
//|                                               BreakOut_BOX_5.mq4 |
//|                                                        hapalkos  |
//|                                                       2007.02.16 |
//|      Code based on TIME1_modified.mq4 shown below                |
//|         posted to Forex Factory by glenn5t                       |
//|      Concept of the break-out box form by Markj                  |
//|                                                                  |
//|   ++ modified so that rectangles do not overlay                  |
//|   ++ this makes color selection more versatile                   |
//|  +++ code consolidated to facilitate changes                     |
//|  +++ changed Period B rectangle and added offset value           |
//|  +++ corrected error in bar selection code                       |
//| ++++ added ability to cross 00:00(nextDayA, nextDayB)            |
//| ++++ added Unique ID to allow for multiple indicators            |
//| ++++ added ability to delete rectangles specific to an indicator |
//|+++++ added Open/Close boxes and lines per Accrete                |
//|+++++ added Alerts - can be used with Tesla's Alerter EA          |
#property copyright "hapalkos"
#property link      ""

#property indicator_chart_window               // Configuration for daily candle bodies

extern string UniqueID        = "TrillionDollarDaysHL";  // --- Server Time --- GMT+2 ---
extern int    NumberOfDays    = 50;        
extern string periodA_begin   = "23:00";     // Day0
extern string periodA_end     = "22:59";     // Day1
extern int    nextDayA        = 1;           // Set to zero if periodA_begin and periodA_end are on the same day.
                                             // Set to one if periodA_end is on the next day.
extern string periodB_end     = "22:59";     // Day1
extern int    nextDayB        = 1;           // Set to zero if periodA_begin and periodB_end are on the same day.
                                             // Set to one if periodB_end is on the next day.
extern color  rectAB_color1      = DimGray; 
extern color  rectAB_color2      = Gray;  // second rectangle color to indicate relative position of Open/Close
extern bool   rectAB_background  = true;        // true - filled solid; false - outline
extern color  rectA_color        = Yellow;
extern bool   rectA_background   = false;       // true - filled solid; false - outline
extern color  rectB1_color       = DimGray;
extern bool   rectB1_background  = false;       // true - filled solid; false - outline
extern int    rectB1_band        = 0;           // Box Break-Out Band for the Period B rectangle
extern color  rectsB2_color      = SkyBlue;
extern bool   rectsB2_background = false;        // true - filled solid, false - outline
extern int    rectsB2_band       = 5;           // Box Break-Out Band for the two upper and lower rectangles
extern bool   OpenClose          = false;        // false - High/Low boxes;  true - Open/Close boxes
extern color  OpenLineColor      = Lime;
extern color  CloseLineColor     = Magenta;
extern bool   rectA_close_begin  = true;        // false - period A close indication line begins at end of period A;  true - period A close line is drawn from beginning of period A
extern bool   periodB_ALERTS     = false;       // Alerts are set on the upper and lower sides of the upper and lower rectangles - rectsB2
                                                // rectsB2_band determines the location of the Alerts
                                                // Alert_xx added to the decription so that Alerts can be activated by Tesla's Alerter EA

//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
void init() {

//| Custor indicator deinitialization function                       |
void deinit() {

//| Remove all indicator Rectangles                                  |
void DeleteObjects() {
      datetime dtTradeDate=TimeCurrent();
      if(OpenClose) string sRectABname = " BoxOC  ";
         else sRectABname = " BoxHL  ";

