
|			       |
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//| 4Hour Vegas Model - 4 Hour Chart MA lines                        |
//|                                                           Spiggy |
//|                                                                  |
#property copyright "Spiggy"
#property link      ""

#property indicator_chart_window
#property indicator_buffers 4
#property indicator_color1 Aqua
#property indicator_color2 Blue
#property indicator_color3 Red
#property indicator_color4 Green

//---- input parameters
extern bool      Alerts=true;
extern bool      PrintTags=False;
extern int       MA1=55;
extern int       MA2=8;

//---- buffers
double ExtMapBuffer1[];
double ExtMapBuffer2[];
double ExtMapBuffer3[];
double ExtMapBuffer4[];

//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int init()


//| Custor indicator deinitialization function                       |
int deinit()

//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int start()
  int    limit;
  double SMA55;
  double SMA55Prev;
  double SMA8;
  double SMA8Prev;
  string ValueIndex;
  string Direction;
  bool   BuyPrimed;
  bool   SellPrimed;
  bool   Bought1;
  bool   Bought2;
  bool   Bought3;
  bool   Sold1;
  bool   Sold2;
  bool   Sold3;
  double BoughtAt;
  double SoldAt;
  int    TagCount;
  string TagName;
  int    i;
  int    j;
  double RangeLimit;
  bool   InTrade=False;
  int    PandL=0;
  bool   FullTrade;

  // Count all bars every time (bad for performance, but good for testing)

  // Clean up for redraw

  //---- main loop
  for(i=limit-1; i>=0; i--)
    //---- ma_shift set to 0 because SetIndexShift called abowe

    ExtMapBuffer1[i] = SMA8;
    ExtMapBuffer2[i] = SMA55;
    ExtMapBuffer3[i] = 0;
    ExtMapBuffer4[i] = 0;

    Direction = "----";
    ValueIndex = TimeToStr(Time[i]-(TimeDayOfWeek(Time[i])*86400),TIME_DATE);
    if ( GlobalVariableGet(Symbol() + "-ThisWeekDirection-" + ValueIndex) > 0.0 )
      Direction = "UP  ";

    if ( GlobalVariableGet(Symbol() + "-ThisWeekDirection-" + ValueIndex) < 0.0 )
      Direction = "DOWN";

    if (!InTrade)
      // ------------- TRADE ENTRY --------------
      // Check the MA8/55 Crossovers
      if ( Direction == "DOWN" )
        // Remove any pending prime for a Buy
        BuyPrimed = False;

        // Check the SMA8 SM55 Crossover and prime the Sell signal
        if (( SMA8 > SMA55 ) && (SMA8Prev < SMA55Prev))
          SellPrimed = True;

        // Trigger the sell signal
        if ( SMA8 < SMA8Prev )
          if (SellPrimed)
            // We are opening a primed trade, do full lots 
            FullTrade = True;
            // Otherwise do half lots
            FullTrade = False;

          // Find the height of the tag - this should not cover any bars
          RangeLimit = High[i];
          for ( j = i - 7 ; j < i + 7 ; j++)
            if (High[j] > RangeLimit)
              RangeLimit = High[j];

          ExtMapBuffer3[i] = RangeLimit + 25*Point;
          SellPrimed = False;
          Sold1 = True;
          Sold2 = True;
          Sold3 = True;
          SoldAt = Close[i];
          InTrade = True;

          // Put the tag on the chart
          if (PrintTags)
            TagName = "Entry" + TagCount;
            ObjectCreate(TagName, OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[i], RangeLimit+70*Point);
            ObjectSetText(TagName, "SELL " + TagCount + " (" + DoubleToStr(Close[i],4) + ")", 8, "Arial", White);

      if ( Direction == "UP  " )
        // Remove any pending prime for a SELL
        SellPrimed = False;

        // Check the SMA8 SM55 Crossover and prime the Buy signal
        if (( SMA8 < SMA55 ) && (SMA8Prev > SMA55Prev))
          BuyPrimed = True;

        // Trigger the Buy signal or unprime the trigger
        if ( SMA8 > SMA8Prev )
          if (SellPrimed)
            // We are opening a primed trade, do full lots 
            FullTrade = True;
            // Otherwise do half lots
            FullTrade = False;

          // Find the height of the tag - this should not cover any bars
          RangeLimit = Low[i];
          for ( j = i - 7 ; j < i + 7 ; j++)
            if (Low[j] < RangeLimit)
              RangeLimit = Low[j];

          ExtMapBuffer4[i] = RangeLimit - 25*Point;
          BuyPrimed = False;
          Bought1 = True;
          Bought2 = True;
          Bought3 = True;
          BoughtAt = Close[i];
          InTrade = True;

          if (PrintTags)
            // Put the tag on the chart
            TagName = "Entry" + TagCount;
            ObjectCreate(TagName, OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[i], RangeLimit - 70*Point);
            ObjectSetText(TagName, "BUY " + TagCount + " (" + DoubleToStr(Close[i],4) + ")", 8, "Arial", White);
      // ------------- TRADE EXIT --------------
      if (Sold1 || Sold2 || Sold3)
        // Trade Exit on SMA slope change
        if ( SMA8 > SMA8Prev)
          // Find the height of the tag - this should not cover any bars
          RangeLimit = Low[i];
          for ( j = i - 7 ; j < i + 7 ; j++)
            if (Low[j] < RangeLimit)
              RangeLimit = Low[j];

          if (PrintTags)
            // Put the tag on the chart
            ExtMapBuffer4[i] = RangeLimit - 25*Point;
            TagName = "Exit" + TagCount;
            ObjectCreate(TagName, OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[i], RangeLimit-70*Point);
            ObjectSetText(TagName, "EXIT " + TagCount + " (" + DoubleToStr((SoldAt-Close[i])/Point,0) + ")", 8, "Arial", White);
          if ( FullTrade )
            PandL = PandL + ((SoldAt-Close[i])/Point)*3;
            PandL = PandL + ((((SoldAt-Close[i])/Point)*3)/2);
          Sold1 = False;
          Sold2 = False;
          Sold3 = False;
          InTrade = False;

        // Exit on Fib 1
        if (Sold1)
          if( Low[i] < (SoldAt - 144*Point))
            // Find the height of the tag - this should not cover any bars
            RangeLimit = Low[i];
            for ( j = i - 7 ; j < i + 7 ; j++)
              if (Low[j] < RangeLimit)
                RangeLimit = Low[j];

            ExtMapBuffer4[i] = RangeLimit - 25*Point;
            if (PrintTags)
              TagName = "ExitFib1" + TagCount;
              ObjectCreate(TagName, OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[i], RangeLimit-70*Point);
              ObjectSetText(TagName, "EXIT1 " + TagCount + " (Fib1 144)", 8, "Arial", White);
            Sold1 = False;
            if ( FullTrade )
              PandL = PandL + 144;
              PandL = PandL + (144)/2;

        // Exit on Fib 2
        if (Sold1)
          if ( Low[i] < (SoldAt - 233*Point))
            // Find the height of the tag - this should not cover any bars
            RangeLimit = Low[i];
            for ( j = i - 7 ; j < i + 7 ; j++)
              if (Low[j] < RangeLimit)
                RangeLimit = Low[j];

            ExtMapBuffer4[i] = RangeLimit - 25*Point;
            if (PrintTags)
              TagName = "ExitFib2" + TagCount;
              ObjectCreate(TagName, OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[i], RangeLimit-70*Point);
              ObjectSetText(TagName, "EXIT2 " + TagCount + " (Fib2 233)", 8, "Arial", White);
            Sold2 = False;
            if ( FullTrade )
              PandL = PandL + 233;
              PandL = PandL + (233)/2;

        // Exit on Fib 3
        if (Sold1)
          if ( Low[i] < (SoldAt - 377*Point))
            // Find the height of the tag - this should not cover any bars
            RangeLimit = Low[i];
            for ( j = i - 7 ; j < i + 7 ; j++)
              if (Low[j] < RangeLimit)
                RangeLimit = Low[j];

            ExtMapBuffer4[i] = RangeLimit - 25*Point;
            if (PrintTags)
              TagName = "ExitFib3" + TagCount;
              ObjectCreate(TagName, OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[i], RangeLimit-70*Point);
              ObjectSetText(TagName, "EXIT3 " + TagCount + " (Fib3 377)", 8, "Arial", White);
            // We are now out of the trade
            Sold3 = False;
            if ( FullTrade )
              PandL = PandL + 377;
              PandL = PandL + (377)/2;

      if (Bought1 || Bought2 || Bought3)
        // Trade Exit on SMA slope change
        if ( SMA8 < SMA8Prev)
          // Find the height of the tag - this should not cover any bars
          RangeLimit = High[i];
          for ( j = i - 7 ; j < i + 7 ; j++)
            if (High[j] > RangeLimit)
              RangeLimit = High[j];
          // Put the tag on the chart
          ExtMapBuffer3[i] = RangeLimit + 25*Point;
          if (PrintTags)
            TagName = "Exit" + TagCount;
            ObjectCreate(TagName, OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[i], RangeLimit+70*Point);
            ObjectSetText(TagName, "EXIT " + TagCount + " (" + DoubleToStr((Close[i]-BoughtAt)/Point,0) + ")", 8, "Arial", White);
          if ( FullTrade )
            PandL = PandL + ((Close[i]-BoughtAt)/Point)*3;
            PandL = PandL + (((Close[i]-BoughtAt)/Point)*3)/2;
          Bought1 = False;
          Bought2 = False;
          Bought3 = False;
          InTrade = False;

        // Exit on Fib 1
        if (Bought1)
          if ( High[i] > (BoughtAt + 144*Point))
            // Find the height of the tag - this should not cover any bars
            RangeLimit = High[i];
            for ( j = i - 7 ; j < i + 7 ; j++)
              if (High[j] > RangeLimit)
                RangeLimit = High[j];

            ExtMapBuffer3[i] = RangeLimit + 25*Point;
            if (PrintTags)
              TagName = "ExitFib1" + TagCount;
              ObjectCreate(TagName, OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[i], RangeLimit+70*Point);
              ObjectSetText(TagName, "EXIT1 " + TagCount + " (Fib1 144)", 8, "Arial", White);
            Bought1 = False;
            if ( FullTrade )
              PandL = PandL + 144;
              PandL = PandL + (144)/2;

        // Exit on Fib 2
        if (Bought2)
          if ( High[i] > (BoughtAt + 233*Point))
            // Find the height of the tag - this should not cover any bars
            RangeLimit = High[i];
            for ( j = i - 7 ; j < i + 7 ; j++)
              if (High[j] > RangeLimit)
                RangeLimit = High[j];

            ExtMapBuffer3[i] = RangeLimit + 25*Point;
            if (PrintTags)
              TagName = "ExitFib2" + TagCount;
              ObjectCreate(TagName, OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[i], RangeLimit+70*Point);
              ObjectSetText(TagName, "EXIT2 " + TagCount + " (Fib2 233)", 8, "Arial", White);
            Bought2 = False;
            if ( FullTrade )
              PandL = PandL + 233;
              PandL = PandL + (233)/2;

        // Exit on Fib 3
        if (Bought3)
          if ( High[i] > (BoughtAt + 377*Point))
            // Find the height of the tag - this should not cover any bars
            RangeLimit = Low[i];
            for ( j = i - 7 ; j < i + 7 ; j++)
              if (Low[j] < RangeLimit)
                RangeLimit = Low[j];

            ExtMapBuffer3[i] = RangeLimit + 25*Point;
            if (PrintTags)
              TagName = "ExitFib3" + TagCount;
              ObjectCreate(TagName, OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[i], RangeLimit+70*Point);
              ObjectSetText(TagName, "EXIT3 " + TagCount + " (Fib3 377)", 8, "Arial", White);
            // We are now out of the trade
            Bought3 = False;
            if ( FullTrade )
              PandL = PandL + 377;
              PandL = PandL + (377)/2;

  Comment(Symbol() + "-ThisWeekDirection-" + ValueIndex + "\n" + Direction + ":(" + GlobalVariableGet(Symbol() + "-ThisWeekDirection-" + ValueIndex) + ")\nP&L: " + PandL);




Market Information Used:

Series array that contains open time of each bar
Series array that contains the highest prices of each bar
Series array that contains close prices for each bar
Series array that contains the lowest prices of each bar

Indicator Curves created:

Implements a curve of type DRAW_LINE

Implements a curve of type DRAW_ARROW

Indicators Used:

Moving average indicator

Custom Indicators Used:

Order Management characteristics:

Other Features: