//|                                                   TIME_FRAME.mq4 |
//|                      Copyright © 2006, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
//|                                        http://www.metaquotes.net |
#property copyright "  "
#property link      "  "
#property indicator_chart_window
//| Define the Variables to use.....                                 |
extern int P = 64;
extern int StepBack = 0;
double  dmml = 0,dvtl = 0,sum  = 0,v1 = 0,v2 = 0,mn = 0,mx = 0,
        x1 = 0,x2 = 0,x3 = 0,x4 = 0,x5 = 0,x6 = 0,y1 = 0,y2 = 0,y3 = 0,y4 = 0,y5 = 0,y6 = 0,
        octave = 0,Octv = 0,fractal = 0,range = 0,finalH  = 0,finalL  = 0,mml[13];
string  ln_txt[13],        
        buff_str = "";
int     bn_v1 = 0,bn_v2 = 0,OctLinesCnt = 13,
        mml_thk = 8,mml_clr[13],mml_shft = 3,
        nTime = 0,CurPeriod = 0,nDigits = 0,i = 0;
//| Setup On-Screen Text                                             |
int init() {
   ln_txt[0]  = "Extreme Overshoot [-2/8]            ";
   ln_txt[1]  = "Overshoot [-1/8]";// "overshoot [-1/8]";
   ln_txt[2]  = "Ultimate Support [0/8]       ";
   ln_txt[3]  = "Weak, Stall & Reverse [1/8]                ";
   ln_txt[4]  = "Pivot, Reverse - major [2/8]              ";
   ln_txt[5]  = "BUY Bottom of Trading Range [3/8]                          ";
   ln_txt[6]  = "Major Support/Resistance  Point [4/8]                          ";
   ln_txt[7]  = "SELL Top of Trading Range [5/8]                     ";
   ln_txt[8]  = "Pivot, Reverse - major [6/8]            ";
   ln_txt[9]  = "Weak, Stall & Reverse [7/8]              ";
   ln_txt[10] = "Ultimate Resistance [8/8]            ";
   ln_txt[11] = "Overshoot [+1/8]";
   ln_txt[12] = "Extreme Overshoot [+2/8]            ";
   mml_shft = 3;mml_thk  = 3;
   //color settings.....  
   mml_clr[0]  = Red;    // [-2]/8
   mml_clr[1]  = OrangeRed;  // [-1]/8
   mml_clr[2]  = DeepSkyBlue;  //  [0]/8
   mml_clr[3]  = Yellow;      //  [1]/8
   mml_clr[4]  = HotPink;     //  [2]/8
   mml_clr[5]  = Lime;  //  [3]/8
   mml_clr[6]  = DeepSkyBlue;  //  [4]/8
   mml_clr[7]  = Lime;  //  [5]/8
   mml_clr[8]  = HotPink;     //  [6]/8
   mml_clr[9]  = Yellow;      //  [7]/8
   mml_clr[10] = DeepSkyBlue;  //  [8]/8
   mml_clr[11] = OrangeRed;  // [+1]/8
   mml_clr[12] = Red;    // [+2]/8
//| Code to print On-Screen Lines                                    |
int deinit() {
//---- TODO: add your code here
Comment(" ");   
for(i=0;i<OctLinesCnt;i++) {
    buff_str = "mml"+i;
    buff_str = "mml_txt"+i;
int start() {
//| Define the LookBack Period                                       |
if( (nTime != Time[0]) || (CurPeriod != Period()) ) {
   bn_v1 = Lowest(NULL,0,MODE_CLOSE,P+StepBack,0);
   bn_v2 = Highest(NULL,0,MODE_CLOSE,P+StepBack,0);
   v1 = Low[bn_v1]; v2 = High[bn_v2];
//| Determine which Fractal to use.....                              |
   if(v2<=250000 && v2>25000) fractal = 100000;
   if(v2<=25000 && v2>2500) fractal = 10000;
   if(v2<=2500 && v2>250) fractal = 1000;
   if(v2<=250 && v2>25) fractal = 100;
   if(v2<=25 && v2>12.5) fractal = 12.5;
   if(v2<=12.5 && v2>6.25) fractal = 12.5;
   if(v2<=6.25 && v2>3.125) fractal = 6.25;
   if(v2<=3.125 && v2>1.5625) fractal = 3.125;
   if(v2<=1.5625 && v2>0.390625) fractal = 1.5625;
   if(v2<=0.390625 && v2>0) fractal = 0.1953125;
// calculating our octave....      
   range=(v2-v1); sum=MathFloor(MathLog(fractal/range)/MathLog(2));
   octave=fractal*(MathPow(0.5,sum)); mn=MathFloor(v1/octave)*octave;
   if((mn+octave)>v2)mx=mn+octave; mx=mn+(2*octave);
// calculating which octave fits best.....
    if( (v1>=(3*(mx-mn)/16+mn)) && (v2<=(9*(mx-mn)/16+mn)) )
    else x2=0;
    if( (v1>=(mn-(mx-mn)/8))&& (v2<=(5*(mx-mn)/8+mn)) && (x2==0) )
    else x1=0;
    if( (v1>=(mn+7*(mx-mn)/16))&& (v2<=(13*(mx-mn)/16+mn)) )
    else x4=0;
    if( (v1>=(mn+3*(mx-mn)/8))&& (v2<=(9*(mx-mn)/8+mn))&& (x4==0) )
    else x5=0;
    if( (v1>=(mn+(mx-mn)/8))&& (v2<=(7*(mx-mn)/8+mn))&& (x1==0) && (x2==0) && (x4==0) && (x5==0) )
    else x3=0;
    if( (x1+x2+x3+x4+x5) ==0 )
    else x6=0;
    finalH = x1+x2+x3+x4+x5+x6;
// calculating yy
    if( x1>0 )
    else y1=0;
    if( x2>0 )
    else y2=0;
    if( x3>0 )
    else y3=0;
    if( x4>0 )
    else y4=0;
    if( x5>0 )
    else y5=0;
    if( (finalH>0) && ((y1+y2+y3+y4+y5)==0) )
    else y6=0;
    finalL = y1+y2+y3+y4+y5+y6;
    for( i=0; i<OctLinesCnt; i++) {
         mml[i] = 0;
// We now have our final Octave for the current timeframe.....         
   dmml = (finalH-finalL)/8;Octv = finalH/(fractal/128);
   Comment("\n","TIMEFRAME","\n","HighClose = ",v2,"\n","LowClose = ",v1,"\n","Range = ",range,"\n","Fractal = ",fractal,"\n","OctMax = ",mx,"\n","OctMin = ",mn,"\n","MxMnRange = ",mx-mn,"\n","Octave 8/8ths = ",finalH,"\n","Octave 0/8ths = ",finalL,"\n","Octave 8ths = ",dmml);
   mml[0] =(finalL-dmml*2); //-2/8
   for( i=1; i<OctLinesCnt; i++) {
        mml[i] = mml[i-1] + dmml;
   for( i=0; i<OctLinesCnt; i++ ){
        buff_str = "mml"+i;
        if(ObjectFind(buff_str) == -1) {
           ObjectCreate(buff_str, OBJ_HLINE, 0, Time[0], mml[i]);
           ObjectSet(buff_str, OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_SOLID);
           ObjectSet(buff_str, OBJPROP_WIDTH,2);
           ObjectSet(buff_str, OBJPROP_COLOR, mml_clr[i]);
           ObjectMove(buff_str, 0, Time[0],  mml[i]);
        else {
           ObjectMove(buff_str, 0, Time[0],  mml[i]);
        buff_str = "mml_txt"+i;
        if(ObjectFind(buff_str) == -1) {
           ObjectCreate(buff_str, OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[mml_shft], mml_shft);
           ObjectSetText(buff_str, ln_txt[i], 10, "Arial", mml_clr[i]);
           ObjectMove(buff_str, 0, Time[mml_shft],  mml[i]);
        else {
           ObjectMove(buff_str, 0, Time[mml_shft],  mml[i]);
        } // for( i=1; i<=OctLinesCnt; i++ ){
   nTime    = Time[0]; CurPeriod= Period();



Market Information Used:

Series array that contains open time of each bar
Series array that contains the highest prices of each bar
Series array that contains the lowest prices of each bar

Indicator Curves created:

Indicators Used:

Custom Indicators Used:

Order Management characteristics:

Other Features: