
   Generated by EX4-TO-MQ4 decompiler V4.0.220.2c []
   E-mail :
#property copyright "Copyright © 2008, Dean Malone"
#property link      ""

#property indicator_chart_window
#property indicator_buffers 6
#property indicator_color1 LimeGreen
#property indicator_color2 Red
#property indicator_color3 Yellow
#property indicator_color4 Yellow
#property indicator_color5 Blue
#property indicator_color6 Gray

int gi_76 = -1;
double gda_80[];
double gda_84[10];
string gsa_88[10];
string gsa_92[10];
int gi_96;
extern string Custom_Indicator = "Synergy Trade Signal";
extern string Copyright = "© 2008, Dean Malone";
extern string Web_Address = "";
extern string label = "--Login Information--";
extern string EMail = "";
extern string Password = "";
extern string Enable_Alert = "On";
extern string Enable_Display = "On";
extern color Display_Color = White;
extern int Display_Corner = 1;
extern string Display_Corner_Help = "Enter 0, 1, 2, or 3 to change corners";
extern string Yellow_Arrows = "On";
extern string Dynamic_S_R = "On";
extern string Range_Factor = "On";
extern string PAC_Surf = "Off";
extern string Fast_TDI = "Off";
extern double MyRangeFactor = 0.0;
extern double MyVolatility = 0.0;
extern string RangeFactor_Help = "If MyRangeFactor = 0.0 - Defaults = (M1=0.01,M5=0.02,M15=0.04,M30=0.06,H1=0.08,H4=0.14,D1=0.4)";
extern string Volatility_Help = "If MyVolatility = 0.0 - Defaults = (M1=0.0001,M5=0.0002,M15=0.0004,M30=0.0006,H1=0.0008,H4=0.0014,D1=0.005)";
double gd_252;
double gd_260;
int gi_268 = 2;
int gi_272 = 80;
double gda_276[];
double gda_280[];
double gda_284[];
double gda_288[];
double gd_292;
double gd_300;
double gd_308;
double gd_316;
double gd_340;
double gd_348;
double gd_356;
double gd_380;
double gd_388;
double gd_396;
double gd_404;
double gd_468 = 500.0;
double gd_476;
double gd_484;
double gd_492;
double gd_500;
double gda_508[];
double gda_512[];
double gda_516[5];
double gda_520[5];
double gda_524[5];
int gi_528 = 0;
bool gi_532 = TRUE;
bool gi_536 = TRUE;
bool gi_540 = TRUE;
bool gi_544 = FALSE;
bool gi_548 = TRUE;
bool gi_552 = TRUE;
bool gi_556 = TRUE;
bool gi_560;
bool gi_564;
bool gi_568 = FALSE;
int gi_572;
bool gi_576 = FALSE;
string gs_580;
int gi_588 = 5;
int gi_592 = 15;
int gi_596 = 10;
int gi_600 = 12;
double gd_604 = 0.0;
double gd_612 = 0.0;
int gt_620 = -1;
string gs_624;
string gs_632;
int gi_640;
bool gi_644;
int gi_648;
int gi_652;
string gs_656 = "";
string gs_664 = "";
string gs_672;
int gi_680 = -1;
double gda_684[];
double gda_688[];
double gda_692[];
double gda_696[];
double gda_700[];
double gda_704[];
double gda_708[];
double gda_712[];
double gd_716;
double gd_724;
double gd_732;
double gd_740;
string gs_dummy_748;
int gi_756;
string gs_760;
string gs_768;
int gi_776 = 80;
int gt_780 = 0;
int gi_784 = 0;

bool NewBarEntry(int ai_0) {
   datetime lt_4 = Time[ai_0];
   if (gt_780 < lt_4) {
      gt_780 = lt_4;
      return (TRUE);
   } else return (FALSE);

string PeriodString() {
   string ls_0 = "no info";
   switch (Period()) {
   case PERIOD_MN1:
      ls_0 = " on monthly chart";
   case PERIOD_W1:
      ls_0 = " on weekly chart";
   case PERIOD_D1:
      ls_0 = " on daily chart";
   case PERIOD_H4:
      ls_0 = " on 4-hour chart";
   case PERIOD_H1:
      ls_0 = " on 1-hour chart";
   case PERIOD_M30:
   case PERIOD_M15:
   case PERIOD_M5:
   case PERIOD_M1:
      ls_0 = " on " + Period() + "-minute chart";
   return (ls_0);

int deinit() {
   return (0);

int init() {
   string ls_4;
   string ls_12;
   string ls_20;
   string ls_28;
   string ls_36;
   string ls_44;
   string ls_52;
  // resetIndy();
   if (Custom_Indicator == "verInfo_AS") {
      SetIndexBuffer(0, gda_80);
      return (0);
   if (Copyright == "Inertia_09374987" || Copyright == "5394834" || Copyright == "1032612") {
      SetIndexBuffer(0, gda_684);
      SetIndexStyle(0, DRAW_HISTOGRAM, STYLE_SOLID, 4);
      SetIndexLabel(0, "Buy Pressure");
      SetIndexEmptyValue(0, 0.0);
      SetIndexBuffer(1, gda_688);
      SetIndexStyle(1, DRAW_HISTOGRAM, STYLE_SOLID, 4);
      SetIndexLabel(1, "Neutral Pressure");
      SetIndexEmptyValue(1, 0.0);
      SetIndexBuffer(2, gda_692);
      SetIndexStyle(2, DRAW_HISTOGRAM, STYLE_SOLID, 4);
      SetIndexLabel(2, "Red Pressure");
      SetIndexEmptyValue(2, 0.0);
      SetIndexStyle(3, DRAW_NONE);
      SetIndexEmptyValue(3, 0.0);
      SetIndexBuffer(3, gda_696);
      SetIndexStyle(4, DRAW_NONE);
      SetIndexEmptyValue(4, 0.0);
      SetIndexBuffer(4, gda_700);
      SetIndexStyle(5, DRAW_NONE);
      SetIndexEmptyValue(5, 0.0);
      SetIndexBuffer(5, gda_704);
      SetIndexStyle(6, DRAW_NONE);
      SetIndexBuffer(6, gda_708);
      SetIndexStyle(7, DRAW_NONE);
      SetIndexBuffer(7, gda_712);
   if (Copyright != "98w34988suesdfe" && (Copyright != "Inertia_09374987" && Copyright != "5394834" && Copyright != "1032612")) {
      /*if (!IsDllsAllowed()) {
         Alert("WARNING: Must allow DLL imports. Go to Tools > Options > Expert Advisors and check \"Allow DLL imports\".");
         gi_576 = TRUE;
         return (0);
      switch (Period()) {
      case PERIOD_MN1:
         gd_260 = 0.005;
         gd_252 = 0.5;
      case PERIOD_W1:
         gd_260 = 0.005;
         gd_252 = 0.5;
      case PERIOD_D1:
         gd_260 = 0.005;
         gd_252 = 0.4;
      case PERIOD_H4:
         gd_260 = 0.0014;
         gd_252 = 0.14;
      case PERIOD_H1:
         gd_260 = 0.0008;
         gd_252 = 0.08;
      case PERIOD_M30:
         gd_260 = 0.0006;
         gd_252 = 0.06;
      case PERIOD_M15:
         gd_260 = 0.0004;
         gd_252 = 0.04;
      case PERIOD_M5:
         gd_260 = 0.0002;
         gd_252 = 0.02;
      case PERIOD_M1:
         gd_260 = 0.0001;
         gd_252 = 0.01;
      if (Digits < 4) gd_260 = 100.0 * gd_260;
      if (MyVolatility != 0.0) gd_260 = MyVolatility;
      if (MyRangeFactor != 0.0) gd_252 = MyRangeFactor;
      SetIndexStyle(0, DRAW_ARROW, STYLE_SOLID, 1);
      SetIndexArrow(0, 233);
      SetIndexBuffer(0, gda_276);
      SetIndexStyle(1, DRAW_ARROW, STYLE_SOLID, 1);
      SetIndexArrow(1, 234);
      SetIndexBuffer(1, gda_280);
      SetIndexStyle(2, DRAW_ARROW, STYLE_SOLID, 1);
      SetIndexArrow(2, 233);
      SetIndexBuffer(2, gda_508);
      SetIndexStyle(3, DRAW_ARROW, STYLE_SOLID, 1);
      SetIndexArrow(3, 234);
      SetIndexBuffer(3, gda_512);
      SetIndexStyle(4, DRAW_ARROW, STYLE_SOLID, 2);
      SetIndexArrow(4, 159);
      SetIndexBuffer(4, gda_284);
      SetIndexStyle(5, DRAW_ARROW, STYLE_SOLID, 2);
      SetIndexArrow(5, 159);
      SetIndexBuffer(5, gda_288);
      gi_576 = FALSE;
      if (gi_576 == FALSE) {
         ls_4 = strToUpper(Dynamic_S_R);
         ls_12 = strToUpper(Range_Factor);
         ls_20 = strToUpper(Yellow_Arrows);
         ls_28 = strToUpper(Fast_TDI);
         ls_36 = strToUpper(Enable_Alert);
         ls_44 = strToUpper(Enable_Display);
         ls_52 = strToUpper(PAC_Surf);
         if (StringFind(ls_52, "ON") != -1) gi_556 = TRUE;
         else gi_556 = FALSE;
         if (StringFind(ls_44, "ON") != -1) gi_552 = TRUE;
         else gi_552 = FALSE;
         if (StringFind(ls_4, "ON") != -1) gi_532 = TRUE;
         else gi_532 = FALSE;
         if (StringFind(ls_12, "ON") != -1) gi_536 = TRUE;
         else gi_536 = FALSE;
         if (StringFind(ls_20, "ON") != -1) gi_540 = TRUE;
         else gi_540 = FALSE;
         if (StringFind(ls_28, "ON") != -1) gi_544 = TRUE;
         else gi_544 = FALSE;
         if (StringFind(ls_36, "ON") != -1) gi_548 = TRUE;
         else gi_548 = FALSE;
         if (gi_544) {
            gi_532 = FALSE;
            gi_536 = FALSE;
         if (/*Copyright != "987987987eee98797" && */gi_552) 
            drawHUD(gi_532, gi_536, gi_540, gi_544, gi_548, gi_556);
         gi_576 = true;
   } else SetIndexBuffer(0, gda_276);
   return (0);

int start() {
  // if (gi_576) return (0);
   if (Custom_Indicator == "verInfo_AS") {
      gda_80[0] = 2.02;
      return (0);
   if (Copyright == "Inertia_09374987" || Copyright == "5394834" || Copyright == "1032612") {
      return (0);
   if (Copyright == "98w34988suesdfe") {
      gda_276[0] = 14325.112;
      return (0);
   if (Copyright != "98w34988suesdfe" && !gi_568) {
      gi_568 = TRUE;
      gs_580 = "Synergy_TradeSignal";
      if (checkFilename() == -1) {
         gi_576 = TRUE;
         Alert("Filename has been changed -- Indicator haulting");
         return (-1);
 /*  if (!gi_576) {
      if (GlobalVariableCheck("aSyn")) {
         gi_648 = GlobalVariableGet("aSyn");
         gi_652 = TimeLocal();
         if (gi_648 > gi_652) {
            gi_576 = mylogin(gs_624, gs_632);
            if (gi_680 == 1) {
               gi_576 = mylogin(gs_624, gs_632);
               gi_680 = -1;
            if (gi_576) return (0);
         if (gi_652 - gi_648 >= 1800) {
            gi_576 = mylogin(gs_624, gs_632);
            if (gi_680 == 1) {
               gi_576 = mylogin(gs_624, gs_632);
               gi_680 = -1;
            if (gi_576) return (0);
         if (gi_652 - gi_648 > gi_776) {
            gi_576 = mykeepalive();
            if (gi_680 == 1) {
               gi_576 = mykeepalive();
               gi_680 = -1;
            if (gi_576) return (0);
      } else {
         gi_576 = TRUE;
         return (0);
   int li_4 = IndicatorCounted();
   if (li_4 < 0) return (-1);
   int li_8 = Bars - li_4;
   if (li_8 > Bars - 34 - 1) li_8 = Bars - 34 - 1;
   else li_8--;
   if (Copyright == "987987987eee98797" && li_8 > 50) li_8 = 50;
   for (int li_12 = li_8; li_12 >= 0; li_12--) {
      gd_292 = iCustom(NULL, 0, "Synergy_HeikenAshi", "", 2, li_12);
      gd_300 = iCustom(NULL, 0, "Synergy_HeikenAshi", "", 3, li_12);
      gd_308 = iCustom(NULL, 0, "Synergy_HeikenAshi", "", 1, li_12);
      gd_316 = iCustom(NULL, 0, "Synergy_HeikenAshi", "", 0, li_12);
      if (!gi_544) {
         gd_340 = iCustom(NULL, 0, "Synergy_TDI", "", "", 4, li_12);
         gd_348 = iCustom(NULL, 0, "Synergy_TDI", "", "", 5, li_12);
         gd_356 = iCustom(NULL, 0, "Synergy_TDI", "", "", 2, li_12);
      } else {
         gd_340 = iCustom(NULL, 0, "Synergy_TDI", "", "987349873498734", "", "", "", "", "", 4, li_12);
         gd_348 = iCustom(NULL, 0, "Synergy_TDI", "", "987349873498734", "", "", "", "", "", 5, li_12);
         gd_356 = iCustom(NULL, 0, "Synergy_TDI", "", "987349873498734", "", "", "", "", "", 2, li_12);
      if (gi_540) {
         gd_484 = iCustom(NULL, 0, "Synergy_TradeSignal", "", "Inertia_09374987", 0, li_12);
         gd_500 = iCustom(NULL, 0, "Synergy_TradeSignal", "", "Inertia_09374987", 1, li_12);
         gd_492 = iCustom(NULL, 0, "Synergy_TradeSignal", "", "Inertia_09374987", 2, li_12);
      gd_396 = iCustom(NULL, 0, "Synergy_DSR", "", 2, li_12);
      gd_380 = NormalizeDouble(iMA(NULL, 0, 5, 0, MODE_SMMA, PRICE_HIGH, li_12), Digits);
      gd_388 = NormalizeDouble(iMA(NULL, 0, 5, 0, MODE_SMMA, PRICE_LOW, li_12), Digits);
      gd_404 = NormalizeDouble(iStdDev(NULL, 0, 7, 0, MODE_SMA, PRICE_CLOSE, li_12), Digits);
      gd_476 = iCustom(NULL, 0, "Synergy_RangeFactor", "", 0, li_12);
      if (gd_292 < gd_300 && gd_308 > gd_316 && (gi_532 && gd_300 >= gd_396) || !gi_532 && gd_300 > gd_380 && gd_340 > gd_348 && gd_340 > gd_356 && gd_340 > 50.0 && gd_404 > gd_260 &&
         (gi_536 && gd_476 > gd_252) || !gi_536) {
         if (gi_540) {
            if (gda_276[li_12] != EMPTY_VALUE && gd_500 != 0.0 || gd_492 != 0.0) {
               gda_508[li_12] = gd_388 - (gd_380 - gd_388) / 2.0;
               gda_276[li_12] = EMPTY_VALUE;
            } else {
               if (gda_508[li_12] != EMPTY_VALUE && gd_484 != 0.0) {
                  gda_276[li_12] = gd_388 - (gd_380 - gd_388) / 2.0;
                  gda_508[li_12] = EMPTY_VALUE;
         if (gi_556) {
            if (gda_508[li_12] != EMPTY_VALUE || gda_276[li_12] != EMPTY_VALUE) {
               if (gd_292 >= gd_380 - gi_268 * Point && gd_300 <= gd_380 - gi_268 * Point) {
                  gda_284[li_12] = EMPTY_VALUE;
                  gda_288[li_12] = gd_388 - 0.8 * (gd_380 - gd_388);
         if (NewBarEntry(li_12)) {
            if (gi_540) {
               if (gd_500 != 0.0) gda_508[li_12] = gd_388 - (gd_380 - gd_388) / 2.0;
               else gda_276[li_12] = gd_388 - (gd_380 - gd_388) / 2.0;
            } else gda_276[li_12] = gd_388 - (gd_380 - gd_388) / 2.0;
            gi_784 = 1;
            if (gi_556 && gd_292 >= gd_380 - gi_268 * Point && Copyright != "987987987eee98797") gda_284[li_12] = gd_388 - 0.8 * (gd_380 - gd_388);
            if (gi_548 && li_12 == 0 && Copyright != "987987987eee98797") Alert(Symbol() + ": Buy conditon @ " + DoubleToStr(Ask, Digits) + PeriodString());
      if (gd_292 > gd_300 && gd_316 > gd_308 && (gi_532 && gd_300 <= gd_396) || !gi_532 && gd_300 < gd_388 && gd_340 < gd_348 && gd_340 < gd_356 && gd_340 < 50.0 && gd_404 > gd_260 &&
         (gi_536 && gd_476 < (-gd_252)) || !gi_536) {
         if (gi_540) {
            if (gda_280[li_12] != EMPTY_VALUE && gd_500 != 0.0 || gd_484 != 0.0) {
               gda_512[li_12] = gd_380 + (gd_380 - gd_388) / 2.0;
               gda_280[li_12] = EMPTY_VALUE;
            } else {
               if (gda_512[li_12] != EMPTY_VALUE && gd_492 != 0.0) {
                  gda_280[li_12] = gd_380 + (gd_380 - gd_388) / 2.0;
                  gda_512[li_12] = EMPTY_VALUE;
         if (gi_556) {
            if (gda_280[li_12] != EMPTY_VALUE || gda_512[li_12] != EMPTY_VALUE) {
               if (gd_292 <= gd_388 + gi_268 * Point && gd_300 >= gd_388 + gi_268 * Point) {
                  gda_284[li_12] = EMPTY_VALUE;
                  gda_288[li_12] = gd_380 + 0.8 * (gd_380 - gd_388);
         if (NewBarEntry(li_12)) {
            if (gi_540) {
               if (gd_500 != 0.0) gda_512[li_12] = gd_380 + (gd_380 - gd_388) / 2.0;
               else gda_280[li_12] = gd_380 + (gd_380 - gd_388) / 2.0;
            } else gda_280[li_12] = gd_380 + (gd_380 - gd_388) / 2.0;
            gi_784 = -1;
            if (gi_556 && gd_292 <= gd_388 + gi_268 * Point && Copyright != "987987987eee98797") gda_284[li_12] = gd_380 + 0.8 * (gd_380 - gd_388);
            if (gi_548 && li_12 == 0 && Copyright != "987987987eee98797") Alert(Symbol() + ": Sell condition @ " + DoubleToStr(Bid, Digits) + PeriodString());
   return (0);

int checkFilename() {
   double ld_0 = iCustom(NULL, 0, gs_580, "", "98w34988suesdfe", 0, 0);
   if (ld_0 != 14325.112) return (-1);
   else return (1);

string strToUpper(string as_0) {
   int li_24;
   string ls_8 = "";
   int li_16 = StringLen(as_0);
   for (int li_20 = 0; li_20 < li_16; li_20++) {
      li_24 = StringGetChar(as_0, li_20);
      if (li_24 >= 'a' && li_24 <= 'z') li_24 -= 32;
      ls_8 = StringSetChar(ls_8, li_20, li_24);
   return (ls_8);

void drawHUD(bool ai_0, bool ai_4, bool ai_8, bool ai_12, bool ai_16, bool ai_20) {
   int li_24;
   if (Display_Corner > 3) Display_Corner = 0;
   if (Display_Corner != 1 && Display_Corner != 3) li_24 = gi_588 + gi_596;
   else li_24 = gi_588 + 40;
   ObjectCreate("ts_title", OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);
   if (Display_Corner == 0 || Display_Corner == 1) ObjectSet("ts_title", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, gi_592);
   else ObjectSet("ts_title", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, gi_592 + 6 * gi_600);
   ObjectSet("ts_title", OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, gi_588);
   ObjectSetText("ts_title", "-- Synergy Trade Signal --", 8, "Tahoma", Display_Color);
   ObjectSet("ts_title", OBJPROP_CORNER, Display_Corner);
   ObjectCreate("ylw_title", OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);
   ObjectSet("ylw_title", OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, li_24);
   if (Display_Corner == 0 || Display_Corner == 1) ObjectSet("ylw_title", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, gi_592 + gi_600);
   else ObjectSet("ylw_title", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, gi_592 + 5 * gi_600);
   ObjectSetText("ylw_title", "Yellow Arrows - ", 8, "Tahoma", Display_Color);
   ObjectSet("ylw_title", OBJPROP_CORNER, Display_Corner);
   ObjectCreate("dsr_title", OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);
   ObjectSet("dsr_title", OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, li_24);
   if (Display_Corner == 0 || Display_Corner == 1) ObjectSet("dsr_title", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, gi_592 + gi_600 << 1);
   else ObjectSet("dsr_title", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, gi_592 + 4 * gi_600);
   ObjectSetText("dsr_title", "Dynamic S/R - ", 8, "Tahoma", Display_Color);
   ObjectSet("dsr_title", OBJPROP_CORNER, Display_Corner);
   ObjectCreate("rf_title", OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);
   ObjectSet("rf_title", OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, li_24);
   if (Display_Corner == 0 || Display_Corner == 1) ObjectSet("rf_title", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, gi_592 + 3 * gi_600);
   else ObjectSet("rf_title", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, gi_592 + 3 * gi_600);
   ObjectSetText("rf_title", "Range Factor - ", 8, "Tahoma", Display_Color);
   ObjectSet("rf_title", OBJPROP_CORNER, Display_Corner);
   ObjectCreate("pac_title", OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);
   ObjectSet("pac_title", OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, li_24);
   if (Display_Corner == 0 || Display_Corner == 1) ObjectSet("pac_title", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, gi_592 + gi_600 << 2);
   else ObjectSet("pac_title", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, gi_592 + 2 * gi_600);
   ObjectSetText("pac_title", "PAC Surf - ", 8, "Tahoma", Display_Color);
   ObjectSet("pac_title", OBJPROP_CORNER, Display_Corner);
   ObjectCreate("tdi_title", OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);
   ObjectSet("tdi_title", OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, li_24);
   if (Display_Corner == 0 || Display_Corner == 1) ObjectSet("tdi_title", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, gi_592 + 5 * gi_600);
   else ObjectSet("tdi_title", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, gi_592 + gi_600);
   ObjectSetText("tdi_title", "Fast TDI - ", 8, "Tahoma", Display_Color);
   ObjectSet("tdi_title", OBJPROP_CORNER, Display_Corner);
   ObjectCreate("alert_title", OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);
   ObjectSet("alert_title", OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, li_24);
   if (Display_Corner == 0 || Display_Corner == 1) ObjectSet("alert_title", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, gi_592 + 6 * gi_600);
   else ObjectSet("alert_title", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, gi_592);
   ObjectSetText("alert_title", "Audible Alerts - ", 8, "Tahoma", Display_Color);
   ObjectSet("alert_title", OBJPROP_CORNER, Display_Corner);
   if (Display_Corner != 1 && Display_Corner != 3) li_24 = gi_588 + gi_596 + gi_272;
   else li_24 = gi_588 + gi_596;
   ObjectCreate("ylw_status", OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);
   ObjectSet("ylw_status", OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, li_24);
   if (Display_Corner == 0 || Display_Corner == 1) ObjectSet("ylw_status", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, gi_592 + gi_600);
   else ObjectSet("ylw_status", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, gi_592 + 5 * gi_600);
   ObjectSetText("ylw_status", "ON", 8, "Tahoma", LimeGreen);
   ObjectSet("ylw_status", OBJPROP_CORNER, Display_Corner);
   ObjectCreate("dsr_status", OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);
   ObjectSet("dsr_status", OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, li_24);
   if (Display_Corner == 0 || Display_Corner == 1) ObjectSet("dsr_status", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, gi_592 + gi_600 << 1);
   else ObjectSet("dsr_status", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, gi_592 + 4 * gi_600);
   ObjectSetText("dsr_status", "ON", 8, "Tahoma", LimeGreen);
   ObjectSet("dsr_status", OBJPROP_CORNER, Display_Corner);
   ObjectCreate("rf_status", OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);
   ObjectSet("rf_status", OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, li_24);
   if (Display_Corner == 0 || Display_Corner == 1) ObjectSet("rf_status", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, gi_592 + 3 * gi_600);
   else ObjectSet("rf_status", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, gi_592 + 3 * gi_600);
   ObjectSetText("rf_status", "ON", 8, "Tahoma", LimeGreen);
   ObjectSet("rf_status", OBJPROP_CORNER, Display_Corner);
   ObjectCreate("pac_status", OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);
   ObjectSet("pac_status", OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, li_24);
   if (Display_Corner == 0 || Display_Corner == 1) ObjectSet("pac_status", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, gi_592 + gi_600 << 2);
   else ObjectSet("pac_status", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, gi_592 + 2 * gi_600);
   ObjectSetText("pac_status", "ON", 8, "Tahoma", LimeGreen);
   ObjectSet("pac_status", OBJPROP_CORNER, Display_Corner);
   ObjectCreate("tdi_status", OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);
   ObjectSet("tdi_status", OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, li_24);
   if (Display_Corner == 0 || Display_Corner == 1) ObjectSet("tdi_status", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, gi_592 + 5 * gi_600);
   else ObjectSet("tdi_status", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, gi_592 + gi_600);
   ObjectSetText("tdi_status", "ON", 8, "Tahoma", LimeGreen);
   ObjectSet("tdi_status", OBJPROP_CORNER, Display_Corner);
   ObjectCreate("alert_status", OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);
   ObjectSet("alert_status", OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, li_24);
   if (Display_Corner == 0 || Display_Corner == 1) ObjectSet("alert_status", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, gi_592 + 6 * gi_600);
   else ObjectSet("alert_status", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, gi_592);
   ObjectSetText("alert_status", "ON", 8, "Tahoma", LimeGreen);
   ObjectSet("alert_status", OBJPROP_CORNER, Display_Corner);
   if (!ai_0) ObjectSetText("dsr_status", "OFF", 8, "Tahoma", Red);
   if (!ai_4) ObjectSetText("rf_status", "OFF", 8, "Tahoma", Red);
   if (!ai_8) ObjectSetText("ylw_status", "OFF", 8, "Tahoma", Red);
   if (!ai_12) ObjectSetText("tdi_status", "OFF", 8, "Tahoma", Red);
   if (!ai_16) ObjectSetText("alert_status", "OFF", 8, "Tahoma", Red);
   if (!ai_20) ObjectSetText("pac_status", "OFF", 8, "Tahoma", Red);

void myInertia() {
   gs_580 = "Synergy_TradeSignal";
   if (Copyright == "5394834") {
   if (Copyright == "1032612") {
   int li_0 = IndicatorCounted();
   int li_4 = Bars - li_0;
   if (li_4 > 0) li_4--;
   if (li_4 >= 0) {
      for (int li_8 = li_4; li_8 >= 0; li_8--) {
         gd_716 = iCustom(NULL, 0, gs_580, "", "5394834", 3, li_8);
         gd_724 = iCustom(NULL, 0, gs_580, "", "5394834", 4, li_8);
         gd_732 = iCustom(NULL, 0, gs_580, "", "5394834", 5, li_8);
         gd_740 = iMA(Symbol(), 0, 5, 0, MODE_SMMA, PRICE_MEDIAN, li_8);
         gd_292 = iCustom(NULL, 0, gs_580, "", "1032612", 6, li_8);
         gd_300 = iCustom(NULL, 0, gs_580, "", "1032612", 7, li_8);
         gi_560 = FALSE;
         gi_564 = FALSE;
         if (gd_716 != 0.0 && gd_300 >= gd_740 && gd_300 > gd_292) {
            gda_684[li_8] = 1;
            gda_692[li_8] = 0;
            gi_560 = TRUE;
         if (gd_732 != 0.0 && gd_300 <= gd_740 && gd_300 < gd_292) {
            gda_684[li_8] = 0;
            gda_692[li_8] = 1;
            gi_564 = TRUE;
         if (gi_560 == FALSE && gi_564 == FALSE) {
            gda_688[li_8] = 1;
            gda_684[li_8] = 0;
            gda_692[li_8] = 0;
         } else gda_688[li_8] = 0;

void Inertia_Typical() {
   double ld_12;
   double ld_20;
   double ld_28;
   double ld_36;
   int li_0 = IndicatorCounted();
   int li_4 = Bars - li_0;
   if (li_4 > 0) li_4--;
   if (li_4 >= 0) {
      gd_604 = 0.2;
      gd_612 = 1.0 - gd_604;
      for (int li_8 = li_4; li_8 >= 0; li_8--) {
         if (gt_620 == -1 || gt_620 < Time[li_8]) {
            gt_620 = Time[li_8];
         ld_12 = iMA(Symbol(), 0, 13, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_TYPICAL, li_8);
         ld_20 = iMA(Symbol(), 0, 13, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_TYPICAL, li_8 + 1);
         gda_516[0] = iMA(Symbol(), 0, 8, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_TYPICAL, li_8) - iMA(Symbol(), 0, 17, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_TYPICAL, li_8);
         gda_520[0] = gd_604 * gda_516[0] + gd_612 * gda_520[1];
         ld_28 = gda_516[0] - gda_520[0];
         ld_36 = gda_516[1] - gda_520[1];
         if (ld_12 > ld_20 && ld_28 > ld_36) gda_696[li_8] = 1;
         else gda_696[li_8] = 0.0;
         if (ld_12 < ld_20 && ld_28 < ld_36) gda_704[li_8] = 1;
         else gda_704[li_8] = 0.0;
         if (gda_696[li_8] == 0.0 && gda_704[li_8] == 0.0) gda_700[li_8] = 1;
         else gda_700[li_8] = 0.0;

void DM_HA_Mod() {
   double ld_0;
   double ld_24;
   if (Bars > 10) {
      gi_528 = IndicatorCounted();
      if (gi_528 >= 0) {
         if (gi_528 > 0) gi_528--;
         for (int li_32 = Bars - gi_528 - 1; li_32 >= 0; li_32--) {
            ld_24 = NormalizeDouble((Open[li_32] + High[li_32] + Low[li_32] + Close[li_32]) / 4.0, Digits);
            ld_24 = (ld_24 + Close[li_32]) / 2.0;
            ld_0 = NormalizeDouble((gda_708[li_32 + 1] + (gda_712[li_32 + 1])) / 2.0, Digits);
            gda_708[li_32] = ld_0;
            gda_712[li_32] = ld_24;

void shiftBuffers() {
   gda_516[1] = gda_516[0];
   gda_516[0] = 0.0;
   gda_520[1] = gda_520[0];
   gda_520[0] = 0.0;



Market Information Used:

Series array that contains open time of each bar
Series array that contains close prices for each bar
Series array that contains the highest prices of each bar
Series array that contains the lowest prices of each bar
Series array that contains open prices of each bar

Indicator Curves created:

Implements a curve of type DRAW_HISTOGRAM
Implements a curve of type DRAW_NONE
Implements a curve of type DRAW_ARROW

Indicators Used:

Moving average indicator
Standard Deviation indicator

Custom Indicators Used:

Order Management characteristics:

Other Features:

It issuies visual alerts to the screen