  for (int i=0; i<NumberOfDays; i++) {
    ObjectDelete(UniqueID + sRectABname + TimeToStr(dtTradeDate,TIME_DATE));
    ObjectDelete(UniqueID + " BoxOpen  " + TimeToStr(dtTradeDate,TIME_DATE));
    ObjectDelete(UniqueID + " BoxClose  " + TimeToStr(dtTradeDate,TIME_DATE));    
    ObjectDelete(UniqueID + " BoxBO_High  " + TimeToStr(dtTradeDate,TIME_DATE));
    ObjectDelete(UniqueID + " BoxBO_HIGH ALERT " + TimeToStr(dtTradeDate,TIME_DATE));
    ObjectDelete(UniqueID + " BoxBO_Low  " + TimeToStr(dtTradeDate,TIME_DATE));
    ObjectDelete(UniqueID + " BoxBO_LOW ALERT  " + TimeToStr(dtTradeDate,TIME_DATE));    
    ObjectDelete(UniqueID + " BoxPeriodA  " + TimeToStr(dtTradeDate,TIME_DATE));
    ObjectDelete(UniqueID + " BoxPeriodB  " + TimeToStr(dtTradeDate,TIME_DATE));
    while (TimeDayOfWeek(dtTradeDate) > 5 || TimeDayOfWeek(dtTradeDate) < 1 ) dtTradeDate = decrementTradeDate(dtTradeDate);     // Removed Sundays from plots

//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
void start() {
  datetime dtTradeDate=TimeCurrent();
        if(OpenClose) string sRectABname = " BoxOC  ";
         else sRectABname = " BoxHL  ";

  for (int i=0; i<NumberOfDays; i++) {
    DrawObjects(dtTradeDate, UniqueID + sRectABname+ TimeToStr(dtTradeDate,TIME_DATE), periodA_begin, periodA_end, periodB_end, rectAB_color1,rectAB_color2, 0, 1, rectAB_background,nextDayA,nextDayB,OpenClose,false);
    DrawObjects(dtTradeDate, UniqueID + " BoxOpen  " + TimeToStr(dtTradeDate,TIME_DATE), periodA_begin, periodA_end, periodB_end, rectAB_color1,rectAB_color2, 0, 6, false,nextDayA,nextDayB,OpenClose, true);
    DrawObjects(dtTradeDate, UniqueID + " BoxClose  " + TimeToStr(dtTradeDate,TIME_DATE), periodA_begin, periodA_end, periodB_end, rectAB_color1,rectAB_color2,  0, 7, false,nextDayA,nextDayB,OpenClose,false);
    DrawObjects(dtTradeDate, UniqueID + " BoxBO_High  " + TimeToStr(dtTradeDate,TIME_DATE), periodA_begin, periodA_end, periodB_end, rectsB2_color,rectAB_color2,  rectsB2_band,2,rectsB2_background,nextDayA,nextDayB,OpenClose,false);
    if(periodB_ALERTS) DrawObjects(dtTradeDate, UniqueID + " BoxBO_HIGH ALERT " + TimeToStr(dtTradeDate,TIME_DATE), periodA_begin, periodA_end, periodB_end, rectsB2_color,rectAB_color2,  rectsB2_band,8,false,nextDayA,nextDayB,OpenClose,false);
    DrawObjects(dtTradeDate, UniqueID + " BoxBO_Low  " + TimeToStr(dtTradeDate,TIME_DATE), periodA_begin, periodA_end, periodB_end, rectsB2_color,rectAB_color2,  rectsB2_band,3,rectsB2_background,nextDayA,nextDayB,OpenClose,false);
    if(periodB_ALERTS) DrawObjects(dtTradeDate, UniqueID + " BoxBO_LOW ALERT  " + TimeToStr(dtTradeDate,TIME_DATE), periodA_begin, periodA_end, periodB_end, rectsB2_color,rectAB_color2,  rectsB2_band,9,false,nextDayA,nextDayB,OpenClose,false);
    DrawObjects(dtTradeDate, UniqueID + " BoxPeriodA  " + TimeToStr(dtTradeDate,TIME_DATE), periodA_begin, periodA_end, periodA_end, rectA_color,rectAB_color2,  0,4, rectA_background,nextDayA,nextDayB,OpenClose,false);
    DrawObjects(dtTradeDate, UniqueID + " BoxPeriodB  " + TimeToStr(dtTradeDate,TIME_DATE), periodA_begin, periodA_end, periodB_end, rectB1_color,rectAB_color2,  rectB1_band,5, rectB1_background,nextDayA,nextDayB,OpenClose, false);
    while (TimeDayOfWeek(dtTradeDate) > 5 || TimeDayOfWeek(dtTradeDate) < 1 ) dtTradeDate = decrementTradeDate(dtTradeDate);     // Removed Sundays from plots

//| Create Objects - Rectangles and Trend lines                      |

void DrawObjects(datetime dtTradeDate, string sObjName, string sTimeBegin, string sTimeEnd, string sTimeObjEnd, color cObjColor1, color cObjColor2, int iOffSet, int iForm, bool background, int nextDayA, int nextDayB, bool OpenClose, bool rectA_close_begin) {
  datetime dtTimeBegin, dtTimeEnd, dtTimeObjEnd;
  double   dPriceHigh,  dPriceLow, dPriceOpen, dPriceClose;
  int      iBarBegin,   iBarEnd;
  string   sObjDesc;

  dtTimeBegin = StrToTime(TimeToStr(dtTradeDate, TIME_DATE) + " " + sTimeBegin);
  dtTimeEnd = StrToTime(TimeToStr(dtTradeDate, TIME_DATE) + " " + sTimeEnd);
  dtTimeObjEnd = StrToTime(TimeToStr(dtTradeDate, TIME_DATE) + " " + sTimeObjEnd);
  if(nextDayA == 1) dtTimeEnd = dtTimeEnd + 86400;
  if(nextDayB == 1) dtTimeObjEnd = dtTimeObjEnd + 86400;
  if(nextDayA == 1 && TimeDayOfWeek(dtTradeDate) == 5) dtTimeEnd = dtTimeEnd + (2 * 86400);
  if(nextDayB == 1 && TimeDayOfWeek(dtTradeDate) == 5) dtTimeObjEnd = dtTimeObjEnd + (2 * 86400);
  iBarBegin = iBarShift(NULL, 0, dtTimeBegin)+1;                                    // added 1 to bar count to correct calculation for highest price for the period
  iBarEnd = iBarShift(NULL, 0, dtTimeEnd)+1;                                        // added 1 to bar count to correct calculation for lowest price for the period 
   dPriceHigh  = High[Highest(NULL, 0, MODE_HIGH, (iBarBegin)-iBarEnd, iBarEnd)];
   dPriceLow   = Low [Lowest (NULL, 0, MODE_LOW , (iBarBegin)-iBarEnd, iBarEnd)];
   dPriceOpen  = Open[iBarBegin-1];                                                 // Open/Close added to enable Open/Close rectangles
   dPriceClose = Close[iBarEnd];
      if(OpenClose){                                                                // Selection of extremes of Open/Close values
         dPriceHigh = MathMax(dPriceOpen, dPriceClose);
         dPriceLow  = MathMin(dPriceOpen, dPriceClose); 
//---- High-Low Rectangle - Period A and B combined
      ObjectCreate(sObjName, OBJ_RECTANGLE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
      ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_TIME1 , dtTimeBegin);
      ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_TIME2 , dtTimeObjEnd);
      ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_PRICE1, dPriceHigh);  
      ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_PRICE2, dPriceLow);
      ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_DOT);
      if(dPriceClose<dPriceOpen && OpenClose==true) cObjColor1 = cObjColor2;        // Color change of rectangle dependent on Open/Close positions
      ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_COLOR, cObjColor1);
      ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_BACK, background);
//---- Upper Rectangle  - Period B
      ObjectCreate(sObjName, OBJ_RECTANGLE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
      ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_TIME1 , dtTimeEnd);
      ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_TIME2 , dtTimeObjEnd);
      ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_PRICE1, dPriceHigh);
      ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_PRICE2, dPriceHigh + iOffSet*Point);
      ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_SOLID);
      ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_COLOR, cObjColor1);
      ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_BACK, background);
 //---- Lower Rectangle - Period B
      ObjectCreate(sObjName, OBJ_RECTANGLE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
      ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_TIME1 , dtTimeEnd);
      ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_TIME2 , dtTimeObjEnd);
      ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_PRICE1, dPriceLow - iOffSet*Point);
      ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_PRICE2, dPriceLow);
      ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_SOLID);
      ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_COLOR, cObjColor1);
      ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_BACK, background);

//---- Period A Rectangle
      ObjectCreate(sObjName, OBJ_RECTANGLE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
      ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_TIME1 , dtTimeBegin);
      ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_TIME2 , dtTimeEnd);
      ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_PRICE1, dPriceHigh);
      ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_PRICE2, dPriceLow);
      ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_DOT);
      ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_COLOR, cObjColor1);
      ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_WIDTH, 1);
      ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_BACK, background);
      sObjDesc = StringConcatenate("High: ",dPriceHigh,"  Low: ", dPriceLow);  
      ObjectSetText(sObjName, sObjDesc,10,"Times New Roman",Black);
//---- Period B Rectangle
      ObjectCreate(sObjName, OBJ_RECTANGLE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
      ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_TIME1 , dtTimeEnd);
      ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_TIME2 , dtTimeObjEnd);
      ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_PRICE1, dPriceHigh + iOffSet*Point);
      ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_PRICE2, dPriceLow - iOffSet*Point);
      ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_DOT);
      ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_COLOR, cObjColor1);
      ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_WIDTH, 1);
      ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_BACK, background);
//---- Period A Open Line
      ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_TIME1 , dtTimeBegin);
      ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_TIME2 , dtTimeObjEnd);
      ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_PRICE1, dPriceOpen);
      ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_PRICE2, dPriceOpen);
      ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_DASH);
      ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_COLOR, OpenLineColor);
      ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_WIDTH, 1);
      ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_BACK, background);
      ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_RAY,false);
//---- Period A Close Line
rectA_close_begin = true;
      ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_TIME1 , dtTimeEnd);
      if(rectA_close_begin) ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_TIME1, dtTimeBegin);
      ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_TIME2 , dtTimeObjEnd);
      ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_PRICE1, dPriceClose);
      ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_PRICE2, dPriceClose);
      ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_DASH);
      ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_COLOR, CloseLineColor);
      ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_WIDTH, 1);
      ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_BACK, background);
      ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_RAY,false);
//---- Period B HIGH Alert
      ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_TIME1 , dtTimeEnd);
      ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_TIME2 , dtTimeObjEnd);
      ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_PRICE1, dPriceHigh + iOffSet*Point);
      ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_PRICE2, dPriceHigh + iOffSet*Point);
      ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_SOLID);
      ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_COLOR, cObjColor1);
      ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_WIDTH, 1);
      ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_BACK, background);
      ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_RAY,false);
      sObjDesc = StringConcatenate("Period B - HIGH Alert_01 - ",dPriceHigh + iOffSet*Point);  
      ObjectSetText(sObjName, sObjDesc,10,"Times New Roman",Black);
//      if(Bid >= (dPriceHigh + iOffSet*Point)) Alert(sObjName," - ",dPriceHigh + iOffSet*Point);
//---- Period B LOW Alert
      ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_TIME1 , dtTimeEnd);
      ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_TIME2 , dtTimeObjEnd);
      ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_PRICE1, dPriceLow - iOffSet*Point);
      ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_PRICE2, dPriceLow - iOffSet*Point);
      ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_SOLID);
      ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_COLOR, cObjColor1);
      ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_WIDTH, 1);
      ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_BACK, background);
      ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_RAY,false);
      sObjDesc = StringConcatenate("Period B - LOW Alert_01 - ",dPriceLow - iOffSet*Point);  
      ObjectSetText(sObjName, sObjDesc,10,"Times New Roman",Black);  
//      if(Bid <= (dPriceLow - iOffSet*Point)) Alert(sObjName," - ",dPriceLow - iOffSet*Point);    

//| Decrement Date to draw objects in the past                       |

datetime decrementTradeDate (datetime dtTimeDate) {
   int iTimeYear=TimeYear(dtTimeDate);
   int iTimeMonth=TimeMonth(dtTimeDate);
   int iTimeDay=TimeDay(dtTimeDate);
   int iTimeHour=TimeHour(dtTimeDate);
   int iTimeMinute=TimeMinute(dtTimeDate);

   if (iTimeDay==0) {
     if (iTimeMonth==0) {
     // Thirty days hath September...  
     if (iTimeMonth==4 || iTimeMonth==6 || iTimeMonth==9 || iTimeMonth==11) iTimeDay=30;
     // ...all the rest have thirty-one...
     if (iTimeMonth==1 || iTimeMonth==3 || iTimeMonth==5 || iTimeMonth==7 || iTimeMonth==8 || iTimeMonth==10 || iTimeMonth==12) iTimeDay=31;
     // ...except...
     if (iTimeMonth==2) if (MathMod(iTimeYear, 4)==0) iTimeDay=29; else iTimeDay=28;
  return(StrToTime(iTimeYear + "." + iTimeMonth + "." + iTimeDay + " " + iTimeHour + ":" + iTimeMinute));


//|                                                        times.mq4 |
//|                                                                  |
//|               Made/Modified by sh _j .                           |
#property copyright "Morning Star"
#property link      "http://Grand Forex.ir"

#property indicator_chart_window

extern int    NumberOfDays = 50;        
extern string AsiaBegin    = "01:00";   
extern string AsiaEnd      = "09:00";   
extern color  AsiaColor    = Red; 
extern string EurBegin     = "09:00";   
extern string EurEnd       = "16:00";   
extern color  EurColor     = Blue;       
extern string USABegin     = "16:00";   
extern string USAEnd       = "23:00";   
extern color  USAColor     = Tan; 

//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
void init() {
  for (int i=0; i<NumberOfDays; i++) {
    CreateObjects("AS"+i, AsiaColor);
    CreateObjects("EU"+i, EurColor);
    CreateObjects("US"+i, USAColor);

//| Custor indicator deinitialization function                       |
void deinit() {

void CreateObjects(string no, color cl) {
  ObjectCreate(no, OBJ_RECTANGLE, 0, 0,0, 0,0);
  ObjectSet(no, OBJPROP_COLOR, cl);
  ObjectSet(no, OBJPROP_BACK, True);

//| Óäàëåíèå îáúåêòîâ èíäèêàòîðà                                     |
void DeleteObjects() {
  for (int i=0; i<NumberOfDays; i++) {

//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
void start() {
  datetime dt=CurTime();

  for (int i=0; i<NumberOfDays; i++) {
    DrawObjects(dt, "AS"+i, AsiaBegin, AsiaEnd);
    DrawObjects(dt, "EU"+i, EurBegin, EurEnd);
    DrawObjects(dt, "US"+i, USABegin, USAEnd);
    while (TimeDayOfWeek(dt)>5) dt=decDateTradeDay(dt);

void DrawObjects(datetime dt, string no, string tb, string te) {
  datetime t1, t2;
  double   p1, p2;
  int      b1, b2;

  t1=StrToTime(TimeToStr(dt, TIME_DATE)+" "+tb);
  t2=StrToTime(TimeToStr(dt, TIME_DATE)+" "+te);
  b1=iBarShift(NULL, 0, t1);
  b2=iBarShift(NULL, 0, t2);
  p1=High[Highest(NULL, 0, MODE_HIGH, b1-b2, b2)];
  p2=Low [Lowest (NULL, 0, MODE_LOW , b1-b2, b2)];
  ObjectSet(no, OBJPROP_TIME1 , t1);
  ObjectSet(no, OBJPROP_PRICE1, p1);
  ObjectSet(no, OBJPROP_TIME2 , t2);
  ObjectSet(no, OBJPROP_PRICE2, p2);

datetime decDateTradeDay (datetime dt) {
  int ty=TimeYear(dt);
  int tm=TimeMonth(dt);
  int td=TimeDay(dt);
  int th=TimeHour(dt);
  int ti=TimeMinute(dt);

  if (td==0) {
    if (tm==0) {
    if (tm==1 || tm==3 || tm==5 || tm==7 || tm==8 || tm==10 || tm==12) td=31;
    if (tm==2) if (MathMod(ty, 4)==0) td=29; else td=28;
    if (tm==4 || tm==6 || tm==9 || tm==11) td=30;
  return(StrToTime(ty+"."+tm+"."+td+" "+th+":"+ti));



Market Information Used:

Series array that contains the highest prices of each bar
Series array that contains open prices of each bar
Series array that contains close prices for each bar

Indicator Curves created:

Indicators Used:

Custom Indicators Used:

Order Management characteristics:

Other Features: