Affichage JOUR

//|                                               Affichage JOUR.mq4 |
//|                            Copyright © 2007, GwadaTradeBoy Corp. |
//|                                   |
//|                                                      i-5days.mq4 |
//|                                          Copyright © 2007, RickD |
//|                                          |

#property copyright "Copyright © 2007, GwadaTradeBoy Corp."
#property link      ""
#property copyright "© RickD 2006"
#property link      ""

#define major   1
#define minor   0

#property indicator_chart_window

extern string __1__ = "";
extern int MaxDays = 20;
extern int FontSize = 16;
extern string FontName = "System";
extern int Offset = 16;
extern string __2__ = "";
/*//--- Français
extern string Text1 = "Lun";
extern string Text2 = "Mar";
extern string Text3 = "Mer";
extern string Text4 = "Jeu";
extern string Text5 = "Ven";
--- English
extern string Text1 = "mon";
extern string Text2 = "tue";
extern string Text3 = "wed";
extern string Text4 = "thu";
extern string Text5 = "fri";*/
//--- Portuguese-Brazilian
extern string Text1 = "seg";
extern string Text2 = "ter";
extern string Text3 = "qua";
extern string Text4 = "qui";
extern string Text5 = "sex";

extern string __3__ = "";
extern color Color1 = DodgerBlue;
extern color Color2 = DeepPink;
extern color Color3 = ForestGreen;
extern color Color4 = FireBrick;
extern color Color5 = MediumPurple;
extern string __4__ = "";
extern bool ShowDay1 = true;
extern bool ShowDay2 = true;
extern bool ShowDay3 = true;
extern bool ShowDay4 = true;
extern bool ShowDay5 = true;
extern string __5__ = "";
extern bool ShowDayBox = true;
extern color DayColor1 = SkyBlue;
extern color DayColor2 = Pink;
extern color DayColor3 = SpringGreen;
extern color DayColor4 = LightCoral;
extern color DayColor5 = Plum;
string Text[5];
color Color[5];
bool ShowDay[5];
string prefix = "5days_";

//---- Variables - Affichage jour
int P, cnt, i, res, day;
string name = "";

//---- Variables - Affichage rectangle
datetime       DateTrade, TimeBeginObject, TimeEndObject;
int            counted_bars, BarBegin, BarEnd, ResObject;
double         PriceHighObject, PriceLowObject;
string         NameObject;
color          DayColor[5];

//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int init()
//---- indicators
      Text[0] = Text1;
      Text[1] = Text2;
      Text[2] = Text3;
      Text[3] = Text4;
      Text[4] = Text5;
      Color[0] = Color1;
      Color[1] = Color2;
      Color[2] = Color3;
      Color[3] = Color4;
      Color[4] = Color5;
      DayColor[0] = DayColor1;
      DayColor[1] = DayColor2;
      DayColor[2] = DayColor3;
      DayColor[3] = DayColor4;
      DayColor[4] = DayColor5;
      ShowDay[0] = ShowDay1;
      ShowDay[1] = ShowDay2;
      ShowDay[2] = ShowDay3;
      ShowDay[3] = ShowDay4;
      ShowDay[4] = ShowDay5;

//| Custom indicator deinitialization function                       |
int deinit()

//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int start()
      P = Period();
      if(P > PERIOD_D1) 
      cnt = MathMin(Bars, PERIOD_D1 / P * MaxDays);
      for(i=0; i < cnt; i++) 
            if(TimeDayOfWeek(Time[i]) != TimeDayOfWeek(Time[i+1]))
                  name = prefix + TimeToStr(Time[i]);
                  res = ObjectFind(name);
                  if(res == -1) 
                        day = TimeDayOfWeek(Time[i]);
                        ObjectCreate(name, OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[i], High[i] + Offset * Point);
                        ObjectSetText(name, Text[day-1], FontSize, FontName, Color[day-1]); 
                  if(ShowDayBox && P <= PERIOD_H4)
//---- Définition des variables
                        NameObject = "DayBox"+i;
                        DateTrade = TimeCurrent();
//---- Calcul des valeurs courantes
                        TimeBeginObject = Time[i];
                        switch(Period()) {
                           case PERIOD_M1:
                              TimeEndObject = Time[i+1440]; break;
                           case PERIOD_M5:
                              TimeEndObject = Time[i+288]; break;
                           case PERIOD_M15:
                              TimeEndObject = Time[i+96]; break;
                           case PERIOD_M30:
                              TimeEndObject = Time[i+48]; break;
                           case PERIOD_H1:
                              TimeEndObject = Time[i+24]; break;
                           case PERIOD_H4:
                              TimeEndObject = Time[i+6]; break;
                        BarBegin=iBarShift(NULL, 0, TimeBeginObject);
                        BarEnd=iBarShift(NULL, 0, TimeEndObject);
                        PriceHighObject = High[iHighest(NULL, 0, MODE_HIGH, BarBegin - BarEnd, BarEnd)];
                        PriceLowObject=Low [iLowest (NULL, 0, MODE_LOW , BarBegin - BarEnd, BarEnd)];
//---- Dessin du rectangle
                        ObjectCreate(NameObject, OBJ_RECTANGLE, 0, TimeBeginObject, PriceHighObject, TimeEndObject, PriceLowObject);
                        ObjectSet(NameObject, OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_SOLID);
                        ObjectSet(NameObject, OBJPROP_COLOR, DayColor[day-1]);
                        ObjectSet(NameObject, OBJPROP_BACK, True);
void clear() 
      P = Period();
      if(P > PERIOD_D1) 
      cnt = MathMin(Bars, PERIOD_D1 / P * MaxDays);
      for(i=0; i < cnt; i++) 
            name = prefix + TimeToStr(Time[i]);
            NameObject = "DayBox"+i;
            res = ObjectFind(name);
            ResObject = ObjectFind(NameObject);
            if(res != -1) 
            if(ResObject != -1) 



Market Information Used:

Series array that contains open time of each bar
Series array that contains the highest prices of each bar

Indicator Curves created:

Indicators Used:

Custom Indicators Used:

Order Management characteristics:

Other Features: