_VALUE);
		FileWriteDouble(HstHandle, CurVolume, DOUBLE_VALUE);

  	  	LastFPos = FileTell(HstHandle);   // Remeber Last pos in file				  							
		if(PrevTime < TimeCurrent()) PrevTime = TimeCurrent();
		else PrevTime++;
  		CurVolume = 0;
      CurOpen = PrevClose;
		CurHigh = PrevHigh;
		CurLow = PrevHigh;  

 	// down box
	else if(Bid < PrevLow-BoxPoints || CompareDoubles(Bid,PrevLow-BoxPoints)) {

  		PrevHigh = PrevHigh - BoxPoints;
  		PrevLow = PrevLow - BoxPoints;
  		PrevOpen = PrevHigh;
  		PrevClose = PrevLow;
		FileWriteInteger(HstHandle, PrevTime, LONG_VALUE);
		FileWriteDouble(HstHandle, PrevOpen, DOUBLE_VALUE);
		FileWriteDouble(HstHandle, PrevLow, DOUBLE_VALUE);

      if (ShowWicks && UpWick > PrevHigh)
		{FileWriteDouble(HstHandle, UpWick, DOUBLE_VALUE);}
		{FileWriteDouble(HstHandle, PrevHigh, DOUBLE_VALUE);}
      UpWick = 0;
      DnWick = EMPTY_VALUE;
		FileWriteDouble(HstHandle, PrevClose, DOUBLE_VALUE);
		FileWriteDouble(HstHandle, CurVolume, DOUBLE_VALUE);

  	  	LastFPos = FileTell(HstHandle);   // Remeber Last pos in file				  							
		if(PrevTime < TimeCurrent()) PrevTime = TimeCurrent();
		else PrevTime++;      	
  		CurVolume = 0;
      CurOpen = PrevClose;
		CurHigh = PrevLow;
		CurLow = PrevLow;  
	else {
   // no box - high/low not hit				
		if(Bid > CurHigh) CurHigh = Bid;
		if(Bid < CurLow) CurLow = Bid;
		CurClose = Bid;
		FileWriteInteger(HstHandle, PrevTime, LONG_VALUE);		// Time
		FileWriteDouble(HstHandle, CurOpen, DOUBLE_VALUE);         	// Open
		FileWriteDouble(HstHandle, CurLow, DOUBLE_VALUE);		// Low
		FileWriteDouble(HstHandle, CurHigh, DOUBLE_VALUE);		// High
		FileWriteDouble(HstHandle, CurClose, DOUBLE_VALUE);		// Close
		FileWriteDouble(HstHandle, CurVolume, DOUBLE_VALUE);			// Volume				
int deinit() {
	if(HstHandle >= 0) {
		HstHandle = -1;



Market Information Used:

Series array that contains close prices for each bar
Series array that contains open time of each bar
Series array that contains tick volumes of each bar
Series array that contains the highest prices of each bar
Series array that contains the lowest prices of each bar

Indicator Curves created:

Indicators Used:

Custom Indicators Used:

Order Management characteristics:

Other Features:

It writes information to file